Tomorrow’s Commute to Work

The Internet TESL Journal A Product-Focused Approach to Text Summarisation Esther Uso Juan Juan Carlos Palmer Silveira palmerj [at] Universitat Jaume I-Castello, Spain The authors of this study investigated whether summary writing instructions and second language (L2) proficiency level account for differences in the L2 summary writing performance for two groups of students. The 15 ... Conversation Questions for the ESL/EFL Classroom A Project of The Internet TESL Journal If this is your first time here, then read the Teacher's Guide to Using These Pages If you can think of a good question for any list, please send it to us. Conversation Questions Commuting A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom. How do you commute to your school or your place of work? How far do you travel and how long does it take you? How do you travel? Is it expensive? Is it tiring? What are some of the reasons why people commute? Would you rather work in a nearer place? How do you commute to your school or your place of work? How far do you travel and how long does it take you? How do you travel? Is it expensive? Is it tiring? What are some of the reasons why people commute? Would you rather work in a nearer place? If you work far from your house, why have you chosen to commute a long way to work?

2025.01.27 04:32 Ragingbull715 Tomorrow’s Commute to Work

Tomorrow’s Commute to Work submitted by Ragingbull715 to AFCEastMemeWar [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:32 Delicious-Nebula5792 Am I F19 controlling my boyfriend 18M?

Am I 19 F being toxic to my boyfriend 18 M?
My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost a year, I have to be honest; I knew he was best friends with his ex, and people warned me before the relationship.
the first month of our relationship went fine, yet the second month I noticed he was taking more about his ex trying to make me jealous, he said how he thought she was pretty, how he thought that she was smart etc. Of course it bothered me, and I addressed it right away, he stopped talking about her for a few weeks.
On our 4 months he started being very "friendly" with her. I've told him that I felt uncomfortable with him being like that with her and he said they were just friends, the next day at college he hugged her, my friend told me. I know I probably shouldn't believe her but l also saw it in the corner of my eye. That same day I told him that I didn't like him hugging her. He said she was sad and he hugged her.
A few days later my boyfriend approached me and said he ended the friendship with her for me, even though I was NEVER against their friendship. He gave me the fault about how he now has no one left and begged to me to never leave him. I felt guilty.
Fast forward to 9 months, he started posting TikTok's about her, I know not a big deal, but the TikTok was about how she was the best female in his life, I felt hurt.
Later I told him how he had never changed when I asked him to, he was immature and I told him, l asked him many times to change yet he never respected it and never changed. Exactly on our ten month anniversary he called me his ex's name when we were making out. It shattered my heart. He then told me it was an accident and that he also called his ex by my name as if that made it any better. That day I decided to distance myself a bit from him, I had to concentrate on myself.
The next day he told me he was going to a game, yet he lied. He went to see his celebrity crush, and he said that he didn't want to tell me because l'd get "mad," even though I wouldn't because it's fine. I just told him that I don't like guys who are obsessed with girls who will never acknowledge them. I found out later he gifted her a perfume. He hasn't given me anything the last 11 months together. A day after he posted a story about how his ex was in his house, only she and him. I know it might seem like I don't trust him, but all the shit he's done to me has hurt me a lot and l've lost trust.
A little later he told me that he wanted to take a break from the relationship because he didn't feel happy anymore, I didn't respond. I responded a few hours later saying: "You don't value me and I feel like you don't care what I ask you to do, I've been distancing myself from you because I don't care anymore what you do, you should know what's right and wrong, also I don't care about the sweet words you tell me, you should prove you truly want me with your actions," he responded with: "sorry i know that most things you tell me I don't listen to them but I'm still young, and I don't want to tell you when I'm going out loc I want to enjoy the moment." Like... Enjoy the moment? Each time he tells me he goes out I don't text him so he can be at peace! Yet when I go out with my friends he gets jealous and we fight.
Today, I posted a tiktok, he usually likes, comments and reposts my video, but today, he only viewed it. I told him, "Why didn't you like, repost and comment like always?" He said, "bc I want to have a more private life, I want to change stuff about me"
What do I do?
submitted by Delicious-Nebula5792 to relationshipadvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:32 thatsmrssmallstoyou [meme] The Shining Alternate Ending

[meme] The Shining Alternate Ending submitted by thatsmrssmallstoyou to BeAmazed [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:32 ZifferYTAndOnions What did Coffo see? (wrong answers only)

What did Coffo see? (wrong answers only) submitted by ZifferYTAndOnions to Sprunki [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:32 Bones_Alone My Zeta Spartan / After Six Months

My Zeta Spartan / After Six Months submitted by Bones_Alone to halodripfinite [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:32 nerd-mentality Got hit by an auto rickshaw yesterday, head on

I was really affected by how this city has been going for the past few years, especially on roads. Been watching lots of posts around here on unruly driving, road rage, accidents. Yesterday, God decided to give me some first hand experience.
I was driving from Bavdhan towards Bhugaon. I was on the left most lane on my scooty doing around 30 kmph. Suddenly, I saw an autorickshaw swirl towards me from the opposite lane (his left most lane). It crossed the middle two lanes and hit me in a head on collission.
I was wearing a helmet, got saved mostly except a few injuries on my legs and hands and a couple of cuts. My pillion was thrown away on the road, and she sustained injuries in her elbow and knee, no cuts. She was not wearing a helmet, and got a bruise on her cheekbone.
Managed to calm myself and my friend, and got hold of the auto driver. Guess what? He was drunk, on a dry day! Called the police, and a couple of personnel areived from Bavdhan PS. A few people stayed with me till the police arrived.
We went to the hospital and reports cane out ok. Got saved by God's grace but still a bit shaken by what happened. It was as if the auto decided to play road rash with me, head on.
Please wear helmets while you go out guys, both the rider and the pillion. I don't know if this is the only thing we can do, but do try to educate your families on driving rules and safety practices. We are on our own, and we need to be very careful on our roads. It's not safe anymore.
submitted by nerd-mentality to pune [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:32 Jojo101mje Stalker abusive ex.

I am a F(18) was in a relationship years ago with a M(21) currently. I am currently in a relationship I've been with my new boyfriend for about two years now. I left my ex after the one day i had police show up at my door looking for my ex for r🍇ping his two sisters. On January 14th, i went outside to take the trash out and saw a purple bag with a letter on it in the mail box (now this did not come from mail it was hand delivered) it was a box of chocolate with a note. This is the third time in years that this man has tried contacting me again. Now he shows up at my house randomly. I have 3 dogs, not one of them barked. He was so sneaky with it that i didn't even hear the car doors or his footsteps. Any advice how i should handle this? In the note he was asking again for me to talk to him, saying he has "changed" and wanted to be with me again. I feel stalked.
submitted by Jojo101mje to Manipulation [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:32 Balacleeezy 29M people seem avoidant :(

29M people seem avoidant :( submitted by Balacleeezy to amiugly [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:32 I_like_broccli Most lucrative humanities or biology/anthropology related major?

Hi excuse the poor grammer im on mobile
I am very worried about my future when it comes to money/job Im not good at math and even if I studied really hard I know I will never enjoy it
Im a humanities person I like writing art history social science etc but I like biology and anthro enough that I would be willing to study it if I had a descent chance at being well off financially
I am considering law but im not sure I want to stay in America forever and if I dedicated that long to studying american law it would complicate things
Any suggestions? Again im terrible at math
submitted by I_like_broccli to college [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:32 Tall_Energy_5850 Tesla refuses to do the right thing about ‘Full Self-Driving’ transfers

At first, Tesla claimed that all cars produced since 2016 would be able to achieve that [actual FSD]. However, Tesla quickly found out that it was wrong and introduced a new computer called HW3 in 2019 and retrofited vehicles with it.
In 2023, Tesla introduced again a new computer, HW4, but the automaker claimed that it would just add more computing power to improve capacity in the future, and it was still confident that it could deliver on its self-driving promises with HW3 cars. ... With the situation looking dire for HW3, Tesla owners have been asking the automaker for years to link the FSD software package to the owner rather than the car – meaning that if you upgrade your car to a new Tesla, you can transfer your FSD software package, which you paid up to $15,000 for and Tesla never fully delivered, to the new car. .... Musk was asked several times by Tesla owners about doing that and refused.
submitted by Tall_Energy_5850 to musked [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:32 MountainMongrel My visit to the Horse Shrine in Kyoto

My visit to the Horse Shrine in Kyoto submitted by MountainMongrel to Horses [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:32 Intelligent_Eye2939 My 3 yr old tells me she was my mom

I’m not sure if this is the right group for this, but looking for honest feedback. Warning, may be a long read. I’ve felt a strong spiritual connection with each of my children. With my first my moms mom , my grandmother passed. I wasn’t close with her, none of us were. She suffered from drug abuse and mental health before passing, and my mother had a horrible upbringing. My second, was born on my grandmother’s birthday and was encaul, completely in the sac. My water never broke, and every nurse and dr in the room said it was a miracle to witness his birth and how rare it is. That same day is also the birthday to several of my moms family members, many who have passed and one aunt that is still alive. With my last, I lost a pregnancy before her on May 10, 2020. It was mothers day and it broke me badly. I felt so connected to that baby. I knew it was a girl and I knew she was for me. I ended up unexpectedly pregnant a few months later with my last, and her due date was May 10th, 2021. My best friend told me God gave me my baby back. She is who I’m going into detail about now. She is very special. All of my children are but something about her has always made people say shes been here before. The way she could speak full sentences and have deep thoughtful conversations with everyone at one year old. The way she carries herself, like she just knows life in a way that surpasses other children her age. A few months ago she told me we needed to have a conversation. She told me that she was my mom. That she remembers, I was her baby and she was holding me and I had blue eyes. She told me how cute I was and how she loved hugging me. She told me how she had other children too and I was her youngest. She told me how one day she took me to “the market” to buy me baby toys and theres a lot of men that squished us and there was a lot of blood and we passed away. She even told my mom this on her own. Just told her this like it was matter of fact and the same exact story she told me, like none of the details changed as youd expect with a child making up stories. & She will randomly tell me this that she wants to talk to me and will bring up memories she has of being my mom. Tonight she told me she remembered me sleeping in her tummy when she was bigger and then she had me in her arms and now she was in my belly and then she was in my arms. What would you make of this? The blue eye part stands out to my because my grandmother and all my moms side of the family is blue eyed but I’m not. How would you go about this?
submitted by Intelligent_Eye2939 to Reincarnation [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:32 PeeingAimlessly Hey i

Found thjs subreddit
submitted by PeeingAimlessly to drunk [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:32 Jazzjaxx [PC] H: 40k Caps W: Your Entire Stock of Canned Coffee

UserID: Jazzjaxx15 PC
submitted by Jazzjaxx to Fallout76Marketplace [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:32 Plane-Leadership3889 What's the title again?

What's that movie where that one girl shouldn't feel dynamic excitement because her heart enlarges. She also monitors her heart through the monitor she has one her chest/arm? And in the end she died.
submitted by Plane-Leadership3889 to NameThatMovie [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:32 DarwinsTrousers Ginger man with Tourette's discovers Minecraft

Ginger man with Tourette's discovers Minecraft submitted by DarwinsTrousers to PaymoneyWubby [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:32 mnhaverland I just finished this mural in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. [OC]

I just finished this mural in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. [OC] submitted by mnhaverland to pics [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:32 Mediocre_Cheetah9083 Y’all mind if I show you my goat here?!

Y’all mind if I show you my goat here?! Oh yeah and yoshida is here too
submitted by Mediocre_Cheetah9083 to okbuddyfumiko [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:32 scichon one day the nightmare will end

submitted by scichon to straightedge [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:32 topcafe Dialga 5015 2069 8797

submitted by topcafe to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:32 Czesiek2424 Trip to birth country

My (35m) daughter (7) is a Korean adoptee. She came to America in the summer of 2019. We were planning to make Korea trips annually but were delayed a bit because of Covid. We went last year and are going again this spring.
Do any international adoptees have any suggestions or insights into what make these early trips truly meaningful for her?
For context: we are white American and European (Polish) parents. Our daughter speaks 3 languages: English, Polish and Korean. She attends a special language school and is in the Korean program where 28 of the 30 students are Korean. We celebrate Korean holidays, she has Korean toys, watches Korean shows, eats Korean food and is obsessed with kpop. My wife is learning Korean currently.
On our last trip we did some general sight seeing, visited some friends we have in Seoul, visited her foster-mom and generally just hung out in Seoul for a week.
This upcoming trip we plan to visit her foster mom again. We will also be seeing her foster-brother who is coming in from Australia with his parents.
What else would be formative and meaningful that perhaps we are not considering? Thx Reddit!
submitted by Czesiek2424 to Adoption [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:32 Sad_Cow_577 Send my love to your new l_____

submitted by Sad_Cow_577 to AskOuija [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:32 BAMRP In need of EMS, Police, and Firefighters. Offering a sign on bonus with 10 hours on duty. Complete LSPD training if an officer, get on boarded as an EMS or be the begining of the Fire Dept in BAM EMPIRE RP!

🚨 Join BAM EMPIRE RP - Hiring Police, EMS, and Firefighters! 🚒🚓
Looking to start a career in public service? BAM EMPIRE RP is hiring Police Officers, EMS, and Firefighters! We're a new GTAV RP server, and we're looking for dedicated roleplayers to help build up our emergency services from the ground up.
What's in it for you?
✅ Sign-on Bonus of 20K in-game money to start your career!
✅ 10 hours on duty with great perks and rewards.
✅ Complete LSPD Training if you're applying as an officer!
✅ Onboard as EMS or help establish the Fire Dept!
✅ Competitive pay and growth opportunities as the server expands!
✅ Help us shape the future of our RP community!
Whether you want to enforce the law, save lives, or fight fires, BAM EMPIRE RP offers an exciting environment to grow your character and career. Join today and be a part of something new and exciting!
🔹 How to Apply
Apply to be a first responder (Police, EMS, or Firefighter).
Start your career with 20K in game money and begin your training!
We’re building something awesome, and your help is appreciated! Make your mark on a growing server!
Join today and start your career in emergency services! 🚓🚒🚑
💥 Discord:
submitted by BAMRP to FiveMRPServers [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:32 ComradeNapolein There was apparently a party at Five Points tonight. Go birds.

There was apparently a party at Five Points tonight. Go birds. submitted by ComradeNapolein to BucksCountyPA [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:32 ascents1 This sequence is tough (NGB2) Any tips?
submitted by ascents1 to ninjagaiden [link] [comments]