WOW求FS冰环加闪现宏冰箱加冰环加闪现宏在《魔兽世界》中,为法师角色设置宏以实现特定的技能连招,如冰环加闪现或冰箱加冰环加闪现,可以极大地提升游戏操作的便捷性和效率。以下是为您提供的两种宏命令设置方法, 1. 1皮秒(ps)等于1000飞秒(fs)。 2. 1皮秒等于10^-12秒。 3. 1毫秒(ms)等于10^-3秒。 4. 1微秒(μs)等于10^-6秒。 5. 1纳秒(ns)等于10^-9秒。 6. 1飞秒(fs)等于10^-15秒。 时钟各指针的角度关系: 1. 普通钟表的时针或分针走一圈相当于走过360°角。 2. 钟表上的每一个大格对应的角度是30°。 3. 时针每 ... w=Fs的计算公式:功(W)等于力(F)跟物体在力的方向上通过的距离(s)的乘积。(功=力×距离),W=FS。 单位:国际单位制中,力的单位是N,距离的单位是m,功的单位是N·m,它有一个专用名称叫做焦耳,简称焦,用符号J表示,1J=1N·m。 在利用该公式进行计算时的注意点: (1)力与物体移动的距离 ... 请问电气图纸中FS是什么敷设方式电气图纸中FS是地面下穿钢管敷设。 有补偿的直埋敷设, 可以采用自然的L、Z、U型的弯管作为补偿装置,但是实际工程中不可能有条件提供这么大的占地,因此通常都采用补偿器进行补偿。 %FS的意思是指精度和满量程的百分比,比如说量程是200Pa的 压力传感器,如果说传感器的精度是0.5%FS的话,那么传感器的测量值跟真实值之间的误差应该是在1Pa这样的一个范围之内。 拓展资料 精度是表示观测值与真值的接近程度。每一种 物理量 要用数值表示时,必须先要制定一种标准,并选定一 ... 谁能解释下±0.5%FS中的FS是什么?还有“±1字”是什么意思?麻烦解释的清楚些!~谢谢... 展开 以下来自度娘: Full scale,测量的全范围内.0.1%指误差 这个%FS的意思是指精度和 满量程 的百分比,比如说量程是400Bar的 压力传感器,如果说传感器的精度是0.5%FS的话,那么传感器的测量值跟真实值之间的误差应该是在2Bar这样的一个范围之内, 您好,一般在 心脏彩超 上都会有文字说明,心脏超声检查中:AOD,是升主动脉内径,LAD是左房内径,LVEF是 左心室 功能,IVS是室间隔厚度,LVPW是左室后壁厚度,LVDs左心室收缩期内径,LVDd是左心室舒张期内径,FS是左心室缩短分数,EF射血分数。希望我的回答给您带来帮助,祝您健康快乐。 有三种含义: 1、表示测量范围为0.05%。 单位是 % FS。FS 是全量程 (full scale) 的首字母缩写。它表示测量范围为0.05%。因此 % FS 指示全量程的百分数,形式为 xx%。 2、表示满量程的0.05%。 %FS满量程的百分之几。 3、表示传感器精度(偏差)0.05%。 %F.S是指传感器的指标相对于传感器的满量程误差的百分数 ... 1. 在项目管理中,FS代表“Finish to Start”,这是一种依赖关系,意味着一个任务必须在其后续任务开始之前完成。 2. SF指的是“Start to Finish”,这种依赖关系表示后续任务必须在前置任务开始后才能完成。如果前置任务是资源的释放,那么后续任务的完成时间将由资源可用时开始计算。 3. SS是“Start ...
2025.01.27 16:52 amviannapagodd FS PATHFIT ARNIS UNIFORM
For Sale: 1 Large Arnis Uniform Set
• barely used • PHP 500 • dm if interested!
submitted by amviannapagodd to TomasinoMarket [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 16:52 build__a_skeleton Why does it seems like people are more tired and angry these days?
It feels like more and more people, including myself, just seem tired of everything these days compared to, say, the early 2000s? Why is that?
submitted by build__a_skeleton to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 16:52 Apprehensive_Mud1998 Solarion SMP [Semi-Vanilla] {18+} {Java} {Whitelist} {1.21.4} {Bluemap} {NEW SEASON}
🌼About Season 5 🌼
Season 5 started at midnight 1/10/25. We had 45 players for launch, ranging from 25-40 players currently. This season has a naturally formed a couple of factions, but we have a lot of solo-basers as well. Lively voice chats, people always chatting, active community. We have a diamond economy/player-ran/plot-based shopping district and a games district nearby. If you're into cool redstone games or casinos, come check out our gaming district, where players can add whatever games they want! We have a community center with mailboxes and a starter area upstairs, and an Event sign-up area! Join us for our newest event, build battle for our nether portal at shopping district!
🌼 18+ Community 🌼
Whether you're a veteran Minecraft player or a newcomer looking for a multiplayer adventure, we welcome you to join our community! Server is hosted from AZ, US but we have players from all around the globe!
We heartily welcome players of varied playstyles, catering to diverse preferences within our vibrant and interactive community. Numerous engaging projects and events are continually underway, ensuring that every member remains actively involved.
However, please be aware that language on the server can and will be undermoderated on purpose. If you are sensitive to strong language or unfiltered conversations, Solarion SMP might not be the right fit for you. We strive to maintain a fun and free environment, and players are expected to handle the rougher edges of dialogue with maturity. This server is intended for a mature audience. If you are easily offended by differing opinions or conversations that challenge your views, we kindly ask that you reconsider applying
🌼 Datapacks 🌼
There are no requirements for you to install any mods to play in our server, but we have curated a compelling roster of plugins to enhance gameplay while preserving the quintessence of the Vanilla Minecraft experience. Some of our noteworthy plugins include:
Drop Heads - Players always drop their head when killed by another player. Mobs have a chance of dropping their heads when killed by a player.
Coreprotect - Ensures that everyone is safe from grief or theft without any land claiming of any sort.
Axgraves - Chest "gravestone" to allow your items to not despawn after a death.
Simple VoiceChat - Optional but Encouraged! Allows players to speak in close proximity ingame with each other.
Armor Stand Tools - Allows you to better customize the position of armorstands & make item frames invisible!
PlayerSleep - Only 10% of online players needs to sleep to skip the night.
We offer a Bluemap allowing you to have a 3D view of the world in your web browser.
Solarion SMP is steadfast in its commitment to upholding the genuine Vanilla Minecraft experience. Although we integrate some quality-of-life plugins, rest assured that we abstain from incorporating any game-altering features such as teleportation, flight, or virtual currency systems.
�� Join Us! 🌼
To request to join our server, please join the discord and fill out an application. Make sure to familiarize yourself with our rules & put effort into your application so we can get to know you better! In the event that your initial application does not meet our criteria, rest assured that we afford all applicants an opportunity to revise and enhance their submissions.
submitted by Apprehensive_Mud1998 to MinecraftServerFinder [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 16:52 salekijan Timing chanin skipped (again) what should I do?
I have a 2014 Polaris Ranger XP 900 with about 16,000 km on it. Six months ago, the timing chain in the engine skipped, bending three valves and damaging the cylinder head. I had everything repaired at a workshop, using original Polaris parts. The head was reconditioned, and all guides and seals were replaced. Afterward, I purchased a mechanical timing chain tensioner and removed the hydraulic tensioner.
Now, six months later, the exact same thing happened again. Why? What could be causing this?
In both cases, it happened right after starting the engine, while reversing out of the garage at about 5 km/h.
submitted by salekijan to Polaris [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 16:52 EdwardBBZ How do you use Ember?
TL;DR: Is there a way to play/build Ember to use her effectively without micromanagement in RTS-Mode?
I play Wrath of the Righteous in RTS-Mode with a rather minimal amount of micromanagement during combat. (So buildplanning and setting up buffs with bubblebuff before combat (and putting stuff like Ulbrigs Death from Above on auto), but during combat I just let the AI do its thing unless there is no avoiding it.) I really like using Ember, so I tried speccing her into an Oracle Buff Bot/Raycaster with Animal companion and Channel Energy for between fights, but then those 3 Stigmatized Witch levels really drag alot of stuff down(cant even get the third hellfire ray). Is there a way to play Ember mindlessly as a pure Stigmatized Witch without being super unoptimized by letting all those debuffs to go waste?
PS: Playing on Core difficulty. Just finished Midnight Fane (lvl15).
submitted by EdwardBBZ to Pathfinder_Kingmaker [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 16:52 Individual_Sport_835 Why can’t my package just come
anyone know why my package keeps going back and fourth? submitted by Individual_Sport_835 to usps_complaints [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 16:52 FoxBread_ I present to you: Tatsugiri
submitted by FoxBread_ to Xenoblade_Chronicles [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 16:52 Flimsy-Secret-6187 On the sixth day of christmas r/YuB gave to me...
Six swipe baiters
Three ignored fanarts
Two upvotes
And a single YuB-related meme
submitted by Flimsy-Secret-6187 to YuB [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 16:52 Gorotheninja Sol Badkong (Porky Draws) submitted by Gorotheninja to Guiltygear [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 16:52 WillsWifey30 Last trade of the day. So let's trade.
Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: ashley submitted by WillsWifey30 to monopolygo_fairtrade [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 16:52 Beautiful_Sell_4801 How busy is April really and are Express Passes a good idea?
Hello everyone. I am going to Universal for my 26th birthday on April 5th and the 6th, which is also a weekend. Now I’m a lifelong Floridian and a lifelong Florida amusement park-goer, so I kinda already know what to expect. But I haven’t been this time of year in a while, so maybe it won’t be as bad? I don’t know. Either way, just asking to gauge what my expectations should be and if I should possibly buy Express Passes. Which actually leads me to my second question, are Express Passes worth it? Or would I be better off saving my money and just waiting in the lines? I’m going with a group and three out of the five of us haven’t been to the parks in over 10 years. So I want them to have a great experience.
submitted by Beautiful_Sell_4801 to UniversalOrlando [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 16:52 Financial_Board_291 I want to pick up hitchhikers but a lot of them smell bad((
Hey guys! Just wanted to share that I've been picking up hitchhikers on the Carretera Austral, and it's something I was really looking forward to when planning the trip, but I've had several very smelly experiences and now I don't want to do it anymore( I used to be a hitchhiker myself, and now I realise that maybe drivers avoid picking people up because they're afraid of the smell. I have never thought of it this way before. I guess my point is: it is important to shower and do laundry every now and then when hitchhiking!
submitted by Financial_Board_291 to Patagonia [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 16:52 Correct-Breakfast645 What do you think about this XRP price calculation?
Hi everybody, Please let me know what you think about this XRP calculation where I considered XRP absorbs 1% ($10 tri) of the global market ($1 quad) by 2035. I added burn to the transactions but I believe the effect is minimal since banks can consolidate daily transaction reducing the burn. I also used liquidity and non-liquidity to calculate the price ranges. The main focus should be on 2025 and 2035 since the years in between are just a linear bridge. I also used bitcoin at $500k in 2035 for comparison. Let me know what you think. submitted by Correct-Breakfast645 to XRP [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 16:52 GashetitaDeAgua Mí novia quiere que le deje de hablar a mí mamá?
Estoy en duda sobre si lo que pienso está bien o está mal por eso quería compartirlo a ver qué piensan ustedes. Para que entiendan los pongo en contexto, yo tengo un pasado con mí mamá, a los 18 años "me fui de mí casa" porque tuve problemas con la pareja de ella y a mí parecer decidió conservarlo a él que a su propio hijo asique me hechó a mí y a mí hermano menor en aquel momento 14 años. Decidí hacerme cargo de mí mismo y de él en donde la pasamos muy mal pero al fin y al cabo salimos adelante. Todo empezó el día de mí cumpleaños, mí novia decidió hacerme un cumple sorpresa en donde solo estarían familiares directos o sea herman@s, sobrin@s, suegros y mí mamá. Mí novia le comentó a mí vieja que no quería que vengan ni su pareja ni ningún otro familiar que era solo algo chiquito para nosotros. Bueno resulta que mí mamá invito a mis tías, primos y su pareja a que vengan, mí novia se molestó y desde ese día no le volvió a hablar a mí vieja. Ese día discutimos porque todo el mundo la pasó como el ogt y yo no me di cuenta según ella y aparte de eso no hice nada, ni le dije nada a mí mamá (que fue verdad). El motivo de ella es que yo prefiero no decirle nada a mí mamá porque la pongo primero a ella que a mí novia (sus palabras) y que por todo lo que me hizo sufrir yo le tengo que dejar de hablar y de verla cosa que a mí no me parecio y se lo hice saber diciendole que era asunto mío y que le agradecía por su consejo pero era algo que yo mismo tengo que resolver. Entonces ahí vino toda la pelota de nieve y el día de ayer me preguntó si era de verdad lo que le había dicho y le dije que tengo cuestiones que resolver con mí mamá pero en ningún momento la puse en prioridad sino que prefería hacerlo a mí manera y dejar las cuentas claras con mí vieja, a mí novia no le gustó nada y peleamos muy feo porque todavía le sigo hablando por Whatsapp. Me puso un ultimátum diciendo que si le sigo hablando a mí vieja la voy a perder. Ahora quiero saber que piensan ustedes, yo creo que la llevo de la manera más madura posible, ella tiene 22 años y yo 27. Le dije que quería empezar terapia para tratar ese tema de mí pasado de la mejor manera pero no hubo caso para ella soy una persona que no la cuida y se siente desprotegida.
submitted by GashetitaDeAgua to AskArgentina [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 16:52 thatdogmoyo UConn fan seeking Marquette ticket 2/1
Hi all, I'm from CT and new in Chicago and dyingggg to go to the Marquette game on 2/1. Anyone selling an extra ticket? Gametime nosebleeds going for super $$$. Thank you!
submitted by thatdogmoyo to BigEast [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 16:52 LetMeSeeYourWarFace_ I Generally Place A Bet Once A Month, Thank You Eagles & Chief.
submitted by LetMeSeeYourWarFace_ to sportsbetting [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 16:52 Any-Highlight-9262 Quetiapine and clomipramine
Just so anyone else is taking this combo, have in mind that you might experience heart palpitations or hipertension. This side effect can be experienced by just taking seroquel (quetiapine) but I found out the hard way that taking them both causes your heart to do very weird shit hahaha! Anyway, I talked to my psychiatrist and he told me that it was temporary (it was and I'm perfectly fine now) however, it's good to know beforehand...
submitted by Any-Highlight-9262 to antidepressants [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 16:51 Alarmed_Working2640 Solo a me attizza un casino lei?
submitted by Alarmed_Working2640 to tiktokersITA_ [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 16:51 sandstormer1 Latest additions to my Crisis of the Third Century collection
• Herrenius Etruscus AR Antoninianus • Claudius Gothicus Bl Antoninianus • Tetricus II Bl Antoninianus (usurper) • Probus Bl Antoninianus • Probus Bl Antoninianus • Carus Bl Antoninianus • Carinus Bl Antoninianus • Numerian Bl Antoninianus • Galerius Æ Radiate (post-Crisis) Trying to acquire an imperial issued coin for each of the officially recognized emperors during this period beginning with Severus Alexander since his assassination was the catalyst and ending with Diocletian. Been at it since August 30 (almost 5 months) and I’m now about 3/5 of the way there (16/27). A few of the remaining 11 are going to be challenging. I think the hardest and most expensive two that I need are Gordian I and Gordian II. Have yet to see imperial coins for either of them come up for auction yet (only seen a couple of provincial coins for Gordian I at Heritage Auctions). submitted by sandstormer1 to AncientCoins [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 16:51 quiche_bar Basketball Comedy Running Point Tips Off in February
submitted by quiche_bar to RunningPointNetflix [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 16:51 TahaZyan It's joever
submitted by TahaZyan to TheDeprogram [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 16:51 el_wakim Hot Wheels and Ferrari: A Legendary Partnership Revived After a Decade | EN.WHEELZ.ME
submitted by el_wakim to wheelz_me [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 16:51 Icefirewolflord [OC] Therizinosaurus art collab
A Collaboration between my friend Arcane and I, featuring my Therizinosaurus Circut from path of titans! Arcane did the lines, I did color and shading
submitted by Icefirewolflord to Paleoart [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 16:51 NvrNrmlESk8 Join the NvrLnd Discord Server! Community Gaming & Network Support Server!
* You stumble upon an old crinkled letter, in a colourful weird font is some sort of message, as you read the first words, the world around you begins to change, fading, and reappearing as a strange figure and a mystical entryway form in front of you *
"I see you have found the invitation! Good, good, we mustn't be late! There's much to do, so much to prepare, so very little time... But we now have you to help us, we're saved!"
* Bewildered you look up to see a bald wizard in what appears to be a cloak made of different flags, with a hat made of black and gold *
"You did read the warning on the instructions before opening the letter right...??? RIGHT?!? Foolish mortals these days and their short attention spans! You just entered into the Whacky Online World of NVRLND without a care in the world huh?"
Well that's good, because here in NvrLnd there's no reason to fret or fear, because good friends can be met and always found near.
From Streamers to Supporters, Gamers and Gabbers, NvrLnd has safe spaces to offer all friends who are traveling in this Whacky Online World.
Welcome to NvrLnd, Where Normal Doesn't Exist but Friendship is Found in Abundance!
submitted by NvrNrmlESk8 to DiscordServerPromos [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 16:51 RideFastGetWeird Longmont: The world’s ‘greatest village’ or ‘Apartmont’?
submitted by RideFastGetWeird to Longmont [link] [comments] |