George should have been consulted

2025.01.30 06:52 thatdablife George should have been consulted

Jerry and Elaine had an idea for Elaine to hang with Susan cuz she has no friends. George should have been at least in the loop. Now worlds will collide!
submitted by thatdablife to seinfeld [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:52 NeoCriMs0n Tekken is a very frustrating game, but so is other "hobbies"

It's my birthday today and just like to share this. Currently, I'm at an impasse. I'm NOT looking for advice but I'm just here to share some of my experiences in the last few weeks playing Tekken.
I'm less than two months playing this game and I'm only hovering around Garyu to Shinryu. Since I almost always get frustrated at the game, I'm not sure if I'm gonna be sticking around for too long. I'm still trying to enjoy the game though, but I have found that "Passion" yet.
For those struggling to find enjoyment in the game. Try to play the game for weeks and not to focus on winning, but having FUN. That's what I've been doing recently. I've realized that the only time I'm having fun (win or lose) is when I'm playing casual matches and not worrying about those damn rank points. We all know devs know this. Rank Play is literally designed by gaming companies to keep players addicted. Even Gacha Game companies hire psychologists to know how to keep players addicted to spending money on character banners.
Pro Players are indeed a totally different breed. They LOVE the game inside and out to the point that they almost feel NOTHING when losing, they just enjoy the fights and the improvement. Unfortunately, 99% of players are NOT like them. Or rather, they get frustrated whenever they see their rank points go down. Absolutely NO ONE wants to see their numbers go down. Not unless you are like the pro players who REALLY love the game.
However, I'm also a cosplayer and an artist in real life. In the beginning, my works are mediocre and nothing too fancy. When I began taking drawing seriously back in 2009, I totally SUCK at this hobby that if you look at my drawings back then to now, it's like night and day. But did I care that I suck? Of course not. I didn't care back then, all I knew was that I'm having SO much fun drawing. That's called "Passion". It took about 4 years of constant honing and improving my skills, watching YT learning from better artists before I start getting paid for my artworks. In my last commission, I was paid $300. And you know what? I NEVER stopped improving my art skills even until now and I'm still having so much fun. And due note, I've NEVER hired an art coach for this. Meanwhile, I have friends who get frustrated at doing arts because all they care about is making money off their works and in turn, they never see the fun part of doing arts, they get impatient when they're NOT seeing themselves improve, some of them even hire art coaches and it didn't help because they don't really have passion for what they're doing. It's literally the same with fighting games, most players only care about winning, even if you hire a coach, if all you care about is ranking up and winning, you'll never fully digest what your coach is teaching you, and you will end up even more frustrated than before.
Also never compare yourself to pro players. Pro Players are good at what they do and are passionate about what they do. That's why they're successful in their niche. However, all of us have different strengths and expertise. Knee and Arslan may be Gods of Tekken, but put them in a room with doctors and artists, and I'm telling you, they probably don't know a thing about deep medical knowledge or even how to do amazing arts. They spent almost half their life playing nothing but Tekken. Knee especially since he has played no other game but Tekken since the 90s, that's their expertise. Not all of us can be expert in the same thing. That's why when we're told to just have fun playing fighting games, they are SERIOUS.
Because not all people can be artists. Not all people can be doctors, engineers, chefs, etc. Just like not all people can be pro players in a fighting game. But that doesn't mean we're any less from one another. Just because Arslan and Knee are called "Gods of Tekken", that's just a moniker and a title. In the end, they are humans just like us, they have strengths, weaknesses, and unique talents.
Oh, and here's another thing to think about. Knee is already pushing 40s. In another 10 or 20 years, do you really think he can still play Tekken at a top-level? Will there still even be a Tekken 10-20 years from now? In a recent video, he can now only play a max of 6 hours before his wrist start to become numb. In the coming years, his hands will only become withered and will be at risk of carpal tunnel syndrome if he keeps abusing his hands. I'm sure he knows this, and so he's enjoying what little time he has left playing Tekken. Time gets all of us in the end. It's inevitable.
Go ahead, play Tekken. But in all honestly, you have to play only for fun. Focus on that fun. Once you're having fun, improvement and learning will easily follow. You CANNOT be an expert at Tekken by just playing weeks or even months. Just like being a good artist, it may take YEARS before you get really good. But if you're having fun, you won't even notice your losses, you will only focus on the fun and how amazing your matches are. If you're NOT having fun, it's time to reconsider if you still wanna continue playing Tekken or any other fighting games for that matter. The reality is, if you're not passionate about something, you will NEVER get far, you will only be harming your mental health and frustrate yourself to no end.
I am at a point now where I'm reconsidering still continuing playing or not. In the end, the only one who can decide is MYSELF. I love fighting games to the bottom of my heart, but loving something is totally different from being passionate about something. Loving something simply means you just appreciate that something, being passionate means you're going to have fun doing that something and will be open to learning new things no matter how many hurdles and hills you have to climb and no matter how many times you fall down.
Thanks for reading and sorry if this turn out so long but I hope I managed to give you some insights. Have fun and good luck on our journeys!
submitted by NeoCriMs0n to Tekken [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:52 AromaticMud3849 Leadership Roles While In Basic Training

Looking for advice on not only how to have a leadership position (I.E, platoon guide), but also how to excell when placed in such a position. I'm joining the army a little late in life (27) and am seeking to do as much as I can to advance my future army career as fast as possible. I realize it will take time regardless, my intent is not to appear impatient. I ship march 10th as an 11x
Looking forward to being a soldier.
submitted by AromaticMud3849 to army [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:52 arav2225H Clowns🤡

Clowns🤡 submitted by arav2225H to IndianDankMemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:52 goddessonpole NEWBIE

Suggest bigginer YouTube classes for newbie...I am very raw upper body strength just a pole inside my house😀😀😀 where do I start...
submitted by goddessonpole to poledancing [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:52 Sad_Task7563 My festival screen setup

submitted by Sad_Task7563 to iOSWidgets [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:52 Blake74744 What should I work on?

What should I work on? submitted by Blake74744 to RiseofKingdoms [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:52 Smooth-Basket-3042 Weird bump behind ear

Apologizes for the bad photo, but I got this weird bump behind my ear a couple days ago. Hard to the touch and tender, could it be a pimple or something that I should book an appointment for? Thank you!
submitted by Smooth-Basket-3042 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:52 SoPlowAnthony Its interesting to the world changing for the better, one thing at a time. "This new method allows for the eco-friendly generation of electricity from organic materials, potentially transforming how electronic components are powered."

submitted by SoPlowAnthony to GreenEnergy [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:52 technogeek0618 I’m gonna get a noise complaint

I’m gonna get a noise complaint This is the top card I wanted and by far the coolest in this set. I am so happy. Good luck everyone! Love all the energy in
submitted by technogeek0618 to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:52 asmallfatbird Help understanding swearing

I've seen the final line of Poem About Bastards (全都混你吗的蛋) translated as "fuck your mothers" "I'll fuck all your mothers" along with other, less explicit translations. How does a fluent speaker understand the insult? Would it be taken as a literal insult to their mothers or is it like "motherfucker" in English, divorced from the literal meaning. I don't really understand how swearing works in Mandarin very well at all I think.
submitted by asmallfatbird to ChineseLanguage [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:52 Any_Medium8272 How is UCLA’s civil engineering grad program?

How is UCLA’s civil engineering grad program? submitted by Any_Medium8272 to gradadmissions [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:52 snifflesnurfle flower bunny wants to… ~hire~ my sim 😭

my sim is a prostitute and the flower bunny is looking to be her next client apparently LOL
submitted by snifflesnurfle to TheSims4Mods [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:52 SourceConsistent6234 ADWYSD TEE ( BLACK AND WHITE ) - 11$

ADWYSD TEE ( BLACK AND WHITE ) - 11$ submitted by SourceConsistent6234 to CNFANSlink [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:52 ChunkyBlowfish "I got a bulletproof heart, you've got a hollowpoint smile." By Me

submitted by ChunkyBlowfish to MyChemicalRomance [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:52 jgs123321 Will Ping verify authenticity?

Will Ping verify if a club I bought is authentic? I got a good deal on a new G425 driver, and I’m starting to question if it might be a fake.
Does anyone know where I can call or email and see if the serial number checks out?
submitted by jgs123321 to PingGolf [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:52 Lumpy_Apartment_7683 northeastern deferral loci?

does anyone know where to submit a loci? i was deferred ea today. i saw a "deferral interest" option or whatever at the file upload in the portal, but now its gone for me! also what should i add in this letter specifically for northeastern? i know they value their yield rate so should i show demonstrated interest in specific campus programs or should i just keep it to updates on my achievements since my ea application?
submitted by Lumpy_Apartment_7683 to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:52 hotred2 se vende contenido arg

submitted by hotred2 to VentadeOnlyAccesibles [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:52 Competitive_Bet_8485 $EMYC: Backed by Kelsier & Animoca, bridging crypto and finance. 💳🌐

$EMYC: Backed by Kelsier & Animoca, bridging crypto and finance. 💳🌐 I think $EMYC is really doing something smart by focusing on compliance, especially with KYC and AML.
In my opinion, that’s what’s going to help E Money Network stand out from other crypto projects.
With the recent launch on exchanges like KuCoin and MEXC, I see $EMYC as a token that can truly be trusted by both traditional finance players and crypto enthusiasts.
The added bonus of a multi-chain wallet and crypto card with cashback makes this even more appealing.
submitted by Competitive_Bet_8485 to Moonshotcoins [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:52 Competitive_End_6599 Should I declaw one of my cats?

Should I declaw one of my cats? I have 4 cats and I’m only thinking of declawing one of them. I’m actually against declawing. When I was a kid my mom declawed both of my cats - all four paws - while I was at school because they were scratching her furniture. I still haven’t forgiven her and I’m 39 now. Anyway, my husband and I regularly trim our cats’ claws because my last cat who passed away in 2022 at age 17 died from surgical complications after breaking her leg. Her leg broke because one of her claws caught on a blanket as she was jumping off the couch. I am forever traumatized, so I make sure all of them have short claws. I don’t care about my furniture at all. I also like them short so if they play with each other, there’s less risk of injury. So here’s the issue - the 4th cat, Potato. I found him outside when he was 3 weeks old and one eye was badly infected. I hand raised him, bottle fed him, loved on him, cuddled him, let him play with the other cats and our dog, etc. But regardless of all of that, he hates being touched 99% of the time, so we respect that. He is neutered, however, he is still viscous to the other cats, biting them, scratching them, scratching our dog in the face, etc. Once in a while he will come sit on our laps and ask for cuddles, but within like 10-20 seconds, he lets us know he’s done by scratching our faces. He has scratched my on my eyelid, scratched my husband on his lip, my sister on her cheek. Because he is so violent to the other cats, we have him sleep in a large dog carrier at night (large enough for his bed, a litterbox, and his food and water). I work from home, so I can intervene during the day, but he will terrorize the house if left alone. When putting him into the carrier, he has been able to turn around and scratch us in the face. He is a long haired cat, and will need grooming at some point. He’s not even a year old yet. We do trim his claws but I am concerned about the stress it causes him. We have to wrap him in a blanket like a burrito, and my husband muscles out one paw while I cut the nails, meanwhile Potato is fighting and screaming his head off. I hate to stress him out like this. I’m concerned that there will come a day when, for his own health and safety, he will need to be groomed more regularly or handled more regularly, and we won’t be able to do that for him if he is injuring us. So I’m considering declawing him for his own good. I’m trying to justify this both to myself and my husband, and the idea of it breaks our hearts. We love him so much. What do you think - should we continue down the path we are on or should we be proactive and have him declawed now while he’s young?
TLDR: One of our cats is a danger to himself and others. Is it ethical to have him declawed for this reason alone?
submitted by Competitive_End_6599 to cats [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:52 srmcmahon 35M severe cheek-biting problem with underlying chronic conditions

Asking for family member. Normal weight, has MS and Tourettes (also psoriasis), anxiety, ADHD, CPTSD, and severe aversion to taste or smell of blood (which complicates things). He's on DMT for the autoimmune stuff, gaba, medications for bladder urgency (MS related), buspar, and guanfacine for the Tourette's. Also ritalin for fatigue (nuvigil and provigil caused sleep problems).
Since his MS diagnosis (3.5 years ago), tics (which had decreased during adulthood) got worse, including jaw/mouth tics. People on the MS sub confirm many of them have problems as well with accidental cheek/tongue biting when eating.
When it happens he bites so hard he bleeds quite a bit and it persists (seeping) for an hour or more. Then swelling can result in repeated incidents over the course of several days. He says it doesn't matter if he tries to be careful and happens both with foods requiring chewing and things like yogurt or ice cream. He also avoids eating during the day as that tends to trigger fatigue, so he waits until evening to eat. Once in awhile this will also happen when he is not eating, just talking.
It's extremely stressful for him when it happens, probably more so since it is at the end of the day when he's fatigued anyway. Anything I find online pertains to compulsive cheek/lip/tongue biting in itself, or doing so while sleeping, and I have seen mouthguards to avoid the problem but those clearly are not intended to be used while eating. Asked his dentist about blood-stop products to at least minimize the bleeding but those do not seem to be a solution.
Any ideas for prevention? It's a significant QOL problem. SLP had basic suggestions a few years ago (get rid of distractions, eat slowly, etc) which don't seem to have helped.
submitted by srmcmahon to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:52 NippyKobold My attempt at Tatsumaki

submitted by NippyKobold to OnePunchMan [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:52 Asleep_Bench_6660 Truck 🚛 and lots of Lights

Now that is alot of lights.
submitted by Asleep_Bench_6660 to ThailandTourism [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:52 Whole-Energy2105 Melbourne version of the cybercrud!

Melbourne version of the cybercrud! This is the "yellow peril" so named by the public after its commission from an artist for a rediculous sum 30 odd years ago. It has been shuffled around the city as no one likes it and lives it days out now in the shadows of nowhere. It still looks better than the cyberschluck!
submitted by Whole-Energy2105 to CyberStuck [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:52 Top_Day2394 Ceiling Fan Air Filter - Activated Charcoal Ceiling Fan FiltersFor USA Testers DM for Info - Thanks

Ceiling Fan Air Filter - Activated Charcoal Ceiling Fan FiltersFor USA Testers DM for Info - Thanks submitted by Top_Day2394 to ReviewRequests [link] [comments]