The Mordhau 2 & 3

19.05mm、9.52mm、6.35mm、38.1mm、12.7mm 1“=25.4mm 3/4"*25.4mm=19.05mm 3/8"*25.4mm=9.52mm 1/4"*25.4mm=6.35mm 1-1/2"*25.4mm=38.1mm 1/2"*25.4mm=12.7mm 扩展资料: 在建筑材料中,对管材的称法用英寸这个单位,1英寸为2.54cm,而不是用市寸。 在 液晶显示器 中,规格一般有17寸、19寸、22寸等。在手机中, 屏幕尺寸 现在一般有4.0寸、4 ... 第一步:光标停放在要插入符号的位置,打开输入法。 第二步:在输入法的显示框上点击鼠标右键,选择“软键盘”中的“数字序号”。 第三步:弹出对话框后,注意软键盘第一行数字所在的位置,用鼠标点击、1、2、3、4即可插入“Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ”符号。 钢管4分、6分、1寸、1.2寸、1.5寸、2寸、2.5寸、3、4、5、6、8寸所指的外径分别是15、20、25、32、50、65、80、100、125、150、200(单位均为mm)。这里的寸指的是英寸,1英寸=8分=25.4mm。 公称通径是管路系统中所有管路附件用数字表示的尺寸,公称通径是供参考用的一个方便的圆整数,与加工尺寸仅呈不 ... JCR分区,包括SCI、SSCI、AHCI、ESCI期刊,但目前只有SCI、SSCI才有分区,也是WOS分区,通常称为Q1、Q2、Q3、Q4,算是国外的一种分区标准。 中科院SCI分区,是 中国科学院文献情报中心 期刊分区表中SCI期刊的分区,包括1区、2区、3区和4区,算是国内的分区标准。 2024年各月份的工作日天数已经根据国家法定节假日及调休时间进行了统计。以下是各月份的工作日天数详细统计: - 2024年1月份:共有31天,其中工作日为22天,休息日为9天。 - 2024年2月份:共有29天,其中工作日为18天,休息日为11天。 - 2024年3月份:共有31天,其中工作日为21天,休息日为10天 ... 一、毕业论文标题的级别格式 毕业论文的标题级别分为一级到四级,其格式要求如下: 一级标题:以“一、二、三、”开头,使用黑体字,加粗,并顶格书写。 二级标题:以“(一)(二)(三)”开头,使用小四号宋体字,不加粗,顶格书写。 三级标题:以“1.2.3.”开头,使用小四号宋体字 ... 怎么设置电脑自动关机 Win10/Win11系统设置自动关机的3种方法问题: 如何在 windows 10/11 上设置电脑自动关机?简单说明: 如果您想要在离开电脑时让它自动关机,或是在一段时间后关闭,windows 系统提供了 所以如果你是用来做证件的照片用3.5*4.9是没有问题的。 但如果是办理签证等特殊证件的照片,要先问清楚具体尺寸数值再冲印,因为要求都不一样。 数值表示中,1.00E+00,2.3E-03怎么换算的来着?以前学过,忘记了……E加上后面的数就是10的多少次幂的意思1.00E=1乘以10的0次方 ... 两周年之际,民航局通报「3·21」东航 MU5735 航空器飞行事故调查进展情况,哪些信息值得关注?

2025.01.30 07:18 toadsgoat The Mordhau 2 & 3

The Mordhau 2 & 3 The MIUT had seen many upgrades during its time but only two varients, the Mordhau was an assault vehicle made for bunker busting and anti infantry work, though it was left for quite a while.
Though in 1934 tensions between Karelia Talapovia and Minandoria were quite high, Talapovia and Minandoria had quite heavy armour, Talapovia having the TCG 2 a 28 ton infantry tank, and Minandoria having their Valkyrie done by 1937, shocking the Karelians, as Karelia didnt have any tank that could deal with such a threat reliably, all they had was the MIUT.
This would lead to the designing of a Mordhau 2 from 1937-1939, to counter the Valkyrie, and to be used as an SPH, it was a MIUT but with a big gun mounted onto it and with no turret, the armour of the casemate was 80mm thick in an attempt to match the upper front plate effective thickness, the casemate was welded whereas the hull was obviously riveted, making the armour abit more effective, this increased the weight to 21 tons, up from 18, aswell as the 132mm artillery gun, firing APHECBC with 143mm of penetration, of 1.85 kilograms of explosivemass aswell as and HE round with about 5.25 kilograms of explosivemass a fairly potent gun especially with its two loaders, which got the load time down to around 3-5 seconds.
The tank was open topped to save on weight, and replaced the metal roof with a tarp one, though an assault vehicle such as this being open topped is a strange choice, though the thought process was that the Mordhau 2 wouldn't be unsupported by infantry even then it wouldn't be running up to a bunker and blasting it it would be doing it from around 200 300 maybe 400 meters away maybe further.
The visibility of the vehicle was quite good with two view ports on eachside, though at the front the only view ports were the mg port drivers port and the gunners scope, which wasn't terrible.
The vehicle was obvious quite front heavy which caused it to lean forward and damage the suspension, especially off road, the front two roadwheels were reinforced and the suspension as a whole stiffened, going from a 45mm torsion bar to a 56mm torsion bar, giving it 12.5 degrees of up travel, down from 15.
The Mordhau proved very useful, being aple to destroy heavily fortified bunkers and anything else that stood in its way, though it was very susceptible to aircraft or a grenade being thrown into it from the side or behind or antitank rifles.
This would lead to a roof being added to the vehicle and the 11.12mm VKAS, in 1940 and a little bit more explosive mass over the years maxing out to about 7.14 kilograms of explosivemass. vision was much better forward aswell.
In 1941 a 3rd Mordhau was designed, from early 1941 to early 1942, being put into service by mid 1942, the gun was replaced by a 156mm artillery gun with around 12 kilograms of explosive mass for its high explosive shell, which was very very potent, the armour was upped to 95mm on the casemate angled at about 25-30 degrees, though the armour wasnt very usefull, as by this time the Kamilla was in production.
Which made the armour kind of useless as why would you use this over the Kamilla, which lead to the armour being cut down across the whole vehicle, down to 35mm to make it cheaper to produce and easier to work with.
the vehicle was obviously front heavy though this was taken into account with the torsion bars being increased in size from about 57mm to 65mm and the front three roadwheels being reinforced, the weight of the vehicle was also increased from 27 to 31 making it abit slower then the regular varient, though without the armour it was 28 tons, making it much better, and the weight distribution was better, obviously the tanks were quite reliable being they were built off of medium tanks already in service.
Both the Mordhau 2 & 3 saw extensive use, which makes sense as they were just on the go artillery pieces, being effective and reliable with easy to fix flaws.
submitted by toadsgoat to SprocketTankDesign [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:18 No_Medicine5446 Not quite a fit

Not quite a fit Annoyingly my new shelves are a single stud out from fitting 3 modular baseplates, as much as I want to keep the river plate original the shelves are the home to my collection probably forever. Does anyone have suggestions on how to remove a single stud of width from a baseplate cleanly?
submitted by No_Medicine5446 to lego [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:18 Aggressive_Log_2017 Is she messing with me or am I just being insecure and she actually likes me

There’s a girl that I talk to almost every day in class and I genuinely can’t tell if she actually likes me or if she’s just messing with me, I don’t really know how to explain so I’ll just list all the stuff she’s said about me: she likes my hair and she talks about it a lot, she’s said my voice is nice, she’s asked me to be her snap streaks before, and a couple other things I just can’t think of right now
I know it sounds like she likes me but I feel like she says things like this to other people too. I know she talks to other guys so I can’t help but wonder if I’m the only one she compliments and talks to like that so that makes me think she just likes to mess with guys feelings sometimes.
I know I sound crazy insecure about all this but I’m just not used to a pretty girl complimenting me and talking to me like that.
submitted by Aggressive_Log_2017 to Crushes [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:18 DianaKillian too early to bed

too early to bed submitted by DianaKillian to TuckedInPuppies [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:18 crashcraters Electronic Foley

submitted by crashcraters to Botanica [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:18 zachol Download progress scrolling up during DNF in Konsole

Not even sure where to start looking for a solution here, a couple of things happened at once. I'm on Fedora KDE, and when I do a "dnf update" in Konsole it used to have neat little persistent progress bars for package downloads, they'd complete and move up a line as new ones populated, it was great. Now it seems like it's printing each line without replacing them, so there's just a big wall of text. Except it's keeping the very last two lines (the ------ and the Total) at the bottom.
Two things happened recently. One, I rebound (or attempted to rebind) Ctrl-V to Paste instead of the verbatim character thing. Frankly I'd be fine if it was just unbound completely, all I want is for it to not lead to the [[200~ thing. If it's bad practice for it to be paste then fine, I just want it to do nothing at all, I'm never going to need a verbatim character. Second, I needed to cancel the previous dnf update: It was working fine, I had to pause it, I did Ctrl-C or something to interrupt, and then a little while later when I resumed it started with the scrolling. I thought maybe the interrupt had broken whatever controlled the output for that specific instance, but after a quick reboot it's still doing it. I can't think of what else would've caused it, there was a pretty short ten to fifteen minutes between interrupting the update and starting it again.
Obviously this is a minor aesthetic thing but part of what I sort of like about having switched to Linux is I can generally get things working the way I want, even if it also means that pretty much every day involves some new irritation and learning something new about how things work. Right now I'm confused on whether this is a dnf problem or a Konsole problem, and it doesn't help that it's difficult to test on like some other terminal because the update completed while I was typing all this. I'd more like advice on what's this even called and some idea where to start searching, my initial attempts just dig up problems with scrolling in the sense of actual user scrolling.
submitted by zachol to kde [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:18 leasarfati 3 year old says a girl came to her dads with a gun and said she would shoot her. Help?

My daughter’s dad and I went to court when she was 10 months old. She is now 3. Our split is roughly 80/20 with me being the primary parent.
My daughter does NOT like going to her dads. There’s always lots of tears and begging. It’s gotten to the point where she now fully understands days of the week and is able to figure out how many days until she has to go to her dad’s.
Today, out of nowhere, she told a story that a girl came to her dad’s house with a gun and said she would shoot her. My daughter said she hid in the garage behind the door, her dad screamed at the girl to leave and she did. After that she shut down and didn’t want to talk anymore.
Later tonight after we were settled down and alone and quiet I asked follow up questions. None of her previous answers changed, but I got a few more details. There was more than one person there, it seems Ike they weren’t there for long, she didn’t know any of them and hadn’t seen them before, she hid in the garage with no shoes on. It was daylight outside and cold out. After the girl left her dad told her to get on the couch and watch her tablet and he snuggled her.
Please tell me what if anything I can do with this information from a legal standpoint.
submitted by leasarfati to FamilyLaw [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:18 TheKoolDood1234 Give me a scene like this, and I'll speed it up.

Give me a scene like this, and I'll speed it up. submitted by TheKoolDood1234 to BattleForDreamIsland [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:18 Business_Anxiety1843 5'7 at 16. Am I cooked?

At around 170 cm right now but was around 160 when i was 14. Praying that I get a second growth spurt but Ive only seen around 2cm of growth the past month. Im a hooper whos looking to grow to at least 6 feet but idk if its happening. my relatives overseas are around 175cm and my parents average height combined is 160cm. I also havent noticed any significant changes in my body except for the occasional pimple and some hair under my arms and for some reason my arms do not look proportional to my torso as they are kinda long. Im looking to play some form of professional ball in the states but im not hoping to play D1 lol. at least d2 or 3 is fine for me. In a nutshell im just really looking for any tips for my diet or tips on which good habits to develop cause Ive been sleeping for around 7 hours a day only. Am I cooked?
submitted by Business_Anxiety1843 to Life [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:18 Empty_Cloud3414 Where do men get such लोहे के अंडकोष ?

Where do men get such लोहे के अंडकोष ? I am sure he will either report me of will argue after my text.... Hi hi .....
submitted by Empty_Cloud3414 to IndianBoysOnTinder [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:18 Denny_Bert Trading for wc/party pots! The number of coins or potions is indicated in the photo.

Trading for wc/party pots! The number of coins or potions is indicated in the photo. submitted by Denny_Bert to AnimalJam [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:18 cnkam Trying to fix old table lighters

Trying to fix old table lighters I found this lighter at the thrift today and it won’t light. I’ve tried filling it but no luck. Any suggestions? I’ve never owned a vintage table lighter so not sure how to proceed.
I tried filling with butane but the butane was leaking out
submitted by cnkam to lighters [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:18 MintyTails I can only see the runas TI in GenP what do I do?

What do I do cause it says too never use Runas TI only patch CC.
submitted by MintyTails to GenP [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:18 bluenymous No doubts now boys ITS COMINGGG!!!!

No doubts now boys ITS COMINGGG!!!! submitted by bluenymous to GTA6 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:18 TatsuyaNJima Clashable Class?

I'm an incoming international exchange student for Semester 1 of 2025 and currently filling out my timetable preferences, it's all a bit confusing for me. I currently have a lecture and a tutorial that clash with eachother (although for the lecture it says that the class is clashable). The lecture comes with a hurdle that says that "there is an expectation that students attend lectures". So I have a few questions:

  1. What does clashable class mean? How does it work? And is it okay?
  2. The class type on the lecture says "lecture recording", does that mean the class will be held fully online? Or is it just for the first week?
  3. Can i change my courses after the timetable is released if it is revealed that i have clashing classes that are not "clashable"?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by TatsuyaNJima to unimelb [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:18 FlowerTerrible9350 could you guys draw this asshole

could you guys draw this asshole his name is flame attack and he’s a stupid asshole who once blew up a science lab on accident (yea right)
submitted by FlowerTerrible9350 to DrawForMe [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:18 ThatGreenM-M I'm gonna take this one personally LocalThunk

I'm gonna take this one personally LocalThunk submitted by ThatGreenM-M to balatro [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:18 dreadlmao CreepCast, 2024 vs. 2025…

CreepCast, 2024 vs. 2025… submitted by dreadlmao to creepcast [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:18 esquivalient1 Trump Has Been Furheriously Signing Executive Orders, Here are the "Highlights"
submitted by esquivalient1 to satire [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:18 NightShift2323 Banu Merchantman

I have been a backer for a long time. Usually jump on once every one to two years for a bit to see the progress.
I can't find anything on Google about what's going on with the merchantman, is it being worked on at all?
It's nbd, last time I was on the hull-c loaner was very enjoyable, just wondering if there has been any news.
submitted by NightShift2323 to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:18 kiwisandcream Gurliess drop some best miss bimbeaux sub for flat belly and small waist !

Sooo yessss i want that huge ass body glow up before summer so that i can be confident and wear all those cute tops and dresses, that’s why please drop those miss bimbeaux sub for flat belly and small waist!!🙂‍↔️💗
submitted by kiwisandcream to Subliminal [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:18 MajesticWillow3849 Should I (25F) meet up with a guy (33M) that I’ve been talking with?

I (25F) started talking with a guy (33M) online, and now I’m considering if I should meet up with him. For background, we hit it off the other day and have had some very interesting and thoughtful conversations so far. It seems like we have a lot of interests in common as well. I like that he seems intelligent and capable of both deep conversation and lighthearted banter. I also like that we are not messaging constantly - in the past few days we have messaged maybe a few times a day at most, but it’s usually less than that. I don’t feel pressured to respond quickly and don’t feel like I’m waiting by the phone, yet I look forward to seeing a message from him. I don’t really have an age preference for dating, so when he mentioned his age I didn’t really think about it. However in listening to some podcasts I feel like I’ve heard comments about different age gaps and how it can be “weird” or a red flag for a guy in his 30s to date someone in their mid 20s or younger. I normally don’t care at all about other people’s comments, because it really depends on the situation and the people involved, however I’ve been burned in the past by older men saying I was “very mature for my age” and want to make sure I’m not missing anything. I also don’t want to judge anyone for their age, because everyone has different lived experiences, and I wouldn’t have thought twice about it before hearing those comments / seeing a few friends faces when I mentioned it. Considering we haven’t actually met up yet, I don’t have a lot to go off of, so I just want to make sure I’m not missing any glaring red flags. If I do meet him, is there anything I should keep in mind moving forward? Also I would definitely make sure to meet in public. Any input would be appreciated! If you’ve read my ramblings - thank you!
submitted by MajesticWillow3849 to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:18 avebafomet6 Iba yata 'tong ginawa mo, Anne?

Iba yata 'tong ginawa mo, Anne? submitted by avebafomet6 to PinayTwerk2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:18 Epiclele47 After what felt like 3 Hours bashing my head on the controller trying to learn Kurogiri, I finally figured out how to play as him, even menaged to do this to a Froppy slacking. He is for sure one of the weirdest characters in my opinion but then when he clicked..oh boy it made me enjoy him way more

After what felt like 3 Hours bashing my head on the controller trying to learn Kurogiri, I finally figured out how to play as him, even menaged to do this to a Froppy slacking. He is for sure one of the weirdest characters in my opinion but then when he clicked..oh boy it made me enjoy him way more submitted by Epiclele47 to MyHeroUltraRumble [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:18 PnPineappleApplePn I think I hate college more than high school

Background: I’m about to graduate from my community college with my Associate’s Degree and transfer to a UC. So far, I have finished around half of my major’s requirements by taking transferable preparatory courses, and will finish the remaining 7 when I transfer. Since I already know I’ll probably get in (TAG application, ≈3.9 GPA so far, and the UC has a 60% transfer acceptance rate), I have been making a planner to see how many more classes I will have to take after transferring to reach the total 120 credits and how many classes per semester.
Dilemma: The 7 required classes I have left only add up to about 29 credits, so I have to waste another year of my life on 7-8 more bullshit classes to get the rest of the 29-30 credits. At this point, I’m tired. I don’t want to be well-rounded anymore. I already did my General Ed. I already finished high school, which already had adequate resources. I don’t want to take anymore useless art classes that are surprisingly worth more credits than my major requirements. I don’t want to waste more money on textbooks and classes when I can be saving up for my future. I want to get on with my life, instead of wasting it spending hours looking at and studying shit I don’t even care about anymore. This is a 15th grade of high school that doesn’t have a meaningful, satisfying end.
submitted by PnPineappleApplePn to CollegeRant [link] [comments]