Body shop was a scam..

2025.01.30 08:32 personthatisonreddi Body shop was a scam..

They didnt send invoice/shipping email, website got deleted so no way to check what was brought....
Half of items was not delivered. Glad they have shutdown...
(Have had bad experinces in past with them...)
submitted by personthatisonreddi to newzealand [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 haq_abubakr Quick question: do any of you who plays fc mobile ACTUALLY play or at least watch football irl?

Just curious
submitted by haq_abubakr to FUTMobile [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 bilgesem Panjur Ön Komple (Kromsuz) Armasız Fabıa 2015=> 6V0853653 En Uygun Fiyatlarla!

Panjur Ön Komple (Kromsuz) Armasız Fabıa 2015=> 6V0853653 En Uygun Fiyatlarla! submitted by bilgesem to sncotomotiv [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 MrRandom93 HÄT

HÄT submitted by MrRandom93 to RobGPT [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 Aunzr What parts for a sever would you recommend?

I'm looking to build a server for modded Minecraft and other games to play with friends. I've done a little bit of research, and so far I was thinking of getting an i3-12100F for the CPU and 16GB of 3200MHz RAM. Would this be too overkill, and what would you guys recommend?
submitted by Aunzr to servers [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 Content-Literature45 played like a ranger^^but did i got betreyed at the kill count at the end ?

played like a ranger^^but did i got betreyed at the kill count at the end ?
submitted by Content-Literature45 to HuntShowdown [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 ToneZei81 METAPHOR REFANTAZIO Part 41 Gameplay Walkthrough FULL GAME HD Regicide Difficulty

METAPHOR REFANTAZIO Part 41 Gameplay Walkthrough FULL GAME HD Regicide Difficulty submitted by ToneZei81 to YTPromo [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 officialdakk Opened up the pack without completing the other prize ball….

Opened up the pack without completing the other prize ball…. I haven’t been able to play so I’ve just been logging on to collect the daily reward. Am I cooked since I didn’t do the other prize ball before opening this? Closed app and it just pops up on this screen.
submitted by officialdakk to MyTeam [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 5th2 Character Leveling Questions

Hello spacers! I'm new to SWN, I have a few questions regarding character levels that I can't seem to find answers to in the free rules. "Level" seems hard to search for, the word appears a lot in different contexts.

  1. Is there any guidance to when characters can gain a level?
  2. How quickly to characters typically level up?
  3. Which level would you recommend for new players in their first session?
  4. Is there a maximum character level?
  5. Bonus questions, is there a larger index, or any other resources that can help make the rules easier to navigate?
submitted by 5th2 to SWN [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 Beezvreez Just realized something that makes me happy

The Pokemon craze is at an all time high now. With the new sets releasing and prismatic evolutions already being released, it’s like COVID all over again. People are fighting in the stores over the items and scalpers are buying the whole supply to sell 3x or 4x the price. Lots of people are mad over this because they just wanna buy the cards but not way above market price. Now I’m reading community posts about how local TCG stores are all of a sudden selling at scalpers prices, basically ripping of their existing loyal customer base because they know better and leave. And that is where GameStop has the best postition in the market. Lots of connections (PSA), established dominance in the TCG world and now their limiting the buys per customer and still selling at market price. In other words, the TCG crowd at GameStop is growing.
submitted by Beezvreez to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 Heirogant [WA] My therapist hasn't replied to my record amendment request

So I emailed my therapist a while back telling her i no longer wish to continue working with her, I explained why, (she had said and done some things that made me uncomfortable) after this she sent me a discharge letter that would go in with my medical records.
The letter makes no mention of the fact that I ended the services, does not mention why and instead is phrased as though she discharged me. The reasons given were also incorrect.
State law saw she had 10 days to tell me if she accepts or denies my request, or inform me if the record in question does not exist. None of this happened. What exactly are my best options here? I intend to file a complaint for unethical behavior, as well as report her for a HIPAA violation. She has falsified my medical records and failed to respond to my request.
submitted by Heirogant to AskLawyers [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 tofu_tokwa Part 2 of Pages and Panels of Jean and Scott looking out for each other in X-Men: Blue

Part 2 of Pages and Panels of Jean and Scott looking out for each other in X-Men: Blue submitted by tofu_tokwa to jott [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 boejauder A small gesture for r-3rdrockfromthesun, with lots of love ❤️

A small gesture for r-3rdrockfromthesun, with lots of love ❤️ submitted by boejauder to 3rdrockfromthesun [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 Additional_Brief_937 What is this worth?

What is this worth? submitted by Additional_Brief_937 to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 Conscious-Hamster-37 waking up to these thoughts is straight up disgusting

I keep having these weird ass dreams about cleaning washrooms , mine or someone else’s. I’m kinda obsessed with cleanliness, especially when it comes to washrooms, and it’s disgusting. Woke up today and almost threw up just thinking about it. Does this have anything to do with OCD? Anyone got insight? I mean, I could talk to my therapist, but dream interpretations haven’t really helped so far, and honestly, it’s just gross !!!
submitted by Conscious-Hamster-37 to OCD [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 chicken_ranch02 مشكله مجتمعيه

بقي عندي مشكله بسبب ريديت و ديسكورد و المجتمع عموما اني ك شخص Christian ف انا لو نزلت بوست في اي صاب مصري مثلا بتكلم فيه عن نوع اغاني معين بحبه او ارتيست معين ف بتعامل كأني شخص داعر لأن كله بيقيس الحلال و الحرام بالنسبه معتقده ، و لو مثلا نزلت علي صاب الفاينانس بردو كله بيقول حرام و ربا و الكلام ده و بردو بيقيس مستوي الحرام و الحلال عليه بس ، و الغريبه ان عمر ما حد دخلي برايفت ينصحني علي افتراض ميعرفش اني Christian ف ليه دايما المتدينين في ريديت عايشين جو النصيحه و للاسف هي متتسماش نصيحه بل هو فرض اللي هو لو نزلت بوست عن الاغاني هيقولي "امسح بلاش ذنوب" عمرهم ما هيقولوا "ياريت تمسح بلاش ذنوب" اللي انا حتي لو مسلم مش همسح بطريقتك دي ، انا بحترم عقيده غيري فشخ لكن غيري بحسه هو بيفرض عقيدته ، مثلا صاب الليكس و كايرو و عنده مشكله هما بيناقشوه من ناحيه دينيه و عمرهم ما بيتكلموا من ناحيه الاخلاق العامه انما بيكلموه بالدين و الشخص ده مش شرط يكون مسلم لا ممكن ملحد لاديني مسيحي اي حاجه ، انا بالمناسبه نص صحابي مسلمين تقريبا صحاب الجامعه المسيحيين اتنين تلاته و كله مسلم ، لكن عمر ما حد فيهم عمل زي الريديتورز بيعملوه فالسؤال بقي امتي الناس دي هتنصح بصيغه لطيفه مش بصيغه الامر لأن انا اهلي ذات نفسيهم و كل الناس المتدينين في كنيستي مبيؤمرونيش ف الحوار ممكن الناس تشوفه عادي لكن مستفز فشخ
submitted by chicken_ranch02 to ExEgypt [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 amolimation PVR ScreenIT(Private Screenings) is now also available in Elante.

PVR ScreenIT(Private Screenings) is now also available in Elante. So PVR ScreenIT allows you to screen private shows for friends and family at a cheap price.(per person) It has a vast library of movies to choose from.
And right now you can choose from two cinemas in Tricity.(VR Punjab and Elante)
submitted by amolimation to Chandigarh [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 angelboyi HELP, strange persistent skin spots for years, has anyone experienced this?

HELP, strange persistent skin spots for years, has anyone experienced this? Hi everyone, I need your help.
I’m a 26-year-old guy, from Italy, and after multiple attempts, dermatology visits, and medications, I don’t know what to do anymore. I’ve had these strange spots on my body for over two years now, and they won’t go away. They often multiply, but they always stay there. Along with these spots, I also get itchy welts that disappear, but at least once a day, they come back.
Let me start from the beginning. I first noticed these small spots on my chest and shoulders while I was at the beach. A friend pointed them out to me while I was in the sun, and my first thought was that it could be photosensitivity caused by a psychiatric medication I was taking at the time. So, I gradually stopped taking it, but the spots remained. Over time, they spread across my body, mainly on my chest, arms, and a bit on my back (but not on my hands or feet).
Alongside this skin issue, I also developed eczema on my face, specifically on my eyelids and lips. I immediately went to a dermatologist, who examined both my body and face. He diagnosed the facial issue as eczema due to atopic dermatitis but couldn’t determine what these persistent spots on my body were. He ruled out scabies or any parasitic causes and even examined me with a magnifying lens to check for bite marks.
I don’t even know how much money I’ve spent on visits and treatments, but nothing worked—cortisone creams, antihistamines, lotions, etc. Over the years, I’ve seen three different dermatologists, and none of them could figure out what’s causing these spots. It feels absurd. I’ve spent over 500 euros on consultations and medications.
I’ve also done multiple tests, including patch tests for allergies, intolerance tests, blood work, and screenings for venereal diseases—everything came back normal. One dermatologist suggested a biopsy to find out what’s causing this, but before going down that route, I’d like to see if anyone here has experienced something similar that has lasted for years. As a last resort, I’ll try seeing another dermatologist, one of the most highly regarded ones.
At this point, I don’t know what to think. Could it be contact dermatitis? An allergy? But why does it persist for so long? It’s crazy that no one has been able to figure it out.
I’m currently on Zoloft, but even my psychiatrist says it’s unrelated to this issue.
Sorry for the long post, but I really hope someone here can give me some advice! The problem big is not the eczema, cause I found a crema that help me so much, now is way better, but that spots…
Photos attached in the description
submitted by angelboyi to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 3BranchesCreations I started making dragon scarves for fantasy convention we have coming up.

I started making dragon scarves for fantasy convention we have coming up. submitted by 3BranchesCreations to somethingimade [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 Sad_Leather_6691 NO streams today next Stream is on 3 Feb.

NO streams today next Stream is on 3 Feb. submitted by Sad_Leather_6691 to NIOS_Students [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 MetaphoricalCat1234 New to this, should I return this pricking iron or not?

New to this, should I return this pricking iron or not? Bought this off the Abbey England website, apparently it was the last Dixons pricking iron they had available
Unfortunately when I placed the order I didn’t realise that a ‘left-handed’ iron is supposed to be used on the reverse side 🥲 Paid about £80 for it incl VAT (about 100 USD), should I keep the iron, hoping to find some future use or should I return it? Do y’all use a left-handed pricking iron often? Many thanks! (fwiw I’ve also got a right-handed iron from George Barnsley at the same SPI so if they’ll work as a set I’d probably be fine with that)
submitted by MetaphoricalCat1234 to Leathercraft [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 TheNexus18 Screaming Legion (TheNexus18, brush pen, 2K25)

Screaming Legion (TheNexus18, brush pen, 2K25) submitted by TheNexus18 to CreepyArt [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 Big_Bad_Bubba Some Sprue Terrain

Some Sprue Terrain submitted by Big_Bad_Bubba to PoorHammer [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 kaviaaripurkki Join our collaborative wordbuilding group!

submitted by kaviaaripurkki to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:32 Detroit_442_ Looking for a poster

I’m looking for a show poster. My husband and I went to the show as our honeymoon, the posters were sold out. I’m trying to find one to give him as an anniversary present.
submitted by Detroit_442_ to NoValueFest [link] [comments]