Restaurante con chavas en Honduras?

2025.01.30 14:43 Fit-Tomato-4010 Restaurante con chavas en Honduras?

Voy a estar en Tegucigalpa Honduras en los próximos días y ando investigando si hay un restaurante tipo el Angus de cdmx (donde hay chavas) para ir con amigos
submitted by Fit-Tomato-4010 to Preguntas_de_Reddit_ [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:43 prettyindianprincess EF 300mm f4 vs EF100-400 ii

On a Canon R7 and I want a lens for bird photography. The 100-400 ii is much more expensive and I would really be edging my budget. I am also looking at the Sigma 150-600 C. Any insights on which is better, and if the 300mm is enough?
submitted by prettyindianprincess to canon [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:43 kianodeopperautist operation ground and pound with fred's vocals

made this in audacity and is my first time doing something like this. i am trying to make it even better.
submitted by kianodeopperautist to Dragonforce [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:43 Sad-Magician9202 Thinking of buying the 16pro max

Hi. Considering purchasing the 16pro max. Have had many iphones in the past, the last one being the 13pro. Been on android for past two years. Been doing my research and read a few people have buggy issues with the 16pro, laggy camera, black screens etc. Is this the minority or rather common?
submitted by Sad-Magician9202 to iPhone16Pro [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:43 Dependent_Collar_801 Non-residents getting back ROC distributions from CRA

Hi all, I came across a claim that a person that retired outside of Canada and became Canadian non-resident receives back most of 25% tax CRA withholds on distributions received as ROC.
Specifically, CC ETF USCL.TO pays monthly distributions that are characterized as ROC, it is held in a non-registered account with Canadian broker, CRS takes 25% from each distribution, but apparently most of it is returned at the end of the year because the distributions are ROC.
Is this true? I thought that non-residents cannot claim any tax? If this is possible, how is it accomplished?
submitted by Dependent_Collar_801 to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:43 HourProfessor6417 Venvanse e libido

Como fica a relação de vocês com venvanse e a libido? Não sei se ele inime minha libido, ou se foram situações específicas externas que me atrapalharam.
Das duas vezes que comecei a tentar domar venvanse (me deixa muito estressada) eu estava em cenários ansiosos, véspera de provas importantes; tenho dúvidas se foi a ansiedade das provas que me fez ter menos libido, ou se foi o medicamento
submitted by HourProfessor6417 to TDAH_Brasil [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:43 Suspicious_girl1990 Mirrors in bathroom. How do I get them off!

Mirrors in bathroom. How do I get them off! Cannot see any obvious screws and they are all along the top half of the bathroom with tiles underneath. Any clues or is it easiebetter to cover them?
submitted by Suspicious_girl1990 to DIYUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:43 PaternalAdvice [WTS] Seiko “Laurel” LJAL600. A Vintage Design, with Heat-blued Breguet Style Hands, in a Solid Silver & Gold Case

[WTS] Seiko “Laurel” LJAL600. A Vintage Design, with Heat-blued Breguet Style Hands, in a Solid Silver & Gold Case submitted by PaternalAdvice to Watchexchange [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:43 dieLinke_Bonn Demoaufruf "Herz statt Merz", 4.2., 15:30!

Demoaufruf ACHTUNG: Geänderter Startpunkt! Los gehts vom Münsterplatz!
Aufruf zur Demo: „Herz statt Merz – Für eine offene und solidarische Gesellschaft“!! Eine Veranstaltung von Linksjugend ['solid] Bonn, SDS Bonn und Die Linke Kreisverband Bonn
Am 04.02.2025 kommt Friedrich Merz nach Bonn ins WCCB! Daher rufen wir alle, die sich eine gerechte und solidarische Gesellschaft wünschen, dazu auf, mit uns auf die Straße zu gehen. Diese Demo richtet sich an alle, die den Rechtsruck in Politik und Gesellschaft nicht schweigend hinnehmen wollen – an Linke, Liberale und Konservative. - aber vor allem an jene, die Angst vor dem Erstarken faschistischer Kräfte haben.
Friedrich Merz hat mit seiner Ankündigung, Gesetzesvorhaben mit welchen Stimmen auch immer durchzubringen, nicht nur die Brandmauer gegen rechts infrage gestellt – er hat sie ohne Not mit einem politischen Rammbock attackiert. Wir sind fassungslos und haben Angst, dass Konservative wieder einmal als Steigbügelhalter*innen Faschist*nnen zur Macht verhelfen könnten. Es beginnt rhetorisch, aber die Geschichte lehrt uns: Es bleibt nicht dabei.
Doch wir werden diesen Zeitgeist nicht unwidersprochen lassen!
Der Rechtsruck, den wir derzeit in vielen Ländern erleben, wird nicht von allein gestoppt. Wir kämpfen dagegen an – laut, entschlossen und solidarisch. Und wir können erste Erfolge verzeichnen: Nach aktuellen Umfragen wird es wieder eine linke Kraft im Bundestag geben. Das ist nicht viel, aber ein Anfang.
Wir wissen aber auch: Likes und Shares in den sozialen Medien reichen nicht. In Zeiten wie diesen müssen wir uns zusammentun, uns begegnen und einander stärken. Denn aus dieser Solidarität schöpfen wir die Kraft, die Gesellschaft zu verändern – hin zu einer Welt, in der es selbstverständlich ist, dass jedes Kind ein gesundes Mittagessen in der Schule bekommt, in der wir lieben können, wen wir wollen, und zwar auch öffentlich. Eine Welt, in der Frauen wie Männer gleichermaßen Karriere machen können oder sich bewusst dagegen entscheiden. Eine Welt, in der Superreiche unser Klima nicht kaputt jetten. Kurz: Eine Welt, in der Friedrich Merz nichts zu sagen hat.
Wir rufen Euch auf, mit uns am 04.02.2025 auf die Straße zu gehen. Lasst uns gemeinsam zeigen, dass eine offene, gerechte und solidarische Gesellschaft stärker ist als die Angst und der Hass!
Infos zur Demo:
Treffpunkt: Marktplatz Bonn Beginn: 15:30 Uhr (Kundgebung), 16:00 Uhr (Demozug) oder ab 17:00 Uhr am WCCB!
submitted by dieLinke_Bonn to Bonn [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:43 baljitjoshi Know Your Percentile and Score Before JEE Result

submitted by baljitjoshi to JEE [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:43 Emgenius1 Etude Réseaux Sociaux 2025 : tendances et comparaison

submitted by Emgenius1 to Mediacord [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:43 peddy_cheps 10r80 stutters/shudders

i have a 2019 2.7 just recently my truck started to stutter going up a hill while slight acceleration. now if i try to pass a car with high accelerations it shudders/stutter even worse. im leaning rowards maybe replacing torque converter or valve body. kind of stuck any tips or help is appreciated.
submitted by peddy_cheps to f150 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:43 HorrorMonster26 Spongebob Video Games Iceberg

Spongebob Video Games Iceberg submitted by HorrorMonster26 to IcebergCharts [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:43 DefenseExpress The Magnolia SPG: Why russians Needed a 120mm Gun on a DT-30PM Arctic Tractor | Defense Express

The Magnolia SPG: Why russians Needed a 120mm Gun on a DT-30PM Arctic Tractor | Defense Express submitted by DefenseExpress to UkraineWarRoom [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:43 Jusep618 HelloRache or SaiberAssist?

On jan. 1 i got accepted as a contracter sa SA pero Feb. 3 pa daw yung training and if i'm not mistaken, 10 days of training lang ata sila and balita ko super dami daw ng pooling dun or waiting pa magkaclient. Pero naisip ko i'll just use it as a foundation nalang for knwoledge siguro for the HR training.
HR training will start daw by feb 17 if ever i pass the QE nung jan 28. Do you think it's wise to attend both training considering baka 1 and 1/2 day lang pahinga ko? I heard kasi super intensive ng training ng HR.
Also, i know both of these agencies have received a lot of negative feedbacks and the thing is i'm just taking my chances kasi kung magoospital ako as a nurse, i'd be earning way less than being a VA.
submitted by Jusep618 to medicalvaPH [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:43 AutoNewspaperAdmin [World] - No survivors expected in Washington DC passenger jet collision: officials | South China Morning Post

[World] - No survivors expected in Washington DC passenger jet collision: officials | South China Morning Post submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:43 Necessary_Couple3964 timestamp wrong

Hi everyone,
I'm collecting logs from my firewall (Fortigate) and the timestamp is later 3 hours but the data and hours is correct on firewall. He send the hours and data in the diferent field. I already tried created an extracto to fix this problem but i didn't have sucess.
Someone know how to fix?
submitted by Necessary_Couple3964 to graylog [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:43 AutoNewspaperAdmin [World] - UN experts urge Thailand to ditch royal defamation laws | South China Morning Post

[World] - UN experts urge Thailand to ditch royal defamation laws | South China Morning Post submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:43 brun0oooo FCLE Study Guide

Hello everyone, I wanted to share a study guide I made for the FCLE test. I took the test last semester and passed it. Here is the link to the document:
submitted by brun0oooo to MDC [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:43 mamamathilde777 Libido increase - does it level out?

Asking to clarify, I've read older posts but didn't get a straight answer. So those of you who've got the increased libido from Lamictal, have you felt it was dose dependent? Did it level out with a bigger dose or with time? I've felt this is different to hypersexuality as it doesn't involve any risky behavior and is more physical in nature. I kinda like it, but it can get annoying at times. I'm currently on 50mg and had bad side effects on 100 and 200mg so would like to stay on 50mg. I've been on Lamictal for 2 months this time around.
submitted by mamamathilde777 to lamictal [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:43 EldritchDWX Found a burnt out house, and the only thing that survived was an American flag. Because 'MURICA! 🫡

Found a burnt out house, and the only thing that survived was an American flag. Because 'MURICA! 🫡
submitted by EldritchDWX to projectzomboid [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:43 Jackdh123- Hi

Book 8 is probably coming out in February 12
submitted by Jackdh123- to Diaryofan8bitwarrior [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:43 olu_sales_mrkt [hiring] video animator & editor

I want to work with a video editor who can create videos like this - Please watch
You will be editing 8- 15 videos a month.
My budget range is $20- $35 per video depending on complexity but I’m flexible.
Please ONLY apply if you have a portfolio of of editing similar type of videos.
submitted by olu_sales_mrkt to forhire [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:43 AzuricanKnight One Perk of Dating the Chef

submitted by AzuricanKnight to xD1x [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:43 thefinal-daisy AIO To my fiancé after he texted this to me?

Me and my fiancé have been together for 6 years, and this weekend, things blew up. We were quite drunk and a little high, but he told me he was trans. We had a long conversation about it, and he told me he'd start presenting as a girl.
Flash forward a couple of hours later, he sends me this. By the end of this text thread, I started to have a panic attack because he wasn't the person I agreed to marry anymore.
After a long conversation with him, I've realized he doesn't even know what being trans means and literally didn't even know what he was saying. I'm still freaking out to be honest. Am I overreacting?
submitted by thefinal-daisy to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]