H:glowing blue devil w:telsa 3

2025.01.30 17:43 Squashkilla007 H:glowing blue devil w:telsa 3

submitted by Squashkilla007 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 Risikas What to do guys😭

What to do guys😭 submitted by Risikas to hoi4 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 clulessambivert Onde ver o BBB ao vivo

Gente, onde estão conseguindo ver o BBB ao vivo? Antes eu usava o mult!canais porém parece que saiu do ar...
submitted by clulessambivert to pirataria [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 Ambitious_Ad_4321 Loud compressor. Can’t stand the humming noise in the living room

submitted by Ambitious_Ad_4321 to heatpumps [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 OkNumber8074 How can I possibly tell my parents that I've left islam?

My mother is very very religious. My father isn't. He listens to music a lot and doesn't grow up his beard. My mom is so religious that she doesn't even try to guide him past making little jokes and nudging him lightly to stop sinning because actually giving him a firm talking to about his sins would be "disrespectfing her husband". I hate how she treats him. She doesn't even call him by his name. My father isn't oppressive or anything. He's actually really chill guy and tries to make her stop being like that but I guess she thinks its her religious duty.
My problem is that Ramadan is coming up and I have some really important exams in the middle of it. I can't study for shit on an empty stomach. Should I just break it to them that I don't believe anymore? We are from Saudi. I'm 101% sure my motheris going to explode. My father would be sad but most probably respect it because we're really close and we've had talks about leaving Islam. He's told me that he thinks the Sharia law about killing people who leave Islam is dumb (but I'm guessing his reaction would be different of he would out I'm going to be the one leaving).
I could just push through it like so many others do and just stop being a pussy but idk, it's jait gonna make things so much easier.
But I dont think these exams are worth breaking the news to my parents over.
Does anyone tips or experiences about telling parents about leaving Islam for future me?
And I would like some tips on sneaking food into your system while fasting.
submitted by OkNumber8074 to exmuslim [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 The-Lizard-Man Is this worth purchasing?

Says GK&CO, Nepal
submitted by The-Lizard-Man to Kukri [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 io50721 El que necesita el xokas

El que necesita el xokas submitted by io50721 to elxokas [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 AgueroAgnis Is Origami Angel considered Pop Punk?

Is Origami Angel considered Pop Punk? submitted by AgueroAgnis to poppunkers [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 ChallengeAmazing4012 hotel resort recs?

partner and i are looking to visit early june for about a week. most of our plans will involve exploring old town, beaches, shops, etc, so we will be in that main area primarily. we were originally booked with the gates at key west hotel, but are now reconsidering as the walk from the hotel to just about anything would take over an hour, and even with bikes a 20-30 min trip.
what are some nice, tropical vibe resorts that are closer to the old town area that is easily walkable, has a pool, free wifi, free or cheap parking, that won’t cost us an arm and a leg per night? the gates hotel would cost us about $180 per night + i believe $15 parking a day. so something that wouldn’t be much more than that a night, say $220 being the cutoff.
TIA! :)
submitted by ChallengeAmazing4012 to KeyWest [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 CodeNimbus My own Home Lab Rack

My own Home Lab Rack submitted by CodeNimbus to homelab [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 SercTCG Going second player should have more time

Why do I as the going second player have as much time as the person going first playing solitaire and shitting out their linear combo while I have to think about how to break a board + play around handtraps with the same amount of time?
submitted by SercTCG to masterduel [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 VorlonEmperor If Babylon 5 was a series of novels, how do you think you’d imagine the characters/alien races in your mind?

Imagine that Babylon 5 was a series of classic Sci-Fi novels in the 1990s instead of a tv show.
There are extra scenes and details but everything in the show is more or less the same in the novels.
How do you think your mental image of the characters and the various alien races would compare to their real counterparts?
submitted by VorlonEmperor to babylon5 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 Crafty-Confidence-46 IKEA Besta „Hack“

IKEA Besta „Hack“ Hi ihr Lieben! Ich hoffe der Post ist „selbermachen“ genug. Situation: Umzug in Wohnung mit großer Wohnküche, Küche selbst ist jetzt aber nicht soooo toll geplant (ich denke uns wird Platz fehlen, unsere aktuelle Kpche ist ein Raumwunder). Wir müssen da noch dazubauen und meine Idee ist nun unter der Dachschräge (1m) unter den 2 Fenstern tiefe Schubladen nachzurüsten. Hier sollen Geräte wie AirFryer, Toaster etc. verschwinden, die nicht immer auf die Arbeitsplatze gehören. Nun hätte ich das gern mit Schubladen gelöst, ich brauch aber natürlich ne gewisse Höhe, die ein Malm nicht bietet.
Daher der Gedanke: Besta Korpus Höhe 64cm, mit der höchsten Schublade 25cm und der Trick: Die Front mit Höhe 64cm die man dann eben dranschraubt, statt der egtl passenden Front. So hab ich die nötige Höhe und ein farblich sehr flexibles IKEA Modell. Hat das schonmal jemand gemacht und was wären bessere Ideen? :D etwas das den Meter besser ausnutzt und zumindest teilweise Schubladen hat? die Küchenkorpusse hab ich auch gescoutet aber die kenn ich „in echt“ einfach nicht so gut wie das good old Besta.n
submitted by Crafty-Confidence-46 to selbermachen [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 b0bx42 I made a tool that converts Blog Posts to Infographics in one click

hey folks, i have built out a tool which can covert blogs to infographics which can be edited further Canva Style. i am looking for critical feedback on it
Here is the link: https://www.infographixai.app/
submitted by b0bx42 to ProductMarketing [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 F-B--I Free $8

Get $8 sent to your PayPal after making any purchase. There are items less than $1 with free shipping.
submitted by F-B--I to EarningOnline [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 BellaSiciliana Are there any good Godfather 1 Mods?

Like the maybe being able to play as other people in the game.
submitted by BellaSiciliana to TheGodfatherGames [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 TheoryFan222 CFCS Exam

Hey there! I don’t see many posts about the CFCS Exam? Has anyone completed it lately?
Tips for the Exam?!
submitted by TheoryFan222 to moneylaundering [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 Positive-Low-1660 Is this normal?

I have two playlists one for me and one to listen to around my friends because they are pretty judgemental about stuff like that. Thanks for reading.
submitted by Positive-Low-1660 to spotify [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 bluesquare2543 Please post the meme of Spongebob ascending during the chorus of “Love You to Death”

Thank you
submitted by bluesquare2543 to typeonegative [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 itsLaloMar BTD 600, M4 and High Quality Audio Mode equals no sound

Okay so maybe I'm doing something wrong but if I have HQ mode on and then I connect the M4s with the BTD 600 and I go to play music through Apple Music then no sound comes out of the headphones. I have to switch the M4s to standard audio quality in order for sound to start playing again. Anyone else having this issue? If so, how did you solve it?
It seems once the codex goes to Aptx adaptive it makes it so no sound comes out of the headphones, which I thought the whole point of the BTD 600 was so I could play music in Aptx Adaptive.
submitted by itsLaloMar to sennheiser [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 __freaky_psych__ Am I Wrong?

submitted by __freaky_psych__ to JKreacts [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 GrugHo air fryer blows off the cheese

air fryer blows off the cheese submitted by GrugHo to chibleetwitch [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 HelpfulCollar511 "Ear fatigue" is a deceptivly evil term

When you see that term it sounds just like a normal thing, but It actually temporary/ sometimes permanent damage, the tiny hairs in the ear that sense sound get flattened from too much exposure. so you lose sensitivity. most of the time they get back up and you fully restore sensitivty,
But heres the thing, with repeated temporary damage like that, over months to years, those hairs will not stand back up and stay permanently flattened. this term should be changed
submitted by HelpfulCollar511 to edmproduction [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 Ok-Credit-7619 Cześć mogę przystawić

submitted by Ok-Credit-7619 to waleniepolska [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 goldyluckinblokchain XRP's 50% rally outperforms crypto market in January — Is $4 the next stop?

submitted by goldyluckinblokchain to CryptoCurrency [link] [comments]
