2025.01.30 18:26 AutoNewspaperAdmin [AU] - Celebrity cavoodle defamation case triggers dramatic legal falling-out | Sydney Morning Herald
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:26 Starfleetpilot89 Does anyone have the Korbanth Exile Luke Ep8 saber?
If so, what are your thoughts on it? Want to get one but hate the weathering and the triangle buttons. Not sure why they went with that. Anyone think it can be modified as well? If so, I’ll absolutely pull the trigger on one. submitted by Starfleetpilot89 to lightsabers [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:26 AutoNewspaperAdmin [AU] - No bike helmets during Games: Cycling’s wish list for Brisbane 2032 | Sydney Morning Herald
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:26 AutoNewspaperAdmin [AU] - End of an era as Elizabeth’s Bookshop retreats from Perth CBD | Sydney Morning Herald
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:26 tomben0705 [discussion] Why did satella take the witch factor of envy?
Satella was friends with all the witches (excluding echidna) she must have know a thing or two about the witch factors, how did she not know that if you take a witch factor that you are incompatible with you lose your mind. Did she not know she wasn't envious?
submitted by tomben0705 to Re_Zero [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:26 warmonger82 Sarah Paine EP 3: How Mao Conquered China (Lecture & Interview)
submitted by warmonger82 to ChunghwaMinkuo [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:26 AutoNewspaperAdmin [AU] - ‘Unreserved and sincere’: Guy Grossi apologises after groping allegation | Sydney Morning Herald
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:26 Romasi21 Transferência de propriedade
Comprei meu primeiro carro de um parente, fomos no cartório dia 20/12/2024 e o vendedor reconheceu firma, eu precisei ir depois porque não aceitaram meu RG por conta da foto ser muito antiga.
Dia 17/01/2025 eu voltei lá com o RG novo e reconheci firma, meu parente tinha me explicado o processo bem por cima e eu entendi que após isso o cartório faria a transferência de propriedade pro meu nome.
Agora o prazo de 30 dias para a transferência de propriedade acabou e o veículo não está no meu nome, o site do detran.sp fala que a multa é de R$ 130,16 e 4 pontos na carteira mas eu ainda não tirei minha CNH, o que vai acontecer? Tem como recorrer visto que só reconheci firma dia 17/01? Vou conseguir fazer a transferência de propriedade normalmente só pagando a multa?
submitted by Romasi21 to ConselhosLegais [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:26 Bigfatstripeycat Minnie is a professional straight legged snuggler
submitted by Bigfatstripeycat to straightenedfeetsies [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:26 ElectronicFudge5 Police search home over 1994 taxi driver murder
submitted by ElectronicFudge5 to TrueCrimeGenre [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:26 AutoNewspaperAdmin [AU] - ‘I did die’: Rachel Griffiths on one of her kids’ births | Sydney Morning Herald
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:26 bdndbdndh Cancellations
Hi I’m looking for cancellation and wondering does anyone have any idea what the best times is to look for cancellations at ? ( looking at Mullingar test centre ) but will take answers from anywhere
submitted by bdndbdndh to Irishdrivingtest [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:26 AutoNewspaperAdmin [AU] - If you’re served a Coke at a cafe, should you get the 10¢ bottle refund? | Sydney Morning Herald
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:26 EatventurePlayer1057 Need Club to carry. Can make 1000 XP. City 8.
btw, is this a good built for City 8? i also have the Chopsticks? submitted by EatventurePlayer1057 to eatventureofficial [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:26 AutoNewspaperAdmin [AU] - Armed guards, private drivers and cameras: Jewish communities spend ‘fortune’ on security | Sydney Morning Herald
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:26 Aiden_and_Griswald Tell a ghost story that happened to you that sounds unbelievable but it’s true?
submitted by Aiden_and_Griswald to shortscarystories [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:26 polomalugotweirdname [H] $435 Apple store gift card [W] 80% Apple pay, cashapp, Paypal
receipt available. comment before pm.
submitted by polomalugotweirdname to GCTrading [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:26 Exact-Lie-8397 Can anybody identify this file?
Found this file while cleaning out my grandfathers shop. It was in his chainsaw toolbox, but he was a pretty crafty guy, so also wouldn’t be surprised if it wasn’t actually intended for chainsaw use. It’s got 2 flat sides and 2 concave sides submitted by Exact-Lie-8397 to Tools [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:26 AutoNewspaperAdmin [AU] - Fear of thousands of cannibal mice helped sink a huge NSW recycling plant | Sydney Morning Herald
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:26 MrJackfruit Odd to be asking this FAAAAAR ahead of when it would be released, but do you guys think that the DLC expansion will be like Sunbreak with barely any subspecies and a focus more on new or returning Monsters or Iceborne where a huge chunk of it was Subspecies and Rare species with a few brand new.
The complete lack of them has me worried for Wilds, but if the DLC is basically just.....dedicated to mostly doing subspecies, rare species, and variants with only a few regular returning monsters excluding title updates, that would be fine honestly.
submitted by MrJackfruit to monsterhunterleaks [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:26 Bella_HH Best way to charge a brand new s24 ultra for the first time?
I'm aware that keeping it between 20% and 80% is best for battery health. However, I've found multiple sources saying you should calibrate your battery by charging it to 100% and letting it completely drain and repeat this for a few days.
But I'm still not sure if this is necessary for everyone and if I should do it from the very first time or after charging it from 20 to 100% for a few days?
submitted by Bella_HH to S24Ultra [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:26 ParkingMarch97 Buying annual battlepass for friend.
I've read what I could online to try and figure out how to do this, but I'm either blind or stupid (probably both lol). Does anyone know how/where I can buy an annual battlepass for a friend? I'm on PC and play through steam if that matters.
submitted by ParkingMarch97 to RainbowSixSiege [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:26 AutoNewspaperAdmin [AU] - Armed guards, private drivers and cameras: Jewish communities spend ‘fortune’ on security | Sydney Morning Herald
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:26 Opening-Fox3490 Thinking of Charging Per Question for Psychic Readings
I’m a psychic, and I’m in the process of building my website. I was thinking of charging $1.99 per question - you ask, I respond, and each reply would be the same price. That way, it stays affordable, and people can decide if they want to continue based on my responses without committing to a big upfront cost.
I’d be offering this via text, email, or voice messages.
What do you guys think? Does this pricing make sense? Should I charge differently? Open to any ideas - would love to hear your thoughts!
submitted by Opening-Fox3490 to PsychicReaders [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:26 Eliaaa8747 How to Set Up Synology Drive Client on Mac Without Downloading Everything?
I just installed Synology Drive Client on my new MacBook and want all my folders to appear with the cloud icon (on-demand sync), so they don’t take up local storage but remain visible in Finder.
I also want the Synology Drive folder to be located in: /Users/user1/Documents/SynologyDrive
However, after completing the setup, Synology Drive started downloading everything, including large RAW photo files from old photography projects that I don’t need locally.
How can I configure Synology Drive Client to:
) instead of the default?