The Wankh, by Caza

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2025.01.30 18:30 saigne-crapaud The Wankh, by Caza

The Wankh, by Caza submitted by saigne-crapaud to CoolSciFiCovers [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 Choom_AOE EGC Masters Winter - Playoffs - Upper Bracket Quarter Finals - Match 3

submitted by Choom_AOE to aoe4 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 Limaverroes What is the existencialist framework of Neyrat?

submitted by Limaverroes to CriticalTheory [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 big_spoder Suggestion: Make purple star systems instantly accessible - but only in Creative Mode

I'm well aware that I seem to be in the minority here, but I'm torn as to whether it was such a great idea to lock the new content behind the main storyline + autophage quests.
Now, before anyone calls me a lazy/entitled whiner, I've literally been playing this game since launch, I have finished the storyline multiple times in various modes and on 3 platforms back during the Atlas Rises/NEXT era. I got an old save and thus no problems accessing the new content almost immediately.
And, I do perfectly understand the sentiment of having an "end-game" as a reward for the storyline. This is indeed a very good reward, this is some top notch exploration content that the game desperately needed and I'm glad they introduced it.
Imagine you're not an advanced player, or maybe you don't have as much time as you used to have (I certainly don't) and want to hop into the game on an evening to relax after work. You get excited for gas giants and deep oceans, you just want to explore and see the new crazy worlds. Or maybe you started a new save and don't want to play through the story for the umpteenth time. Or maybe you're just not a story-driven player. You boot up the game, and it doesn't even TELL you that all of this is locked behind a large questline.
New content contributes to the longevity of the game by drawing in new players - but in this case they're gonna be confused af, which is evident by the many questions ("I've been warping around for an hour and still no gas giants") asked here. You have to consider that the vast majority out there are probably never going to experience all the new beauty of these new worlds if it stays like this, and that'd be a shame because if people experience more beautiful worlds, they're automatically gonna recommend the game to others.
Another really big downside of this is that, for veteran players, the old yellow/red/green/blue star systems basically become obsolete. Their old variety is completely detached from what is possible in purple systems, even though some aspects have been overhauled in old systems.
So, here's a compromise solution / suggestion: If this whole new content stays locked behind a long questline for the sole reason of protecting base builders, at least make the purple systems instantly accessible in Creative Mode or provide a setting that makes them instantly accessible. Take Minecraft as an example, that game also provides some end-game content and you can either get to it normally, or, if you're not into grinding, via Creative Mode.
submitted by big_spoder to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 olyfrijole A GenZer breaks down Richard Pryor's 80s movie "The Toy"

submitted by olyfrijole to GenX [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 lq3y_swm Msü kayıt

Msü kayıt Arkadaşım e devlet bilgileriyle giriş yapmaya çalıştığında şöyle bir şey çıkıyo neden?
submitted by lq3y_swm to liseliler [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 Knight_of_the_Nine A post of appreciation to DDM4V7!

A post of appreciation to DDM4V7! submitted by Knight_of_the_Nine to GhostRecon [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 erer1243 Currently, it's January 30, 2025 at 01:30PM

Currently, it's January 30, 2025 at 01:30PM
submitted by erer1243 to every15min [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 Peeecee7896 State Bar orders suspension of former OC Supervisor Andrew Do's law license

State Bar orders suspension of former OC Supervisor Andrew Do's law license submitted by Peeecee7896 to CAPoliticalNews [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 lss_web_1444 Image post title 352

Image post title 352 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:29 marecco [WTB] 2x Surefire UE tailcaps in FDE

Looking to buy 2 of these bad boys. Willing to go up to $50 each if they are new. $45 each with a bit of sale.
submitted by marecco to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:29 SavageMadman Stripped truss rod?

Stripped truss rod? Sorry if it’s hard to tell from here, this is this best shot I could get of it. I picked up a ‘97 Squier P Bass a couple of months ago, in beautiful shape with a really nice feeling neck for an inexpensive bass. I wanted to adjust the action on it, and the alan keys I was using felt like they weren’t catching. Before I kept trying and turning it and potentially stripping it more, I wanted to see if I could get a second opinion. Thanks
submitted by SavageMadman to BassGuitar [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:29 chubmumbai Free bong anyone?

I have a largeish bong that I need to make disappear in the morning... I'm in Mumbai, anyone want a free bong will need to travel down to where I am. It's a used bong of course. Pics on request.
submitted by chubmumbai to IndianEnts [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:29 -whitekingfr- How did you know that you were goth ?

Me : Taste in music, cinema, politic and outfit (no make up for me)
submitted by -whitekingfr- to goth [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:29 Boborette even more items i drew recently

even more items i drew recently submitted by Boborette to aseprite [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:29 ninjas05 Do taskers have general contractor's liability?

I'm looking to hire a tasker to lift some heavy items in my home. I'm wondering if Task Rabbit has a requirement for taskers to have general contractor's insurance.
submitted by ninjas05 to TaskRabbit [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:29 100AlphaWolf Australia hit the thumbs up

Australia hit the thumbs up submitted by 100AlphaWolf to mapswithoutnewzealand [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:29 organic_seaweed244 My partner is stressing me out while I'm grieving. Advice?

On Monday I lost my cat and best friend of 16 years. I don't remember a life without her as I was a kid when we got her. Losing her was literally my worst nightmare and it came true this week. Truly heartbroken.
I've been lucky that I haven't had to go to work this week, and cancelled any other obligations. I've been really devastated, crying every morning, night and in-between. Though I'm trying to distract my brain with anything and everything, meaning mostly binge watching series and scrolling through tiktok.
The thing is, I don't feel like seeing anyone right now. and I feel like my boyfriend (of 3yrs) is pressuring me to meet up or to grieve in a different way. I know he's trying to help out, but as I've been a bit absent from texting (taking maybe 2-3hrs to reply) he asked me if I'm mad at him, when he knows this has nothing to do with him (which is what I told him). He has also been saying that he wants to hang out, asking everyday if I want to meet up or have a phone call and that I should go out and not be at home all day. I know It's well intended but It's starting to stress me out. It's only been 3 days...
Am I overreacting to his behavior? What's a good way to talk to him about this? Thank you in advance.
submitted by organic_seaweed244 to GriefSupport [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:29 RationalPragmatist Kemalizm’in Doğru Yorumlanması

Kemalizm’in en doğru yorumu, onun tarihsel bağlamını, temel ilkelerini ve dinamik yapısını göz önünde bulundurarak yapılabilir. Kemalizm, sadece bir döneme ait bir ideoloji değil, modernleşmeyi esas alan, zamanın gereklerine göre kendini yenileyebilen bir düşünce sistemidir. Atatürk’ün hedeflediği çağdaşlaşma yolunda, altı temel ilke üzerine inşa edilmiştir:
1) Cumhuriyetçilik -Cumhuriyetçilik, halkın egemenliğini esas alan yönetim biçimini savunur. Saltanat ve hilafetin kaldırılması, halkın iradesinin ön plana çıkarılması bu ilkenin temel taşlarıdır. Ancak cumhuriyetçilik sadece bir yönetim biçimi değil, aynı zamanda halkın özgür bireyler olarak demokratik süreçlere katılmasını sağlayan bir zihniyeti de içerir.
2) Milliyetçilik -Kemalist milliyetçilik, ırk ya da din temelli bir anlayışa değil, kültürel ve vatandaşlık bağına dayanır. Atatürk'ün "Ne mutlu Türk'üm diyene!" sözü, etnik kökeni ne olursa olsun Türkiye Cumhuriyeti vatandaşı olan herkesin bu kimlik altında birleşmesini ifade eder. Bu anlayış, dışlayıcı değil, kapsayıcı bir milliyetçiliktir.
3) Halkçılık -Halkçılık, toplumdaki sınıf ayrımlarını reddederek halkın çıkarlarını ön planda tutan bir ilkedir. Temelinde sosyal adalet, fırsat eşitliği ve dayanışma bulunur. Atatürk, Türkiye'de sınıfsız, kaynaşmış bir toplum hedeflemiştir. Günümüzde bu ilke, sosyal devlet anlayışı çerçevesinde yorumlanmalıdır.
4) Laiklik -Laiklik, devlet işlerinin din işlerinden ayrılmasını ve bireylerin dini inançlarını özgürce yaşamasını öngörür. Ancak laiklik, sadece din ve devlet işlerinin ayrılması anlamına gelmez, aynı zamanda akıl ve bilimi esas alan bir yönetim anlayışını da içerir. Günümüzde laiklik, bireysel özgürlüklerin korunması ve inanç temelli ayrımcılığın önlenmesi açısından büyük önem taşımaktadır.
5) Devletçilik -Devletçilik, özel teşebbüsü reddetmeyen, ancak ekonomik kalkınmada devletin düzenleyici ve öncü bir rol üstlenmesini öngören bir ilkedir. Atatürk döneminde uygulanan devletçilik, o dönemdeki ekonomik koşullar göz önüne alındığında, Türkiye’nin sanayileşmesi ve ekonomik bağımsızlığını kazanması için bir zorunluluktu. Günümüzde bu ilke, piyasa ekonomisi ile uyumlu bir şekilde, devletin sosyal refahı sağlaması ve stratejik alanlarda düzenleyici bir rol oynaması şeklinde yorumlanmalıdır.
6) Devrimcilik -Devrimcilik, Atatürk'ün gerçekleştirdiği reformların sadece geçmişte kalmaması, çağın gereksinimlerine göre sürekli yenilenmesi gerektiğini ifade eder. Statik bir yapıya sahip değildir; aksine, ilerleme ve modernleşmeyi esas alır. Günümüzde devrimcilik, teknolojik gelişmelerin takip edilmesi, eğitim reformlarının yapılması ve demokratik süreçlerin güçlendirilmesi anlamına gelmelidir.
Günümüzde Kemalizm’in Yanlış Yorumlanması -Bazı kesimler Kemalizm’i ya aşırı katı ve değişmez bir dogma olarak görmekte ya da yalnızca belirli ilkelerle sınırlı bir şekilde ele almaktadır: a) Sadece laiklik ile özdeşleştirilmesi: Kemalizm, laiklik ilkesini içerir ancak bundan ibaret değildir. Tüm ilkeleri bir bütün olarak ele alınmalıdır. b) Katı ve değişmez bir ideoloji gibi görülmesi: Kemalizm, devrimcilik ilkesi gereği kendini yenileyebilen bir düşünce sistemidir. Atatürk’ün mantığına uygun şekilde, günün koşullarına göre çağdaş yorumlar geliştirilmelidir. c) Milliyetçiliğin dar ve dışlayıcı bir anlayışa indirgenmesi: Atatürk’ün milliyetçiliği, kapsayıcı ve bütünleştirici bir yaklaşımdır. Etnik kimliği esas almak yerine ortak vatandaşlık bağı üzerine kurulmuştur. d) Devletçiliğin tamamen sosyalizm veya katı devlet kontrolü olarak yorumlanması: Kemalist devletçilik, özel sektörle rekabet eden değil, onu destekleyen bir ekonomik anlayıştır. Devletin stratejik alanlarda öncü olması gerektiği fikrini barındırır.
submitted by RationalPragmatist to SivilMilliyetcilik [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:29 AestheticG01 The Art of the GOD

submitted by AestheticG01 to SouthIndianAngels [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:29 oushhie getting my second piercing today!

i’m 22 and got my ears pierced at 13, and haven’t been able to get other piercings i want until now. so, i’ve decided on dolphin bites, and wanted to know if there’s anything i can/should do to prepare for that? i have my appointment later on this evening :)
submitted by oushhie to piercing [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:29 B0SS_Zombie A (Probably) Complete List of Crown Crate Release/Return Dates (V.4)

It's that time again, the previous post was archived, so here's the new one for your commenting pleasure.
The purpose of this list is to act as a resource for information regarding Crown Crate release History.

Dwarven Crates:
Reaper's Harvest Crates:
Flame Atronach Crates:
Scalecaller Crates:
Psijic Vault Crates:
Hollowjack Crates:
Xanmeer Crates:
Dragonscale Crates:
Baandari Pedlar Crates:
New Moon Crates:
Frost Atronach Crates:
Gloomspore Crates:
Nightfall Crates:
Sovngarde Crates:
Akaviri Potentate Crates:
Ayleid Crates:
Iron Atronach Crates:
Grim Harlequin Crates:
Celestial Crates:
Sunken Trove Crates:
Dark Chivalry Crates:
Wraithtide Crates:
Stonelore Crates:
Ragebound Crates:
Unfeathered Crates:
Bouyant Armiger Crates:
All-Maker Crates:
Order of the Lamp Crates:
Diamond Anniversary Crates (Celebrating ESO's Tenth Year):
Dark Brotherhood Crates:
Mirrormoor Crates
(Carnivale Crates)
("Akatosh vs Alduin")
submitted by B0SS_Zombie to elderscrollsonline [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:29 -Ranker- Paying $50 for each Acorns Referral + $5 Acorns Welcome Bonus [Limited Time & Slots]

Paying $50 for each Acorns Referral + $5 Acorns Welcome Bonus [Limited Time & Slots] Paying $50 each to 2 more people to sign up for Acorns.
Requirements: U.S. Only, 18+ years old, valid ID, active bank account, and $5 to invest!
DM me if you're interested! Payment proofs here: Paypal & Cashapp
submitted by -Ranker- to referralcodes [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:29 Stock-Hippo-8517 Anyone has good tune for EG6 civic for otsuki?

submitted by Stock-Hippo-8517 to MidnightRacingTokyo [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:29 Zoyalai22 Up for sale or trading for micromallows!

Up for sale or trading for micromallows! Open to looking at any micros available. I prefer the ones with tags :)
submitted by Zoyalai22 to BSTsquishmallow [link] [comments]