Surgery confirmed for Monday 🥹

2025.01.30 21:40 really_riana Surgery confirmed for Monday 🥹

Just spoke to a representative of the hospital I’m having my bisalp to go over medication and what to do from here out. Officially ready for my sterilization on Monday. I will report back when it’s done :)
submitted by really_riana to sterilization [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 Cold_Barber_4761 How bad is the reverse commute (SA to NB in the a.m. and NB to SA in the p.m.)?

I currently live north/north central in San Antonio and am considering a job in NB (typical 9-5, Monday through Friday). I know the NB to SA commute is a drag, but how about the reverse commute from SA to NB and back?
ETA: My husband works remotely, and, if I took this job and loved it, but hated the commute, we'd very likely think about moving to the NB area, so I'd probably do it for 6 months and see how it goes.
submitted by Cold_Barber_4761 to Newbraunfels [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 Inevitable_Question Posting Misaka art to remind that she is best girl Day 595

Posting Misaka art to remind that she is best girl Day 595 submitted by Inevitable_Question to Toaru [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 ahriem GOT THE IMMERSIVE

GOT THE IMMERSIVE submitted by ahriem to PokemonPocket [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 EmbarrassedGrass1057 What moves should I teach Gengar and Alakazam (HGSS)

I just traded both and have both sitting in the daycare. My Alakazam is lvl 24 and my Gengar is sitting at 33 with shadow ball. I want to keep shadow ball and mean look to catch fleeing Pokémon. Other than that what other 2 moves? I’ve only got 4 gym badges so far. As far as Alakazam, it has teleport, confusion, and disable so far. Any help and tips would be great thanks.
Ps: someone mentioned to use ice punch, fire punch and thunder punch on Alakazam but idk how long I’d have to wait for that.
submitted by EmbarrassedGrass1057 to pokemon [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 Unknownbadger4444 24 January 2025 : Good Times Bad Times : New Syria. Same Ol' Problems.

24 January 2025 : Good Times Bad Times : New Syria. Same Ol' Problems. submitted by Unknownbadger4444 to SyrianRebels [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 Scientist34again 42% of Americas farmworkers will potentially be deported.

submitted by Scientist34again to ChangingAmerica [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 MILFBBWLadyC W: Moths of West Virginia Mounting Board H: What do you want?

submitted by MILFBBWLadyC to Market76 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 Opening-Ebb-9350 More Prom Queen News
We also have a lot of official character names.
India Fowler as Lori Granger
Fina Strazza as Tiffany Falconer
Ariana Greenblatt as Christy Renault
Ella Rubin as Melissa McKendrick
Ilan O'Driscoll as Linda Harper
Rebecca Ablack as Debbie Winters
Suzanna Son as Megan Rogers (assuming this is a reference to Dawn Rodgers)
Also, a lot of the news outlets covering this are saying the movie is coming out in the summer. This is contradictory to what the official book reprint says, but either of them could end up being correct.
submitted by Opening-Ebb-9350 to Fear_Street [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 waynelui147 6468 0692 1451 dialga let’s get the shiny

submitted by waynelui147 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 Igormoroniy [FOR HIRE] Illustrator available to create character designs and scenes with your RPG party | DM for more info!

submitted by Igormoroniy to comissions [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 AnOddSprout Hey look. A 4080 for only £1366

Hey look. A 4080 for only £1366 submitted by AnOddSprout to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 dontcallmepudin Guys, PLEASE don't pay a scalper.

I can't tell you how many 5080s and 5090s I've seen on marketplace and Amazon and ebay for 2-4 TIMES retail. Ladies and gentlemen, the upgrade is NOT WORTH lining the pockets of these miserable scalpers. Just wait for restocks and be up to date and be patient. Esp with the 50 series cards, the upgrade usually is negligible if you're upgrading from a 40 series card. It's absolutely sad that people are listing 5080's for $2400 when it's just an overclocked 4080super. STAY STRONG AND DONT LET THEM WIN PLEASE IT ISNT WORTH. JUST BE PATIENT.
submitted by dontcallmepudin to gpu [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 Leadbanger17 Decision Tree Model in Excel?

I would like to do a pretty basic decision tree predictive model in Excel, and need some guidance. I have data that shows how many transactions and total dollars spent, summed up across a number of different variable combinations.
For confidentiality sake, let’s use an NFL example to guide my question. I’d like to determine what variables are most statistically significant in determining what the average ticket price would be for a regular season Detroit Lions game. Let’s say I have historical Lions ticket purchase data from many years.
I have four columns: day of week, opponent, weather, and national TV broadcast Y/N. Across every possible combination of those four variables, I have the total tickets purchased count and I have the sum of total dollars spent on tickets.
I would like to use Excel to make a decision tree model - essentially help me determine which entries within those 4 variables is the most statistically significant in determining the average ticket price (example: opponent?), and then tell me what threshold is where the significance is (example: playing the chiefs or eagles, vs any other opponent). That is break #1 in the tree. Then below that break it shows me the next most statistically significant variable break, etc etc.
I have the Analysis Excel Add-In.
Is this possible? Can anyone guide me? Thank you.
submitted by Leadbanger17 to excel [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 DrFloyd1972 ¿OPV del Real Madrid en 2026?

¿OPV del Real Madrid en 2026? Florentino Pérez, el todopoderoso presidente del Real Madrid, no se conforma con tener un club de fútbol, quiere un imperio financiero. Recién reelegido hasta 2029, está tanteando la posibilidad de que los socios pasen a ser accionistas, abriendo la puerta a una posible salida a bolsa. Y no hablamos de una operación cualquiera: 1.000 millones de euros por un 10% del club, lo que elevaría su valoración total a unos astronómicos 10.000 millones de euros. 💰⚽
Para ponerlo en perspectiva, si el Madrid cotizara en bolsa, su capitalización sería similar a la de empresas como Bankinter, Acciona o Banco Sabadell. Sí, el club que hasta ahora se ha dedicado a fichar galácticos podría acabar codeándose con gigantes del IBEX 35.
La idea es ofrecer un modelo "democrático" donde los actuales socios conserven el control, aunque con un pequeño giro financiero: una entrada en bolsa que podría arrancar con un 10% y, con el tiempo, liberar hasta el 49% del capital. En España o en Estados Unidos, la cuestión es que el Madrid quiere jugar en el gran mercado bursátil como si fuera la Champions de las finanzas.
Florentino ya tiene a Key Capital y Clifford Chance asesorando en esta "reorganización societaria". Mientras tanto, los socios blancos podrían verse convertidos en accionistas con títulos que podrían costar más de 100.000 euros cada uno. Sí, ser del Madrid podría salir tan caro como fichar a Mbappé.
Eso sí, antes de que nos veamos comprando acciones con el dinero de la hucha, la propuesta necesita la bendición de los socios en un referéndum. Si todo va según el guion de Florentino, la consulta podría celebrarse en 2025 y sentar las bases de la futura cotización del club.
En resumen: el Real Madrid no solo busca ganar en el césped, también quiere ser el rey del parqué… bursátil. ¿Será esta la jugada maestra de Florentino o una fantasía financiera? ¡Hagan sus apuestas!
submitted by DrFloyd1972 to private_equity_spain [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 Connorray1234 How do Saturn's moons cast shadows on the planet of it's so dim out there?

submitted by Connorray1234 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 Orochinagi Man steals an Amazon package right in front of the worker and these kids quickly jump into action.

submitted by Orochinagi to MadeMeSmile [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 Suislidekings You can do a lot in a year (36)

You can do a lot in a year (36) submitted by Suislidekings to GlowUps [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 freakydeku I need to cancel my subs, but would really like to use my credits. What is the best book you’ve listened to on audible?

I’m open to pretty much all genres! & also pretty open on literature “brow level”. I’m down for a literary triumph and also something
submitted by freakydeku to audible [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 TannenbergBlitz Ettingermentum teased this TTNW map on Twitter, revealing a bunch of interesting third-party candidates.

submitted by TannenbergBlitz to thecampaigntrail [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 Atitech_Games Gorebox on iOS?

In late 2024 I saw it said 2024 for iOS on their website(if you clicked it takes you to the same website you are viewing) now the option is just gone. Anybody knows what happened? I know for sure it couldn’t have beeen because of App Store have limitations for gore because I know many other games with much worst.
submitted by Atitech_Games to GoreBox_F2Games [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 -GenesisEva Finally finished this for a friend 💔

Finally finished this for a friend 💔 Kind of happy with the result(?)
submitted by -GenesisEva to AnimalJam [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 8483 Could have played it masterfully...

566 is so stupid...
If he didn't rat on his alliance, he could have used the $650k to move his alliance to the next game, along with 2 more players...
Split $650K among 4 alliance members, $150K each, and bribe 2 more people for $50K.
This way, the WHOLE world knows forever that you are a hypocrite and a snitch.
Not worth the money...
submitted by 8483 to BeastGames [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 Igormoroniy [FOR HIRE] Illustrator available to create character designs and scenes with your RPG party | DM for more info!

[FOR HIRE] Illustrator available to create character designs and scenes with your RPG party | DM for more info! submitted by Igormoroniy to ArtSale [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 AtomicZombieDIY An old worksman trike and 50 feet of old tubing... why not? Built this in 2001.

An old worksman trike and 50 feet of old tubing... why not? Built this in 2001. submitted by AtomicZombieDIY to Frankenbike [link] [comments]