Sony A7iii or Canon R8

2025.01.30 22:01 StealthyCharger Sony A7iii or Canon R8

Wanting to get my 1st full frame mirrorless and currently have and love Canon cameras. But I saw what I thought to be a killer deal on a Sony a7iii with the 28-70 kit lens for $1600 brand new OR $1260 used excellent condition. The R8 on the other hand would be $1800 with the 24-50 kit lens. I do a mix of video and photography but not professionally just as a passionate hobby. Would the $550 in savings be worth going to the used Sony or should I spend the extra and get the R8? Or save $200 and get the new Sony. I'm not opposed to Sony at all I've just always liked Canon. I don't have any particular lenses in mind for future purchases so it's not like that's helping me decide one over the other.
submitted by StealthyCharger to Cameras [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 nekohacker591_ whats up with all of the random login attempts on my account

whats up with all of the random login attempts on my account submitted by nekohacker591_ to computers [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 AutoModerator Jeudi: Thread syndicat

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submitted by AutoModerator to founctionpublic_qc [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 TravellingFoodie Happy Chinese New Year - Year of the Snake! My favorite food for Chinese New Year is Peking Duck! What about you?

Happy Chinese New Year - Year of the Snake! My favorite food for Chinese New Year is Peking Duck! What about you? submitted by TravellingFoodie to chinesefood [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 RelativePainting5255 FREE! Xbox Gift Card Code Generator Updated 31 January 2025

Xbox gift cards serve as digital credits that allow users to purchase games, apps, subscriptions, and more on the Xbox platform.— I recently found a website that claimed to generate Xbox gift card codes and I would like to get in touch with a Microsoft employee to show them this website.Finding reputable sites to earn free Xbox codes is essential to ensure the legitimacy of the rewards. Platforms like Swagbucks offer various tasks such as surveys, watching videos, or playing games in exchange for points that can be redeemed for Xbox gift cards.
Some websites require users to input a unique code obtained through completing specific tasks on their platforms. These codes can then be exchanged for free Xbox gift cards without any monetary investment.sdgdsg
Official Channels
Official channels provided by Sony Xbox are also reliable sources for earning free Xbox codes. Participating in official giveaways, promotions, and events hosted by Xbox on their website or social media platforms can lead to winning free Xbox gift cards.
Websites like Swagbucks stand out as trustworthy options due to their long-standing reputation and positive user reviews regarding the redemption process and customer service. Users have reported successfully receiving free Xbox gift cards after accumulating enough points through simple online activities.sdgsdg
Pros: Legitimate way to obtain free Xbox codesVariety of tasks available on reputable websites
submitted by RelativePainting5255 to EndgameSpoilers [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 Salt_Sector3031 Someone please help

I deleted my project my project and I thankfully redownloaded it back but now its super crappy contrast and dull, almost like a setting got messed up.
submitted by Salt_Sector3031 to Unity3D [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 AutoModerator Daily feedback thread

This post is for users to post their lyrics and receive feedback.
Try to make sure your response is concise and respectful.
submitted by AutoModerator to writinghiphop [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 EncryptedEspresso Coffee drinkers are more likely to smoke cigarettes too. Do you smoke?

Coffee drinkers are more likely to smoke cigarettes too. Do you smoke?
View Poll
submitted by EncryptedEspresso to IndiaCoffee [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 Casio04 Si tienes cualquier tipo de problema, espero esto te ayude

He visto muchos temas aquí, tanto simples como complicados, algunos fuertes y otros que se pueden resolver fácilmente. Sea cual sea la situación, quiero tratar de ayudarte compartiendo un pequeño ejercicio que yo mismo hago cuando me siento agobiado o cuando no sé cómo solucionar algo. No digo que esta sea la solución, pero sí puede ayudarte un poco. Trata de seguir el ejercicio al pie de la letra para que tenga más impacto, y, sobre todo, cree en lo que estás haciendo. El ejercicio constará en cerrar los ojos y pensar en ciertas cosas, así que añadiré secciones “Abre los ojos” y “Cierra los ojos”, para que sepas hasta donde tienes que leer cada vez, antes de cerrarlos o abrirlos, espero no sea muy confuso.
Antes que nada, elije un lugar cómodo para leer esto, tu cuarto, tu silla, un sillón. Asegúrate de no tener distracciones y que haya el menor ruido posible.
Aquí comienzas, con los ojos abiertos
En unos momentos vas a cerrar los ojos, primero lee lo siguiente. Al cerrarlos, vas a respirar profundo, inhalar hasta donde puedas y exhalar lento, contando hasta 10, y repítelo 5 veces, Piensa en el lugar en donde estás, ponte cómod@ y reconoce todo tu cuerpo, desde tu cabeza hasta tus pies. ¿Te sientes cansado?, ¿Te duele algo? Reconócelo. Listo, cierra los ojos e inténtalo. Ábrelos solo cuando termines de respirar y reconocer cómo se siente tu cuerpo, tómate tu tiempo, no tienes que respirar solo 5 veces, puedes hacerlo cuantas veces quieras.
Cierra los ojos y no los abras hasta que termines
Ahora, vas a pensar en aquello que te está lastimando. Ya sea una pelea, un mensaje que descubriste, las palabras que te dijo tu pareja, cualquier razón por la que ahora estés sintiendo algo negativo. Cuando cierres los ojos, vas a hacer un reconocimiento completo de esas emociones.
Quiero que reconozcas, en este orden, lo siguiente (recuerda, todo con los ojos cerrados y respirando profundo, así que primero termina de leer).
1. ¿Qué sentimiento es? Dale el nombre correcto. ¿Estás seguro que es enojo? Tal vez es decepción, tal vez nostalgia, tal vez tristeza, melancolía. Reconócelo y ponlo en una cajita donde realmente tenga un nombre, etiquétalo.
2. ¿Dónde se siente? ¿Realmente lo sientes en el corazón o lo sientes en la cabeza, en el pecho, en los hombros? Reconoce dónde duele exactamente.
3. ¿Qué color tiene? Si tuviera un color, ¿qué color tendría y por qué crees que lo notas de ese color.
Quédate un rato así, con los ojos cerrados. Piensa en todo ello y cuando estés list@, continúa
Abre los ojos y continúa
Ahora sóbate lentamente ahí, donde duele, apapáchate, quiérete. Hazle saber a tu cuerpo que lo estás escuchando y que estás reconociendo su sentir, que te estás ayudando a ti mism@. Puedes continuar con los ojos cerrados o abiertos, como prefieras.
Ya identificaste qué sientes, cómo se siente y dónde y qué color tiene. Ahora vas a pensar en el por qué. ¿Cuál es el verdadero motivo de tu sentir? ¿Esa pelea es realmente porque no te contestó o por algo más? ¿Tienes algo que no has sacado y quieres decirle? ¿Te sientes limitad@ en tu accionar? Cierra los ojos de nuevo y concéntrate en ello. Piensa todo el tiempo que necesites, respira profundo todo el tiempo y trata de llegar a la raíz de tu sentir.
Cierra los ojos
Listo, llegamos al último paso. Vas a pensar ahora si el problema y su razón tienen solución, y si de verdad es algo tan importante para sentirte así. ¿Es realmente un problema por el cual tienes que sentirte así? ¿La(s) otra(s) persona(s) involucradas realmente son tan malas como piensas? ¿Tal vez tú reaccionaste de una forma que hirió a alguien más? Piensa cuál podría ser una solución en la que vuelvas a sentirte en paz contigo mism@. Si no encuentras una solución, no pasa nada, no te agobies, a veces el paso del tiempo es la solución, a veces viene a nosotros en algún momento aleatorio. Si no vas a pensar en una solución o no la encuentras, apapáchate un poquito más. Dite que te amas, que eres increíble y que saldrás adelante, porque lo eres y lo harás.
Cierra los ojos por última vez y ábrelos cuando te sientas list@ para terminar el ejercicio.
Y listo, espero te sirva de algo. Al inicio tal vez sea un poco confuso o lo hagas en pasos diferentes. Yo lo hago así porque me sirve a mí en particular, pero puedes cambiar el orden o agregar otro tipo de reflexiones. Si hicieras todo el ejercicio sin parar y sin abrir los ojos, estarías haciendo una pequeña meditación, y verás que te ayuda a resolver un poquito de lo que traes cargando.
Por último, dejo algunas reflexiones que tal vez te ayuden en algo.
- La base de una relación amorosa es la confianza y la comunicación. Estar con alguien y pensar si te engaña o no, o no poder comunicarle algo por miedo a que se enoje o te deje, no es una relación de amor, es una relación de costumbre y basada en un miedo a estar sol@ o sin esa persona. Piensa si realmente te amas tú mism@ lo suficiente, tal vez estás buscando el amor que no te das en otra persona y tienes miedo de perderlo. Si las cosas funcionan, funcionan para los dos, y esos pensamientos agobiantes no existen.
- Si una persona muy querida está enferma o falleció, lo siento mucho. Todos estamos de paso y aunque a veces no entendamos por qué suceden las cosas, no todas las personas van a estar en nuestro camino toda la vida, ni nosotros en sus caminos. Aprovecha esos momentos donde sus caminos se crucen, Agradece que esa persona tiene o tuvo su propio camino, y déjala continuar, nadie viene a esta vida a estar exclusivamente con nosotros.
- Si tienes problemas de trabajo o dinero, tómate un momento para pensar qué está pasando y cómo llegaste ahí. Puedes estar cegad@ por la desesperación, pero no te va a llevar a nada. El tiempo no pasa más rápido mientras estás agobiad@, aunque así parezca. Tal vez tu CV no es lo suficientemente atractivo, tal vez podrías cambiar tus hábitos de consumo, o hacer un presupuesto. Piensa en alternativas que te puedan ayudar, acércate a personas cercanas que puedan ofrecerte algún consejo, y forma un plan.
- Todos tenemos algún trauma o situación que ha afectado nuestra forma de pensar y actuar, y esa persona con la que tienes un pleito (que podrías ser tú mism@), también. Piensa que su reacción puede ser un mecanismo de defensa ante una situación traumática que vivió años atrás, y sobre todo, piensa que tú no eres responsable de eso, ni de resolverlo ni de cargar con ello. Déjalo ir y carga sólo con lo tuyo, resuélvelo para ti y quiérete a ti antes que a nadie más. Somos muy buenos para decir “te quiero” pero nunca para decir “me quiero”. Inténtalo, mírate en un espejo, observa tus arrugas, tus canas, lo guap@ que eres. Habla contigo, ¿qué piensas de ti? ¿Te estás dando el amor que mereces o solo lo repartes en otras personas menos en ti? Abrázate.

Y listo, espero esto le ayude a alguien de corazón. Y a quien haya leído hasta aquí, gracias.
Te mando un abrazo, pero como no te puedo ver ahora mismo, dátelo tú mismo de mi parte 😊
submitted by Casio04 to ayudamexico [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 FortuneNormal7284 Aggressive cockatiel

I got my bird 5 days ago. I don't know how old he is but I searched and I think he's old. Does he look old? Like 2 or 3 years? He's also very aggressive. He bites me and hisses at me. Is he too old to be tamed or should i wait more?
submitted by FortuneNormal7284 to cockatiel [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 Friendly-Order-6122 Am I overreacting to my wife’s involvement with her coworkers that are having an emotional affair together?

Preface: I (M26) love my wife (F24). We have been happily married for a year and a half now. We go on dates, hangout at home together, and generally enjoy any and all activities more when we are both involved. There is absolutely zero concern of infidelity within OUR marriage.
My wife can be very bubbly and outgoing and easily makes new friends with anyone she meets. First impressions of her can often lead to the “she’s a natural blonde” assumption (which is not entirely wrong lol).
My wife is friends with several of her coworkers (mainly female). Some of these friendships extend beyond work, some having even been to our house to hangout on weekends. Not uncommon at all for one of her (female) coworkers to come by the house at night and talk with my wife for an hour or so.
I am a quiet(ish), keep to myself type of person. I generally don’t call/text/ anyone other than my wife and some family members.
My wife is extremely beautiful (not an overstatement) and attracts attention anywhere we go. I understand it’s natural and we both just ignore it. She has never given me a reason to be jealous.
Background Info-
Coworker 1 (we’ll call her F) lives with, and has 2 children with her long term boyfriend. She’s also just a dreadful person in general. Everything is narcissistic, over exaggerated, and constantly revolves around how awful and miserable her life is.
Coworker 2 (we’ll call him M) is married to his wife of 12 years, and they have 3 kids together. He’s generally a nice guy, but is very insecure and (I think unintentionally) always has an “ah, yes.. I’ve done that exact thing before. Well, actually I did it better” response to most conversation topics. He believes that he and I are friends that should hangout more, I only tolerate it so that I don’t make my wife uncomfortable.
M and F have been having a secret emotional affair (100% certain it has not been physical) together. They’ve told each other they want to leave their partners and that they love each other.
The Situation -
M and F have been to our house twice to hangout after work. No problem, I was there as well and we all 4 of us sat in the backyard around the fire pit just talking casually. It was only recently that my wife was informed by M that he and F have been having an emotional affair together for the past ~2 years. And in usual fashion, as soon as my wife learns of some gossip, the first thing she does is share it with me so we can gossip about it with each other. We both had assumptions there was something between M and F, but never confirmed it, so we never brought it up to anyone except each other.
Since we have found out about the emotional affair, M and F have asked my wife if they can come to our house to hangout, since it’s basically the only place that won’t raise suspicion from their respective partners. So, my wife asked my permission (not because my permission is required, but out of mutual respect) to have them over, to which I (guiltily/uncomfortably) said that’s fine. I was uncomfortable with the knowledge that they’re using our house as a cover to hangout together outside of work, but ashamedly agreed to allow them to come over.
Afterwards, I explained to my wife about my moral struggle and guilt with allowing ourselves and our house to become an accessory in their emotional affair.
Now, M and F have broken things off between each other, but still are friends and communicate both in a group text, and individually with my wife.
The Issue -
My wife is now constantly communicating with each of them and allowing them to constantly vent their feelings to her. M is as bad as a teenage girl that just got dumped, and F is… well F is just a B**** that my wife continuously puts effort into beings friends with. At this point, it’s beyond the limit of what I’m comfortable with. I have no issue at all with her communicating with a male coworker, but I feel like the NONSTOP emotional communication between them has led to far less communication between my wife and I. I have voiced my concerns and feelings to my wife, which she was understanding of. She now spends less time on the phone, texting them. However… I am still uncomfortable with the amount of communication with M. His texts/calls are primarily just him venting his emotions about his failing (more like failed) marriage and about F. Since my wife is so sympathetic, and allows him to vent to her, I feel as though it’s likely he’s developing an emotional attachment to my wife. I’m not okay with that. I’ve talked with my wife, and she just feels like he’s been hurt and is taking pity towards him.
The Question - I do not mind confrontation, especially when it comes to protecting my wife and our marriage. However, I don’t want to misread things and cause an uncomfortable situation for my wife.
Is it time for me to confront M and address these issue? Or am I just overreacting and making these concerns up in my head?
TL;DR - my wife’s coworker is sad and confiding his emotions to my wife. I’m debating whether I should intervene.
submitted by Friendly-Order-6122 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 Coder040 Swiftful thinking

I saw that the advanced course costs money, is it worth it? I am still a beginner but would like to have some perspective on this.
submitted by Coder040 to swift [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 josylad Hiring: Senior Policy Advisor I Radio Spectrum Policy and Planning at New Zealand Government

New Zealand Government is hiring a Senior Policy Advisor I Radio Spectrum Policy and Planning
Location: Wellington city, New Zealand
MBIE's goal is to create a resilient and high-performing economy that delivers real and ongoing quality of life for all New Zealanders Discover a career with purpose at MBIE Exciting opportunity to be part of the future of NZ's wireless communications Work in a diverse branch, leading on a range of work Help foster MBIE's Maori/Crown relationship Advance both economic and social outcomes by enabling wireless technology use Salary range: $110,098 - $138,028 plus kiwisaver wellness benefits Tenei turanga - About the Role: About the Radio Spectrum Policy and Planning team Wireless communication technologies use the radio spectrum to operate. This includes technologies such as 4G and 5G mobile, wi-fi, satellites, Bluetooth, AM and FM radio and many others. These technologies connect communities, enable innovation, and improve
Learn More and Apply:
submitted by josylad to RedditJobBoard [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 Pmalavolti xbox controller on shield

I'm trying to play Fortnite on my Shield using Luna. Connected the controller via bluetooth. Severe lag. I grabbed my adapter from my computer to try to connect it but i cant get it to link. Is there a specific usb adapter to work with Anroid/shield.
submitted by Pmalavolti to ShieldAndroidTV [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 Impossible-Buy657 How do I pay for guest pass

Want to take my friends kid to swim. If I do from the app, will the charge be added on my monthly fee? Or can I pay at the reception?
submitted by Impossible-Buy657 to davidlloyd [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 Stormcrow1608 Mod incompatible fix (Total overhaul modlist)

Mod incompatible fix (Total overhaul modlist) submitted by Stormcrow1608 to OpenMW [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 alienspacegod Does anything stand out in this chart? I’m new to reading them.

Does anything stand out in this chart? I’m new to reading them. submitted by alienspacegod to astrologyreadings [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 Neretzeshazretleri TÜRK FUTBOLU BİT-MİŞ-TİR

TÜRK FUTBOLU BİT-MİŞ-TİR Ben daha maç falan izlemem izleyenlere de yazık be diyim
submitted by Neretzeshazretleri to KGBTR [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 Icy_Fisherman_49 Rash on face

Rash on face Hi everyone,
I’m dealing with a skin issue on my face and I’m hoping to get some insights from others who might have had something similar. Almost a week ago, I developed a rash-like irritation that’s gradually getting worse. Some bumps can be firm and raised like a pimple but don’t have any pus, and they don’t seem to turn into regular pimples.
I’ve seen a doctor and been put on prednisone two days ago for the rash, but I’m still noticing new bumps appearing. It’s not itchy, just red and irritated. I haven’t used any new products recently.
Has anyone experienced something like this? I’m wondering if it’s an allergic reaction or just irritation. Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Icy_Fisherman_49 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 hinata-1975 Dialga raid now!! 072387293838

submitted by hinata-1975 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 BrickVangelist Replacing My Lego Road with a Slot Car Track – Need Advice

submitted by BrickVangelist to slotcars [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 LoisLaneEl Dad making me the bad guy

My dad and I are taking care of my mom with dementia. He keeps putting me in the position to be the bad guy and it pisses me off. He comes in and tells her that she isn’t dressed appropriately and I need to change her.
You’re the one who has a problem with what she’s wearing, you pick out what she should wear. But now she’s upset with me because I told her to take off the giant pink turtleneck from underneath her layers because it clashes when I don’t have a problem with it at all and think she should be able to wear what she wants. But he comes in and frames it as, don’t YOU think she needs to change? I don’t know? I don’t know where you’re going and you constantly complain about how I suck at knowing social cues.
This just doesn’t seem like a team effort. It is him saying this needs to be done and me doing it. If I leave the house, something I’ve said needs to not be done by her, is immediately done by her because he isn’t paying attention.
Just so frustrated right now. Who cares if her purse is out of season? She doesn’t. She isn’t the same person she used to be. Stop trying to pretend like she is. Just let her be happy. Instead you just get her upset because appearances aren’t right.
Tell him he’s wrong… his solution? Well then, take away going places. Okay, isolation is the solution. She’s not a fucking child, but he doesn’t know how to treat anyone any other way. This sucks
submitted by LoisLaneEl to dementia [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 Altruistic_Lab_4846 Ch 235 Sukuna (full health) vs JJK

Ch 235 Sukuna (full health) vs JJK Round one: Sukuna right after mahoraga is destroyed and he loses ten shadows. (Before WCS BV)
Round two: Sukuna right before he loses the ten shadows.
He's full health in both rounds.
He's fighting against every character in JJK that ever existed including Gojo, and they have one month prep time before the fight they can train, power themselves up, interact, learn things, help each other ect. And do whatever they want before the fight against the strongest
submitted by Altruistic_Lab_4846 to JujutsuPowerScaling [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 Safe-Ad-393 OLD SOUL by Susan Barker

OLD SOUL by Susan Barker submitted by Safe-Ad-393 to Lovecraftezinepodcast [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 BidoofChaos bro really said he knows German

and said "Hello I am Johnny how are you, I am from Essex" 💀
submitted by BidoofChaos to apprenticeuk [link] [comments]