各位大师,小弟今天在做excel表格的时候遇到如下问题: 我制作的excel表格的数据只有20多行,但是这20多… 9999黄金和999黄金的区别在于纯度不同:足金999是含金量99.9%,9999是含金量99.99%的。 最高9999,一天可以领3次!!! 反正都是不拿白不拿,万一手气真的不错呢!! 如何挑选出一个充电又快又安全的充电宝呢?今天的文章主要教大家按照自己的手机型号来选择充电宝。 3.万足金:这个就更好理解了不得低于万分9999 一般情况下目前购买足金和千足金的居多一些,更符合大众! 二、1 8 K 2 4 K到底是什么意思? 9999是一般性错误,通过简化路径,规范命名来处理,基本是全英文路径,命名不要特殊符号 999.9长期用户,増永没使用过。两家都是日本眼镜生产基地福井县鯖江市制造的偏高端品牌。品牌形象和廉价快餐式眼镜连锁(jins, zoff etc)区别非常鲜明。 在题主进行第一步计算的时候就已经预设了“是”,已经预设了0.9999...等于“1*a”。 那么得到的结果当然是“等于”了。 然而直观又告诉自己“不等于”。 把两者混淆在一起,才会出现所谓的“悖论”,这问题根本没啥可讨论的。 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... 平时进货的9999银料价格比当日国际银价贵两毛一克。 现在国标是四个九,市面上没有五个九的。做银饰挣的其实是手工费。 如果不是自己加工设计的,能把差不多品质,克重卖的更贵,那确实是差价挣的比较多。 现在电脑总是在不移动鼠标没有任何操作后一分钟息屏,不论是在设置电源选项里设置永不息屏,还是设置高性…
2025.01.30 22:34 Falchion99 Dialga, 1476 9999 7669
1476 9999 7669
submitted by Falchion99 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 22:34 Embarrassed-Cat-3675 Date of birth wrong at workday
Randomly looking on the app and notice my birth date and month are the wrong way around I have went to change it and it says I need to add a disability? Who sets up your account is it management or did i?
I’m hoping this isn’t a massive issue because I don’t really talk to management and don’t want it to be awkward
submitted by Embarrassed-Cat-3675 to asda [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 22:34 Mirahh_ Wheres a good place to bring senior citizens around manila?
Me and my fiance is gonna visit my grandparents soon in the Philippines and I havent really been back there for over 10 years so I imagine things have changed alot since then and it doesnt help that I left I left when I was around 11 years old. I want us to take my grandparents out but my grandma needs a cane to walk so I dont really want her to get tired and some ideas we had was going to the aquarium but we weren't sure if electric scooters were rentable there so I dont have to worry about my grandparents getting tired, I feel like theyre not gonna be able to enjoy star city aswell so maybe the zoo but then the issue of walking around again comes up so I was wondering if theres any places that would be senior friendly around manila?
submitted by Mirahh_ to phtravel [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 22:34 Present-Boat-2053 1206 is Gemini 2.0 Pro?
submitted by Present-Boat-2053 to Bard [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 22:34 TheRealBeastGohan Has anyone done the math showing which slot gives the most damage when activating Super Vegito's active skill?
The total number of attacks he receives stays the same and everything crits anyway, but
Slot 1 gives more post-SA counters, but fewer hits received before attacking
Slot 3 gives more hits received before attacking, but fewer post-SA counters
Slot 2 is a blend of both
submitted by TheRealBeastGohan to DBZDokkanBattle [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 22:34 Appropriate_Rain16 Laughing hard
I feel so uncomfortable and out of place when speaking with 2-3 people and then they all laugh so hard and loud at something someone says but I am confused why they’re laughing SO hard. Ugh so uncomfortable. Sometimes I find what was said funny but the level of laughter and loudness and how long they laugh confuses me. I hate feeling like I stand out because I am not cackling. I am a teacher and in my grade level team I can tell they think I am so weird. I try to converse with them but it is never as natural as the rest of them when they talk. I just wish I didn’t feel confused when people laughed so hard because I wonder, why don’t I find it as funny as them. Like even if I find something funny, I don’t like…yell laugh. Does this make sense?
submitted by Appropriate_Rain16 to autism [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 22:34 dalmakhaniii_ winters going away 💔
submitted by dalmakhaniii_ to TeenIndia [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 22:34 Fat_Foot 60kg/132lbs rolling thunder thumbless grip lift
submitted by Fat_Foot to strength_training [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 22:34 Parking_Poet_9336 eu_never
submitted by Parking_Poet_9336 to eu_never [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 22:34 portfolioso Twilio's search button that turns a dropdown list that looks like a text input into an actual text input🤦
submitted by portfolioso to badUIbattles [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 22:34 RepeatLeast1005 The two missing for A5
submitted by RepeatLeast1005 to SoloLevelingArise [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 22:34 mrsskreatz Just sharing some hope for those who might be struggling
TW: This post discusses topics such as pregnancy complications, emergency C-section, NICU, breastfeeding struggles, postpartum preeclampsia, body image, postpartum anxiety, and birth trauma.
I wanted to take a moment to share my story—both the hardest parts and the light at the end of the tunnel—because I know there might be someone out there who needs to hear this.
My pregnancy was incredibly difficult. I had hyperemesis gravidarum and spent nine months constantly sick, barely able to keep food down, exhausted beyond words. Then, in my third trimester, I developed gestational hypertension. I was constantly worried about my baby’s health, about my own health, about everything that could go wrong.
When it came time to give birth, things didn’t go as planned. I needed an emergency C-section because my baby wasn’t getting enough oxygen during contractions. It all happened so fast, and instead of that beautiful, immediate bonding moment I had dreamed of, my baby had to be taken to the NICU because she wasn’t transitioning well. She needed oxygen and a feeding tube, and I didn’t get to hold her right away. That moment I had pictured—where I would meet my baby and everything would feel magical—was taken from me.
Then, as if that wasn’t enough, I developed postpartum preeclampsia and had to be readmitted to the hospital. While I was recovering from surgery and fighting for my own health, my husband and family took care of my daughter. They were the ones feeding her, changing her, holding her. I barely got to be her mom in those early days, and I convinced myself that she would bond with them more than me. That she wouldn’t love me as much because I hadn’t been there the way I thought I should be.
I also struggled with breastfeeding. I had been so set on it—I wanted that experience, that connection. But my colostrum dried up, my milk never fully came in, and despite trying everything—pumping, latching, supplements, hand expression—nothing worked. I could barely get a drop. My baby lost 9% of her body weight in just a few days and developed jaundice, so I had to start formula feeding. I knew logically that a fed baby is a healthy baby, but emotionally? I felt like a failure.
And on top of everything, I was drowning in postpartum anxiety. I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t rest. I felt like if I took my eyes off my baby for even a second, something terrible would happen. I would try to sleep, only to wake up in full panic, convinced she wasn’t breathing. It was constant and exhausting, and I felt like I was spiraling.
I was grieving so many things—my birth experience, the breastfeeding journey I didn’t get to have, the connection I thought I had lost with my baby, the way my body looked after everything it had been through. I hated my stretch marks. I hated my C-section scar. I hated that it felt like my body had failed me every step of the way.
I say all of this because at the time, I felt so alone. I felt like I was drowning in exhaustion, fear, and guilt. But here’s what I want you to know if you’re feeling that way, too:
You are not alone.
I look at my daughter now, and I know she loves me. We have the most beautiful bond. It didn’t happen the way I thought it would, but it happened all the same. And while I was devastated about breastfeeding at first, I now know that formula feeding is just as valid, and my baby is thriving. We still share so many special moments, and how she was fed never changed the fact that I’m her mother.
My anxiety has eased, and I’m finally able to breathe again. I still carry a lot of emotions about my pregnancy and birth—it was hard, and I won’t pretend otherwise—but I’m here, on the other side, and I can see now that I was never failing. I was just surviving.
So if you’re in the thick of it right now, if you’re struggling with postpartum anxiety, birth trauma, breastfeeding grief, or just feeling disconnected—I want you to know that this isn’t forever. It does get better. You will bond with your baby, even if it didn’t happen the way you thought it would. You are an incredible mother, even if it doesn’t feel like it yet.
And most of all, you are not alone.
If anyone needs to talk, I’m here. Sending love to all the mamas still finding their way. ❤️
submitted by mrsskreatz to newborns [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 22:34 DeleteIt27 Tirz without benzyl alcohol?
Does anyone know of a pharmacy that makes tirz without benzyl alcohol as an ingredient ? Been getting stinging each time I inject, followed by injection site reactions no matter what I do (let syringe warm up, let alcohol dry , icing, Benadryl cream etc ) so I wanted to see if maybe it was the benzyl alcohol contributing to this.
submitted by DeleteIt27 to tirzepatidecompound [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 22:34 Go_GoInspectorGadget Harbor Park Extends Protective Netting to Each Foul Pole ⚾️
submitted by Go_GoInspectorGadget to norfolk [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 22:34 Oblivion305 My company Health insurance screwed me over.
I was pre-approved for 2024 in December and completed the full curriculum for the Gastric Sleeve, then my company's health insurance policy changed without my knowledge. I got quoted around $18,000 for out of pocket.
I despise American health insurance corporations, but I will not give up. Anyone have recommendations for international gastric surgeons?
I have family who had the surgery in Ecuador and others who went to Colombia and had fantastic results. I also heard Mexico and Turkey are good options as well.
submitted by Oblivion305 to gastricsleeve [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 22:34 lol_VEVO Has anyone else been having issues with dropped inputs recently?
IDK why, but ever since the last update I've been having problems with inputs in PvP. Sometimes card arts will just deselect after me touching them and gaining the green outline, other times my inputs just don't register, and other times they're just switched to tap attacks even though I tap on an arts or a switch submitted by lol_VEVO to DragonballLegends [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 22:34 Striking-Dot-9947 Alright guys, lets be honest and try to be objective, who is the best WRITTEN (not enjoyable) character besides koji and his father
submitted by Striking-Dot-9947 to ClassroomOfTheElite [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 22:34 Personiguesssss Give both weapons to a fodder, who is stronger between the 2?
submitted by Personiguesssss to OnePiecePowerScaling [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 22:34 FGR_Troy [5] Shiny Tepig | 4915 SR | August 18th, 2024 - September 13th, 2024
submitted by FGR_Troy to ShinyPokemon [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 22:34 isabelavalos HAHAHA
submitted by isabelavalos to dankmemes [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 22:34 GlutamatoEnjoyer How to do a Point and Click Game?
Hello everyone, I am a new Godot user. I would like to make my first point and click game and the first thing I want to know is how can I click on a place to go to another scene and if there is a possibility to go back to the first scene.
submitted by GlutamatoEnjoyer to godot [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 22:34 JezTheAlleyCat H: VE25 EPR + AA25FFR25 EPF W: leaders/apparel
submitted by JezTheAlleyCat to Market76 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 22:34 joe-jitti285026 Looking for someone to animate a video from a match I had on PTCGL
I just had the craziest match in the 15 years I've played PTCG. I usually never record any matches since I'm not a YouTuber or anything. But i would like to see if this is where I can find someone to do an animated video of any kind based on this match. I only have the transcripts that describes the match. Also, i am willing to help describe the match and effects of cards if needed. Thanks everyone. submitted by joe-jitti285026 to PTCGL [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 22:34 Late_Visit_1169 Aitah or am I being played me 21m and my gf 20f are breaking up
I want to know if I should keep fighting for our relationship I’ve gotten caught liking instagram reels of girls showing their body but that was it I never cheated never talked to another girl never liked a girls picture that I knew or lived in my home town. We moved in together after 8 months of lost distance and since I haven’t liked any influencers video. I seen a video of a influencer on a page named Latina beauty’s I clicked on the page and got the influencer from another video they posted it didn’t have anything sexual me and my co worker just went on a rant about not being attractive to girls with plastic surgery and fb shows search history and pages visited well it showed both of theirs she seen that when going threw my phone one night and made me sleep n the couch we had a rough night she talked to her friends which one can’t decide who to let cheat on her between two men keeps going back and forth and the other is with a alcoholic who stays the night at other women’s houses they did nothing but shit on me and it took a couple days but we came back we had a very insightful and heartfelt talk about it and we were back to our loving and caring selves, laughing so hard we start crying. I went to work this morning off a argument with her about the same thing she brought it up and didn’t let it go since last night she told me she wanted to live separately and asked me to separate our stuff. should I keep fighting for this relationship?
submitted by Late_Visit_1169 to AITAH [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 22:34 ImprovementObvious22 I don’t think she understands that being free doesn’t mean there aren’t repercussions to what you say or how you treat people
submitted by ImprovementObvious22 to mariakang [link] [comments] |