Problem with 2022 L405 tailgate

2025.01.31 02:12 KX90862 Problem with 2022 L405 tailgate

Problem with 2022 L405 tailgate submitted by KX90862 to RangeRover [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:12 Choice-Let2395 Big Reditt 2890. His oldest son just looked at him and stated “I smell feet and booty juice”. What does a 14 yo know about booty juice. Maybe Red should spend less time dry begging and more time educating his children what is not appropriate to say!!!!!

Big Reditt 2890. His oldest son just looked at him and stated “I smell feet and booty juice”. What does a 14 yo know about booty juice. Maybe Red should spend less time dry begging and more time educating his children what is not appropriate to say!!!!! submitted by Choice-Let2395 to DryBeggars [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:12 Turbulent-Pepper-476 Angel

Angel submitted by Turbulent-Pepper-476 to PinayBeauties [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:12 Forsaken_Penalty3456 Rate my collection

Rate my collection Novice to the watch world. I got into the hobby about 3 months ago. When I started thinking about making my first purchase, I was conflicted about buying just one or spreading the total amount amongst a range categories.
As you can I decided to check all the boxes. Pilot, diver, GMT, dress, field, and I had the G-shock for about 3 years. (Other watch is my wife’s).
With that, I wanted to have different complications, dials, colors, and sizes.
This is the group I’m going to wear for the next two years. There is a special day coming in 2 years I want to mark the occasion with!
Roast my collection, point out mistakes, or make a recommendation!
submitted by Forsaken_Penalty3456 to Watches [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:12 WettyBhite1922 Trouble understanding capo’d chords

I was thinking about this earlier and I can’t figure it out for the life of me. A buddy and I were “jamming” the other day and he was playing C F Am Em with a capo on the third fret. I had no capo and picked over c f am em in the open position. Then I went into soloing in the key of C. I thought it sounded right and like everything went well together, but I started thinking about today, if he was capo’d on the third fret playing the same shapes I am in the open position, is he even playing in the key of C? Wouldn’t that mean he’s playing different notes? Cause I know if I barre the 3rd fret and play a C shape that would be D chord, right? Somebody help me I’m so lost haha
submitted by WettyBhite1922 to guitarlessons [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:12 CrosbyOwnsOvie 1 Topps Chrome box for me - big redemption pull

The cards look great and my parallels were pretty good, though the numbered ones (top) were underwhelming. All was made right when I pulled an auto redemption of The Man!
submitted by CrosbyOwnsOvie to WWECards [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:12 Zeukiiii Where’s Rachel?

Where’s Rachel? submitted by Zeukiiii to femboymemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:12 CommitteeEmpty8352 found this guy in thailand! any clue what it is?

found this guy in thailand! any clue what it is? submitted by CommitteeEmpty8352 to insects [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:12 katemb1602 2 weeks post Botox

I had Botox 2 weeks ago. From that night I was burping and slow swallow begun. I was burping multiple times a day, every time I ate or drank something as well as just talking or laughing. I would say most of them were only micro burps but I did feel some relief. I have been having 2 fizzy drinks a day which also made them come up. The past 24 hours I have only burped twice and they are so small providing no relief! I also cannot push any out without regurgitating 😫 is this normal!? I was so hopeful it was working so well!
submitted by katemb1602 to noburp [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:12 Gimer123123 Game statistics on your computer - map watch

Recently, I had some free time—normally taken up by PoE—but I think I put it to good use. Mapwatch works for both games, but for now, I’m only sharing it here.
What does it do?
It transforms game log data form Client.txt file into visual informations.
For those who have too much time and want to see:

How to use it?
  1. Go to
  2. Click on the bordered button, select %game installation folder%/logs/Client.txt
  3. Click "Process file"
  4. Wait a few seconds
  5. Start admiring what a beast you are 😎How to use it?
*if you doesn't play today first chart will stay empty.
Unless it doesn’t work for you—then I’d love to know where the graphs stopped rendering.
Even better, open F12 in your browser and share the error description.
submitted by Gimer123123 to pathofexile [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:12 FakeName124 How do character controllers handle collision?

I'm using character controllers for my player controllers, and when a player dies I have them turn into an invisible 'ghost' while still using their character controller to move around the map. These ghost players shouldn't be able to collide with any of the living players.
The way I set this up was have a layer called 'DeadPlayer', and have all players' character controllers set to exclude collisions with that layer. When a player dies, their layer is switched to 'DeadPlayer'. However, I noticed that the live players still collide with the ghost players. For some reason, if the ghost players also still have their controller set to exclude 'DeadPlayer' while they themselves are in that layer, the collision takes place (even if the other player colliding with them is set to exclude their layer). If I turn off the ghost players excluded layers though, the collision is correctly ignored.
Does anyone know why this is? If the error is from a controller trying to exclude itself, then why does the other player's collision exclusion not work either? From looking into it, it seems it might be related to how character controllers are handled separately from physics collisions, but I'm not sure.
submitted by FakeName124 to Unity3D [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:12 Scared_Note8292 Color Climax Corporation was a Danish porn studio that produced films featuring beastiality and CSAM.

submitted by Scared_Note8292 to CreepyWikipedia [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:12 sebaslied Podría considerar estás acciones acoso laboral?

Hola cominidad escribo aquí por qué no quisiera orientarme y me gustaría leer algunas opciones. Actualmente trabajo en la recepción de un hospital. Interactuado con diversos médicos y pacientes. El trabajo es agradable y no es tan demandante como otros empleos que he tenido. Por esta misma razón he tratado de conservar mi empleo y evitar problemas o confrontaciones. Pero no he tenido mucho éxito y las cosas parecen estar escalando de manera que pareciera que deberé levantar una denuncia contra mi jefe, pero quiero. Ser justo y no hacerme la victima de esta situación. A lo largo de mi tiempo trabajando en mi empleo he tenido problemas con el tema de la puntualidad y mi jefe me ha llamado la atención por este detalle. A lo que yo he trabajado en evitar retardos. Por esta misma cuestión me he estado cuestionando si las demás actitudes de mi jefe son justificables o no. Ya que en numerosas ocaciones me ha quitado los descansos extra que tenemos al mes. Me ha señalado que ha recibido múltiples quejas de mi sin ningún tipo de prueba o con alguna situación en específico e incluso me ha dicho que ya no sabe en qué área colocarme por qué soy problemático. Cabe remarcar que no he tenido ninguna cotización con los pacientes o médicos en particular. Ninguno de ellos me a expresado inconformidad con mi trabajo y tampoco me han brindado alguna retroalimentación por algún error mío. Cómo si ga pasado con mis compañeros en múltiples ocasiones. Esto ya lo señale a mi jefe y le pedí que me diera ejemplos de alguna situación que pudiera abordar conmigo como ejemplo. No tuvo respuesta a esto y solo dijo que no se afrontar mis errores. Acudo a RH con estás dudas. No para quejarme si no para saber que camino abordar para conseguir solucionar cualquier problema en mi desempeño. Ellos me recomendaron trabajar en mi puntualidad. Pero fuera de eso no había nada más que abordar. Honestamente me estoy desesperando de mantener la cabeza baja y aceptar instrucciones y órdenes de mis compañeros por qué ellos creen que no cometen errores y se sienten superiores a mi. Lo que en realidad es muy frustrante por qué tengo muchas evidencias de sus errores. Pero se que cualquier confrontación o intercambio de opiniónes terminará en un problema para mí. Y esto solo basado en favoritismos. Por lo que una parte de mi quiere tomar un camino legal y buscar una confrontación y otra parte de mi piensa que solo debería aguantar e ignorar todo hasta mis vacaciones donde podría buscar otro empleo y seguir adelante. Pero siento como la frustración se acumula y estoy perdiendo el enfoque. Así que cualquier consejo me sería util.
submitted by sebaslied to ayudamexico [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:12 the_realer_monomommy here's my middle finger to the people who didn't like me putting rex in the top of S tier

here's my middle finger to the people who didn't like me putting rex in the top of S tier submitted by the_realer_monomommy to riskofrain [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:12 Zealousideal-Goal286 2ND Hand BMWs

I'm looking to buy an EV and was review the specifications for second hand BMW EVs On Carsales. They are listed with lower NEDC ranges than WLTP, whilst for NEW BMW EVs its the opposite.
submitted by Zealousideal-Goal286 to AustralianEV [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:12 GoodGlum2485 Viking heart card

Viking heart card Willing to trade! On level 113 and never got this one
submitted by GoodGlum2485 to CoinMasterGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:12 rolanddeschain8035 Admission for utsc cs

I want to know if I did very bad on grade 11 but pretty good on grade 12 courses (like 96+) would I get in?
submitted by rolanddeschain8035 to UTSC [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:12 platodachessboxer Best secondary market for Osaka gig?

Hey y’all - the stars have aligned and I’ll be in Osaka when Jack’s playing there in March.
Unfortunately the gigs sold out, and Viagogo are charging 4x face value at the lowest end.
I’m unfamiliar with how the ticketing system works in Japan as I’m from Britain. Could anyone point me in the direction of good places to hunt for tickets?
Looking for two standing tickets - willing to stretch above face value.
submitted by platodachessboxer to jackwhite [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:12 s3rgioru3las [Instagram] Lance drifting in a 350Z

[Instagram] Lance drifting in a 350Z submitted by s3rgioru3las to 350z [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:12 GoBlueGoSteelers OTD #s in South East

Good evening everyone.
We live in the Atlanta area and (hopefully) will be purchasing a Premium+ in the near future.
I initially attempted to build my own but realized that building doesn't mean the same thing as ordering one, and then I learned all about Lexus allocations. What a weird and not customer centric process, but what do I know and I digress.
I wanted to get an idea of those who purchased a Premium+ (premium plus) how their out the door cost was?
We want a basic Premium+ with captains seats, tonneau covers, and traffic jam assist. From every build I've seen they couple traffic jam assist with heads-up display which we don't want.
Those who have purchased a Premium+ in the southeast what was your out the door? In GA we have a 7% sales tax.
Also on a side note this is my 1st time purchasing a new car and def not this expensive and I'm disappointed with my sales person's interaction. Any sales person I get given this new car order model all seem to have the same influence on the price which is almost non-existent. They are going for MSRP basically but the factory adds options that we don't need or want. Basically nickel and diming us (or worse). Should I change salespeople or just ride it out since, again, the price isn't really changing no matter who my sales person is. He seems a bit like a douche. At one point when he was asking me to choose what down payment/monthly payment I'd like off the deposit form I selected the larger down payment and he says "be sure to pick the most realistic one" haha.
I'm not a rich guy and I know millions of rich ppl can pay cash but I also can pay cash if I wanted but my money is doing well in the market and my credit is 830+ (home paid off, no debt). Regardless my point is I felt he subconsciously threw a shot at me.. maybe cause I drive a 13yr old Accord haha. Would you experienced new Lexus purchasers change sales people/dealership or not bother with it since the next place could be the same situation?
Hopefully all this made sense. Thank you to all who reply!
submitted by GoBlueGoSteelers to LexusGX550 [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:12 Canon_Cowboy Trying to back up by new Seven 4K. Fails every time in MKV. Anyone else experiencing this or is my disc effed up?

submitted by Canon_Cowboy to 4kbluray [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:12 KEENGAMERCOM 8 façons de réparer Assassin's Creed Valhalla qui ne se lance pas sur un PC Windows

submitted by KEENGAMERCOM to KeenGamer [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:12 Murky-Ad-1711 The two greatest tiktok pages oat 🗣️

The two greatest tiktok pages oat 🗣️ dw guys I wasn’t paid by them
submitted by Murky-Ad-1711 to Kanye [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:12 LifesFrame My sister in law instructed me (a man who only knows how to make tacos) on how to make her [homemade] oreo cookie crusted cheesecake. It was pretty dang delicious.

My sister in law instructed me (a man who only knows how to make tacos) on how to make her [homemade] oreo cookie crusted cheesecake. It was pretty dang delicious. submitted by LifesFrame to food [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:12 LivingAnomie Scratch Acid

Scratch Acid submitted by LivingAnomie to rs_x [link] [comments]