Render colors are washed out compared to source texture.

2025.01.30 22:11 Trunkit06 Render colors are washed out compared to source texture.

Render colors are washed out compared to source texture.
I've tried changing the Color Space setting on the texture node and setting render sampling to 1, but I can't tell what's causing it.
submitted by Trunkit06 to blenderhelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 Psychological-Tie461 Doctor keeps recommending Mirilax‼️

It is my third visit with gastro, about my constipation and IBS? He keeps saying that it's Mirilax and that I need to take miralax everyday like that's the only fix 🤬 Is he telling the truth?
submitted by Psychological-Tie461 to ibs [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 Excellent_Foundation Untapped Potential

Hey guys, how I can I find my true worth in life. I could take a jab at a million and one things through my life but not be good at anything or until I’m on my deathbed. How can I speed up the process and find value in myself quickly and create my own magnum opus that I and society can benefit from?
submitted by Excellent_Foundation to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 dwartbg9 TIL - That the OBEY street-art is actually depicting Andre the Giant....

TIL - That the OBEY street-art is actually depicting Andre the Giant....
submitted by dwartbg9 to Wrasslin [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 Prestigious_End_6455 Andrew the tank engine

Andrew the tank engine submitted by Prestigious_End_6455 to AndrewDitch [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 invisibledirtbag 22M, you now have to message me, it's destiny

In the words of Jack Dawson, sorry but I'm involved now.
I'm involved in your life right now. Just by you reading this, I am now somehow involved and if I'm involved, I might as well just become apart of your life right.
What if this strange thing happened for reason? 7 billion people and here we are, reading posts from one another. What are the chances you'd be here, at the exact same time? So strange, isn't it?
Message me, let's see if it was written in the stars
submitted by invisibledirtbag to chat [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 MajesticAgent6865 When are they going to be back?! 😭😭😭

When are they going to be back?! 😭😭😭 submitted by MajesticAgent6865 to speedbattles [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 Little_Ad5051 okay whats with all the germans always being the best looking??

like hows that any fair
submitted by Little_Ad5051 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 seitan13 Ive stopped so many times, and i still cant decide if im better off having it or not

Nearly every summer since 2020 id stop for between 2-4 months. Im having enough joy and life going on in the summers its just always been easier to let it go, id be so tired from my days i could sleep. The food was always a difficulty and usually a reason why id go back to smoking. (I have had an eating disorder more than half of my life). I smoke about a gram a week at this point in life, its unusually in the low 20%. Typing this is all feels like an excuse gah. But when i really sit and think about why i want to smoke its: to eat, to get to sleep, and to deal with my back pain (scoliosis), which secondarily helps my sleep, and finally to just remove myself from the stress if life and my day. When i think about why i want to stop; i want to dream again. And hopefully they wont be nightmares all the time anymore. I want to be reliable if theres an emergency (ive had a couple times where i couldnt be there as best as i wanted to for friends). I hate being more stoned than anyone else, my partner went sober not too long ago and i get embarrassed being high around them. I can save like $40 a month with out it. I can maybe regulate my dopamine a bit more.
When i think back to the the summer months when im sober i really did feel great, but life was busy. The winter months im hardly outside, and its just the hibernation period of life. Im worried im putting puritan values on something that really is just a matter of if i want to or not, rather than if i should pr shouldnt. Ive had horrible sleep since my childhood, ive had an eatding disorder much longer than i started smoking, and my back pain is only getting worse with age. These are all reasons people are perscribed weed. So why am i so hung up on feeling like i shouldnt smoke? I think my reasons to not smoke are valid. I think my reasons to smoke are fine too
submitted by seitan13 to Petioles [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 Responsible_Top10 This gave me chicken skin

This gave me chicken skin submitted by Responsible_Top10 to scaryeddie [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 AdministrativeTax311 What do I do

I have about 3 months ago started to cut and I don’t know how to stop it is getting worse the cuts are getting longer and deeper I start to cry knowing it bad but I can’t any advice
submitted by AdministrativeTax311 to Cutters [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 imRyuukii My very budget gaming setup(15 yo.)

My very budget gaming setup(15 yo.) Specs: i5-11400F / rtx 3060 ti / 16 gb ddr4
What should I upgrade(slim budget) lol
submitted by imRyuukii to gamingsetups [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 xRealDuckx What's everyone doing for fun while we wait for our collapse?

I've been painting and writing poems. I think it's kinda funny to pretend people will be around to look at my stuff as a representation of our fallen civilization. What's everyone else doing?
submitted by xRealDuckx to economicCollapse [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 Nexus_General Private Space App

I purchased my RedMagic 10 Pro device a month ago. Pretty happy so far. However I noticed that there was a "Private Space" app built into the OS that is not created by Google. Google has a similar app/service with the same name that you can activate via the privacy settings.
I decided to put a cat photo in my encrypted files area and noticed that it was immediately backed up. My concern here is I have a non-google application that has the same name as private Space that is backing up any photo I put into it, into an unknown cloud server.
I may be mistaken on this but does anyone have any information on this app? Who owns it? What is their privacy policy?
submitted by Nexus_General to RedMagic [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 Swirlycow Does anyone have access to the "Its a long story" Rhodinite AU episode by Tripixle?

All i am able to find across the internet is honestly, pretty rough edits of the fan-made episode, and the one link I've been able to find to what *might* have been the original, links to a now-privated account.
If anyone could help me out, maybe point me to a proper link or something, that would be wonderful. I really want to show the AU episode to a friend
submitted by Swirlycow to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 NeedsMoreTuba Found a $10 ramp at the thrift store. I'd bet ten more dollars that he refuses to use it without a bribe...

Found a $10 ramp at the thrift store. I'd bet ten more dollars that he refuses to use it without a bribe... I considered buying one on Amazon but didn't wanna spent more than a few dollars on something he'd never use. He never used his dog bed; apparently he'd rather sleep in the cold than try a nice new thing. Every night I'd remove it from his house so he'd go back in. So I lost that battle, and then my parent's dog stole the bed and ate it. Lesson learned, no new things for this stubborn old man. I'm the same way, he totally gets that from me.
My kid is apparently a natural dog trainer and got Izzy to go up the ramp 4x for treats, but when we ran out, he went up the steps. That's fine, it's there if he needs it. He was having a pretty good day today so maybe when he's feeling more old and creaky he'll decide it's actually pretty handy like he did with his coat.
P.S. I know it's a car ramp but I tested its stability and it passed. I weigh twice as much as Izzy does so I think it will be safe if he decides he likes it.
submitted by NeedsMoreTuba to Incorgnito [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 superhentaiaddict Holyy that art is 🔥

submitted by superhentaiaddict to PokemonTGCP [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 StewardOfShambles Stop the Pigeon but imagine the Pigeon is Hudson (this is just the cartoon intro)

Stop the Pigeon but imagine the Pigeon is Hudson (this is just the cartoon intro) submitted by StewardOfShambles to ShamblesChampionship [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 wencitou Hamburger made by my father

Hamburger made by my father
submitted by wencitou to burgers [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 TourMountain Could use a little help

Hello all!
I’m no expert in stamps or collecting them. I’m trying to help my grandfather sell some of the stamps he used to collect. I’ve been trying to use eBay to get an idea of value but the prices seem to fluctuate a lot and I’m not familiar with the market. If anyone could give me some advice or even just know about these stamps of hand I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you all!
submitted by TourMountain to stampcollecting [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 innosflew Ukraine reels from ‘worst-case scenario’ suspension of US foreign aid - USAid pause affects projects such as veteran rehabilitation, independent media and humanitarian assistance

Ukraine reels from ‘worst-case scenario’ suspension of US foreign aid - USAid pause affects projects such as veteran rehabilitation, independent media and humanitarian assistance submitted by innosflew to EUnews [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 roughriderpistol When you thought domination meant something else.

These gimp suits crack me up!
submitted by roughriderpistol to BO6 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 spookymonsterzero Lauren LaVera: Terrifier 3

Lauren LaVera: Terrifier 3 submitted by spookymonsterzero to CelebrityHorror [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 MasterSargeYT Pohx PL - Builds like CF wander, can also do sanctum?

Looking for a build like CF wander in the play style - pops, high coverage, but can also do sanctums
Doesn’t need to be super tanky just survive non 8 mod t16s
submitted by MasterSargeYT to PathOfExileBuilds [link] [comments]


submitted by No_Consequence9800 to SUBREDDITNAME [link] [comments]