[CA] Water restoration/drying and other factors making apartment untenable?

2025.01.30 22:20 JackTuz [CA] Water restoration/drying and other factors making apartment untenable?

Last Friday, a pipe burst above my bathroom causing flooding to my bathroom and spillage onto the carpet in my bedroom. The event probably lasted 45 minutes. I immediately reported this. My remediation manager assigned by the apartment was quickly involved, and water was shut off. The next day a crew came and stripped the drywall off of my bathroom ceiling. A day went by and they placed two fans they placed two fans and a dehumidifier in my bathroom that were removed today. The framework will certainly be exposed for at least a week.
I have request my rent pro rata, asked to break my lease early, and my deposit back in full. The company rejected my request for rent for the last 7 days and will not commit to returning my deposit. They have allowed me to break my lease before 30 days notice.
They have done this as they maintain my apartment is not untenable… I have documented poor water pressure, the removal of my shower curtain holder, the noise from the fans makes it impossible to sleep, an ungodly amount of flies have entered the apartment since this has occurred, and particulates from the uncovered ceiling have covered my apartment (the complex is known to have built with asbestos material). I am fortunate in that I have a place to stay who’ll this is happening, but my question would be do I have a case I were to take them to court as I am not satisfied in the way they have resolved this issue.
Photo and video documentation taken along the way as well as correspondence by text.
Thank you.
submitted by JackTuz to AskLawyers [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:20 Ok_Designer3103 What if EDP wasn't a pedo?

Like, imagine if EDP was a normal (idk) person who didn't like minors, how would he continue his life In 2025?
submitted by Ok_Designer3103 to EDP445 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:20 Aimz100 Had some time to do actual research. This is for the NBA games tonight.

Had some time to do actual research. This is for the NBA games tonight. submitted by Aimz100 to sportsbetting [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:20 No-Detective2628 Esc blinking red

Got my slash back in order after almost 8 years of it on the shelf. Been running it around a few weeks, no issues until now. About 20 minutes in it lost throttle right next to me but still has steering.
My receiver is blinking green and the ESC is blinking red in this pattern one blink, pause, two blinks, pause, three blinks, repeat.
I'm kinda at a loss but can't seem to figure out what's up with it.
submitted by No-Detective2628 to Traxxas [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:20 rapamp15 Unreleased song trash or good

submitted by rapamp15 to UndergroundRappers [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:20 nicoreal_ I love the duality of the downtown

I love the duality of the downtown submitted by nicoreal_ to CitiesSkylines [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:20 AKWHiDeKi Reported a scalper by saying it was "morally illegal". Hopefully they won't appeal!

Reported a scalper by saying it was submitted by AKWHiDeKi to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:20 attoshi Dane Scarlett

Dane Scarlett Dragusin as the tribute 💀 what dark magics are we playing with?
submitted by attoshi to coys [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:20 thefieldhag Did you know when we burn fat, we just breathe it out. A small fraction leaves as pee but on the whole, fat is turned into energy which we then exhale. So crazy.

submitted by thefieldhag to funfacts [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:20 Loland999 An average combat encounter with the Sinners

submitted by Loland999 to limbuscompany [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:20 GeekX2 Back Country Bliss

I'm looking for anyone with experience with a tour at Mossman Gorge called "Back Country Bliss". My wife and I have reservations to take the tour in a few weeks. One of the things they mention we should be able to do is swim in a current (there is some floating on the river). How big of a deal is this? We're both good swimmers but this sounds a little more challenging. On the other hand, how many people in their market are really that good of a swimmer?
If you have any experience with this tour, I'd like to hear your thoughts.
submitted by GeekX2 to AustraliaTravel [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:20 Proud_Flounder_94 محدش يعرف؟

حد يعرف اجيب ليمتليس باور ماكس منين لان حرفيا قلبت العالم عليه😂
submitted by Proud_Flounder_94 to AlexandriaEgy [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:20 KeqYup ؟

السلام عليكم ، لا اعرف صياغة المشاعر/الموضوع/المرحلة بالطريقة الصحيحة لكن ، من فترة اصغر الملذات ماعادت تستهويني وتأثر كالمعتاد الاكل المتابعة الملابس والكثير ، سبق و مريت بحالة اكتئاب ف اعرف انعدام الرغبة بالحياة عن قلة الرغبة الموضوع يختلف ،، نفسي تبحث عن معنى أكبر غاية و سيلة اعمق و اسمى من تحقيق شهواتي وذاتي في هذه الحياة ، قلبي يتعب من الدنيا مليت هل هذي بدايات الزهد ؟ الادراك ؟ او نعمة قذفها الله داخلي الحمدلله ، لكن شعور الغربة هذا مرهق / لا ابحث عن حل اكثر مما اشتهي معرفة بأن احد ما بهذا العالم يشعر بما اشعر
submitted by KeqYup to saudiarabia [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:20 canyoujuststfuthanks This is a joke, not really. Maybe.

This is a joke, not really. Maybe. I closed my bedroom door and went to the restroom......And when I was finished I found my dog in my room (mom opened the door and let her in)
Now I'm bawling at my desk because I don't have any earphones.
submitted by canyoujuststfuthanks to DOG [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:20 tyediebleach My private stories are getting random views from people i don’t know!!

First pic is my private story that i only allow five of my friends to view, second pic is my friends only story. I don’t know any of these viewers and none of them are my Snapchat friends! Even more strange because this is happening on multi-video snaps, and the views are all on a random snap mid-video. Help???
submitted by tyediebleach to SnapchatHelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:20 simplexible What is the point of the Sedative Syringe in Freelancer?

Wouldn't a delayed sedative syringe be more useful?
submitted by simplexible to HiTMAN [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:20 tssmn [PI] By now, you have forgotten your name. It doesn't matter how many years have gone by, for you were cursed to live as long as your imprisonment. But after a seemingly endless amount of time, no one guards you anymore, and the bars have decayed to dust. You are finally free, in an empty world.

"I will honor your existence with an offering. In my endless wisdom, you will find the answer to one question of your choosing. You have all the time in the world to decide, but think carefully. Once it is answered, I will be nothing more for you than a memory."
It'll all come back around again, like planets that circle their mother sun. What is destroyed by the hands of one will be rebuilt by those of another. Eventually, the people of this world will rise again and thrive, then fall and be rendered unto the dust that coated the walls of my prison, that blanketed this world in forgotten time. There was - there is - a binding faith. She showed me.
Freedom was given to me in the splinters of wood and rusted steel that shattered upon the stone walkways of the prison floor. When I pushed the door to my cell, it simply loosed itself from the crumbling hinges and fractured innumerably on impact, almost like glass. My stomach was a grumbling void, bereft of food, but no matter how starved I was - in all the ways I could be - death was an ever-lengthening finish line. The distance was incalculable. It said to me...
Not yet, immortal. Eternal rest is for the whole.
What was I missing?
When I met her, she walked among the ruins of the world with a smile. She found beauty in the destruction, in the absence of life. It wasn't a sadistic enjoyment; more solemn than anything. There was peace in the quietude. There was a welcomed, crushing weight in the oblivion of silence; a reason to mourn what was and what couldn't have been, and to mourn was to celebrate what once existed.
I didn't have an answer for her. Not for a long time, and so I walked with her to see what was left of the world. I watched her absorb human history with glee, listened to her speak with reverence about the ancients that left this world behind. I had no recollection. Time, like the tides, swept away all of my deepest memories. I had no knowledge of how long it'd truly been, no grasp on what happened to send the world into a state of decay. I had forgotten... I had forgotten...
Eternal rest is for the whole.
What was I missing?
We walked for countless suns and moons, split rivers and seas from the earth to reach old lands, let the winds sing us to sleep. In all that time, in the delicate dance of remembrance, I turned over every stone until, finally, it came to me. She knew everything. She told me the history of humankind.
"I have my question," I said. My feet stood firmly before the finish line.
She turned and smiled at me. "So it seems. Are you sure you want to ask that question?"
My foot lifted. "I'm sure. I'm finally ready."
"It was nice knowing you, mortal. Go ahead. Give me your first and final question."
I took the last step. Eternal rest.
"Who was I?"
Original prompt by u/AccidentClassic9974. Short, melancholic. You can (probably) find this and more on StoriesInTheStatic.
submitted by tssmn to WritingPrompts [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:20 Kickthemwiththetims Xpole Setup Older Model

Xpole Setup Older Model I am so confused. I bought this pole second hand and am setting it up. Why does it look like someone screwed in the X-Joints wrong? Am I crazy? They totally didn't line the correct holes up, and instead screwed in the wrong screws.
I don't know how to fix this or what to do. Now of the hex keys fit into these screw holes to let it turn. I need to remove this little extension.
Any help?
submitted by Kickthemwiththetims to poledancing [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:20 Shot-Buffalo7448 Issues Editing Team

Is anyone having issues editing their roster? I have multiple upgrades but I am unable to move them to the starting lineup. It is giving me an error each time. Has been going on for a couple hours now
submitted by Shot-Buffalo7448 to Football_Head_Coach [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:20 Dan0ffroad [POSITIVE]%20for%20/u/datboy1986%20[seller]

Fast, great trade
submitted by Dan0ffroad to PMsFeedback [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:20 flossimschloss “I need to get some groceries so I’ll order them on Instacart,” I said.

Little did I know my shopper was a MAIL!!!!!111!!!!!1
submitted by flossimschloss to TwoSentenceHorror [link] [comments]


MAU P @ BROOKLYN STOREHOUSE, NYC - SECOND SHOW ADDED FOR FRIDAY, SEPT. 12TH submitted by Technical-Emu-6176 to avers [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:20 Danyalhussain1 Why does everyone use Balanced stock instead of Infiltrator stock?

Why does everyone use Balanced stock instead of Infiltrator stock? I’ve seen pros and everyone use Balanced stock instead of infiltrator on their subs. However the stats show this doesn’t really make any sense. Xclusive Ace done a video on both of the stocks and the Infiltator is just the better option. Your strafing speed is a lot better with the infiltrator stock. And base walk speed and walk strafe speed aren’t that important especially as most of us run ATS. So I’m confused why all of the pros are running balanced over infiltrator. Especially since the Pros are competing at the highest level. Surely someone would have tested it. I know on the menus it looks the best but when you dig deeper into it, that’s not the case
(He did make an error on the no stock values as the tac speed does not increase)
submitted by Danyalhussain1 to CoDCompetitive [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:20 SumDumPhuoc Delivered 9 days early!

Delivered 9 days early! submitted by SumDumPhuoc to S25Ultra [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:20 LovePotion31 At my limit with heavy bleeding.

37, history of heavy bleeding but it seems to be increasing. Periods are regular with the odd time I ovulate a bit late due to stress. I have had my hormones tested multiple times at various cycle points - all normal. Imaging is normal. But I can’t take bleeding this heavily anymore.
I have tried everything - I soak through an ultra tampon in 1-2 hours. I fill a menstrual cup in about 2-3 hours; I have only tried the traditional style, not the disc like a Knix. I also bleed around the cup no matter what I do to put it in. I’ve tried free bleeding as I’ve read some people have ultimately had lighter periods that way - absolutely not. Ruined another pair of scrubs today. Came home, showered and changed only to ruin another f*cking pair of casual pants for at home. I generally bleed for 7-9 days.
I don’t need medical advice at this point. Just wondering what those of you in similar situations have found to be helpful for you. Tired of having to wear an ultra and a pad as well as an extra pair of shorts under my work clothes.
submitted by LovePotion31 to Periods [link] [comments]
