[Ps5] w: magic scorpion charm h: karma

2025.01.30 23:10 Less-Musician-6291 [Ps5] w: magic scorpion charm h: karma

submitted by Less-Musician-6291 to PatchesEmporium [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 Fuzzy-Delivery799 Any former software engineers here who transitioned into a completely different, more fulfilling, and lucrative industry? I’d love to leave tech, but I’m finding it tough since I need to make at least $70K–$80K per year.

With artificial intelligence, the oversaturated job market, unrealistic interview requirements, frequent layoffs, and the general politics in tech, I’m completely burned out.
I’ve been a self-taught software engineer for five years, with no formal education. I want to leave tech entirely, but I can’t afford to spend another four years in school. I also need to make at least $70K–$80K a year consistently to support my family.
I’d sincerely appreciate any advice.
submitted by Fuzzy-Delivery799 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 JJDERP0667 Got my first welder!

Got my first welder! submitted by JJDERP0667 to Welding [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 Ecstatic_File_5589 Want: Pidgeot Ex (Mythical Islands) — Have: Picture

Want: Pidgeot Ex (Mythical Islands) — Have: Picture submitted by Ecstatic_File_5589 to PTCGPocketTrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 Klutzy-Blackberry417 Tattoo idea

So I think I have an awesome idea but I currently don’t have any tattoos so I don’t really know if this will look good. The idea is to have black and white lightning starting from my upper back to my lats and then to the sides of my abs, my name (Storm, which is why I thought this will be especially cool) will be under the lightning of my back. So let me know what you think
submitted by Klutzy-Blackberry417 to tattooadvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 snonymois I need a pc build in budget of $500-800 dollars

I would like help on a pc build in the budget range of $500-800 dollars I don’t have a start so please if you want to help please do
submitted by snonymois to pcpartpickerbuilds [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 yourrealdad28 30ft charging cable 6-50

Swapping a Y for a Ioniq 5 and because the port is on the other (wrong 🤣) side of the car I need a longer cable.
Probably need a 30 ft cord to be safe.
Seems 25ft is code? But there seems to be some longer here and there, but they are usually 14-50 plugs.
So does anyone know a reputable 6-50 cable around 30 ft?
submitted by yourrealdad28 to evcharging [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 nicolaselhani Yoshi's Origin Story - Restoration and Translation

This morning I stumbled upon a tweet from user coolestfucker showing a link to artwork of the original "Yoshi" game on MarioWiki#Scans)
They are scans of an Official Nintendo Guide Book for the puzzle game. A handful of pages of the guidebook are actually just a short origin story of how Yoshi was born. The story is really cool and I'd never seen the artwork before which I thought was beautiful.
I tried finding an English version of the book for sale online but couldn't find it with the artwork. So I thought I'd do two things:

  1. Restore and fix up and the scans to extract only the artwork without any text.
  2. Do an English translation of the text and create a small PDF as if it were a short story of Yoshi's origin.
A few liberties I took:
  1. Front cover: Logo: which I took the coloring inspiration from the Japanese lettering but with the English logo. Removed publishers and promotional messages. Added the NES instead of Famicom.
  2. First page: Kept it with a focus on the art and story by removing the "Yoshi's Egg".
  3. Last story page: Combined both text boxes into one.
  4. Back cover: Removed ISBN/Serial code to match front cover
Here's a Google Drive link to the 7 artworks with no text + the translated PDF book: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-5X5GDLp5q7TPZWaQQDu6E78s9nJgvFb?usp=share_link
submitted by nicolaselhani to nintendo [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 bigelow6698 The Insanity Defense Reform Act of 1984 should be abolished.

Reform, by definiiton, means to change for the better. In that regard, the act was named the way that it is with a snuck premise. That snuch premise being that the act reformed the criminal justice system for the better. I would argue that that is not the case.
After Hinckley shot Ronald Reagan, he was prosecuted for attempted murder and found not guilty for reason of insanity. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Hinckley_Jr. https://www.npr.org/2021/09/27/1040872498/john-hinckley-unconditional-release https://apnews.com/article/health-courts-ronald-reagan-john-hinckley-310748b567235cc7e50f1a90f24eb0c3
Several members of the Reagan administration were very mad about this and implemented policies to make it harder for the insanity defence to hold up in a court of law. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insanity_Defense_Reform_Act https://www.justice.gov/archives/jm/criminal-resource-manual-634-insanity-defense-reform-act-1984#:~:text=created%20a%20special%20verdict%20of,serving%20a%20Federal%20prison%20sentence. https://www.congress.gov/bill/98th-congress/house-bill/3771?s=1&r=99 http://psychology.iresearchnet.com/forensic-psychology/criminal-responsibility/insanity-defense-reform-act/ https://historyforensicpsych.umwblogs.org/the-insanity-defense-outline-by-andrew-garofolo/the-federal-insanity-defense-act-of-1984/
Hinckley was locked up in a mental institution until eventually being released in 2016. Hinkley is still alive today and has not shot anyone since ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Hinckley_Jr. ). That tells me that that the verdict of not guilty for reason of insanity was probably the right verdict and this decision to implement policies to make it harder for the insanity defence to hold up in a court of law had much more to do with anger and petty vengeance than they did with a genuine desire to reform the criminal justice system. The Insanity Defence and the chance that it will hold up in a court of law should go back to the way that it was before The Reagan era.
What do you think? Do you agree with me? If so, are there any points that I missed. If you disagree with me, I am willing to hear the argument. Tell me what you think.
submitted by bigelow6698 to PoliticalOpinions [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 Bitter-Return-2998 Peeing outside litter box - been to the vet

My partner and I adopted our 5 year old female cat a little over a year ago. When we got her, the shelter told us that her previous family surrendered her because of she was not handling arrival of the new baby in the family well and had started eliminating inappropriately because of that stress. My partner and I are child-free, so we didn't think much of the issue.
When we first brought her home, she was great and we never had any issues with going to the bathroom outside of the litterbox before now.
We originally started her on breeze system and then switched to using the breeze pellets with stainless steel hotel pans. She handled that change very well.
Around 3 months ago we found some dark pee in the pee pads in the box and took her to the vet immediately. He did a bunch of expensive tests (thank God for pet insurance) and it came back that she has crystals in her urine and bladder. She was already on wet food that we added extra water too and make sure she has fresh water at all times too. She has a fountain but does not use it. The vet prescribed Purina pro U/R wet food to try to dissolve the urine crystals and told us to come back in 6 months to check in. She was still using her litterbox just fine then
About a month and a half ago, we got a new doormat by our front door, added a handful of pine litter to her box to start the transition over, and had some guests stay for a weekend. This all happened within the span of a week, and she seemed fine until we caught her peeing on the doormat by the front door.
We got an enzyme cleaner and tried to clean everything up as best as we could. We had to toss the doormat, the guests left, and we went back to just her normal breeze pellets alone in the litterbox. She still kept peeing by the door.
We took her back to the vet, did more tests, and they said she still has crystals in her urine but couldn't find anything else medically wrong that would make her pee outside the litterbox. They recommended getting "cat attract" litterbox additive and seeing how that goes, but to come back to check in on the crystals in a few more months. We got the additive and added it in.
She still uses the litter box 70% of the time and still poops in the box normally. The other 30% of time is just driving us crazy. We still clean with an enzyme cleaner, started putting pee pads by the door to make clean up faster but it's a lot.
Sometimes she will use the normal litterbox for days-- we went to visit family for a long weekend and she didn't pee outside of the litter box once for the cat sitter.
We live in a tiny one bedroom apartment so there's not any space to add in an additional litter box anywhere, especially not by the front door.
We started feeding her by the front door to try and stop her from going there and it seemed to work for a minute but she's back to going there now.
Any advice on what we can try next would be much appreciated. We love our sweet girl but she's driving us a little crazy right now.
submitted by Bitter-Return-2998 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 sarah_marisa Advice

Really hoping posting this doesn’t freak me out even more, but I want honest opinions. I found 2 live Germans crawling around inside my kitchen cabinet this weekend. I immediately contacted my management company (I live in an apartment), but because it was the weekend they didn’t respond until Monday. The day I found them I set out sticky traps and the next morning I found 1 caught in the same cabinet where I originally saw them. A couple days later, my apartment brought in an exterminator who said he saw no signs of roaches. They set out a few more bait traps around my kitchen and that was that.
To me, this was not sufficient if there truly is a roach problem in the building so I contacted the management company again. They said they were sending the exterminator again to check each unit and lay out traps, but that they could not spray my apartment because I have 2 cats. This response seems pretty lax to me, but given that I’ve never dealt with roaches before I’m not sure whether this is a reasonable response or if they’re being stingy.
Other than the initial sighting and then the next day the 1 that was caught in the trap, I haven’t seen any more. Still spiraling though from obsessively reading all the horror stories on this sub and also residual trauma from having had a horrible flea infestation in my home as a kid.
Given what I’ve seen, do you think I should be concerned and continue pressing the building to do more? If they won’t do anything else, should I proceed to start treating myself? Or is that not necessary and I should just try to relax? Please be gentle with responses. I’m already panicky enough 😅
submitted by sarah_marisa to GermanRoaches [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 Covozi 2位タイの東京駅&大宮駅を抑えた圧倒的1位とは「女性が京浜東北線で住みたいと思う駅」

2位タイの東京駅&大宮駅を抑えた圧倒的1位とは「女性が京浜東北線で住みたいと思う駅」 submitted by Covozi to newsokunomoral [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 cashgeany fresh afro house vibes - let me know what you think!

hey everyone,
I just released a new afro house track and would love to get ur thoughts/feedback - especially from lovers of this genre!
you can listen to it here: https://open.spotify.com/album/3kAdNNyLo4Vn3jXRpUndfM?si=MVZW43m7SPSCTDZeOcKawQ
if u enjoy it, lmk what u think and what I can improve!
tnx for checking it out! 🦋
submitted by cashgeany to ThisIsOurMusic [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 Down-in-it Colo Cage keypad access

Does anyone know of a keypad access system for colo cages? IE a temp code can be created and given out for 8, 10, 24 hr access windows for technicians. This would be managed and controlled by the colo customer.
We are getting caught in the middle of access requests between colo customer construction managers and the colo customer security access request supervisors.
submitted by Down-in-it to datacenter [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 Agreeable_Hat9659 Guest WiFi account creation portal

Hi nice folks, We have a "weird" setup that we want to accomplish. We need to make it possible for our internal users (wired and wireless) to create guest WiFi accounts for people they invite to the company. What's the best setup to make it happen. I thought of having two different portals:
1st portal is for internal employees, with a Create New Guest Account form 2nd portal (captive) for guest WiFi users, to login only, without the ability to create user accounts.
Is there abetter more convenient way that's maybe the correct way of doing so, that I'm not aware of ?
Ps: we have Fortigate, Fortiauthenticator and FortiAPs.
submitted by Agreeable_Hat9659 to fortinet [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 Im_a_Libertine_ Blackstone ocen blue

Blackstone ocen blue Wore this one today unfortunately it does not last on me. I probably got maybe 3 hrs worth of the scent. I do have Blackstone bourbon and Oak burgundy bottle and that one definitely lasts longer on me.
submitted by Im_a_Libertine_ to fragranceclones [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 Prestigious-Side-431 Trades?

Trades? Let me know.
submitted by Prestigious-Side-431 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 front-page-watch [#511|+1015|272] Asteroid triggers global defence plan amid chance of collision with Earth in 2032 | Hundred-metre wide asteroid rises to top of impact risk lists after being spotted in December by automated telescope [r/space]

submitted by front-page-watch to longtail [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 FrostyDog1312 Ugasen insta?

Ugasen insta? Prpa
submitted by FrostyDog1312 to serbia [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 Turbulent-Anywhere24 Tour

Does anyone have information about sah touring Europe ?
submitted by Turbulent-Anywhere24 to sahbabii [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 bloomburger8 Should Memphis be in jail?

I don’t pay attention to him but every time his name comes up it’s some incriminating bs to the point where I feel like he needs to be locked up. Why is he not in jail, seriously?
submitted by bloomburger8 to Snark4sunnyChristina [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 MidoZahran [PC] [RIVEN] [Q] New to Evaluating Rivens. Is this worth anything?

submitted by MidoZahran to wartrade [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 TargetedTrades $1K to $25K Challenge – 1 Week Update! 📈🚀

$1K to $25K Challenge – 1 Week Update! 📈🚀 It’s been one week since I started this challenge, and I’m excited to share some progress! I’ve managed to double my account, now sitting at $2,000 by trading SPY options on a cash account.
How I Got Here: 📌 Focused on scaling into positions at liquidity sweeps where reversals were most likely. 📌 Took high-risk plays early to quickly grow from $1K → $2K, allowing me to expand into other setups. 📌 Now with $2K in capital, I’m shifting my strategy: 🔹 Day trading with half the account 🔹 Swing trading with the other half (mainly tech stocks) 🔹 Adjusting risk as the account grows (choosing longer DTE and less contracts per trade)
The goal remains $25K in 45 trading days, aiming for 8% growth per day. The real test starts now as I focus on consistent growth & risk management.
Appreciate everyone who is following along! How’s your trading been this past week? Let’s keep pushing! 🔥💪
submitted by TargetedTrades to swingtrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 DxrkDeception83 do u guys know what mod is this? i dont want it and it isnt the WMBP mod

Processing img cpe4l2clq7ge1...
submitted by DxrkDeception83 to RimWorld [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:10 OttoWeston I... I let Abelard go...

He served so faithfully and so well, starting with that very first battle outside the warrant chamber and through all the cataclysms that followed since. We survived Rykad together and he helped to guide me through and protect me from the rising heresy and political quagmire that threatened to drag the protectorate down. We had grown close and I valued his council and service so much that he was the one I chose to stand by my side at my accession on Dargonus; my right hand man, his worth publicly recognized for all to see.
Then Voigtvir and Scalander, those snakes! The Dark City was rough on the old man and when I found him, shambling in derangement and delusion, I feared for him. The thought of losing him in such a vile place and the sight of him.. a shell of his former self, my fellows... it shames me not to say that it shook me.
When we returned home, I hoped everything would return to normality but blow after blow continued to rock my faith and my emotional foundations. I began to question my decisions as I made mistake after mistake, doubt my past actions as I cast away companions in judgement of them, even somewhat detest the memory of my naive and idealistic younger self, despite the reputation he had garnered across the expanse. I was spinning.
Then Abelard for the first time since I'd ever known him, asked me for help. The thought of refusal never crossed my mind for this, this was the beacon that I needed; a call to action that was clear, something I could latch on to and ground my flailing tethers. With furious righteousness I descended upon Dargonus, seizing what I took as an avenue to purge my doubts in loyal service to a trusted friend and ally.
The events of that fitful day haunt me still in my moments of solitude.
I saw snakes in every shadow, every twitch, every comment. Whilst I rooted out the catspaw in the Drivestem family, I failed to find the true culprits behind him, the manipulating actors responsible for the attack on Abelard's house and name. As the hours trickled on, the pressure mounted. Abelard never said a word but his mere presence drove me to near madness, I know not exactly why. Perhaps in my mind, if I could not resolve this simple request, from one household out of the millions spread out across the protectorate, then what purpose or point was there in me or the dynasty? The doubts all came flooding back. The mistakes. The regrets. The eyes of all of them bored into me as I sat upon the throne and blurted out a knee-jerk, rushed and desperate judgement.
With that one pronouncement I knew instantly that I had failed... in many more ways than just one.
First was the flash of... was it disappointment, disapproval, disagreement, shame or perhaps even pity in Abelard's eyes? He covered it quickly. He said not a word in protest. He is too honourable a man for that and he carried on to his duty at my order.
Second was the thought of Jocasta, my lover, friend, loyal servant of the dynasty and an enforcer many should aspire to be throughout the Imperium. I had thrown her family's name into the gutter and levied a death sentence across all of her bloodline. What's more is that I didn't truly believe it myself. Their loyalty had stretched back centuries, their words coarse but upfront. They were fellows I could stand beside in the line of battle, people who would tell you of your faults to your face. In other words, good rugged folk. In a moment of overwhelmed cowardice, I had turned upon that brutal honesty and twisted it into an excuse to let the axe fall upon them. Whatever-more happens in my life, I deserve to only be surrounded by sycophants and backstabbers. The loyal should flee from my side.
Third was the tickling and undermining sensation of knowing that the real perpetrators were not only slipping away with their knives still wet in Werserian blood but even sharpened, having managed to cut the Sauerbeck line with the very same act! Shame and self-loathing burned through my veins as I presided over the executions and maintained the facade of truly believing in their guilt.
I fled the world. I fled the system. I tried to bury myself in the responsibilities of the void but I could not flee Abelard and the momentary flash of emotion I had witnessed in his eyes, nor Jocasta and the memories of the grisly executions of her kin.
Then Abelard asked to speak to me. He requested leave to, once everything had died down, take up a post on Dargonus to protect his family and serve mine in a less front-line role. He did not say it but I knew, he only needed to protect his family because I had failed to follow through to the heart of the matter on his previous request but this was one that I could at least fulfill. I granted him leave.
As days turned to weeks, I realized that my words granting him eventual leave were merely lip-service. These times of hardship, strife and danger would not end. It is said that across the expanse and the rest of the Imperium, behind the warp storms of the Maw, there is only war. Keeping him on in the vain hope of securing an eventual peace that would never come... could only have one ending; he would die in my service, either from old age or through combat or through another of my many mistakes. I could not allow that to happen. I would not fail this simple request.
Despite his protestations that his service was not yet done, I followed through on this at the very least. I let him go.
Did I truly do so out of a desire to help or was it just another facet of my cowardice? You be the judge of me, Balthazar Von Valancius.
submitted by OttoWeston to RogueTraderCRPG [link] [comments]
