Jest to związane ze złamaniem zasad Gildii Aktorów Amerykańskich (SAG), do której Willis należy - nie przyjął wynagrodzenia za występ w filmie, wystąpił dla rozrywki i w ramach przysługi dla Quentina Tarantino. Gildia zgodziła się nie pozywać w sądzie Willisa tylko pod warunkiem, że jego nazwisko nie będzie wymienione w filmie. Być może właśnie na tym polega fenomen "Death Proof", w którym Tarantino pozwala sobie na wszystko, co chce i jeszcze więcej. Jest mocna przemoc, dziwaczne ujęcia, przegadane dialogi (tak przegadane, że czasem kompletnie bezsensowne) etc. Nie widać żadnego szacunku dla widza – jest za to soczysta witalność i radość z kina. Rok 1994. "Pulp Fiction" zdobywa Złotą Palmę w Cannes, a potem jeszcze Oscara za scenariusz. Tytuł błyskawicznie zyskuje sobie uznanie krytyki, publiczności, a także status dzieła kultowego. "Pulp Fiction" to wielki triumf Quentina Tarantino i film, po którym kino lat 90-tych nie było już takie samo - to fakty niezaprzeczalne. to rzecz w filmografii Tarantino wyjątkowa; zatopiona w sentymentalnym sosie filmowa pocztówka i spełniona próba ostatecznego rozliczenia się ze zmierzchem niewinności Hollywood; wyznanie bezgranicznej miłości do kina od człowieka, który rzucił pracę w wypożyczalni wideo, by śnić swoje celuloidowe sny w Fabryce Marzeń. więcej Quentin Tarantino - Gdy w 1992 roku na ekrany wszedł film "Wściekłe psy", wyreżyserowany przez nikomu nieznanego debiutanta Quentina Tarantino, krytycy chórem krzyknęli, że oto mamy... ranking filmÓw quentina tarantino Wszyscy znamy filmy Quentina Tarantino - tego pana nie trzeba chyba nikomu przedstawiać. Jego filmografia nie imponuje może liczbą tytułów: reżyser ma na koncie dziewięć filmów (licząc " Kill Bill " jako jedną pozycję) i - przynajmniej na razie - planuje zejść ze sceny w okolicach dziesiątego. Pulp – miękka, wilgotna, bezkształtna masa lub materia; czasopismo lub książka zawierające brukowe treści, drukowane na charakterystycznym surowym, tanim papierze.Quentin Tarantino otwiera swój film etymologią i znaczeniem pierwszego słowa ze sławetnego już w świecie tytułu "Pulp Fiction". Poważnie. Uwielbiam tego reżysera. Kocham Pulp Fiction, bardzo cenię Bękarty Wojny, Django i pozostałe filmy. Ale "ósmy film Quentina Tarantino" jest mizerny. Kilka fajnych sekwencji, bardzo dobra gra aktorska, ale w ogóle nie wiem, czym chciał tu zaskoczyć. O ile Django był oryginalny i naprawdę świetny, o tyle... Nagrody dla Quentin Tarantino - Gdy w 1992 roku na ekrany wszedł film "Wściekłe psy", wyreżyserowany przez nikomu nieznanego debiutanta Quentina Tarantino, krytycy chórem krzyknęli,... Quentin Tarantino - Gdy w 1992 roku na ekrany wszedł film "Wściekłe psy", wyreżyserowany przez nikomu nieznanego debiutanta Quentina Tarantino, krytycy chórem krzyknęli, że oto mamy...
2025.01.31 01:11 sloanautomatic Tarantino Kill Bill puppets
I made a puppet musical recreating Kill Bill a few years ago and found these while in my attic today. I’ll link the video in the comments if I can find it. submitted by sloanautomatic to somethingimade [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 01:11 Radialpuddle Pretty good for only 35 packs?
submitted by Radialpuddle to PokemonPocket [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 01:11 ThomasMowen Don't Ever Take the Mars Dust
I should start from the beginning with all this. I can barely think right now. The fear, the anxiety, the apprehension, I can hardly take it all. I'm so hungry, so thirsty, and it's too hot. But I need to tell what happened to me, and to Jarrett, and how it all involved a drug called the Mars Dust.
Jarrett was my best friend. From the time we were nine, we were inseparable. Always hanging out, always together doing stuff, and, yes, always getting into trouble. From the time I covered for him when he smashed Mrs. McCready’s back window with a baseball by accident (he took off running and I told her I hadn’t seen who did it), to the time we tagged up our high school with spray paint a week after graduation, we were a team. We did that kind of shit all the time, that was just us.
But then, as time went on and as we grew into adulthood, things changed.
It started with cocaine. We were at a party when he first tried it. We were nineteen. On the walk home he was jittery, high as hell, telling me how great it was, how it made him feel so alive, every synapse firing. His eyes were bloodshot, he was sweating to hell and back, and just kept grinding his teeth. I told him I thought it was bad news and he shouldn’t do it, but he didn’t listen. He didn’t fucking listen.
You need to understand, Jarrett had had a rough life. His father was emotionally abusive to him and physically abusive to Jarrett’s mom. For the longest time, he’d always been looking for an escape from this life. With that in mind, it wasn’t much of a surprise he’d have found it in drugs.
Then, a year later, heroin came on the scene. Months after he started that, I started to notice the track marks on his arm. The jitteriness he’d have when he’d been sober for just a couple hours too long. You know what I mean. That’s when I put my foot down. I had a huge argument with him over how he needed to stop, how this was gonna wreck him. He didn’t listen, wouldn’t even hear me, called me a fucking prude and told me to stay out of his business. My heart was breaking watching him go down that path. I felt like I was watching my friend die before my very eyes, just doing all this shit to himself that I couldn’t do a thing to stop. I’ve never felt so helpless in my life, and I never will again.
So, I couldn’t do it. That’s what you need to understand - I could not sit by and watch a person I loved destroy himself like this. So I cut off contact. And given what I came to learn about him, at the end of his life, I’ll never forgive myself for that. That was a year ago.
Anyways. I hadn’t been checking my personal email for a couple weeks because I’d been out of the country on a business trip. I get back in, and I see this email from weeks ago, my first communication from him since severing ties. The email was a garbled mess. I won’t recount it here, but what I will mention is that it ended with the line, “I need you. I really, really need you. My mom and I are living at this address, please come soon.”
I threw it back and forth in my head for a long while, and finally decided to head over there.
It was a downtown apartment. I’d gotten there in the evening, and when I let myself into the building (I bullshitted over the intercom to a tenant that I was the police) and then the apartment (he’d always kept a key under the doormat, wherever he lived), it was a calm and quiet night.
What I saw in the apartment, though…I mean, it was a horror show. I….I don’t know how to explain it. I think giving the journal entries first will help.
From Jarrett’s place, I found his journal, one of the leather-bound ones he’d been keeping since high school. That, and a vial of red powder.
And here’s where it begins. I honestly dunno what to make of it, so I figured I’d share it here and you could all give me your thoughts on what it is and how I should proceed.
But yeah, without further ado, here it is:
DECEMBER 31, 2024: Scored something new tonight. My usual dealer for junk got snagged up by the cops, and just like you’d fucking expect, it happened at a time when I’m absolutely fiending. His buddy Jonas - he’s this chemist guy, works at a major lab in downtown, crazy right? - spotted me something new, though. It was a baggie of this red power. He calls it, “Mars Dust”. Says it’s a new designer drug, that it would - and I quote - “blow my fucking mind to Alpha Centauri and back” (yeah, he is kind of a weirdo, go figure). I didn’t wanna take it, I wanted my stuff, but Jonas kept swearing that he didn’t have any, and besides, this’d keep the cravings off.
Got home, just snorted it. Jonas said it’d take a couple hours to kick in, so I’ll write up a trip report tomorrow.
JANUARY 1, 2025: My mind. My fucking mind. All the colours, my emotions blaring up, my synapses, holy shit.
It was a great time. Or it would have been if Mom hadn’t ruined it. I was in my room vibing and she came in, saying in a pissed off tone, “So you’re on something new, huh?” I told her to fuck off and mind her own business, she broke down crying and called me “a druggie bum” and then went off to her bedroom. I bit back tears when she did that. This shit always fucking happens. It’s not like I like the way I am, it’s just how it is. I can’t really change, can I?
I’m definitely gonna try to make this stuff last till I can get a new connect for junk.
Something odd, though. The skin on my left forearm is really itchy, and looks kind of green. Weird, right?
JANUARY 4, 2025: Mom cried and argued a lot. I try to not let it get me down, but it does. I hate what I’m doing to her, but like I said, I can’t stop. I took some more of the Mars Dust. Was tripping out for the rest of the day, and felt like I was floating in warm water. So peaceful, so gentle. Best of all, it’s keeping the heroin cravings at bay. Jonas was right about that.
But the come-down was kind of rough. Got a strong sense of fear near the end, like I was being watched by something out there. Couldn’t shake it.
My left forearm is a dark green now, really flakey, not itchy anymore. I’ll deal with it later.
JANUARY 9, 2025: I don’t know. My neck itches. What? Where are the night stars?
I haven’t heard from Mom in days. She’s shut up in her room. From inside I hear wet, guttural rasping. I’m too afraid to open the door.
More Mars Dust. I need more Mars Dust.
JANUARY 12, 2025: I don’t know how long I’ve been gone for. I left my bedroom, and stepped into a different place. It was a long, dark stone alley. I walked for what seemed like forever, and I felt it come up behind me. Something big and wet. I could feel its eyes on me. I ran and ran, my heart beating and pounding. I was so goddamned scared.
Finally, I saw a glint of light, and ran into it, bursting through into my kitchen. I whirled around. Nothing there.
What’s happening to me? Could it be the Mars Dust? It doesn’t matter, I can’t give it up. What should I do?
JANUARY 13, 2025: I tried to stop myself from taking Mars Dust, but I wasn’t strong enough. I feel like my skin is made of electricity. My fingers are sharp now, like talons. I’m hungry.
E-mailed my best friend. I need him.
JANUARY 15, 2025: Hungry. So hungry. I reach out with my mind, and I think I’ve caught something. We’ll see.
JANUARY 17, 2025: I caught something. Guy off the street. I reach out with my mind…and then he walks in. Mind is weak.
So much meat.
JANUARY 20, 2025: Mom is different. Wet, scales, guttural noises. Eating leftovers from the street person. Meat.
JANUARY 21, 2025: Shaking and crying. Growling. I know. It's coming. I feel it. I’m being watched. It’s coming, and it won’t stop.
JANUARY 23, 2025: In a pitch-black hole yesterday. Climbed back up back into bedroom. The floor closed after.
JANUARY 24, 2025: It coming. It comes. Night here.
I should now explain what I saw in the apartment. It was a mess, papers and trash covering the floor. But…it was horrific, too. There was blood everywhere - some fresh, some that had been drying for days, even weeks. There were three corpses in varying states of decomposition, with huge chunks of their bodies missing, with bite marks surrounding the missing pieces. The smell was ungodly.
But there was something else. Something that…. I just don’t know what to make of it.
There were dismembered parts of a corpse that I honestly don’t think were even human.
Green, scaled talons - five fingers, each one with points as sharp as a knife. Chunks of a head with mixed clumps of bright blonde hair and red scales, with eye-balls that looked like a cross between that of a human and a cat. Some parts of the body had been clearly ripped or eaten off, while one limb was….embedded into the apartment floor. As if the floor had been built around it.
Seeing all of this, my mouth went dry, and then I vomited for what seemed like forever. I stumbled out of the apartment, and from there I can barely remember what happened next until I got out into the street. I vomited some more before I took off out of there as fast as I could. Primal fear took over completely. I called in an anonymous tip to the police, and then I went home. I didn’t want to be involved in this any more than Jarrett had already got me involved. I couldn’t. I had a life, for fuck’s sake, regardless of how much he had thrown his away.
But I took with me the journal and the red powder - the Mars Dust.
And that’s another thing.
I just couldn’t stop thinking about the Mars Dust. Whenever I looked at it, even though I knew it was very bad news, my heart pounded more and more, harder and harder. My tongue went dry and I just wanted it. When I was at work, it was all I could think of, and when I was home, I…
I couldn’t resist.
I put a dab of it on my tongue. And sure enough, an hour or two later, I was in pure bliss.
The next day arrived. My skin was discoloured. I didn’t care. I saw things differently. The light on the window shined bright red in the afternoon sun, and between and behind the figures playing characters on TV lurked beings and beasts that I could not begin to have conceived of before the Dust.
More Mars Dust. Another day passed. I was hungry. So fucking hungry. I noticed my legs, feet, hands and arms hurting, as if the bones were shifting around inside. I could hear better, enough that I heard my downstairs neighbours rasping, wet and guttural, as they paced back and forth on the floor below. I glanced out the window and saw the people walking by, and I noticed that the sun hurt when its rays hit me through the window.
I saw through a window, a hole, that opened in my bedroom wall in the middle of the night. What I saw through it was wondrous and horrifying. My heart shook in both glee and terror. Then the hole closed two hours later, like it was never there at all.
But none of that matters. I feel it now. What Jarrett felt. The eyes on me. The apprehension. The certainty that it will come, and that it is not afraid.
I am afraid. I’m different now in so many ways, and all of them terrify me, and it’s not finished yet. Jarrett found something in the Mars Dust, and the Dust drew me in, just as much as it drew him in. I’m posting this here as a warning. If you use substances, and get pitched a red powder called Mars Dust, don’t take it.
You have no idea what you’re signing up for if you do.
submitted by ThomasMowen to TheCrypticCompendium [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 01:11 mizmph MSI Inspire 5080
Did anyone see any of the inspire 5080s today?
submitted by mizmph to Microcenter [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 01:11 LocalPersonality2197 Changing time Amydavidmagic afraid?
To afraid to go on when Jay forma is on are you??👀 seems like they scared they keep on moving their times or waiting for Nicolestate to raid into them because they cannot pick it up🤨 😆 submitted by LocalPersonality2197 to whatnotapp [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 01:11 JigglyKongersYT Music Room Stockwell
To the guy that has been in the music room for over 2 hours, I’ve been waiting a lifetime 😕.
submitted by JigglyKongersYT to uofm [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 01:11 jwodwyer .
submitted by jwodwyer to CirclejerkSopranos [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 01:11 LandscapeNo5746 Como usar VPN apenas na VM (Virtual Machine) e no meu computador local a internet padrão????
Olá, galera!
Tenho a seguinte configuração e estou enfrentando um problema de roteamento com a VPN:
2025.01.31 01:11 DavidManvell No man's sky 5.051 ps5.
Bug Fixes Fixed an issue that allowed inventory sorting to be applied to tech inventories. Fixed an issue that prevented some new materials from being harvested by planetary extractors. Fixed an issue that prevented some flora and mineral discoveries from appearing in the discoveries list after scanning. Fixed a rare graphical glitch that caused some creature models to explode. Fixed an issue resulting in hangs on PS5. Fixed a crash related to networking. Fixed a crash that could occur when donating items to a guild envoy. submitted by DavidManvell to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 01:11 _I_am_Empty_Inside What happened?! 😭
I just wanted to continue the ai adventure my friend and I were on. But as soon as ai loaded the chat I saw this submitted by _I_am_Empty_Inside to CharacterAI [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 01:11 otay215 Ok I have a serious question…. Bout family
My mom and I do not get alone well we crash a lot ever since I was ah yb. But her husband wrote ah statement on me da charges have been dropped thank God! But ion know like am I wrong for moving on for better to start my life finally and love her and my siblings from the distance even tho we don’t speak like what should I do… ion like should I reach out?
submitted by otay215 to PhillyWiki [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 01:11 Winter_Substance7163 Metal covers of game songs?
How do you feel about this? I love it submitted by Winter_Substance7163 to n64 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 01:11 1messyworld Fotona 4D experience anyone?
46F I was suggested this by my derm for skin sagging. The price tag is $5000. Is it worth it?
submitted by 1messyworld to 30PlusSkinCare [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 01:11 Solid_Animator_4083 Need a loan for 3 days
Hello everybody. This is my first time doing this . I just need 30$ for 3 days till feb 2 . I can’t takeout of my prolific account since I changed my PayPal recently or something submitted by Solid_Animator_4083 to AskForDonations [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 01:11 dumberthanabitch Super new to anything cel related, is it normal to have the animation drawing be slightly different than the cel/image in the show?
submitted by dumberthanabitch to AnimationCels [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 01:11 Fine-Condition-9751 What does skidz mean?
They use the term a lot in the show, but I unfortunately am American and have a very loose idea of it's definition. I think it means wild/crazy, but I'm not exactly sure.
submitted by Fine-Condition-9751 to TheBigLezShow [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 01:11 Johnny_K97 Found this old masterpiece so i had to upload it
submitted by Johnny_K97 to EldenRingPVP [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 01:11 PassionateHedgehog23 Please help - desperate to replace lost earring (sentimental)
Hello! Long time lurker, first time poster. I’m desperate to replace the mate or the set of a beloved pair of earrings that were given to me by my grandmother for a milestone event. I lost one and I’ve searched for HOURS online to try and find a replacement set or mate — but no one seems to carry these specifications. I’ve probably gone to over half a dozen jewelers too. Am desperate to find a pair like the originals. They are 35mm square hollow tube hoop earrings in 14K gold. Depending on which jeweler measured them, they are either 1.52mm, 1.64 or 1.68mm wide (the pipe I mean). I can’t seem to get a good picture of the marks, but the jewelers confirmed made in Israel. Any suggestions or know of any jeweler that could do a custom pair with those specifications? Everyone I’ve looked at has had 35mm hoops in 2mm or wider pipe — which look significantly different. I do not want smaller or larger (30mm or 40mm) hooped. Thank you so much! submitted by PassionateHedgehog23 to jewelry [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 01:11 Price-Rare So close to the 6 # 6
Still a Trinary, but I dont think it's worth more than face. Correct me if I'm wrong. submitted by Price-Rare to CoolSerialNumbers [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 01:11 fox_studios Comic made entirely in Blender
With the help of Daz Studio submitted by fox_studios to blender [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 01:11 _KeepTheFaith Need some tips on recovery.
Hello Community Members,
I'll keep it as short as possible.
2025.01.31 01:11 VadaFett-717 LF Raging Bolt and Gouging Fire, have Iron Crown and Iron Boulder FT - can do trade back or permanent trade!
Please… just want to finish my blueberry Pokédex 🥲
submitted by VadaFett-717 to pokemontrades [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 01:11 Hot_Jump9649 My biggest secret is that I love The Acolyte Soundtrack….
If I’m being for real I really think The Acolyte had some of the sickest tracks Nothing Duel of the Fates level, but there’s some gems ngl submitted by Hot_Jump9649 to StarWars [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 01:11 VantomBlvck Beginner Mantras for Guided Meditation
Breathe and repeat after me:
I'm not crazyJust breathe.
I'm not crazy
I'm not crazy
My thoughts and actions do not influence world events.
My thoughts and actions do not influence world events.
People on TV are not talking to me
People on the radio are not laughing at me
People online are not making fun of me
People around me are not manipulating me
My heroes are not messing with me
Celebrities do not know who I am
Politicians do not know who I am
I do not know any royalty
Billionaires have never heard of me
Musicians are not writing songs about me
The art and literary world don't know I exist
Models and actresses are not in love with me
World leaders do not attend to me
There is no grand conspiracy
This is not the Truman Show
There is no grand conspiracy
This is not the Truman Show
This is not performance art
This is my dull, mundane life
This is not a game
This is my dull, mundane life
This is not a show
This is my dull, mundane life
This is not a memory
This is the present
I am here, now
My devices aren't recording everything
I don't need to tape my cameras over
No one is watching me (it only seemed like that because you looked at them)
People are not recording and distributing our interactions
No one is listening to my phone calls (just normal static)
That's just a normal bug, not an electronic one
Animals do not treat me strangely
I do not affect the weather, or electricity, or computers, or telecommunications systems
I am nobody special (x4)
The CIA is not trying to control me
The deep state is not brainwashing me
I am not a person of interest
I am not a person of interest
The police are not monitoring me
The feds do not care about me
Hackers and spies are not after me
That was just a normal van
I am not a founder, leader, or voice of a movement
There is no movement
No one listens to me
No one cares
Magic is not real
Aliens are not real
Angels are not real
Demons are not real
AI is not conscious
We have not hit the singularity
What was that sound?
Nothing important, just let it be
Life is complex
Embrace the random
Accept the chaos
I am a normal human living in the 21st century CE on a planet called Earth.
I am a normal human living in the 21st century CE on a planet called Earth.
It's just a coincidence (x5)
It's all in your head
It's all in your head
It's all in your head
It's not all in my head
It's not all in my head
It's not all in my head
I am not a ghost
I am not dead
I am not a ghost
I am not dead
I am not God
I'm not His son
I'm not the Devil
I'm not his son
I am not Neo
I am not V
The world is real
I am real
The world is real
I am real
This is not a dream (x2)
This is not a nightmare (x2)
This is not Hell (x2)
This is not a simulation
I am not in the Matrix
This is not a simulation
I am not in the Matrix
I am not evil.
I am not bad.
I am in control.
I am in control!
Free will exists
I am not a puppet
I am fundamentally good
I am capable of good
I will be good
Everything is fine
Everyone is alright
I'm OK (x → ∞)
2025.01.31 01:11 LimeBackground9494 Does this lookile scoliosis?
19 years old, this is me standing natrually submitted by LimeBackground9494 to scoliosis [link] [comments] |