2025.01.31 04:00 smartybrome Public Speaking in a Flash
submitted by smartybrome to udemyfreebies [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:00 Tr4flee At least, new skills descriptions seem to be properly translated now
I mean, not all. For instance, Signa's Torch abilities are still weirdly phrased. However, I looked at Ochette's skills, which aren't skills that were previously available on older units, and they all are perfecly translated, here's an example : https://preview.redd.it/4dtxl0q349ge1.jpg?width=2244&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecf2850f54307a445d45cdb6eebd3fb9a67ec743 The new Cursed Master Auguste Arcanastone description is also good : https://preview.redd.it/5u9kly8e69ge1.jpg?width=1346&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=532fa5ce645fa9f544c0be11195fbba9d91f4883 I don't know what caused a sudden change but I hope this means we can expect improvements for the near future. Right now, it's obvious there are several (at least two) translation teams working separately. One which probably still (badly) use ChatGPT (the Signa's one) and an other one who seems more competent. submitted by Tr4flee to OctopathCotC [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 04:00 rumblecookies AP Stat or AP Spanish
also, spanish requires another year of taking spanish IV to qualify for AP spanish
submitted by rumblecookies to APStudents [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:00 onredditgonnareadit Using coupons & apps & rebates to get free or cheap items you need
I'm a couponer /rebater and extremely poor but I discovered couponing & rebating & using apps that help me get products I need either free or really cheap.
I went from not being able to afford to buy necessities like toilet paper, toothpaste and period products to now having a small stockpile of stuff I can use or donate.
I'm making this post as a community resource, but know it won't help you immediately but since needing period products is usually a monthly thing we can plan for, you can start learning about couponing now
Any who sees this post, feel free to comment and I can start you off in the right direction 🙂
submitted by onredditgonnareadit to PeriodPantry [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:00 austin_federa Please try to keep this sub focused on our community and not your macro-politics
I get it -- things are tense and a lot of people are angry and taking it out on reddit. But, there's a lot of subs for that. imo this should not be one of them.
Local politics, local policy debates, zoning, street sweeping, health inspectors, bring it on! Get mad at street sweeping and trash pickup. Learn about nonprofits, things you can do to help your neighbors, etc.
Maybe I'm off base here -- in which case happy to leave the sub, but this stuff is what ruined the old facebook groups, and I'm hoping we can look past macro-political differences and keep this sub focused on local community building, not just another place on the internet to vent about the state of the world.
submitted by austin_federa to parkslope [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:00 TwinkyMonster I couldn't buy a ticket
submitted by TwinkyMonster to notinteresting [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:00 yakboy43 R1 Synopsis on MK Ultra and Mass Surveillance
Synopsis on MK Ultra and U.S. Government Mass Surveillance
MK Ultra: MK Ultra was a covert CIA-led mind control program that operated from the early 1950s to the late 1960s, officially sanctioned under the guise of national security during the Cold War. The program aimed to develop techniques for mind control, interrogation, and psychological manipulation, often through the use of drugs like LSD, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, and other experimental methods. Many of the experiments were conducted on unwitting subjects, including U.S. citizens, military personnel, and prisoners, raising significant ethical and legal concerns. The program was largely exposed in the 1970s during congressional investigations, leading to public outrage and reforms in intelligence oversight. MK Ultra remains a symbol of government overreach and the dangers of unchecked scientific experimentation.
U.S. Government Mass Surveillance: Mass surveillance by the U.S. government gained widespread attention in 2013 when whistleblower Edward Snowden leaked classified documents revealing the extent of the National Security Agency's (NSA) surveillance programs. These programs, such as PRISM and XKeyscore, involved the bulk collection of phone records, internet communications, and other digital data from millions of individuals, both domestically and internationally. The government justified these activities as necessary for counterterrorism and national security, but critics argued they violated privacy rights and civil liberties. The revelations sparked global debates about the balance between security and privacy, leading to legal challenges and reforms like the USA FREEDOM Act, which aimed to curtail some surveillance practices. However, concerns persist about the scope and transparency of government surveillance in the digital age.
Together, MK Ultra and mass surveillance highlight the tension between government authority and individual rights, raising questions about accountability, ethics, and the limits of power in the name of security. Both programs serve as cautionary tales about the potential for abuse when oversight is lacking.
submitted by yakboy43 to MKUltra [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:00 yeetkingallmighty Pronunciation of "Fuegan"
I always pronounced it as F-yoo-gin, but on one of GW's livestreams, the narrator pronounced it F-way-gan. I have no idea how one would get that second pronunciation, but I kinda like it. How do y'all say it? Maybe you have another way that I haven't crudely described. Please, let me know!
submitted by yeetkingallmighty to Eldar [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:00 smartybrome Investing & Options: From Basics to Mastery
submitted by smartybrome to udemyfreebies [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:00 gottime4this Best USED watches to buy under $2500
Hey everyone, Just wanted to get opinions on what are the best watches that can be picked up for under $2500. There are plenty of lists out there for best NEW watches under 2.5k No date discrimination, could be a 60s watch or almost new, I don’t mind, as long as there is quality and craftsmanship, heritage is nice to have.
Thanks for your opinion/comment
submitted by gottime4this to Watches [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:00 Jpoolman25 Do businesses hire famous people for marketing ads just to sell their products ?
When you see an ad on tv about a product or at a store, you see this famous celebrity. Do they get money to do this ads like is this their way of tricking consumers to buy products because the celebrities also use the products.
submitted by Jpoolman25 to stupidquestions [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:00 catanguy High-adventure outside BSA properties - suggestions needed
After a successful Boundary waters expedition a couple of years ago, our troop is looking to create our own high adventure trip again. Looking for suggestions for places to go for a week-long trek. This is for older boys (14+) and should have a fair amount of adventure and physical activity.
Some ideas we've brainstormed:
2025.01.31 04:00 Final_Commercial_421 What
submitted by Final_Commercial_421 to WhatIsMyCQS [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:00 smartybrome Ultimate Product Management Course: Build, Launch, Succeed
submitted by smartybrome to udemyfreebies [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:00 wicked_crayfish 38 [M4F] #Toronto looking to make a connection
Hey there 👋 My name is Sean I am a chef My hobbies include fitness, movies, board games video games, sports, and a huge history buff.
I enjoy having a good laugh just as much as having an independent serious conversation on if a pizza Is a sandwich. If this resonates with you send me a message :)
submitted by wicked_crayfish to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:00 shellmiro Does anyone have the US Options list for the 12Cilindri and Purosangue?
submitted by shellmiro to Ferrari [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:00 smartybrome YouTube Startrack For Beginners: Launch Your Channel Today
submitted by smartybrome to udemyfreebies [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:00 Lachie18210 Is there anyone worried about HUT’s quality?
Maybe it’s a personal thing, but I’m kind of worried a little about the fact that THIS is the final album in both the trilogy, but also, the Weeknd as a whole. We’re all in this together and yet, I feel like it’s the worry of the album itself. Is it going to be an album that ends the weekend’s career on a high note or is just an album that really shows the cracks in his career? I know he’s advertising this as if it’s the second coming of Christ, but so has a lot of artists recently and a lot of them have been about albums that are ok at best We’re just mere minutes away from the end of the Weeknd and I honestly can’t believe that feels like he’s reaching his full potential, which personally makes it sadder that he’s ending his Weeknd persona and starting fresh. But i guess, here we are, nearly 15 years from his first 3 mixtapes with some support from drake to him having over 20 songs with over a billion streams on Spotify and ready to retire the name he’s known for, aside from “Tedros”
submitted by Lachie18210 to Music [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:00 Big_Cattle_9611 "لو كنت مجرد بيدق.. فمين الملك؟
قررت افتح صفحات من مذكراتي وذا رائي الشخصي في رقعة الشطرنج، يُعتبر البيدق أضعف القطع، لكنه الأكثر عددًا، وهو من يتحمل العبء الأول في حماية الملك، رغم أن مصيره غالبًا التضحية. في الواقع، يمكن تشبيهه بالطبقات الكادحة عبر التاريخ، التي تحملت الأعباء دون أن يكون لها دور في اتخاذ القرار.
اليوم، تبدو الساحة السياسية أشبه برقعة شطرنج واسعة، حيث تُستخدم الجنود والموارد لحماية الأنظمة أكثر من حماية الشعوب. تُوجَّه إمكانيات الدول نحو تأمين السلطة، بينما تظل قضايا الشعوب الأساسية، مثل الفقر والعدالة، في مرتبة متأخرة.
أما الحدود السياسية، فقد رُسمت دون اعتبار للامتداد الاجتماعي والثقافي، مما أدى إلى تقسيم جماعات عاشت قرونًا ككيانات موحدة. ومع ذلك، أصبحت هذه الحدود واقعًا تُدافع عنه الدول، وأحيانًا على حساب الروابط التاريخية والإنسانية. وهنا يبرز السؤال: هل الدفاع عن هذه الحدود دائمًا يصب في مصلحة الشعوب، أم يخدم استقرار الأنظمة؟
العسكرية، كمنظومة، تقوم على الانضباط والقوة، لكنها في بعض الأحيان تتحول إلى أداة تُستخدم وفق مصالح سياسية. الفرق بين استخدام الجيوش لحماية الأوطان أو لحماية الأنظمة يكمن في طبيعة التوجهات السياسية ومدى ارتباطها بمصلحة الشعب.
في النهاية، الشرعية الحقيقية لأي نظام تأتي من رضا شعبه عنه، وليس فقط من بقائه في السلطة. وعندما يكون التذمر الشعبي ظاهرة عالمية، يصبح من الضروري إعادة النظر في العلاقة بين الأنظمة والشعوب، حتى لا تتحول الدول إلى ساحات تحكمها المصالح الضيقة بدلًا من تطلعات مواطنيها.
submitted by Big_Cattle_9611 to AlexandriaEgy [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:00 IanClarckPodgorica Simple Flag
Too simple to say the least... ok im getting insane
submitted by IanClarckPodgorica to flags [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:00 bbarker71 Bubble rocks. Grouse creek utah
submitted by bbarker71 to geology [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:00 UnlimitedSaudi What is a song that got a lot of people laid?
submitted by UnlimitedSaudi to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:00 Little-Ordinary-1993 HOW TO CHANGE NAME SA BIR, SSS, and PhilHealth without annulment
Problem/Goal: How do i change my name sa BIR, SSS, and PhilHealth? Is it possible without annulment?
Context: I have been married for several years and separated for 3 years na. I have reverted using my maiden name sa office, kahit yung mga notarized docs.
Recently, naospital ako and used my maiden name sa ER and sa 2 weeks ko sa ospital. Nagkagulo sa billing dahil iba na nga pala ang apelyedo ko sa PhilHealth. Char! Feeling ko mas magkakasakit kasi ako kapag ginamit ko yung apelyedo niya. Charooot!
Yung IDs ko like passport and PRC, maiden name pa rin naman.
Previous Attempts: I still cant file annulment for personal issues.
Is this possible? May alternative legal moves ba to change name na hindi involve annulment?
submitted by Little-Ordinary-1993 to adviceph [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:00 smartybrome Mobile App Design in Figma: From Concept to Prototype
submitted by smartybrome to udemyfreebies [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:00 Open-Huckleberry6381 Course doubt
Does anyone have idea about how Adda247's rbi gr B course ?
submitted by Open-Huckleberry6381 to forumRBI [link] [comments]