Help me fill out my bingo card

2025.01.31 01:40 Current_Specialist33 Help me fill out my bingo card

submitted by Current_Specialist33 to nudebingo [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:40 gayroma cum determini influenta unor droguri asupra abilitatii de a conduce?

Pentru a determina influența drogurilor asupra abilității de a conduce, se folosesc mai multe metode științifice, incluzând:

  1. Studiile de laborator: Se administrează droguri unui grup de participanți și se măsoară impactul acestora asupra timpului de reacție, atenției, capacității de concentrare și coordonării motorii.
  2. Testele pe drum: Se efectuează teste de conducere pe trasee controlate, pentru a evalua performanța reală a participanților sub influența drogurilor, comparând-o cu comportamentele lor atunci când nu sunt sub influență.
  3. Analiza accidentelor rutiere: Se studiază corelațiile între consumul de droguri (legale sau ilegale) și rata accidentelor, pentru a identifica cum drogurile afectează siguranța în trafic.
  4. Evaluarea comportamentului în trafic: Se folosesc simulatoare de condus sau observații directe pentru a evalua modificările comportamentale (precum turbulența, întârzierea reacțiilor sau distragerea atenției).
Aceste metode ajută autoritățile și cercetătorii să stabilească limite legale și să înțeleagă mai bine efectele drogurilor asupra abilității de a conduce în siguranță.
submitted by gayroma to UniRO [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:40 DUMBBUTTER Where could star be? 🤫

Where could star be? 🤫 submitted by DUMBBUTTER to PokeMedia [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:40 Puzzleheaded_Lab_315 Red light

I think that the objects that they had at their deaths have some sort of memory simulation or power to alter the purgatory or whatever they are in. Ive noticed when Rhonda had the acceptance letter next to the door it started glowing the same way that the rooms glowed when Mr Martin randomly “disappeared” with the watch.
submitted by Puzzleheaded_Lab_315 to SchoolSpirits [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:40 FunMost6535 Up4Up

Real Id
submitted by FunMost6535 to karma4mekarma4u [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:40 doutorx999 Rolls Royce all Black!

Rolls Royce all Black! Lindo
submitted by doutorx999 to carros [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:40 Positive_Ad_892 Spiderman2 steam

Do you suppose if I made and purchased Spiderman 2 on Steam in another region, I'll be able to play it in my home region?
submitted by Positive_Ad_892 to spiderman2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:40 hayley1337 Our little Jessica Jones with her GIANT polydactyl paws 🐾🐾

submitted by hayley1337 to tabby [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:40 Global-Crow2286 Been on 37.5 mg for 2 months now with bouts of severe fatigue and high heart rate

Has anybody had this experience? When I searched the thread for people talking about fatigue, it’s usually been among people that had just started the medicine, like one or two days in.
I’ve been on it for about two months now and maybe sometime earlier this month I just have bouts that last about one or two days of severe fatigue. I was still able to get in the shower today but panicked a little because I thought I was going to pass out. I didn’t think I was going to make it out of the shower. And after showering, I had a heart rate of 166, which is unusually high for me For an activity like that.
To be honest, this kind of feels like a scary medicine to be on sometimes. Has anybody experienced anything like this that has been on the medicine for more than a couple of days? I feel like it wasn’t this way in the beginning…
submitted by Global-Crow2286 to PhentermineTopiramate [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:40 Medical-Asparagus-41 First topping 39 days from seed

First topping 39 days from seed Hey guys this my first go round it’s still in the humidity dome lmao doing better than I thought so tent coming this weekend and I have a full spectrum light already you can see the temps and humidity in pics but what do you guys think? am I doing the right things? what would yall do differently or what would you do from here? any advice would be appreciated thanks!
submitted by Medical-Asparagus-41 to CannabisGrowers [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:40 Mysterious-Working39 Switch two theme

Just having a quick think at work about the next switch console the switch 2. I love seeing peoples custom mods for Nintendo hand helds and I love pokemon, I thought it would be pretty cool if someone made a mew themed switch and a mewtwo themed switch 2 and displayed them side by side. Let me know your thoughts on this
submitted by Mysterious-Working39 to NintendoSwitch2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:40 blackhew03 Is this a good DAC for my iPhone 11?

Is this actually a good DAC? My apple's DAC stopped working and Im looking for a new one and this is of course another brand that I don't know so I would love to hear from you if it is a good option
ALOGIC Elements Pro Lightning to 3.5mm Thanks people!
submitted by blackhew03 to HeadphoneAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:40 Defiant-Hospital-271 Ti mit próbáltatok nappali krónikus fáradtságra?

Én elkezdtem szedni most egy terméket amit a barátnőmtől kaptam a neve mycellen. 3 hete szedem kezdek javulást tapasztalni. Ti szedtétek már? Valaki esetleg használja régebb óta? Más termékkel van valamilyen tapasztalatotok? Krónikus fáradtság csak nálam jelentkezik? Vagy ti is tapasztaljátok a mindennapokban?
Köszi a válaszokat!
submitted by Defiant-Hospital-271 to hungary [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:40 Dry-Calligrapher-104 Potential people fight; who wins?

Potential people fight; who wins? Both have INF stam/C.E Mahoraga is megumi’s summon(the other shikigami is his ability for fairness) Tot musica is uta’s summon Summons are one time uses. Lets say tournament of power as the stage.
submitted by Dry-Calligrapher-104 to PowerScaling [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:40 a_la_mode28 Any other shows to bring us through to the next season?

I can’t keep rewatching!
submitted by a_la_mode28 to BridgertonNetflix [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:40 lint_licker96 How is bulimia about control?

I hear it all the time and I get the want to control my body but how is it control seeking elsewhere based on your experiences?
submitted by lint_licker96 to bulimia [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:40 outtakes Listening to DawnFM for the first time. Why is he putting an accent on? I'm confused

Genuinely curious, not hating
submitted by outtakes to TheWeeknd [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:40 logOffLoser Did someone get run over next to the CVS near Woodlawn/South Blvd intersection?

I was in an uber on my way home just now and as we reached the light we noticed a woman screaming and a man waving his arms frantically in an attempt to get some help. I could barely make out what was happening, I saw them panicking about something under the car but before I could I could attempt to make out what I was seeing the light turned green and my driver just drove off. Sorry I didn't know what flair was appropriate but I'm kinda freaked out, I hope everything is okay
submitted by logOffLoser to Charlotte [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:40 pcgamingtilidie If I ran Nintendo, this would happen on Switch 2 at some point, along with a new mainline Mario game. But I doubt they will do it.

If I ran Nintendo, this would happen on Switch 2 at some point, along with a new mainline Mario game. But I doubt they will do it. submitted by pcgamingtilidie to NintendoSwitch2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:40 Careful-Maintenance2 fatfard porn of corn

fatfard porn of corn submitted by Careful-Maintenance2 to ShidScrotumPeninsula [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:40 CoachJasko Prime Roast - Dry Brine prior to freezing?

Relatively new to this...
I have been cooking roasts with the sous vide for a while now, decided to pick up an extra 3lb Prime Roast today when they were on sale ($6/lb at HEB). I have been doing a dry brine on them for 24 hours or so and experimenting with different seasonings and cooking temps.
If I'm going to freeze the extra one, would a dry brine make any sense at all prior to freezing? If not - should I just throw the package in the freezer as is, or take it out and season it now, then freeze it?
submitted by CoachJasko to sousvide [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:40 Morrighan1129 The Man Who Wanted Me To Help, But Refused To Do Anything

First time poster here, I worked in a call center for a major cell phone company about a decade ago now. We were tech support for a very specific brand of fruity phones for this company, back when they were doing a huge change over from 3G to 4G towers.
I say that, because at least 70% of my calls for the first six months I worked there were related to this changeover, and how towers would be down in a whole area for two, three, or even four weeks sometimes. But occasionally, we still got calls about how to actually fix a phone.
So I get a call, and I do my whole spiel. Thank you for calling cell carrier's fruit tech support, this is Morrighan1129, how can I help you today?
"My f*cking phone isn't working, and you better fix it."
So already, we're off to a great start. But it's cool, I get it, I'd be annoyed too if my thing wasn't working was the mindset I tried to take. So I do my whole, "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, sir, what seems to be the problem?"
"Are you deaf? I just said my goddamn phone isn't goddamn working!"
While internally sighing, I keep my best customer service voice on. "I did hear you say that, sir, but there's a lot of things that could be wrong. Is it not turning on? Is it not connecting to the wifi? A specific app that isn't working? Will it not let you make calls? I need to know the nature of the issue so I can walk you through steps to fix it."
"It's not working!" He barks, in the same tone of voice someone would use to accuse me of using their front porch as a bathroom.
"I understand that, sir, but I need to know what specifically isn't working. Is the phone on right now?"
"Obviously it's on right now! I'm talking to you on it!" he bellows.
"Oh. Well, is there anyway I could call you back on a different phone? We won't be able to do any troubleshooting on it, if you're talking to me on it," I say, putting a light laugh in my voice, because otherwise I get accused of calling them dumb.
"No! You can't call me back! I'm not sitting around all day waiting for you to call me back, I just need you to fix my f*ing phone!"
"It wouldn't be all day, sir, I'd call you back two minutes after I ended this call. But otherwise it's going to be very hard to identify the problem and get it fixed if you're talking on it," I say, struggling like Hercules to keep my inner voice of 'duh you idiot' from coming out.
"No! You're not calling me back! You people are all the same, none of you will help me with anything! My phone isn't working and nobody will fix it!" Except with a lot more cussing, insults, and so on, before he finally just hung up the call.
So I'm wrapping up my notes on the call, making sure to notate both the abusive language, and the fact that he wouldn't even tell me what was wrong with the phone, much less start to try and fix it... And not only do I see that there's four other calls over the past two days, but I haven't even saved my notes into the system yet, when I see another agent logs into his account and starts writing their notes.
Like... I can't help you if I don't know what the problem is, and I definitely can't help you if we're talking on the phone I'm supposed to be fixing.
submitted by Morrighan1129 to talesfromcallcenters [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:40 Dandelion102 Anyone? Spotted or sitting pretty for pallette pals??

Anyone? Spotted or sitting pretty for pallette pals?? submitted by Dandelion102 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:40 rykkkj A psilocibina está na zona cinzenta da constituição?

Esse é meu primeiro post aqui no sub, venho acompanhado vcs a um tempo já e já tive uma vez uma experiência com o chá de cubensis (um colega meu cultivava) mas não senti tantos efeitos igual imaginei q sentiria.
Na época ele me disse q foi 30g no chá, mas hj percebo q é impossível já q eu sequer senti efeitos intensos (no máximo uma leve distorção das imagens, tipo aquelas ilusões de ótica depois de passar alguns segundos olhando pra um ponto fixo com o vídeo se mexendo ao redor). Eu tbm fazia uso de alguns antidepressivos tipo Sertralina então não sei se isso pode ter influenciado e se eu de fato tomei 30g num chá.
Dito isso, gostaria de saber se é confiável esses sites q vendem cubensis na Internet (perdi o contato com esse colega meu) e se eu posso ter algum problema judicial tentando cultivar meus próprios cogumelos.
submitted by rykkkj to Cogumelos_Brasil [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:40 sSakyo desktop app won't let my camera load but discord web does?

So for a good week or so the discord desktop app won't turn on the integrated camera of my laptop, even though it recognizes it in the settings. The camera itself doesn't seem to have issues and would turn on normally if I open the camera app, obs or even on discord web. As a matter of fact I have to switch to discord web everytime I want to videocall and after a while if I would switch to the desktop app again, it would suddenly turn on and work on there as well, but then the problem would just come back, once I turn off the camera or leave the call
I tried reinstalling the app as well as checking for drivers, but the problem persists. Does anyone has plan what could be the cause of this?
submitted by sSakyo to discordapp [link] [comments]