Toronto is beautiful

2025.01.31 02:49 imderrickjayv Toronto is beautiful

Toronto is beautiful submitted by imderrickjayv to Sum41 [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:49 Acrobatic-Suspect153 Dunhallow Roost(no canopy)

Dunhallow Roost(no canopy) submitted by Acrobatic-Suspect153 to inkarnate [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:49 Unique_Dish_3554 Amém irmãos e irmãs 🙏

Amém irmãos e irmãs 🙏 submitted by Unique_Dish_3554 to HUEstation [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:49 lets-b-pimo Call to action! One more chance to let your voice be heard on Washington's Clergy Mandated Reporter bills. Those outside of WA can state their support.

Call to action! One more chance to let your voice be heard on Washington's Clergy Mandated Reporter bills. Those outside of WA can state their support. submitted by lets-b-pimo to exmormon [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:49 jellichann LF PETS FOR MY PET WEARS!

LF PETS FOR MY PET WEARS! submitted by jellichann to AdoptMeTrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:49 Embarrassed_Ebb8797 I am so lonely.

It feels like this is never going to improve. I don’t know how to keep staying optimistic despite how challenging things are at times. Everyday is a new challenge. Everyday I wake up and wish that I were back in my old body by some miracle, and everyday I remember that I’m stuck in this body with health issues now. How do you guys keep going every day? How do you make light in a life of constant suffering and symptoms? I feel like I’m on my own island.
submitted by Embarrassed_Ebb8797 to ChronicIllness [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:49 beeatenbyagrue [Positive] u/AbsolutJerkov (as if there was any doubt!)

absolutjerkov is a real one in the card scene and a great guy! Never doubt the man, myth, and legend!
even sent a bunch of vintage extras!
submitted by beeatenbyagrue to SportsCardTracker [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:49 RangoTheMerc How old do you think Jade is?

My guess is late 20s. I wager she was 10-13 when she saved Eleven.
submitted by RangoTheMerc to dragonquest [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:49 thelovernator777 Any slashers where the slasher wins???

Name me all the slashers where the slasher lives on, especially the ones where they completely dominate their whole spree and their victims dont never stood a chance, let's go.
submitted by thelovernator777 to slasherfilms [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:49 SmowKweed I got my nieces all Fugglers for Christmas. All were loved immediately. My brother's 3 year old dressed her's up today and said "she's pretty now"

I got my nieces all Fugglers for Christmas. All were loved immediately. My brother's 3 year old dressed her's up today and said My brother even said "that's your baby's dress though" and she said "no it's Gree's dress now" she's so cute 🥹😭
submitted by SmowKweed to FugglerCollectors [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:49 Historical-String-99 The Golden Warrior

Leader of the Golden Army
submitted by Historical-String-99 to minecraftskins [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:49 Beavetter WW Story

WW Story submitted by Beavetter to TwoWChromosomes [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:49 AccessAdventurous805 Oh the inaccuracy…

How are people justifying spending $30 monthly on Whoop? I’ve been trying it out and the sleep stages are completely off compared to my Apple Watch (which I know has the most accurate sleep dats out there), my step count is grossly overestimated, and the HR tracking is so unbelievably terrible so as to be utterly useless. This morning it registered my 164 bpm HR as 108 bpm.
I’m sure I’ll be downvoted into oblivion but I don’t care - no one can properly justify spending money on something that delivers so badly. I’m canceling this joke of a health tracker. Going to stick with my AW and use Bevel instead, for a fraction of the cost.
submitted by AccessAdventurous805 to whoop [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:49 MW3apple220 Clean 'lil 1 tap on museum spawnpeek

Clean 'lil 1 tap on museum spawnpeek submitted by MW3apple220 to Rainbow6 [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:49 Mental-Psychology-68 Reunion Pt 2 Feedback

Meredith needs to go. Her ability to victimize herself and refuse all other perspectives is truly impressive, but it’s not fun anymore. She’s a one trick pony and her constantly walking out is just… who does she think she is? They should let her walk out and not walk back in👋
Heather’s incessant need to be liked by Lisa and Meredith is quite confusing and quite sad.
Whoever did Whitney’s makeup… are you ok?
It’s wild to see how much more respectfully Lisa will speak to the husbands (Todd) vs. how she speaks to the women (Bronwyn).
Angie is queen 🤷‍♀️ Nothing you say will change my mind
I now love Mary in spite of myself (I have all season, after not liking her most seasons, but tonight solidified it).
submitted by Mental-Psychology-68 to rhoslc [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:49 noone_2494 NY State trooper who shot himself then claimed gunman shot him, arrested and charged. [officer's first day on patrol. $1 million in cash, steroids and guns taken from his home during investigation. In 1993 his father, NYPD officer pleaded guilty to distributing cocaine]

submitted by noone_2494 to ACAB [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:49 mysterious_tapeworm Venue within a 35 min drive of River West for up to 150 guests

We're looking to get married early next year and are looking into budget friendly vendors. Our church is in River West but we're willing to look at venues outside the city up to a 35 min drive away. BYOB and own caterer preferred but not a deal breaker. Won't have more than 150 guests. Any recs are appreciated!
submitted by mysterious_tapeworm to Chicagoweddings [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:49 Puzzleheaded-Job5763 Mind-Body dualism is not required for Christianity

After learning about the arguments for Dualism and Physicalism, I realized that it is incredibly difficult to support dualism, which many philosophers seem to think is required in order to have an afterlife.
But what they fail to realize is that God gives us a new body in Heaven.
You can be a physicalist and a Christian.
submitted by Puzzleheaded-Job5763 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:49 Jackfish2800 Jacques Vallée warned us about "disclosure" coming from military folks

submitted by Jackfish2800 to gettoknowtheothers [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:49 HolsteinGottorpBaden Dr Hesemann on the Heroldsbach Apparitions (1949 - 1952)

Dr Hesemann on the Heroldsbach Apparitions (1949 - 1952) submitted by HolsteinGottorpBaden to Catholicism [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:49 Adventurous-Look4812 Lads and ladies are we ready?

Lads and ladies are we ready? We’re not ready are we..but are you? LOL
submitted by Adventurous-Look4812 to YouOnLifetime [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:49 BestestBeekeeper Aliexpress Aqara Mini Switches with M3 Hub from North America

I just bought a few Aqara Mini Switches from the Aqara Global Store on AliExpress. Now after doing some reading, apparently there are some issues with Chinese based Aqara devices. Is this only for hubs purchased from AE? Or devices as well? Currently running an M3 Hub in Canada.
submitted by BestestBeekeeper to Aqara [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:49 GeorginnaRiccii Apoyas la música urbana de la ciudad?

Te gusta el reggaeton paisa? Qué piensas al respecto? Crees que influye en las desiciones de los jóvenes ?
submitted by GeorginnaRiccii to medellin [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:49 Fun-Professional-271 The mudsdale at this park are something else

The mudsdale at this park are something else submitted by Fun-Professional-271 to PokeMedia [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:49 GenuineEquestrian I try to paint a classic, “staff, beard, and a pointy hat” wizard around this time each year. This is this year’s!

submitted by GenuineEquestrian to ReaperMiniatures [link] [comments]