- 2024年4月份:共有30天,其中工作日为22天,休息日为8天。 - 2024年5月份:共有31天,其中工作日为21天,休息日为10天。 - 2024年6月份:共有30天,其中工作日为19天,休息日为11天。 - 2024年7月份:共有31天,其中工作日为23天,休息日为8天。 8、蛇年钟声即将敲,我的祝福赶来报道,愿你新年没有烦恼,忧愁统统忘掉,天天吃好吃饱,快乐时时围绕,闲适弄花弄草,日子自在逍遥,幸福生活美妙,青春常驻不老! 4. 8寸蛋糕:直径20.32厘米,适合4-6人食用,适用于生日聚会和节庆活动。 5. 10寸蛋糕:直径25.4厘米,适合6-10人食用,适用于生日聚会和节庆活动。 6. 12寸蛋糕:直径30.48厘米,适合10-12人食用,适用于生日聚会和节庆活动。 gmt+8是什么时间?北京时间(东八区)与格林尼治标准时间(gmt,0时区)之间有一个重要的时差关系。gmt时间比北京时间晚8个小时,这意味着如果你在gmt时间上加上8小时,你会得到北京时间。换句话说,当gmt时间是0点 英语10月,来自拉丁文 Octo,即“8”的意思。 它和上面讲的9月一样,历法改了,称呼仍然沿用未变。 4、December,罗马皇帝琉西乌斯把一年中最后一个月用他情妇 Amagonius的名字来命名,但遭到元老院的反对。 2、4、5、6、8分管,管径分别是8、15、20、25mm。此外: 1、gb/t50106-2001 dn15,dn20,dn25是外径,是四分管和六分管的直径 。 2、dn是指管道的公称直径,注意:这既不是外径也不是内径,是外径与内径的平均值,称平均内径。 8寸:15.2*20.3 cm 大概是A4打印纸的一半 小12寸:20.3*30.5 cm 大概是A4大小 12寸 : 25.4*30.5 cm A4打印纸是21*29.7厘米 照片的尺寸是以英寸为单位,1英寸=2.54cm ,通常X寸是指照片长的一边的英寸长度。 ... 纸的大小:全开、4开、8开、16开、32开,多大?纸的大小如下:开数:单位(mm)全开: 781×10864开:520 x 368 8开:368 x 260 16开:260 x 18432开:184 x 130开本指书刊幅面的规格大小,即一张全开的印刷用纸裁切 所有测试的汇总如上图。可以看到,搭载高通骁龙8+ Gen 1的小米12S Ultra在性能上对比上一代骁龙8 Gen 1有非常明显的提升。8+ Gen 1是我测试手机里第一个可以稳稳的在安兔兔跑分上超过100万的SoC,而不需要特殊的设置或者多次设置。
2025.01.31 04:03 Eastern-Purchase-78 [WTS] IWC Portofino 8 Day
submitted by Eastern-Purchase-78 to Watchexchange [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 04:03 Far_Inevitable_8460 Im sotting here read “Dont Kill Myself” books…
Foxy’s gotta go
submitted by Far_Inevitable_8460 to kings [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:03 queenyouresoshort don’t come to class if you’re sick!!!!
i went to sculpt class tonight and the lady next me had a pile of used tissues next to her and kept blowing her nose throughout class 😭😭 the tissues were on the opposite side of me and if i had seen them i wouldn’t have sat next to her 😭 about 20 mins in i left class and went to the lobby and said she was sick and had tissues next to her and i didn’t want to get sick. i think it would have been too disruptive to come in and have a conversation with her and ask her to leave. i ended up moving basically two spaces away from her bc the class was full. if you’re sick dont come to class! it’s so inconsiderate and gross and with everything going around your classmates shouldn’t have to worry about getting sick from yoga. it was so distracting and im so bummed i had to take time out of my practice to move.
submitted by queenyouresoshort to Corepower [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:03 Ubiquitor2 Mermaid Melody's "Wedding Mermaid" items go up for preorder on the Amnibus website
submitted by Ubiquitor2 to MagicalGirlsCommunity [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 04:03 wowsameo [Battle For BFDI]
submitted by wowsameo to explainthisscreen [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 04:03 LatterDaySoldier How to complete tutorial quest
Played a couple games of smite 2 currently and I’m unable to complete “Finish 0/1 Tutorial game for Arena”
Im unable to find the game mode I go for this quest. I play on Xbox.
submitted by LatterDaySoldier to Smite [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:03 Professional-Ad9154 Could be the last time we see this dip......under .0011.
submitted by Professional-Ad9154 to toshicoin [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:03 Extension_River_8670 Help! Red light on newly installed Asus RTX 4070 Super when PC is shut down and idle GPU temp reaching 50 degrees
Hey guys, this is my first build and I’m already feeling frustrated with so many problems. I think I did something wrong with the build. I just finished it by installing the GPU. Everything seemed to be running fine but as soon as I shut down there is this stagnant red light (not blinking) on my GPU. I’m powering the GPU using a braided 12vhpwr which came with the GPU by connecting 2 separate PCIE cables that came with my corsair rm 750e PSU. Also worried about how the idle temp is at 50 degrees. I did some research online and no one seems to have their 4070 super reaching this high while idle. I’m also attaching the most recent stats of my GPU from HwInfo, please do let me know if all the numbers regarding GPU voltage, power etc is normal and safe. I’m scared that I’ll damage my system. Thanks in advance! submitted by Extension_River_8670 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 04:03 brwnb0mber My birthday cake from my girlfriend...yes I'm 43 🤣
Made me laugh so hard because she knows how much I enjoy playing this game. 🤣 submitted by brwnb0mber to RocketLeague [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 04:03 GameProfessional 🏆 Game Professional | Reynatis - Deluxe Edition - Nintendo Switch
submitted by GameProfessional to GameProfessional [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 04:03 RelativePoetry222 ¿Cómo me alejo de una relación tóxica con mis 3 mejores amigos?
Actualmente tengo 24 años y una historia que comienza en 2018.
Vamos a llamar a mis amigos 1A 2B y 3C, ellos son mayores que yo por 1 o 2 años, yo soy el menor.
Conocí a 1A en 2011, prácticamente se convirtió en mi hermano al instante.
Luego en 2012 caímos en el mismo instituto pero diferente grupo y ahí el conoció a 2B, con el cuál yo iba hacerme amigo hasta en 2013 ya que estuvimos los 3 en el mismo grupo ese año (cabe recalcar que en 2012 me sentía algo celoso de 2B).
Pasaron en 2014 y 2015 estuvimos en grupos separados pero mismo Instituto por lo que hablábamos poco en recreos.
2016 todos fuimos a cole diferente y casualmente los 3 repetimos año. Así que repetimos en 2017 en el mismo cole, mismo grupo, ahí conocimos a 3C.
Fué cuando la cosa se empezó a poner turbia.
Yo habia pasado desde primero hasta noveno año (desde 2007 hasta 2015) en el mismo instituto (es una Unidad Pedagógica) Por lo que ese cambio en 2016 a otro cole fué interesante y me ayudó a desarrollarme socialmente y ver otras caras.
Cuestión que en 2018 un año después de ser nosotros 4, yo empecé a llevarme también co todo el grupo, incluso a mezclarme con otros grupos y ellos me notaron alejado.
Entonces 3C tuvo la gran idea de hacer un grupo de whatsapp de ellos 3 con la justificacion de que yo estaba cambiado y era un grupo en donde querian ver como "arreglarme" (teniendo nosotros ya uno de nosotros 4). Grupo en el que se hablaba mierda de mi (llegué a leer los mensajes por que sospechaba que ellos hacían eso) Cuestionaban todo, desde la forma en que actuaba hasta los memes que subía. Cabe recalcar que me di cuenta del grupo hasta 1 año después de que lo crearon por que en una borrachera dejaron el cel desbloqueado con el grupo abierto. Pd: Con 3C también sentí celos y el sentimiento de que "me iba a quitar a mis amigos" o "me iba a reemplazar" por eso es que talvez también empecé a socializar con todo mundo. Y por qué men... Es algo que se nota, si has sido el amigo que va detrás del grupo de amigos cuando van caminando por la calle o los pasillos, entiendes de que hablo.
Cargué ese dolor de traición mucho tiempo sin reclamarles nada y lo dejé pasar.
En 2019 conozco a quien se convertiría en mi mejor amiga, la cual me gustaba, tuvimos sexo y demás pero yo quería algo formal. En una de las tantas fiestas que se hacian para ese entonces ella y mis otros 3 amigos se conocieron (iban muchas personas a esas fiestas)
Pasa 2020, se tranquiliza el covid 2021 Y 2B se coge a la tipa que me gusta numerosas veces (un poco culpa mía siento yo pq creo que les negué que ella me gustaba cuando me lo preguntaron). Honestamente dudo que hubiera sido diferente.
Él (2B) ese año estaba pasando por una depresión heavy (creo) por qué llegaba cada semana a mi casa a emborracharse y yo le trataba de dar consejos que yo había estado poniendo en práctica (ya llevaba mi primer año de autoconocimiento y desarrollo personal. + en comentarios
submitted by RelativePoetry222 to Desahogo [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:03 GameProfessional 🌐 24/7 Video Game | Reynatis - Deluxe Edition - Nintendo Switch
submitted by GameProfessional to 247videogame [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 04:03 Blazeblitz276 Help in any of the codes pls almost at the last stages, new user very much appreciated.
Hey i need 1 new or 2 existing users i can trade yours please, help me out for the hattrick and/or fishland
hattrick - 89013210 fishland - 74925661 Gift111 - 91700241
i can exchange codes please help out
submitted by Blazeblitz276 to TemuThings [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:03 KiwiEV I got to review the Kia EV5 and kidnapped Andrew Garfield. Seriously, this is a really fun video with 2 metric gallons of jokes. I guarantee you'll laugh or your money back. 💯
submitted by KiwiEV to KiwiEV [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 04:03 jafar_latif Day 15 of sharing a random song from my playlist
Until I Found You/StephenSanchez submitted by jafar_latif to TeenagersButBetter [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 04:03 WonkyFemboi Rah
Am a boykisser Are you? :3
submitted by WonkyFemboi to boykisser2 [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:03 Ok_Jelly1100 How did it click
How did it click that you wanted better for yourself. That you hated of being in the body you were in. It clicked today for me. I was out with a friend and I felt so insecure. I couldn’t even take pictures of myself. I was pretending be fake confident. In reality I don’t like how I look. It needs to change seriously
submitted by Ok_Jelly1100 to fasting [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:03 GameProfessional 🛍️ eBay Video Games | Reynatis - Deluxe Edition - Nintendo Switch
submitted by GameProfessional to eBayVideoGames [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 04:03 lizardmanz- [H] GSC, SM, Aeldari [W] paypal [Loc] midwest
Looking to sell a few items free shipping to the states
No trades Paypal only
9 assault intercessors painted
Acolyte iconward -$28
2 eldar windriders NOS -$80
submitted by lizardmanz- to Miniswap [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:03 GameProfessional ⬆️ Up Game Shop | Reynatis - Deluxe Edition - Nintendo Switch
submitted by GameProfessional to UpGameShop [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 04:03 kkjiggy Open For Tarot Readings!
Hello Everyone, I am a Tarot reader for 5 years now and today I am open for readings!
1 Card - Donation
Yes or No - $3
Timeline Reading - $4
1 Month Ahead - $5
3 Card Reading - $6
5 Card Reading - $8
3 Months Ahead - $10
7 Card Reading in Depth - $11
15 Minutes Unli Questions - $13
10 Card Reading in Depth - $14
6 Months Ahead - $15
30 Minutes Unli Questions - $23
Payments are either done via paypal or my ko-fi shop!
Here are my past reviews:
submitted by kkjiggy to OccultMarket [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:03 Beginning_Dig_6459 It’s about that time of day
submitted by Beginning_Dig_6459 to InsurgencySandstorm [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 04:03 GameProfessional ⬆️ Up Game Shop | Reynatis - Deluxe Edition - Nintendo Switch | Seller: pemyra2012 (100.0% positive feedback)Location: USCondition: Brand NewPrice: 49.99 USDShipping cost: FreeBuy It Now
submitted by GameProfessional to UpGameShop [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 04:03 nikefreak23 YOTS AE1's
Why adidas decided to make these a China-exclusive is beyond me, its an incredibly beautiful shoe.
submitted by nikefreak23 to BBallShoes [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:03 BlindDemon6 Danganronpa: Death Order MASTERMIND REVEAL
Well... you've had months to theorise so here he is: Yasuo Kato! The Ultimate Desp-Heir!
He's actually a relative of Junko, hia goal being to succeed where she failed...
submitted by BlindDemon6 to DanganAndChaos [link] [comments]