Rust group

2025.02.01 16:54 AggravatingPeak6855 Rust group

4 players with 1,5k hours looking for a team
submitted by AggravatingPeak6855 to RustConsoleLFG [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:54 xTeHPurpleHazEx Got my first infinite rank CL 1738

Got my first infinite rank CL 1738 submitted by xTeHPurpleHazEx to MarvelSnap [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:54 happydance6969 January empties

January empties Not including body washes, as I probably go through one almost every week 😂
submitted by happydance6969 to ProjectPan [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:54 onthevergeoftears Will he reach out to me by the end of March?

Will he reach out to me by the end of March?
I'm getting that he wants to but at the same time he's trying to emotionally detach from me. But if he does reach out, it'll be something positive.
Any help is appreciated :)
submitted by onthevergeoftears to Tarotpractices [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:54 Smart_Tap_4482 Book about a dragon egg

So i've been looking for this series of books, i think they're 4. I may have only been published in french though. It's about dragons that are associated to times of the day. Like blue "day" dragons, dawn, night, dusk... The dragons get linked to riders. They have to protect, or find a dragon egg. I only remeber to specific scenes : there was a sacrifice needed and a girl and her blue dragon sacrifice. The girl was really shy and would obessively wash her hands. I also remember them being chased in some kinf of canyon.
submitted by Smart_Tap_4482 to whatsthatbook [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:54 Shekel_Hadash Map of peace in the Middle East

Map of peace in the Middle East submitted by Shekel_Hadash to mapporncirclejerk [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:54 CaseyAmethystWitch Las palabras no pueden expresar lo mucho que amo esto

Las palabras no pueden expresar lo mucho que amo esto submitted by CaseyAmethystWitch to wunker [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:54 ITranscendencEI I had an incident with some cat litter, and now I am having throat swelling problems and heart problems.

So this probably going to be a weird one, but figured it couldn't hurt ask. I had an incident about a month ago at this point where I forgot to wash my hands after putting new litter into the litter box. I'm guessing there must have been some dust particles left on my finger. I use marijuana for various other health issues that I have due to a traumatic work injury from a few years ago. So when I went to prepare and smoke the marijuana, I must have gotten some of those dust particles into it. As soon as the smoke hit my throat, it immediately felt very irritated. I tried to just continue life as normal for a few weeks, but eventually my throat became so swollen that it was hard to swallow. So I went to a minor med and they diagnosed me with Uvulitis. Reading through the information they gave me, the causes (breathing in hot chemicals) and the symptoms (swollen throat) all seemed to be very accurate, and the antibiotics (Cefdinir) that they gave me really helped a lot for the first few days. Although, they also gave me some steroids (methylprednisolone) that did not mix well with my normal medicines that I take daily. I had to take one of the steroid pills around the same time as my other meds (Hydrocodone, Pregabalin, Baclofen, and Oxybutynin) and shortly after my heart felt like it was beating so hard and fast that my chest felt like it was about to explode. I don't know exactly what my heart rate was at the time, but I'm guessing that it was at least 160 bpm, if not more. I ended up staying at home and not going to the ER because it eventually settled down. However, ever since that day I have been having heart problems that are really starting to make me worry that I've done some kind of irreparable harm. I'll wake up from a nap with a resting heart rate of 90 - 100, and after simply standing up it will shoot up to 120 - 130 immediately. Taking my dog for a 5 - 10 minute walk will cause it to raise up to 140 - 150, and I become extremely light headed, fatigued, and winded after I come back inside. One of the medications that I was taking during all of this was called Belbuca, but I realized that it was causing the heart problems to be worse. I realized this after coming home from one of my ER visits and taking the medicine right after, and within 30 minutes my heart rate and other symptoms came back. My last dose was about 15 days ago now so I'm done with the withdrawals, and I also decided to stop taking my hydrocodone yesterday to see if maybe that was making it worse. I only took 15 mg/day of that though, so I won't go through any withdrawals for that. Although, I just took my dog for a walk this morning, and my heart rate was 140 after coming back inside. So it would appear that the opioid medications were just potentially exacerbating the heart problems, but not the root cause. As for the Uvulitis, I was given a prescription for Amoxicillin that I am halfway through right now, and I am still having my throat swell up anytime that I try to use my normal vape or marijuana. Oddly enough, I have found a specific disposable vape that doesn't make my throat swell up when using it, but I'm sure you are all well aware of how terrible these disposable vapes are for you. I would really like to go back to my normal vape with only 4 ingredients, but every time I try to it makes my throat swell.
I have been to the ER 3 times and the minor med 2 times, and none of the doctors have been able to help me. I'm only 31 years old, and have never even considered that I could have heart problems. I've never noticed anything wrong about my heart ever before all of this started, and I know it's not just simply stress related. I have always been an extremely laid back person, sometimes to my own detriment, and even now I only get stressed after I notice that my heart is acting up. I've also smoked/vaped for over half of my life and have never had any throat swelling issues before the cat litter incident. I have an appointment with a PCP for Monday, but figured it couldn't hurt to get the opinion of others as well. I don't know for sure if the heart problems are related to the incident with the cat litter, or if I damaged my heart by taking those steroids that madey chest feels like it was going to explode. All I know is that this is absolutely NOT normal for me. My work injury was over 5 years ago now, and I know what my body normally feels like. This is anything but normal, and I'm honestly starting to get scared at this point. I have kids that I have to take care of, and I'm worried that I won't be able to if this doesn't get resolved somehow.
If you have any questions for more details, I would be glad to answer. Any and all educated opinions are welcome.
submitted by ITranscendencEI to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:54 kietbulll A Jumping Spider is drinking water on a dragonfruit

A Jumping Spider is drinking water on a dragonfruit submitted by kietbulll to wildlifephotography [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:54 SpeedemonPowerage98 You know the cutscene what plays after you beat Eternal Polaris the first time a line in it sounds a bit odd and out of place

So you guys know the cutscene where Eternal Polaris doesn’t say anything after you beat her the first time there is one line in it what really bothers me. the line: “Each time she tried to talk she stopped herself repeatedly, as if she was fearful of something.” It bothers me more and more each time I see it seems so out of place for a cutscene with someone the game says is a young girl. I’m probably over speculating on it but for me it feels like it’s a warning of some kind. Would go into more detail but I’m going to avoid it. Just in case Genki does in fact do what I’m thinking it might be.
submitted by SpeedemonPowerage98 to tokyoxtremeracer [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:54 Unprofessional_Rest Well since new is already full of sub promoting

Join pedospotting for when you catch a predator.
submitted by Unprofessional_Rest to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:54 Few_Relief_945 How to Kratzer im flur reparieren

How to Kratzer im flur reparieren How to Kratzer im flur reparieren?
submitted by Few_Relief_945 to howto [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:54 AutomaticOkra9433 If I factory reset my ps5 will my ps plus be able to back up my single player data on my games

Hi all my ps has gone into safe mode and my only option is to factory reset it im worried that if I do and I sign back into my account all my progress will be gone but I have installed my saved data trough ps plus so will I be able to upload my data or will it be completely wiped
submitted by AutomaticOkra9433 to playstation [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:54 AJStuff_1 kinda stressed for acceptances

I'm kinda stressed for acceptances to come out. I feel like my application could have been stronger.

I feel like, apart from the video game stuff and the self defense club, my ECs are very generic. I think essay 1 and 4 were really good but 2 and 3 could have been better. I also had my Sec 1 & 2 Science teacher and my school's Spiritual Animator as references but I never saw what they wrote so idk how much it'll help.
Additionally, I applied for the Black Student Scholarship. There's no way my parents would pay for Shad so the only way I go is if I get it. I ended up submitting a set of haikus talking about the same thing as Essay 4 (my original idea was to make a comic but my software crashed at the last minute and I lost several hours of work).
My parents also probably wouldn't want to pay the deposit if they don't know I got the scholarship which is worrying because idk if it'll come with my acceptance or much later.
Basically, am I cooked? Also, if anyone got one of the entrance scholarships (Black, Indigenous, Métis), when did you find out you received it?
submitted by AJStuff_1 to ShadCanada [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:54 Far_Taro_7754 Save or spend spotlight?

I have about 12000 tokens, I stopped playing for maybe 4-5 months so i’m missing a lot of meta relevant cards but ares seems easy enough to build. I’ve been using a budget surfer deck which does well enough, but just cant keep up with move bounce, ares, negative, or any of the other top meta decks. Just looking for guidance as to what deck to try to build.
submitted by Far_Taro_7754 to MarvelSnap [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:54 Bahlake If Trump was a DND Character.

If Trump were a DND character what would he be?
I feel a Warlock/Bard.
Persuasion, Deception and Self Interest.
With like “Dark ones own luck” and “Vicious Mockery”…
Idk I had fun looking this one up..
submitted by Bahlake to DnD [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:54 LegitimatePizzaiolo ISO: Crochet scarf pattern that used a post stitch? Published at least a year ago, probably longer

ISO: Crochet scarf pattern that used a post stitch? Published at least a year ago, probably longer I started a scarf that I intended to gift to a friend at least a year and a half ago, but I fell off the crochet train and hadn't touched it in a long while.
Now that I'm back (15+ hrs into another project), I want to finish project up.
The distinct thing I remember about the pattern is that it was my first time using a post stitch, and I was very happy to learn it.
I've attached photos of the scarf as is.
Any help is appreciated, even if you can only guess the stitches used.
submitted by LegitimatePizzaiolo to crochetpatterns [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:54 Amphibious_cow Which twenty one pilots song, it’s the line for me

Which twenty one pilots song, it’s the line for me submitted by Amphibious_cow to twentyonepilots [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:54 Artistic-Hospital787 I need some music recommendations for how my life is going

Basically songs that are a way of saying f you, for acting like a friend when you don’t actually give a shit about me
submitted by Artistic-Hospital787 to MusicRecommendations [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:54 curveofherthroat First monthly Weeks spread | ✸💀✸

First monthly Weeks spread | ✸💀✸ submitted by curveofherthroat to hobonichi [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:54 abjinternational The Complete Python Bootcamp from Zero to Expert

The Complete Python Bootcamp from Zero to Expert submitted by abjinternational to udemyfreebies [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:54 BeautifulDawn888 [WP]: Every family has that annoying or boring elderly relative that makes you embarrassed to bring friends home. However, the one in your family hasn't aged since they were 30.

submitted by BeautifulDawn888 to WritingPrompts [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:54 NinjaGoalie97 [Weekes] I’m told Sharks and Stars are working on a deal around F Granlund

submitted by NinjaGoalie97 to hockey [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:54 abjinternational The Complete Python Bootcamp from Zero to Expert

The Complete Python Bootcamp from Zero to Expert submitted by abjinternational to udemycoursedaily [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:54 zuff New IEM HUD perfectly is fine, you can instantly read HP situation

New IEM HUD perfectly is fine, you can instantly read HP situation submitted by zuff to GlobalOffensive [link] [comments]