I got sexually harassed

i The letter I probably started as a picture sign of a hand, as in Egyptian hieroglyphic writing (1) and in a very early Semitic writing used about 1500 bce on the Sinai Peninsula (2). About 1000 bce, in Byblos and other Phoenician and Canaanite centres, the sign was given a linear form (3), the source of all later forms.In the Semitic languages the sign was called yod, meaning “hand.” I, i meaning: 1. the ninth letter of the English alphabet 2. the sign used in the Roman system for the number 1…. Learn more. I definition: The ninth letter of the modern English alphabet. I meaning: 1 : the ninth letter of the English alphabet; 2 : the number one in Roman numerals Create an account or log in to Instagram - Share what you're into with the people who get you. Ï, lowercase ï, is a symbol used in various languages written with the Latin alphabet; it can be read as the letter I with diaeresis, I-umlaut or I-trema.. Initially in French and also in Afrikaans, Catalan, Dutch, Galician, Southern Sami, Welsh, and occasionally English, ï is used when i follows another vowel and indicates hiatus in the pronunciation of such a word. 454K Followers, 690 Following, 60 Posts - Michael (@i) on Instagram: "Working on the future of music" I is the ninth letter in the English alphabet.. In English, I is a pronoun which means "me". "I like you." "You and I shall walk to the store." "You and I are friends." In Azerbaijani, Crimean Tatar, Gagauz and Turkish, the letter I has two kinds, one with a tittle (İ, i) and one without one (I, ı). I 1 (ī) pron. Used to refer to oneself as speaker or writer. n. pl. I's The self; the ego. [Middle English, from Old English ic; see eg in Indo-European roots.] Usage Note: Traditional grammar requires the nominative form of the pronoun following the verb be: It is I (not me), That must be they (not them), and so forth. Nearly everyone finds this rule ... In some sans serif typefaces, the uppercase I may be difficult to distinguish from the lowercase letter L, 'l', the vertical bar character '|', or the digit one '1'. In serifed typefaces, the capital form of the letter has both a baseline and a cap height serif, while the lowercase L generally has a hooked ascender and a baseline serif.. The dot over the lowercase 'i' is sometimes called a tittle.

2025.02.01 18:51 babyevileye I got sexually harassed

Context i’m changing a few words around so I don’t dox myself.
I got sexually harassed yesterday and I didn’t think I would freeze, but I did because my intuition was telling me he might be someone important to people that have power. For me to find out later, I was right he is loved by the higher-ups. And the higher-ups are just like him just as perverted but the heads aren’t going to obviously be as blatant as how this man was because they are definitely in more important positions that obviously they don’t wanna lose. But this guy I could just tell cause he literally talk shit to everybody and he still there. How is that even possible? The conclusion I came to was he has to either be in by nepotism or he’s just highly favored.
I end up calling in and spoke to what I thought would be a supportive woman, to be told that people who wear make up and dress a certain way at work are doing it because they want attention. Here’s some context. I work in construction essentially so it’s a very man dominated with a few women. Some of them are bad ass, and some of them are just seriously a waste of space. I take pride in being a hard worker and working my way up in an honest fashion. Anyways, basically I’m told only “the host” should be standing out and that’s why we wear all black.
Idk how me wearing make up takes away from the host cause I’m in the back and only seen when the show is over… to be asked y do I even wear it? Uhhh
“I wear it cause I like it. It makes me feel good. I like how I look with it“ She said why don’t you just take a picture of it?
Then she proceeds to ask me who got me the job which I told her I can’t say I’m not going to I don’t care. I’m not gonna throw him under the bus for her to reply with well then I don’t know what clan you’re a part of and she giggled and kept giggling, asking me who my friend was like she was gonna do something evil to them. And said well, I can’t really help you out then and closed mouths open pockets.
I was shooketh. This is when I realized my career was over. I have made enemies and now I’m about to lose work because of it sueing them is not an option even if I did sue. I’m not gonna get enough money that’s gonna take care of me for the rest of my life it’s worth more keeping the job than suing them.
I am still lost for words. All I can do is wait for karma to do her thing because I know what she’s doing is evil. It’s not fair. It’s not right it seems like she has a hate towards a certain type of women.
I’m sorry your generation of 30 year olds look like you guys were 40 or 50 and us 30-year-olds now look like we’re still in our 20s.
And I don’t wear a crazy amount of makeup like there is no foundation or powder on my face. It’s just eyeshadow blush and some other stuff that go with those features but the way how I do my eyeshadow and stuff like that is a little unique, but that’s the look that I love and I want to look like that and feel like that every day. And it seems like she’s mad at the fact that she thinks she’s ugly but that’s her own insecurities. That’s not my fault. I don’t think I’m that pretty maybe certain angles like look cute but no, we all have a bad side when it comes to the camera.
She also said that she only wears make up for her husband and wears certain clothes only for her husband. She also asked me if I had a boyfriend and I told her no, but it feels like she was going to say I should be only doing it for him.
I’ve been told at work by other women on the job saying I could never wear makeup like that to work. I’m like that’s cool. I do though I like it. I wake up extra early for it and I have the patience to do it every day for them to respond yeah now I can do that. There’s too many guys here. I’m like OK there’s guys everywhere what’s my makeup got to do with my skills in doing the work?
I feel like I’m having a conversation like we used to have back in the 90s about tattoos people with tattoos back, then would be looked at as unprofessional and looked down upon and now it seems like women are getting looked down upon for wearing make up to work when they’re surrounded by a bunch of men.
How about this is a fact I’m more skilled than some of these men and I pull it off, looking like a baddie. Not clothes wise. I wear cargo pants and usually a loose T-shirt. If it’s cold, it’ll be a tighter long sleeve thermal. Mostly in sweaters. I don’t wear crop tops. I don’t wear short short shorts. I used to wear leggings but then someone told me I shouldn’t wear them anymore because it gives me the wrong attention and I didn’t want to get on her bad side because she was like an assistant at one of the venues so I stopped wearing leggings altogether and bought cargo pants to accommodate her.
I like playing dress up and I’m a grown up now and I can do whatever I want and if there’s no strict dress code I’m going to do my makeup how I like. It doesn’t take away from my work. If anything it gives me energy.
submitted by babyevileye to SexualHarassment [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 Educational_Sign_463 Ten million LIVES!1!

Ten million LIVES!1! submitted by Educational_Sign_463 to acecombat [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 pinkpinkypie05 Hello! Doing feet pic bundles:>

Hi there! Real verified Feet finder seller here:) it's been slow recently, due to me not feeling the best mentally😅 but I'm back and offering a deal! You get EVERY photo in my phone plus 5 free videos for 40$ USD:D I post A LOT on feet finder, so I save all my photos:) let me know if you're interested! I can show proofs of all my regular buyers 😸 just chat me or like comment below:) please be aware that i will not fall for scams, or provide free content as free content is am occasional thing for my buyers:)
submitted by pinkpinkypie05 to INeedMoneyNow [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 FederalViolinist7247 Little me

Single little meat
submitted by FederalViolinist7247 to LittleDickCoalition [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 campindirty0 [WTB] Musc Ravageur (bottle)

Sup yall looking for a 50 or 100 ml high partial or full bottle of FM Musc Ravageur . Located in Canada so must be willing to ship here . More than willing to workout shipping cost or whatever it may be . Send a message below first please . Thanks !
submitted by campindirty0 to fragranceswap [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 Aggravating_Gas_5602 He should make an Emo album

I know we have death trap but he needs to make an actual full on emo/skramz album.
submitted by Aggravating_Gas_5602 to signcrushesmotorist [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 dairygoatrancher I received a 1099-INT for my LLC. I get my LLC is a disregarded entity because I'm the sole member, but the 1099 has my LLC's TIN. Do I still enter it into TurboTax as personal income?

The TIN on my 1099-INT is different from my SSN and it has my LLC name, not my personal name, but the address information is the same.
submitted by dairygoatrancher to TurboTax [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 dockarp7 Any way to get Dragon Bruit?

I love this plant, but can’t find any way to unlock it or buy it. Am I missing something?
submitted by dockarp7 to PlantsVSZombies [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 danidohhh Desperately trying to find the materials/techniques for this wallpaper. It was like this when I moved in, and now I want to re-create it after a water leak did some damage 😢 Any help is welcomed l!

submitted by danidohhh to HomeDecorating [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 Pelayo-Asturias is Halo strongly androgenic?

According to cat gpt halo has a strong androgenic ratio, as much as tren. Has anyone noticed a growth of body hair with halo?
submitted by Pelayo-Asturias to SteroidGuide [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 justlikememes These two lick each other’s assholes.

These two lick each other’s assholes. submitted by justlikememes to CirclejerkSopranos [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 rbamssy17 had five minutes left in class, so I locked in

had five minutes left in class, so I locked in submitted by rbamssy17 to YomiHustle [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 IntelligentDiet1305 Por que é tão difícil dizer não em certas situações ( mesmo quando você percebe que seria o certo a ser feito)?

submitted by IntelligentDiet1305 to PergunteReddit [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 Public_Individual823 Old fashion.

Old fashion. submitted by Public_Individual823 to LiminalSpace [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 Tall_Cartoonist_8193 you’re lookin’ at a whole cute girl right here

submitted by Tall_Cartoonist_8193 to MyCleavageSFW [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 babayoff Is This the Best Backup Solution for Photos? A Look at The Photo Stick OMNI

If you’ve ever lost photos due to a phone crash, accidental deletion, or a corrupt hard drive, you know how painful it can be. Digital memories feel safe—until they’re not. Cloud storage is an option, but it comes with monthly fees, privacy concerns, and the need for internet access. So what’s the best alternative? Many people have turned to The Photo Stick OMNI, a portable backup tool that promises to make saving and organizing photos effortless.
But does it really live up to the hype? Let’s take a closer look.
What is The Photo Stick OMNI? The Photo Stick OMNI is a small, portable USB device designed to automatically find and back up photos and videos from computers, smartphones, and tablets. Unlike traditional flash drives, it doesn’t just store files—it scans your device, locates all your media, removes duplicates, and organizes everything neatly.
It’s marketed as a one-click solution for backing up digital memories without needing an internet connection or complicated software.
How Does It Work? The setup is simple:

  1. Plug it in – Use the USB adapter to connect to your phone, tablet, or computer.
  2. Launch the software – On a computer, it runs directly from the device. On a phone, you need to download the free app.
  3. Click “Backup” – The device scans your storage, finds all photos and videos, and copies them over.
For a more detailed walkthrough, check out this step-by-step guide.
What Makes It Different from a Regular USB Drive? The biggest difference is automation. A standard USB flash drive requires you to manually search for files, organize them, and copy them over. The Photo Stick OMNI does all of this automatically, which saves time and ensures you don’t miss anything.
Another key feature is duplicate removal. Instead of wasting storage space with multiple copies of the same file, it filters out duplicates so only one version is saved.
Pros and Cons Pros Cons Who is The Photo Stick OMNI For? This device is ideal for:
For more details, check out this in-depth review.
How It Compares to Other Backup Options Cloud Storage External Hard Drives Regular USB Drives The Photo Stick OMNI sits in the middle—it’s more automated than a standard USB, but without the recurring costs of cloud storage.
Is It Worth It? That depends on your needs. If you’re looking for a simple, offline way to back up photos and videos, this device is a great option. It’s especially useful for people who don’t want to deal with complex software or cloud storage fees.
However, if you need large storage capacity or direct cloud integration, this may not be the best choice.
Final Thoughts The Photo Stick OMNI provides a straightforward way to back up, organize, and protect your digital memories without relying on cloud storage or external hard drives. While it has limitations, its ease of use and automation make it a solid choice for everyday users.
submitted by babayoff to PhotoStickOmni [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 SusanRiceArtStudio San Antonio TX ACS Euthanasia List. There are currently 34 dogs that need a rescue/foster/adoption hold by 11:30 am CT on 2/3

San Antonio TX ACS Euthanasia List. There are currently 34 dogs that need a rescue/fosteadoption hold by 11:30 am CT on 2/3 submitted by SusanRiceArtStudio to PetEuthanasiaList [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 kodeepea Gigachad Beethoven

Gigachad Beethoven submitted by kodeepea to musicmemes [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 _ODgreen13 [WTS] BCM Kino 12.5”, BabyCog TA44, Mega upper receiver, surplus carry handle

Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/U1HJqjk
Kino package: Kino upper, BCM BCG, VLTOBCM Mod3 charging handle, QRF10, MCMR10 (with all hardware for both). Everything is new/unfired, purchased several years ago. Originally it came on a keymod rail which I have since removed. All in I’d like to get $850. If someone just wants the upper(no handguards, no bcg, no charging handle) I will pull the BCM barrel nut and install a milspec barrel nut, delta ring assembly and triangle or circle end cap. Just the stripped upper: $500.
Trijicon TA44 ACOG / RTR reticle: LGS display/never mounted, zero range days: This is the version that can be mounted in the carry handle: $750
Mega upper receiver: New: $75
Cardinal marked carry handle: $60
PPFF, Venmo, Zelle
submitted by _ODgreen13 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 racheloftv Finch as a Replacement

Today, I really wanted to send my dad a bit of an FU text, and as I was scrolling down to find the thread, I said, “nope! I am going to check out Finch instead.” And I didn’t send the nasty text.
submitted by racheloftv to finch [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 saxman_09 I can't get this combat system for the life of me.

When it comes to the training my ripost works, but then I move to actual enemies I only get perfect blocks or just a regular block. Not only that but I'm on the mission where I'm needing to take care of two bandits, I have a crappy short sword and a small shield. They then proceed to bum rush me, block every single counter strike I make against them. I feel like it's pure dumb luck if I manage to take even one of them down and even when I do that the other hits me 3 times and I'm almost dead. I honestly don't know what I'm doing wrong as earlier I was attacked by 3 random bandits and I had no issue with them because they weren't constantly attacking me.
submitted by saxman_09 to kingdomcome [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 drumorgan Got jumped into the gang…

Got jumped into the gang… submitted by drumorgan to KGATLWcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 Status-River-386 É possível sonhar com a lista de espera?

submitted by Status-River-386 to fuvest [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 KrisB-007 Lots of puts for QQQ

Lots of puts for QQQ submitted by KrisB-007 to OptionsMillionaire [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 the4kCollectivE Kill Bill Volume 2 4K UltraHD Blu-ray steelbook from Lionsgate Limited

Kill Bill Volume 2 4K UltraHD Blu-ray steelbook from Lionsgate Limited Kill Bill Volume 2 4K UltraHD Blu-ray steelbook | Lionsgate Limited Unboxing.
Only at http://lionsgatelimited.com
Be among the first to own the SteelBook® collector's editions of Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill Vol. 1 & Vol. 2. Available Now in 4K Ultra HD™ for the first time! Calling all cinephiles and Quentin Tarantino fans! Celebrate the legacy of one of cinema's most iconic directors with the brand-new collector's editions of Kill Bill Vol. 1 & Vol. 2. These meticulously crafted SteelBooks® are a must-have for any film enthusiast. Presented in spellbinding Dolby Vision® HDR and 4K Ultra HD for the first time ever, these stunning editions of Kill Bill Vol. 1 & Vol. 2 preserves Quentin Tarantino's cinematic vision and the richness of Robert Richardson's original cinematography, with the original 5.1 audio mix included per Tarantino's wishes. Featuring exclusive SteelBook® art by Matt Taylor and Oliver Barrett. Other new-to-4K Tarantino titles include Jackie Brown, also available in limited SteelBook® edition at LionsgateLimited.com.
submitted by the4kCollectivE to the4kCollectivE [link] [comments]
