2025.02.01 19:01 AutoModerator [Weekly Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here!
Ask your questions here no matter how big or how small. See the rules before you ask as it may be covered. We will try to update this Q&A post as we grow. We have converted this to a weekly Q&A temporarily until we have more participation as we grow.
submitted by AutoModerator to EliteDangerousLegacy [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:01 SexxxMelaneexxx Terza Rima
Unlocking the Beauty of Terza Rima**
Terza rima is a poetic form originating from Italy, traditionally associated with Dante Alighieri's "Divine Comedy." It consists of tercets (three-line stanzas) linked by a rhyme scheme (ABA, BCB, CDC, and so on), with the final stanza often a rhymed couplet.
2025.02.01 19:01 HNM12 Karaoke In Day Z | WAP #dayzcommunity
submitted by HNM12 to dayz [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:01 sharewithme Word of The Hour: llwyddiannus
llwyddiannus translates to successful
See previous words @ https://wordofthehour.org/past
submitted by sharewithme to WelshFeed [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:01 Weary_Tear4276 Solid picks?
submitted by Weary_Tear4276 to PrizePicks [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:01 Otherwise_Edge_8836 Como manejar un rechazo que nunca me había pasado (de esa forma) y necesito a.e
Hola. Espero que se encuentren muy bien , el día de ayer salí con una persona que en principio (a lo que me contaba un amigo y capturas que me mandó jaja) le atraía. Total que ya en el momento de la salida nos fumamos un porro y estuvimos hablando un buen rato todo normal, aunque a mi me pareció extraño que esta persona casi no hablaba y se la pensaba fácil 1 minuto en responderme cosas que yo preguntaba para amenizar la situación. Llegó un punto en el que yo quise ir al grano y le pregunté que si la podía besar, entonces me dijo que si y nos besamos y pues equis ; Como ella y yo tenemos un amigo en común, le pregunté a ese amigo que le había dicho la morra y le dijo que no le había gustado el beso ajsj, mi reacción hasta el momento ha sido rara porque siento que me afectó a pesar de ser algo muy mundano el rechazo y la verdad nunca me había pasado porque siempre había salido con morras con las que se daba la cosa y no me había pasado que fuera un no tan rápido (así lo interpreto) porque yo le pregunté que si quería volver a salir y me dijo que si, pero pues lo sentí como por compromiso. Gracias por leer y por el apoyo o retroalimentación, como sea el caso c:
submitted by Otherwise_Edge_8836 to Ayuda_emocional [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:01 No_Reveal2846 Grand Theft Srbija i Mr. Protest
submitted by No_Reveal2846 to serbia [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:01 coloradical5280 DeepSeek MCP Server circumvents 99% of "server busy" errors -- And also can't send your data to China (more info in comments)
submitted by coloradical5280 to ClaudeAI [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:01 AutoModerator Monthly Shop Critique and Item Help Thread
Welcome to the Monthly Thread! This thread is for users to seek help on their items, critiques for their shops and for users to give that advice.
Shop critique help includes: what photos fit better, how to get an item to sell, are your prices fair and similar questions.
Item help includes: help dating, pricing, describing an item and similar questions.
Comments that do not fit the criteria below will be removed.
Those requesting feedback:
2025.02.01 19:01 WinstonederStein If you had dark circles under your eyes as a side effect, how quickly did they appear?
As the title says
View Poll
submitted by WinstonederStein to MinoxidilSideEffects [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:01 Direct-Wind4489 Can a teacher sign loc on behalf of parents in case of emergency
submitted by Direct-Wind4489 to CBSECommerce [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:01 Darth_JaSk Favourite ending? (Spoilers)
So what is your favourite class ending? Recently re-played all classes vanilla story. I was always for the Knight. Killing Emperor in the duel and ending the war - absolutely top notch Kotor story. But no one in the Empire knows if he is alive or death for the very long time and Emperor "somehow returns" in expansions, it isn't looking such cool now. Now, Inquisitor story hits the top. Dueling Thanaton two times and second time when the ghosts appears - now that's the cool Star wars story. And becoming wise Council member regardless if dark or light - cherry on top.
I like trooper story, but ending is dull. In my opinion Agent have best ending from non-force users.
submitted by Darth_JaSk to swtor [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:01 Sad_Meeting9231 Herta - Eyes of Sorrow
submitted by Sad_Meeting9231 to melodicdeathmetal [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:01 Fantastic-Sir460 Zerk Build
How am I looking with regards to hitting up T6? BIS is Fate’s call weapon, but I think Fate’s decree (the one in pic) will suffice. I know the chest isn’t good, but it gives me a 15% crit dmg bump. submitted by Fantastic-Sir460 to MerchantRPG [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:01 AutoModerator STAT 20 Class homework assignments, Pearson MyMathLab labs, tests & exams
Hey, I’m Jaime, I graduated with a masters in statistics, I’m based out of the Bay Area (CA)
Get your fall calculus & statistics stat 20 assignments, Pearson MyMathLab labs, tests & exams completed from as low as $20 !
My discord is CWCO#8243 Email: [email protected] | Reviews: https://discord.gg/gQGQXNx6eh
Check statisticsHomework for my pinned vouches & free resources!
I’m also great at R Studio, Excel, STATA, SPSS, Jamovi & Minitab. Text me!
submitted by AutoModerator to statisticsHomework [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:01 Significant_Movie814 Nefarious is a scam, making you watch a Christian movie without knowing beforehand
Based on the trailer and summary, I expected a horrothriller movie—like they literally marketed it that way and rated it R. But instead, it turned out to be a purely Christian film with overacting, and Glenn Beck shows up at the end. There wasn't a single scary moment, and the plot just summarized demon and angel stories from various religions. And a 6.4 IMDb rating for this? I thought 6.4 for a horror movie was pretty good. So let’s watch it! But it wasn’t even a horror movie I’m SO DISAPPOINTED! 2/10.
submitted by Significant_Movie814 to movies [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:01 sharewithme Word of The Hour: Sau khi đạt đến một mức độ cao của sự thịnh vượng của thế gian.
Sau khi đạt đến một mức độ cao của sự thịnh vượng của thế gian. translates to successful
See previous words @ https://wordofthehour.org/past
submitted by sharewithme to VietnameseFeed [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:01 Justanotherguy2022 Here's a travel tip on how to get nearly free business and economy flights
You may have heard of travel hacking or award hacking, and it’s always sounded stupid or over-complicated. But I’m about to share how easy it actually can be, and the secrets of how some people basically travel for free.
Let me share with you a few examples before I start.
2025.02.01 19:01 endkeugneatow kimbap at baboy na may kimchi 😭
was craving for kimchi jjigae pero ang nangyare, naparami yung baboy kesa sa kimchi 😭😭 submitted by endkeugneatow to PangetPeroMasarap [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:01 Asuni-m Imbedded ceiling light noise
Is it weird that that these lights sometimes make like a pop/crackle noise? They didn’t get flagged the inspection report and mans (to me) was very thorough with checking the electrical stuff submitted by Asuni-m to electrical [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:01 Great_Elephant5041 Fra et barn til en korrupt kjerring der altså. Ape partiet slutter aldri å sjokker hvor lite de bryr seg om folkets mening. Til og med partiet har kastet Hadia Tajik sitt kandidatur. Det er så lite demokratisk som det kan få blitt.
submitted by Great_Elephant5041 to norske [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:01 United-Scheme9448 Morad Sabab skal vi tage et lille tilbageblik?
Morad Morad Morad. Du som er så hellig. Alt du laver bliver optaget, husk det. Du sidder og siger d 28/1 at du ikke har lavet en underretning på syngoloen. Ja du tænkte nok at den live fra d. 20 januar ikke kunne hentes ned ikke? Men bare rolig vi optager overalt. I denne video hører i først Morad benægte at have lavet en underretning. D 28 januar. Næste klip er fra d. 20 januar. Hovsa Morad. Der røg vidst en lille underretning afsted. Og hvorfor tænker du? Jamen nu skal vi fortælle. Morad underretter syngoloen fordi hun fortæller pureheart, om de ting Morad udsætter børn for på platformen, at Morad hele tiden fortæller at han vil underrette mødre. (Og nu også gør det på live som var det at bestille pizza på wolt) Bum så var der smidt en underretning afsted til syngoloen! submitted by United-Scheme9448 to tiktokdramadk [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:01 modeladmin Tonkatsu Tamafuji Reservations
Does anybody know when Tonkatsu Tamafuji opens their reservations for each month? Just a few days ago I was looking and you couldn't book beyond April 1st. When I looked today all of April was booked up and you aren't able to book beyond May 1st.
For reference I'll be trying to book a reservation in early August.
submitted by modeladmin to VisitingHawaii [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:01 tlaw978 Stadium atmosphere
I’m currently with temple and we have a 33 home win streak, 52% home win percentage, and we sell out every home game. But it seems I’ve been stuck on the #16 toughest stadium for like 3 years it feels like. How do I bump it up other than keep winning home games? I’ve had other teams make it to #1 within 3/4 years
submitted by tlaw978 to NCAAFBseries [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:01 EvilPlague Earn Bitcoin with ZBD app
Play games and do surveys also daily quiz to earn Bitcoin on ZBD! Can transfer funds (Bitcoin) with the lightning network.. Use my referral code: UH17WW https://zbd.link/hcHi/invite?af_sub1=UH17WW
submitted by EvilPlague to cryptoreferralcodesz [link] [comments]