Pokemon Prismatic Evolutions Surprise Box is available for pre-order at Target for $22.99 (MSRP)

2025.02.01 18:51 TrackaLackerBot Pokemon Prismatic Evolutions Surprise Box is available for pre-order at Target for $22.99 (MSRP)

View current status at https://www.trackalacker.com/products/showcase/pokemon-prismatic-evolutions-surprise-box...
As of 02/01/25 01:51 PM EST
submitted by TrackaLackerBot to PokemonRestocks [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 ElNabus Sandra González

Sandra González submitted by ElNabus to PeriodistasMexicanas [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 judgevillianelle Sex Offender Civil Commitment Centers

Hi everyone!
I’m currently gathering data on Sex Offender Civil Commitment Centers and Sex Offender Treatment Programs in Prisons and Jails across all 50 states and Washington, D.C.
I’ve been researching these locations through Google, but I thought reaching out here might help me find them more efficiently. If you know the names of any such facilities or programs in your state, I’d really appreciate it if you could share them.
Your insights are always helpful, and I appreciate any information you can provide. Thanks in advance!
submitted by judgevillianelle to LawSchool [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 VoiceAdventurous3755 Mudança para Belém do Pará

Olá querida comunidade,
É possível que receba uma proposta para ir trabalhar aí, eu não pensava em sair de onde estou agora, mas a grana pesa bastante além de trabalhar um pouco menos. Então queria saber opiniões, para resumir: ganharia entre 15 e 20k, já vi aluguel perto do trabalho e gastaria 5, e o barril seria umarizal. Não pretendo ficar para sempre, mas uns dois anos pela experiência e organizar-me financeiramente.
Opinião desse barrio? Daria para viver bem com esse ingresso?
submitted by VoiceAdventurous3755 to belem [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 Immediate-Law-9517 I am weak today. Feeling overtakes.

submitted by Immediate-Law-9517 to sixwordstories [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 Next_Ad_5472 I No Longer Have Hope

Everything began two months ago, during the transition between November and December.
The first symptoms were nausea and palpitations. I noticed this while at the gym. Later, when I went to play soccer at night, the nausea intensified so much that, by the time I got home, I could barely look at food (I felt so sick).
That’s when my concern started. I felt it might be something serious because I’d been neglecting a mild pain on the left side of my abdomen for months. I thought, "Damn, this could be colorectal cancer!" So, this fear has been present since the very beginning.
Days passed, and the condition persisted. Then came intestinal issues: occasional watery diarrhea and a feeling of pressure on the left side of my abdomen (right next to my belly button).
During those days, I spiraled into a feverish state of fear. I’d go to bed thinking I had cancer—and that I’d been terribly negligent for not getting it checked sooner.
Systemic symptoms soon followed. My body felt awful. I felt sick, feverish (even without a fever), and began experiencing palpitations—it felt like my heart would leap out of my mouth at times.
I decided to see a doctor for the first time—a general practitioner.
The doctor examined me and said she found nothing significant. She prescribed a medication called Annita, ordered an abdominal X-ray (which came back normal), and requested a series of blood tests:

I did all the blood tests. All came back normal.
My glucose was slightly higher than usual (98 mg/dL), just below the reference range. This was odd because, despite eating sweets, I’m very active and don’t eat terribly. These tests were done a month and a half ago.
Days passed, and I didn’t improve with Annita. In fact, during the course of the medication, a new symptom emerged: weight loss.
I began panicking. My fear escalated sharply. I obsessed over it constantly, barely slept, and woke up multiple times with a racing heart and a burning sensation in my chest and back, as if on fire.
I returned to the doctor. Remember the colorectal cancer fear? This time, I went straight to a coloproctologist. She examined me, asked questions, and ordered stool tests:
No medication was prescribed—just waiting for results.
But I didn’t improve. My terror grew exponentially.
A new symptom appeared: yellowish, pasty stools (steatorrhea?). Urgent bowel movements every morning, with explosive diarrhea.
My panic worsened. I spiraled into frantic internet research (intestinal obstructions, cancer symptoms, treatments). Sometimes I felt like I’d explode.
All stool tests came back completely normal.
The doctor prescribed antibiotics (metronidazole and ciprofloxacin) for 7 days. The diarrhea stopped, and stools normalized. But my bowel still felt off—urgency in the mornings, no gas, and a "frozen" gut.
I fixated on intestinal obstruction. Terror persisted.
By day 6 of antibiotics, I contacted the doctor: my body still felt terrible. Only the diarrhea had stopped. Worse, I’d lost 5 kg (77 → 72 kg), despite dietary changes and being naturally lean.
She advised stopping antibiotics and scheduled a colonoscopy. My anxiety skyrocketed—this would be the definitive test.
Colonoscopy on January 8 (over a month after symptoms began): Normal. No abnormalities.
Relief washed over me, but I still felt unwell. Something was wrong.
I weighed 69 kg. Desperate. The doctor referred me to a gastroenterologist.
Out of fear, I first consulted an oncologist who suggested a CT scan. It showed nothing—no lesions, all normal.
Mixed relief and panic. My body felt alien. Weakness, confusion, nighttime palpitations, chills, blurred vision, difficulty thinking, and a "stuck" feeling in my stomach.
Finally, I saw the gastroenterologist. He reviewed everything and said: "You have nothing, Carlos. I swear! Calm your mind, stop Googling, and let your body heal. The gut and brain are connected."
He ordered more tests:
All normal except a slightly elevated IgA (364; reference ≤ 350).
Clueless, I scoured Reddit and medical channels (H. pylori, pancreatic cancer, SIBO). Doctors insisted: "You’re fine. Restore weight slowly."
A second gastroenterologist echoed: "You’ve tested everything. Nothing’s wrong. Be patient!"
But my fatigue was crushing. Weakness, dizziness, despair.
I consulted a gastrointestinal oncology specialist. Weight: 68 kg (loss slowed with a nutritionist’s help). She ordered MRI and tumor markers to rule out malignancy.
My new fixation: pancreatic cancer.
Tumor markers:
Abdomen/pelvis MRI: Normal. No issues. CT (without contrast), ultrasound, X-ray, endoscopy, colonoscopy—all clear.
Now what?
Your thoughts? Diagnoses? Guidance?
submitted by Next_Ad_5472 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 tajginyard I’ll never speak a bad word about the VA ever again

Mind you, this was just the left side, I gotta get the right side done in a few months The anesthesia was $3k, another one for $1.5k & then got knows how many labs & consults.
submitted by tajginyard to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 Icy_Cellist2915 Which jacket should I keep?

I’m torn between these two jackets and can’t decide which one fits better or looks best on me. I’d really appreciate your thoughts—let me know which one you think works best! Thanks in advance for your help!
submitted by Icy_Cellist2915 to mensfashion [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 Gold_Park_1046 I know it sounds dumb but…

The way judges have been throwing out sentences. 15-18 years for M don’t sound to bad 😭😭 Sounds nuts but them 30 recs aint the 1 😭 Can’t be the only madman thinking this 🤦🏻
submitted by Gold_Park_1046 to ukdrill [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 klr614 Carbon Monarchs for me

Carbon Monarchs for me submitted by klr614 to NikeSB [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 DM-Shaugnar LF1-2M to ongoing Storm King's Thunder. Beginner friendly game. D&D 5e. run by a Pro DM. Saturdays 10 am EST. 2 pm GMT $17 per session

Looking for 1-2 more to an ongoing storm kings campaign. Due to work changes for 2 players we lost our wizard and barbarian. So the group now consists of a paladin, bard and warlock. we are level Level 6. still early on in the campaign
Storm King's Thunder Is an amazing open world campaign where you will face Giants, Dragons and more. With lots of room to explore the world and room for me to ad in my own things including Characters backstories and personal quests if wanted
The party started out with completing Waterdeep Dragon Heist and then moved into storm kings thunder
I try to run games with a good mix of Roleplay, combat, social interactions, exploration and all the good things that makes a good D&D game. But i try to listen to my players if they want more of something or less of something i try to adapt. After all we are here to have fun and i will try to make the game enjoyable for all.
I also try to personalize the game for my players by adding in some elements from their backstory if possible, some personal story arc and so on
Same with the campaign i try to personalize it by changing things up a little bit ad some things, Change some things. ad or remove others. and not running it 100% by the book.
I have Run this campaign several times and have made some changes to it while still holding true to the original. I use some updated maps. and other small things to make the experience as fun and exciting as possible
In my games you can expect

We use Discord for voice. Sessions will be 3 hours
Link to the game here on Roll20 https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/417465/storm-kings-thunder-saturday
Payment $17 per session and player. Played via startplaying
Link to the game on Startplaying https://startplaying.games/adventure/cm4eelopx0004mka03eapg691
If you do not have a Starplaying account sign up here https://startplaying.games/referral/ckqo2gzfy23o4bopkamba7goz
It is free to join and a good place to find games. and they take care of payment in an easy and safe way. you never have to share any payment information with me
Rules: Just be a decent person. No racism, homophobia, sexism and so on. No personal attacks, don't be rude. You know the drill. Treat others with respect. if you are unable to do so you will be removed from the game And be 18+ years old
submitted by DM-Shaugnar to DnDLFG [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 MiksajloMiks Haven't moved my hand for 3 hours. I wanna see your numb limps since it is illegal to move

Haven't moved my hand for 3 hours. I wanna see your numb limps since it is illegal to move She put her head on my arm and fell asleep.
submitted by MiksajloMiks to cats [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 KieranDonnan One step back, two steps forward

One step back, two steps forward Open goal so tempting
submitted by KieranDonnan to NintendoSwitchSports [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 Ok-Plate-2245 144

144 submitted by Ok-Plate-2245 to G4MES [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 Plastic-Age5205 Democrats Wonder Where Their Leaders Are

Democrats Wonder Where Their Leaders Are submitted by Plastic-Age5205 to democrats [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 Powerful-Writing-547 Hair growth but wrong direction

I have been using Minoxidil Rogaine 5% foam for 28 days (2* times a day), and it is promoting hair growth, but in the wrong direction towards my eyebrows. I also want to use Finasteride, but my doctor told me to wait until mid-March. 25yo
submitted by Powerful-Writing-547 to minoxidil [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 Accomplished-Wing129 Handmade pearl Jewelry Set Necklace Earring Large mother of pearl pendant# NEW!

Handmade pearl Jewelry Set Necklace Earring Large mother of pearl pendant# NEW! submitted by Accomplished-Wing129 to LalaJewelry [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 ranpo999 The dowload is tooo slow in spider man 2, torrent and ddl, is there anything I can do to increase the speed ?

Download speed is lower than 100 kb/s
submitted by ranpo999 to FitGirlRepack [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 DreamPirates Sai Tamhankar Marathi Actress #SaiTamhankar

Sai Tamhankar Marathi Actress #SaiTamhankar submitted by DreamPirates to dreampirates [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 ModoBerserker ghettos in losercity(mike dubisch)

ghettos in losercity(mike dubisch) submitted by ModoBerserker to Losercity [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 conwayjp2 Formula to find oldest date for repeated IDs

Is there a formula that can specify the oldest date (column B, multiple varying dates) for each patient ID (column A). The actual file contains 1500 rows with 1-3 shipped dates for each patient ID.
submitted by conwayjp2 to excel [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 Interesting-Yam-8830 Banana & Blueberry Brown Sugar Creamy Oats😍

I could eat this every day🥹 I usually make it creamier but I left it on the stove a bit too long smh. I drizzled some honey over top!
submitted by Interesting-Yam-8830 to Oatmeal [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 Confident-Dot-7642 [VFE - Insectoids 2] How to stop the waves from coming?? The top-right queue shows it never end SOS

submitted by Confident-Dot-7642 to RimWorld [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 Bulky_Part_4119 It's the month of love

It's the month of love submitted by Bulky_Part_4119 to MyHeroAcadamia [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 shootdance12 VA to CA Natl. Park Trip Advice!

VA to CA Natl. Park Trip Advice! Hi guys! I’m very new to the road trip game so would love any input on this. I’m from Virginia and have been to Shenandoah a bunch spam excluding that but open to any adjustments here! From B to C I will likely stop in Kansas City but overall am a bit worried about driving for hours in very rural/unsafe settings so please let know if any parts are rough. Thanks in advance.
Itinerary below:
Stops: Great Smoky Mountains → Mammoth Cave → Badlands → Mount Rushmore → Yellowstone → Grand Teton → Rocky Mountain → Austin (picking up a friend here who can’t join earlier in the trip) → Grand Canyon → San Diego.
submitted by shootdance12 to roadtrip [link] [comments]
