2025.02.01 19:51 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Business] - Canada, China and Mexico brace for Trump tariffs | NBC
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:51 Any_Percentage_7073 Why is this still so f* hilarious after 20 years?
This is not even exaggeration - I still laugh listening. The fact this shit is still so fucking 20 years later is fucking fascinating to me. "Oh, you want me to watch my mouth How? Take my fuckin' eyeballs out and turn them around? Look, I'll burn your fuckin' house down, circle around And hit the hydrant, so you can't put your burnin' furniture out I'm sorry, there must be a mix-up You want me to fix up lyrics While our President gets his dick sucked?" 🩵🤣 This mothafucker needs to be studied. submitted by Any_Percentage_7073 to Eminem [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:51 booyahachieved3 TDAGARIM “Jesse Lacey sequence”?
I was looking through discogs to see which white version of TDAG I have and I saw a test press designated as “Jesse Lacey sequence (rejected)”.
Is this the same as starting with Welcome to Bangkok, fan fiction or something else all together?
submitted by booyahachieved3 to brandnew [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:51 blakiblukicleeki Shark made using clay doh.
submitted by blakiblukicleeki to blender [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:51 AMWChicago The North is the Same Everywhere
submitted by AMWChicago to NFCNorthMemeWar [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:51 2_Blue Cronimium Particles Exist Just Outside Our Atmosphere Which, If Allowed To Reach Earth's Surface, Would Kill Every Living Thing That Exists, Now A Giant Hole Has Opened In Earth's Protective Strategeous Layer Which May Mean Doom For Us All
submitted by 2_Blue to Equivocal_News [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:51 wanabepilot me_irl
submitted by wanabepilot to me_irl [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:51 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Top Stories] - Canada, China and Mexico brace for Trump tariffs | NBC
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:51 Enough_Assumption_23 Does this story and video make sense
I called an a.i chat agent and asked for a story. Anyways, a friend of mine told me she didnt understand the video. Can you let me know if the video and the story makes sense?
submitted by Enough_Assumption_23 to YahooAnswersPals [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:51 JZBunnee Don’t hate me
submitted by JZBunnee to UnsentMusic [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:51 GoodLuckBlessYou Troquei o óleo do carro pela primeira vez
Eu (22H), apesar de ter um carro apelidado como "meu", fruto de uma herança há 4 anos de uma mãe muito cansada de ir no supermercado, não tive que cuidar dos reparos dele. Meu pai direto dirigia com ele, por às vezes ficar na frente do carro dele na garagem. Por muita gentileza, esse nobre homem esteve fazendo a troca do óleo do carro. Até que ontem chegou o fatídico dia em que eu, mero aprendiz no jogo da vida, recebi a missão de estar realizando a manutenção.
Como não entendo nada de carro, e seria minha primeira vez trocando óleo, fiquei com medo de me passarem a perna. Consegui combinar de meu pai ir junto. Após três minutos de rua, cheguei ao destino e estacionei o carro na plataforma elevatória.
Meu pai recebeu ligação e teve que se ausentar logo quando estacionei. Depois de conversar com os jovens trabalhadores gentis que salvam vidas mecânicas diariamente, começariam as cirurgias eletrônicas no meu querido Argo branco. Eu estava confiante e tranquilo, achando que a pior parte já tinha acabado (afinal, já tinha passado pela vergonha de não saber abrir o capô do carro e ser ensinado pelo mecânico). Até que ouvi aquela pergunta:
2025.02.01 19:51 ImTheCHEESEORB this is the third time i have to post this, anyways check the description (sorry if it's kinda spam)
alright so just pretend a new season got announced, and you have to vote anyone here to join that specific season in the comments, the voting rules are the exact same as the 2012 BFDIA cast voting video (i'll count in the votes from the previous deleted two posts) submitted by ImTheCHEESEORB to BattleForDreamIsland [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:51 NoMarionberry905 Sto per prendere un palo più grande di kim jong um
sto pre ricevere questi palo per una minchiata che non avrei dovuto dire a una… qualche consiglio su come prepararmi a questo?
submitted by NoMarionberry905 to TeenagersITA [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:51 TimeCapsuleTrading [WTS] 🤿 Omega Seamaster 41mm Blue Auto 🤿 Fullset-$2000+🛥️
submitted by TimeCapsuleTrading to Watchexchange [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:51 Daraen257 Too many spells ?
I'm actually trying to improve my deck, I had rocket, electro spirit and tesla instead of poison, ice spirit and inferno tower. But I think maybe I have too many spells and no anti-air troups, can you give me your opinion on my deck and a potential anti-air troup ? submitted by Daraen257 to RoyaleAPI [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:51 Javimoran Homage to Harry Potter's Womping Willow in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2
submitted by Javimoran to gaming [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:51 Old-Ad2845 A meme
submitted by Old-Ad2845 to TheTowerGame [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:51 Dear-Novel-5066 Genius 😂
submitted by Dear-Novel-5066 to NoOneIsLooking [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:51 wheelzsidehustlez Quick online side hustle
-Install the app attapoll or use the link attached -use code koqwz when signing up to get a bonus -answer surveys and play games -cash out when you reach £3 -(cashout via PayPal or gift cards)
submitted by wheelzsidehustlez to MakeMoneyOnlinefree [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:51 DreamPirates Hansika Motwani Indian Actress #HansikaMotwani
submitted by DreamPirates to dreampirates [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 19:51 Responsible_Try_4772 Tohatsu 2020 6hp update
Long story short I changed the carburetor for a new one, I changed the fuel pump , I changed spark plugs, I switched out the propeller, I changed the gear oil. I checked the compression and it reads 130 psi . And it still has issues accelerating on the throttle. Any ideas of what could be the issue ? Since all these things been changed.
Side note , doesn’t turn on as easy, I have to fiddle with the screw on carburetor and I don’t now what setting it’s suppose to be in. Also the new spark plug when i check it . It looks burned and has black oily substance on it, is this something that can be related to the problem.
submitted by Responsible_Try_4772 to Outboards [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:51 Playful_Evidence5475 $cjack1010 1 boost left. boosts back ASAP
submitted by Playful_Evidence5475 to chimeboost [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:51 Aveverse Cred Rush
I know this sub is ment to hate on Cred (and rightly so) but some offers/discount codes are actually worth to brun Cred Points on.
I've already been usebuyer of couple of Brands, and never got this much discount before for them from any other Platform/Direct.
Especially, Frido & SuperYou... And also I was happy with Swiggy, Amazon Prime, and Cinepolis codes in exchange with Cred Coins.
submitted by Aveverse to fuckCRED [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:51 bongwaterbb anyone else have negative experiences online?
Hey there! Just curious how common of an experience this. I’m pretty new to the game and sometimes people send some not so nice messages saying i’m not playing correctly, i’m too stupid to read, etc. To be transparent i’m not great at worlds but i’m also not ending the hunt for everyone. I also get a good amount of “need any help beautiful?” and the like which could be because i play as a girl. anyone else have this experience? tbh it was surprising bc i never had ppl be rude or weird in rise. hopefully this is allowed!
submitted by bongwaterbb to MonsterHunterWorld [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 19:51 Yourmom0089 Welp…
I guess it’s time for this crap 💩. Tbf the only fight that means something is du plessis vs Strickland 2 but at least we got Topurias brother on the card. submitted by Yourmom0089 to ufc [link] [comments] |