这个回答的内容主要是 投资公司类型的基础介绍,或者简单地扫盲贴。 为了让大家更容易理解一些金融术语,我将会用比较通俗易懂的表达方式来阐述一些我们时不时可以看到的词语。 首先是GP,LP: 普通合伙人(General Partner, GP): 大多数时候,GP, LP是同时存在的。而且他们主要存在在一些需要 ... ground truth是指机器学习中用于评估模型性能的真实标签或数据。 本文字数:4300 阅读时间:30分钟 在实际应用中,数字滤波器设计是数字信号处理中最重要的主题之一。今天我们讨论滤波器设计中遇到的一个关键问题:如何比较有限脉冲响应(FIR)和无限脉冲响应(IIR)滤波器。由于没有明显的赢家,回答这个问题使设计师能够为他们的产品选择正确的解决方案 ... AM,AFM,ACS Nano,Nano Letters,Small,Nano Research如何排序?如还有其他期刊欢迎补充补充:还有Nat… iPhone上用蓝牙耳机,蓝牙耳机音量调到最小还是太大,有什么办法吗? 用的是JBL的蓝牙耳机、音量已经是最小一格了…但还是好大声、有什么办法吗?永在… 显示全部 最近在写论文要发表的,发现EndNote里没有这个杂志的格式,但是我自己不会编辑,有没有办法能将这个杂志… 作为用户,我干涉这个系统演化过程的唯一途径,就是改变系统的输入。 MPC的基本思想就是,我虽然身处于时间t0,但是我可以根据我掌握的有关这个系统的信息(比如说模型),去预测接下来的一段时间内(horizon length)系统的状态会发生什么样的变化。 Intel® Iris® Xe Graphics是一款集成显卡,适合玩LOL等游戏,但在配置要求较高的steam游戏上表现一般。 如何看待新版中科院分区Materials horizon和Small均降为二区?Mat系列均升为一区? 2023年了,WSL2, VMware player 17, VirtualBox 7都在用,三者都免费,简单的建议: 虚拟Linux,且只用命令行的话可以用WSL2,和微软的东西集成的很好。 当需要虚拟图形界面时,建议用VMware或VirtualBox。 VMware要更好一些,体现在以下几点: 可以兼容Hyper-V,也就可以和WSL2共存,VirtualBox这边还是有问题。 VMware ...

2025.02.01 20:52 PomegranateNo216 NFS or FORZA HORIZON

Has anyone played Forza Horizon? How was it compared to NFS franchise in terms of everything?
submitted by PomegranateNo216 to needforspeed [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 Royal_Skin_1510 What's so good about having higher-slot Lodgings?

Recently made it to POSI and noticed that aiming for better lodgings is often cited as a high-priority, with the 4/5 ones being really valuable. I guess I might just be using the deck wrong currently but why is this such a big deal? Is the idea that if you can see more cards simultaneously you can "triage" better and decide which are worth spending actions on? My experience with it so far has been mainly hunting for a couple specific cards so discarding them all at once or one after another hasn't made much of a difference
submitted by Royal_Skin_1510 to fallenlondon [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 wallerhilliard Bear Mountain, Sedona,Arizona [OC] [2820x4192]

Bear Mountain, Sedona,Arizona [OC] [2820x4192] submitted by wallerhilliard to EarthPorn [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 General-Pryde-2019 Guess who’s back, back again

figured since times have changed I’d see what this dude has on his board now
submitted by General-Pryde-2019 to Purdue [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 Best-Structure62 Repeal of Child Labor Laws In Indiana

Processing img g3nz6fj3e6fe1...
This is what Mike Braun and the Republican Party want to go back to. Kids working in mines, steel mills and so forth.
submitted by Best-Structure62 to antiwork [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 grody_mcjiggleball What happened to my l4d shirts?

What happened to my l4d shirts? I logged in today and they were gone, are they not available to anyone else or is it just me?
submitted by grody_mcjiggleball to DeadByDaylightFashion [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 No_Mud_6645 Trading my whole inventory

Trading my whole inventory submitted by No_Mud_6645 to AdoptMeRBX [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 averagemcplayer21 looking for a modpack without avaritia or extended crafting

I am looking for a modpack that doesnt lock end game items behind mods like avaritia or extended crafting, because to be honest they just feel tedious, especielly with the singularities, but NEARLY EVERY MODPACK HAS ONE OF THOSE 2 MODS!!!
submitted by averagemcplayer21 to feedthebeast [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 SobinatorYT Trouble Finding Games on Xbox

For all of you who plays rainbow six siege on Xbox with crossplay turned off, are you finding trouble finding games? I swear I’ve been in queues for like 5-10 minutes like all week. I’m not sure if the game is dead or what, but I’m just very curious if anyone else is in my same shoes here.
submitted by SobinatorYT to RainbowSixSiege [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 DaDuck6969 I need help with Display Settings

I have my Laptop (windows 11) connected to two external monitors. I want the screen shown on my laptop AND both monitors to ALL be the exact same screen. Windows seems to want me to have 1|2 and 3 or 1|3 and 2, and I just cannot get any answer as to how to make it 1|2|3.
submitted by DaDuck6969 to Monitors [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 Matrix_Soup PSA: For American friends struggling to find health information

PSA: For American friends struggling to find health information submitted by Matrix_Soup to thepeopleunited [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 VeryOldGiraffe1010 ok thats 2 ppl now😭💔😔

submitted by VeryOldGiraffe1010 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 Proverbs_47 M4F POLAND - Shooting my shot...

Hey, I'm an 18 year old from Poland looking for a serious relationship. I do want a romantic partner, but if we end up just close friends then that'll still make me happy. Something about me: At 16 years old I started working as a sound engineer. I've been passionate about this since I was a kid and it has always been my dream career. I got successful enough to the point where I couldn't keep attending school and working at the same time - I had no choice but to start "attending" school online. I put 100% of my focus on my career and I gotta say - it paid off. I'm just 18 years old and I own my company, worked with some famous polish artists and I'm living life to it's fullest. This has only one downside - the moment I quit school I instantly lost all my friends. We just never kept in touch. I'm hoping my post here will be seen by the right person and we'll build something great together. I have many different hobbies, but we'll talk about them once I find you ❤️
MY NON-NEGOTIABLES: Age - I'll be 18 in may. I don't want anyone that's more than 2 years younger. I don't mind if you're older, I prefer that actually. Faith - I'm a christian, I think it's best if we share the same views. Time - I'm a very busy person - I'll always find time for you but it'll never be 24/7. If you need really high levels of attention then it won't work out. Personality - I'm all about success, I'm driven, I dream big... I need someone who's as ambitious as me (or more) and understands my dedication. Other - I had a dog in the past, I have a dog now, I will have many more dogs in the future - you have to love dogs or AT LEAST tolerate them. It won't work out otherwise hahah
If you're interested, please DM me. Let's make it happen. Have a nice day 😁
I believe that if we're meant to be, then you'll get to read this. I don't know who you may be, but let me say - I'm grateful for you, the thought that one day I'll get to look into your eyes fills my heart with warmth and lets all the butterflies in my stomach loose. love you, your best friend.
submitted by Proverbs_47 to r4r [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 JoniVanZandt Houston Astros Farm System Ranking Remains Near Bottom of Majors

Houston Astros Farm System Ranking Remains Near Bottom of Majors submitted by JoniVanZandt to Astros [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 RealEyes_Realies Do you think the universe has a purpose, or is it random?

submitted by RealEyes_Realies to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 Space_Kitty1 Pre-scheduled slack messages

I'm curious if EA's here use pre-scheduled slack messages. Do you mention in the message that it's pre-scheduled? I want to add language in case the recipient gets stale info or an ill-timed message, and I am not sure how to word that. Any thoughts? Thanks!
submitted by Space_Kitty1 to ExecutiveAssistants [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 Aleshen23456 Guzik,pavoxy,zosia_jankowska,fagata,honey,kolezanki,ome,mI_0de,i wiele wiecej[kazdy dysI< posiada co najmniej 50 f0tek i 20 film0w]

Guzik,pavoxy,zosia_jankowska,fagata,honey,kolezanki,ome,mI_0de,i wiele wiecej[kazdy dysI< posiada co najmniej 50 f0tek i 20 film0w] submitted by Aleshen23456 to waleniepolska [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 arkantoswar Tropical bliss

Tropical bliss -13.5765920, -38.929541
submitted by arkantoswar to LiminalSpace [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 Wirerat '21 Xle P. New to us.

'21 Xle P. New to us. It's 2wd and pretty much just the standard xle premium trim. Nutmeg interior, 68k miles. Just picked it up yesterday. 😁.
submitted by Wirerat to rav4club [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 The_weon_of_osu Solo jugué el de death cells o como se llame 🦝

Solo jugué el de death cells o como se llame 🦝 submitted by The_weon_of_osu to Tsukis [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 Particular-Classic68 Best team ever on quick play

Just got lord today and I decided to celebrate with a game and went to test the new lord icon but apparently I wasn't the only one wanting to play iron man, also was the funniest game a was ever part off man i love quick play (I An the one on the far right)
submitted by Particular-Classic68 to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 AutomaticNecessary17 What does pixel layer limit mean?

What does pixel layer limit mean? I am a beginner for Toonsquid and former FlipaClip animator, but I still can’t figure how to fix this.
Every time I draw in a pixel layer, there’s always this box with gray outlines that I can’t draw outside because of the “pixel layer limit”. Whats even worse is that I can’t line it up with the screen because it moves in the exact same directions as I move my drawings with the transform tool. Please let me know in the comments on how to deal with this.
submitted by AutomaticNecessary17 to animation [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 stfunigAA_23 Need anything to make my whisky run better

can anyone here give me all of the possible patches or mods(dont know what they are called) to improve my whisky experience. I have a m3 macbook air 16gb ram. Trying to get spiderman miles morales to run at a bit higher fps. My average fps is around 35 on medium
submitted by stfunigAA_23 to macgaming [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 ieatfloppydisketts Possible lead?

Someone on the lost media wiki found a .m3u8 file that may contain interface
I tried to convert it to a mp4 in VLC but it failed everytime I tried so its probably a dead lead
submitted by ieatfloppydisketts to InterfaceMasa [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 Kirbo-ultimate Disconnecting issues

I have a Dell G15 5530 and I've had it for a good 5 months now and l've always have had disconnecting issues as it randomly disconnects from my WiFi and recently have been restarting my WiFi adapter through troubleshooting settings. Someone please tell me what I can do to stop this issue.
submitted by Kirbo-ultimate to Dell [link] [comments]