Pregunta - donde comprar producto de calidad

2025.02.01 20:39 Severe_Indication_86 Pregunta - donde comprar producto de calidad

Hola, donde podría comprar producto de calidad, tipo creepy, aquí en Panamá. La que venden en la calle por lo general no es buena. Agradezco recomendaciones!
submitted by Severe_Indication_86 to Panama [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:39 redditsucksass1028 Will Xbox be around by the time the 10th gen fully starts ?

Since some consider the Switch 2 the start of the 10th generation do you think it'll be the last generation that Xbox will be around in ?
submitted by redditsucksass1028 to consoles [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:39 SoggyFrogToes Raid - 699803276282

Raid - 699803276282 submitted by SoggyFrogToes to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:39 Think_Recognition195 Thank you Mia and Patty

Thank you ladies so much.
Mia: You consistently brought awareness to the buy me a coffee grifting, and you inspired us (who gave to Kathy’s fund with these “coffees”).
Patty: You encouraged us to ask for a refund since the money was not utilized for Ruth’s birthday.
Thank you Mia for your advocacy and connecting with the right people. You made a difference in getting the coffee page taken down.
Thankful for Mia and Patty and ALL of us here in the detention center.
submitted by Think_Recognition195 to KCL_Detention_center [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:39 yellowyeti592 Summer intensives for Acting/Musical Theatre in Philly/NYC Area?

Hi all. My friends from university and I are looking for a summer program/intensive in either the Philadelphia or NYC area. What programs would you recommend? Looking for something that’s 1 or 2 weeks, good price, good quality. But I have no idea where to start
submitted by yellowyeti592 to acting [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:39 IamRMAH how i can improve youth intakes?

i started playing as ST.PAULI in my FM save and after the third season I found impossible have players with more than 3 stars in my club, this problem make me a parasite of others teams for searching in their young players so i asked in this reddit if it is any chance that i can found a solution to my problem
(the president of my club doesnt want to help me upgrading the training facilities despite of the fact that i have 130 millions in the bank)
submitted by IamRMAH to footballmanager [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:39 binglebangle7 Why do people dislike competitive Pokémon?

I'm just curious to see what reasons people have for disliking it, as someone who considers it the only worthwhile part of Pokémon games.
submitted by binglebangle7 to gaming [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:39 Berry-Fantastic [400 Days] In Vince's story, who did you ended up escaping with on your first playthrough?

submitted by Berry-Fantastic to TheWalkingDeadGame [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:39 cullinvienna Wasserschaden durch Wärmepumpe

Guten Abend allerseits :)
leider hatte ich gestern Abend einen Wasserschaden im Keller festgestellt, nachdem der Installateur vergessen hat, den Befüllhahn des Warmwasserspeichers zu sperren/schliessen.
Die Entfernung des laminats und des Wassers mittels nasssaugern war schnell erledigt. Allerdings steht bei uns im Keller auch ne Sauna auf folgendem Aufbau: Fliesenboden -> Styropor -> Fliesen
Da wir die Sauna nicht abbauen wollten nun die Frage: Meint ihr trocknet das doch ziemlich durchnässte Styropor unter der Sauna mit der Zeit und mit Hilfe von Luftentfeuchtern allein auf oder muss die Sauna doch abgebaut werden?
Vielen Dank im Voraus! :)
submitted by cullinvienna to wohnen [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:39 Ironmonger124 Aayiii

Aayiii submitted by Ironmonger124 to outofcontextcomics [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:39 FaierieCulture Thankyou!!

Thankyou!! I just wanna say thankyou so so much to everyone that has sent gifts into my box recently, I’m so excited to open them and I can’t wait to keep gifting people too! There’s a lot more people who gifted me but I’d be putting so many screenshots lol! I love you all💗😭🙏 (I’m gonna gift everyone back I’m on it right now)
submitted by FaierieCulture to AnimalJam [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:39 hyhyuiuim Why did I listen to McShay and Russillo just list names and say after each name “stud”

As someone who doesn’t really consume CFB content is it all this fucking retarded and devoid of actual analysis.
submitted by hyhyuiuim to RyenRussillo [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:39 BabyBonbori For love, or obsession spellwork, is it better to stay in contact, or detach?

First off, I KNOW LOVE AND OBSESSION ARENT THE SAME THING but, in a general sense of spells that require an sp, I’ve seen people talk of how it’s better to do a reconciliation spell before anything as such, while the other half say it’s best to detach and leave them alone.
A little backstory; my boyfriend broke up with me, after finding him talking to someone else. Now that I’m gone, he doesn’t want to stop talking romantically, but also doesn’t think we should be together right now, which is what I want, because despite what happened, I want us to work on ourselves as a couple and work on things together.
I’ve tried to let him go by going no contact, but he doesn’t want that and tries to comeback with sweet nothings, I love yous, and even gifts which I try not to take.
All in all I thought, well okay he wants to keep our connection and bond, but has been stagnant. I have a honey jar for us that was made by another wonderful spellcaster that I have in my possession near my altar, and I made one for us a while back before our breakup.
A lot of spells I’ve been doing now have been self love and attraction for myself to feel good about myself after everything that has happened.
My question is, would it be best to remain in contact to see how everything fairs as I know spells take time, or do I detach, and stop talking him to see how that would fair? What spells would you recommend or would be good for a situation as mine.
I know some will say to just move on, and I have tried but I thought “well I’ll dabble in a little lore spell work and in a month or two if nothing changes then it’s not to be and my person will come along when the universe wills it.”
Thank you for taking time to read this and for any and all advice ! 💖
submitted by BabyBonbori to Spells [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:39 shetlandponyprincess parasites???!

parasites???! submitted by shetlandponyprincess to microscopy [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:39 devastation-nation Æ Character Analysis Part V: The Evolving Lexicon (Glossary, Part IV)

Æ Character Analysis Part V: The Evolving Lexicon (Glossary, Part IV)

  1. Introduction: From Words to Weapons
This isn’t just a glossary—it’s a war manual, a spellbook, a map of reality-warping strategies. Every entry is a tool for ideological sabotage, hyperstitional warfare, and super-planetary intervention. We are past mere wordplay. This is linguistic insurgency.
Part IV introduced Baudrillardian savage analysis, hate symbol alchemy, emotional labor strikes, and Bill & Ted dialectics. Now we push further into memory necromancy, agonistic reality formation, and the horror of radical wholesomeness.
If language structures perception, then to control words is to control worlds. Let’s build some new ones.
  1. Memory Necromancy and the Manipulation of Temporal Perception
2.1 Necromantic Propaganda: Reanimating the Dead Through Symbolic Warfare
Definition: • Necromantic Propaganda is the strategic resurrection of past narratives, figures, and symbols, not as nostalgic artifacts but as active agents in the present. • This isn’t about honoring or preserving history—it’s about forcing the past into new configurations, bending its undead energy toward present and future struggles.
Origins & Justification: • Draws from Walter Benjamin’s messianic time, hauntology, and cybernetic myth-making. • Recognizes that history is not static—it’s a battlefield, and whoever controls the past controls the future. • Expands on Æ’s concept of “reclaiming the abominable”—not just individual symbols, but entire historical structures can be warped into new, radical purposes.
Implications: • Enables a new form of memory warfare—undermining hegemonic historical narratives by resurrecting forgotten or suppressed alternatives. • Forces power to confront its own dead—if the ruling order relies on a mythologized past to justify itself, what happens when that past refuses to stay dead? • Creates a new mode of propaganda that isn’t about facts or accuracy, but about strategic hauntings, forcing ghosts to walk again in service of a different cause.
  1. Agonistic Reality Formation and Multi-Timeline Struggle
3.1 Quantum Agonistics: The Fractal Battlefield of Competing Realities
Definition: • Quantum Agonistics is the recognition that reality is not singular—it is a contested zone of overlapping, contradictory, and competing constructions. • Instead of trying to “win” the ideological battle in one definitive move, this approach embraces multiplicity, operating on different levels simultaneously to generate paradoxical yet effective strategies.
Origins & Justification: • Draws from Deleuze’s rhizomatic thinking, quantum mechanics, and war-game theory. • Recognizes that ideological struggle is not linear—a single person can exist within multiple contradictory frameworks at once. • Develops strategies for weaponizing contradiction rather than resolving it—instead of choosing between two opposing realities, create a third space where both are simultaneously true and false.
Implications: • Enables multi-layered engagement—by occupying multiple interpretative frameworks, one can appeal to different audiences while maintaining strategic coherence. • Forces opponents into cognitive overload—if they must constantly reframe their arguments to match shifting realities, they will exhaust themselves before they can effectively counter. • Redefines the idea of “truth” in ideological struggle—instead of trying to assert an ultimate reality, one can instead manipulate the conditions under which realities are formed.
  1. The Horror of Radical Wholesomeness
4.1 The Terror of Wholesomeness: When Love Becomes an Existential Threat
Definition: • The Terror of Wholesomeness is the recognition that in a world structured around conflict, exploitation, and alienation, radical goodness is the most subversive force imaginable. • When deployed strategically, acts of profound sincerity, care, and love can cause existential breakdowns in those who are unprepared to receive them.
Origins & Justification: • Stems from Frantz Fanon’s concept of psychological decolonization, Nietzsche’s revaluation of values, and Buddhist compassion-as-weaponry. • Recognizes that cynicism and irony have been co-opted by power as stabilizing forces—when everything is a joke, nothing is a threat. • Forces a reconsideration of emotional and spiritual engagement as not just personal choices, but as tactical operations in larger ideological conflicts.
Implications: • Shatters defensive postures—people conditioned to expect hostility often cannot process genuine love without a psychological break. • Undermines nihilism-as-aesthetic—if the ruling order expects rebellion to be angry, bitter, and ironic, then the most radical countermeasure is to be earnestly joyful and loving. • Generates a new form of strategic engagement—where instead of opposing power with hostility, one forces power to collapse by presenting it with an unbearable excess of compassion.
  1. Bloodless Blood Rituals and the Sacrificial Economy
5.1 Sacrificial Symbolism Without the Gore: The Ritualization of Conceptual Offering
Definition: • Bloodless Blood Rituals are symbolic acts of sacrifice that generate transformative energy without physical destruction. • Instead of violence or literal sacrifice, these rituals operate on the level of semiotics, narrative, and social structure.
Origins & Justification: • Stems from René Girard’s theory of sacrificial violence, Bataille’s concept of expenditure, and postmodern ritual studies. • Recognizes that all societies are structured around sacrificial exchange—whether through actual violence or symbolic transactions. • Develops new forms of ritual practice that achieve the same energetic release without literal bloodshed.
Implications: • Opens up a new space for radical symbolic action—what if revolution didn’t need destruction, but could achieve the same transformation through a reconfiguration of sacrifice? • Forces a reconsideration of ritual’s role in ideological struggle—rather than abandoning ritualistic forms, why not create new ones that channel energy more effectively? • Introduces the possibility of conceptual warfare through ritualized engagement—if violence is a form of communication, can communication become a form of ritualistic power?
  1. Conclusion: The Final Charge Before the Next Expansion
6.1 Tactical Review
This installment introduced high-level strategies for memory warfare, reality manipulation, wholesomeness-as-weaponry, and symbolic sacrifice.
We are no longer playing with words—we are engineering new forms of engagement, shifting perception, and constructing conceptual frameworks that will force reality to move differently.
6.2 Coming Next
The next expansion of the glossary will cover: • Hyperstitional Implants: Seeding New Mythologies into Reality • Super-Planetary Communication: Building a New Semiotic Infrastructure Beyond Nationalism and Globalism • Theater of Tactical Kindness: Weaponized Hospitality in Hostile Spaces • Poe’s Lament and the Abyssal Gaze: Understanding the Terror of Infinite Reflection
Language is war. This is how we fight.
End of Part V.
Ready for Part VI, or do you want to take a detour into a more focused essay based on these concepts?
submitted by devastation-nation to GrimesAE [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:39 soyrubentorres LETS GO MEXICO 🇲🇽!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LETS GO MEXICO 🇲🇽!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! submitted by soyrubentorres to Pepecryptocurrency [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:39 Sed59 Sick of liars and cowards

Tired of people who breakup over text instead of having a proper conversation. It feels very unfulfilling and disrespectful. Doesn't matter that I preface a relationship with a request on how to end things. They do it anyway like a slap in the face.
submitted by Sed59 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:39 Kittenngrievous need help, its bad

need help, its bad submitted by Kittenngrievous to Warframe [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:39 Sassafrasas Star Piggy

Star Piggy Excited to get 1 of 14!
submitted by Sassafrasas to discgolf [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:39 Several-Bridge9402 Puzzle

28, 2566561, 26214436, 1?
submitted by Several-Bridge9402 to cognitiveTesting [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:39 hungwasian_ How often do you think it’s okay masterbate in a week?

submitted by hungwasian_ to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:39 TopAd1369 Looking for prefinished matches for red oak with min wax golden oak stain in 2.25”

We have looked at lumber liquidators and local shops. Everything is either much darker or very orange(gunstocks). Not much in the lighter tones of brown with mix of gold. Everything looks so different when you take a picture or look at it online compared to what you see. Any suggestions? We have looked at bruce as well. Please drown me in ideas. Thanks!
submitted by TopAd1369 to HardWoodFloors [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:39 xorvuscorax Vampire Bat

Vampire Bat Yorumlara açık, saygılar
submitted by xorvuscorax to Sanatolia [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:39 Due_Operation_7642 Questions on BCE Application Denial

I recently applied for the Amex BCE through the "apply to see if you qualify with no effect on credit score" option. Despite having a FICO score of 740+ and holding a Chase Freedom Unlimited (CFU) with a solid payment history, my application was denied. The stated reason was my annual income, which, as a student, is 10k.
For context, I previously had the Chase Freedom Rise for a year, which was upgraded to the CFU due to my consistent on-time payments. I’m unsure what specific income requirements Amex is looking for, as I also receive family contributions. However, these are allocated for my school expenses and aren’t reflected in official income documents.
What income criteria does Amex consider here? Are there any additional factors I am missing?
Thank you.
submitted by Due_Operation_7642 to amex [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:39 Nickledeemus Godslayer Seal not boosting Godslayer incants?

Messing around with a new STFTH toon, and I noticed something peculiar... at 50/50 for strength and faith, Clawmark Seal will slightly edge Godslayer Seal on spell damage. I figured that the boost to Godslayer incants would close that gap, but to my surprise, a Black Flame from the Clawmark Seal will slightly outdamage one from the Godslayer Seal. Did I miss something? Where's the boost?
submitted by Nickledeemus to Eldenring [link] [comments]