Recordings taking 3x as much storage after driver update?

2025.02.01 20:52 Alltyiowa Recordings taking 3x as much storage after driver update?

submitted by Alltyiowa to nvidia [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 Soapandsponges TW BMI QUESTION - organ failure/osteoporosis

What BMI have people been when they experienced osteoporosis or organ failure?
I’m unsure HOW urgent it is for me to quickly gain weight as I do plan on this but I don’t know if I’m taking it too slow. I know some people may ask this because they don’t feel bad enough and want to get worse (if so I’d advise you don’t read the replies) but for me it’s purely to gauge where I’m at. I know that no matter where I am in comparison to others it is important for my health to be a more healthy weight but I’d like to know at what point others have actually experienced organ failure/osteoporosis. (I’m not sure if I should be getting more support)
submitted by Soapandsponges to fuckeatingdisorders [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 Kelsey_Baby That time again!

Hey all! BFB time again! $KelseyH and I will send back as soon as I get it, I guarantee! Thank you in advance!
submitted by Kelsey_Baby to chimeboost [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 OtherwiseBlueberry74 B4B $bubblytrade

4 boosts
submitted by OtherwiseBlueberry74 to chimeboost [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 Competitive-Ad-9662 No nausea on Wegovy until I started birth control

I’ve been on Wegovy since August and have been on 1.7 for a few months. No significant issues with nausea (some waves here and there but nothing significant).
I started on nuvaring, and about 36h later I started feeling sick and having nonstop sulfur burps, which I’ve never had before in my entire life. I was up until 4am puking last night- two zofran didn’t even touch it. Needless to say I took the nuvaring out.
No fever, diarrhea, or other symptoms. I have multiple autoimmune diseases and always go into a significant pain flare when exposed to illness (including vaccines, though I do still get vaxed). I did not go into a flare last night, so I don’t think this is an immune response.
I have to guess this is a reaction between the two meds somehow. I’ll talk to my doctor on Monday, but last night was brutal.
submitted by Competitive-Ad-9662 to WegovyWeightLoss [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 heavyreighn INSERT SIM PIN IN WRONG HOLE

So I just got my Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra delivered yesterday and I accidentally shoved the sim pin into the hole next to the sim tray with full force up to the point where I felt some resistance and I feel like I felt it go through something, like it pierced something. I ran a diagnosis test on everything including audio and everything came out fine but now I'm paranoid that I might have damaged something, if someone has any information on this situation that could ease my mind I'd appreciate it cause I'm thinking about returning it and re-ordering it.
submitted by heavyreighn to samsung [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 Unusual_Sort_9097 God of Wealth Barbie giving away 88 Nemo bucks on last stand

He has been in certain maps and you have to interact with him to get 88 Nemo bucks. Don’t know much info about it
submitted by Unusual_Sort_9097 to PartyAnimalsGame [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 Duende555 Looks like Beautyrest is bringing back the World Class models

submitted by Duende555 to MattressMod [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 deezwurdsRmyown Strangest you testament quest ever! Matt Dickie I think I've found one of your cool secrets

So I've completed the you testament and as you all know you'll be asked to do quests.. i.e "can you take this cane to ____ in ____"...
Well someone came up to me and asked me to take a rock to "crucified" in THE AFTERLIFE. Yep. The literal afterlife. As yous know this doesn't exist on the map.
I mean what?? I went straight to Calvary and used the levitation power to try and unlock this secret location but I couldn't find it. Is it just a metaphor or is there a real place in the game? Do I dig tunnels or something? Pls no screenshots if anyone's already found it because I want to see what it looks like for myself. Just give me vauge clues
submitted by deezwurdsRmyown to mdickie [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 Prudent_Juice9259 Guys what little things makes you happy I'll try doing that

submitted by Prudent_Juice9259 to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 N3xtTryyy Bahnhaltestelle in Hannover [OC]

Bahnhaltestelle in Hannover [OC]
Fujifilm XE-4, Viltrox 75mm f1.2, direkt aus der Kamera
submitted by N3xtTryyy to Fotografie [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 Neat_Comparison_2726 simulator recommendation for RL newbie?

submitted by Neat_Comparison_2726 to reinforcementlearning [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 RecognitionSlight853 I want the next Persona game's main team to straight up not like each other including the Protag

I want the next Persona game's main team to straight up not like each other including the Protag submitted by RecognitionSlight853 to OkBuddyPersona [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 notsokinkyfr Am I going to hell?

Am I going to hell? submitted by notsokinkyfr to IndianTeenagers [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 Cool-Cut-6098 What part of my computer should i upgrade?

What part of my computer should i upgrade? submitted by Cool-Cut-6098 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 Timid_Thug 5 car solution?

5 car solution? submitted by Timid_Thug to RX7 [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 menmeonly2 22f anyone wanna be my friend short term or long term

i’m getting ready rn to go out with my friends but i’m bored since my hair is being done sooo ima make friendsssss in the meantime :3 lets talk about literally anything my i’m an open person and i don’t judge. tell me ur fav food
submitted by menmeonly2 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 ohhsotrippy Merlin 🤍

He is the cutest
submitted by ohhsotrippy to cats [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 Normal_Layer0310 Cooked I am?

submitted by Normal_Layer0310 to Hairloss [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 ridleybryan Morgan Wallen tickets are almost sold out

Morgan Wallen tickets are almost sold out submitted by ridleybryan to Morgan_Wallen [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 Character-Concern552 Help! Bambino going out, need upgrade advice [$2000]

My bambino plus I have had for the last 5 years is leaking like crazy from the bottom. It’s still pulling shots and steaming but I’m worried its life expectancy is drawing near.
I’m going to upgrade now that I’ve pretty much ran the bambino to the ground. My budget is around $2,000 USD. Right now I am interested in three machines. I mostly make milk drinks, cortados, lattes, etc. so steaming is important to me. My wife also uses the machine so i want something user friendly that she will be happy with. Finally, I want a machine that is going to last at least 10 years, preferably much longer.
1) Profitec Move - dual boiler, I know the steam power isn’t the best but it will still be a huge upgrade from the bambino. My main hesitation with this is I am concerned about descaling the dual boiler. I plan to only use TWW with distilled or RO water, so I’m not sure if scale will be an issue? I love the aesthetics of this machine. I love the programmability of this machine. One last concern is this machine is pretty much brand new. Not a lot of reviews, hard to know how long it will last.
2) Lelit Mara x - Heat exchanger. I love the look of this machine. But a lot of people say heat exchangers aren’t very good, but I’ve heard this is the best of the heat exchangers. I’ve also heard that e61 group heads can have issues?
3) ascaso steel duo plus - dual thermoblock. I’ve been told the thermoblocks in this are spectacular. Lance had a video about this and seemed to like thermoblocks more than boilers? I’m not as fond of the aesthetics of this machine especially because of the toggle switches. But I am open to it if it will last longer because of the thermoblocks. I’m also concerned about the 20 amp breaker required for this machine. I have an older home and all of my kitchen outlets are 15 amp.
Any information would be greatly appreciated, thank you all so much. If you have ideas for other machines please let me know! Also I’m not a fan of stainless steel looking machines, so I would want something that comes in white or black. Thank you all!
submitted by Character-Concern552 to espresso [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 GuaranteeFast1121 VAGABUNDA DALVA!

submitted by GuaranteeFast1121 to desenhos [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 nondisclosed99 Soda goes down to 3% health

Soda goes down to 3% health submitted by nondisclosed99 to LivestreamFail [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 Derpballz Hot take: the "constitutional monarchism" vs "semi-constitutional monarchism" vs "absolute monarchism" trichotomy is a nonsensical false one which should be discarded. The real distinction is "pro-(politically) active royals" vs "pro-ceremonial royals", each which may be further subdivded.

submitted by Derpballz to neofeudalism [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 20:52 Naresh_Narine I placed the seed on top of the router for gentle, consistent warmth. Now I’ll check every twelve hours to ensure the paper towel stays damp, adding a few drops of water if needed. Hopefully, it sprouts in the next day or two!

I placed the seed on top of the router for gentle, consistent warmth. Now I’ll check every twelve hours to ensure the paper towel stays damp, adding a few drops of water if needed. Hopefully, it sprouts in the next day or two! submitted by Naresh_Narine to growingweed [link] [comments]