接着,将分钟转换为小时,即0.001 m³ * 0.01667 h/min = 0.00001667 m³/h 进一步简化,我们得到1L/min = 0.06 m³/h,因为0.00001667乘以60等于0.06。 值得注意的是,体积单位之间的换算关系如下: 粤a代表广州、粤b代表深圳、粤c代表珠海、粤d代表汕头、粤e代表佛山(除顺德、南海区)、粤f代表韶关、粤g代表湛江、粤h代表肇庆、粤j代表江门、粤k代表茂名、粤l代表惠州、粤m代表梅州、粤n代表汕尾、粤p代表河源、粤q代表阳江、粤r代表清远、粤s代表东莞、粤t代表中山。 闽a代表福建省福州市(除平潭县),闽b代表福建省莆田市,闽c代表福建省泉州市,闽d代表福建省厦门市,闽e代表福建省漳州市,闽f代表福建省龙岩市,闽g代表福建省三明市,闽h代表福建省南平市,闽j代表福建省宁德市,闽k代表福建省直系统、福建省平潭综合实验区。 截至2018年,川a-川z的汽车牌照分别是川a是成都市,川b是绵阳市, 川c是自贡市,川d是攀枝花市,川e是泸州市,川f是德阳市,川g是成都市增补,川h是广元市,川j是遂宁市,川k是内江市,川l是乐山市,川m是资阳市,川q是宜宾市,川r是南充市,川s是达州市,川t是雅安市。 山东各市车牌号字母山东各市车牌字母如下:1、山东省车牌代码:鲁a济南,鲁b青岛,鲁c淄博,鲁d枣庄,鲁e东营,鲁f烟台,鲁g潍坊,鲁h济宁,鲁j泰安,鲁k威海,鲁l日照,鲁m莱芜,鲁n德州,鲁p聊城,鲁q临沂,鲁r菏 内蒙古自治区(蒙)蒙a呼和浩特,蒙b包头,蒙c乌海,蒙d赤峰,蒙e呼伦贝尔,蒙f兴安盟,蒙g通辽,蒙h锡林郭勒盟,蒙j乌兰察布,蒙k鄂尔多斯,蒙l巴彦淖尔,蒙m阿拉善盟 辽宁省(辽)辽a沈阳,辽b大连,辽c鞍山,辽d抚顺,辽e本溪,辽f丹东,辽g锦州,辽h营口, 辽j阜新,辽k辽阳,辽l盘锦,辽m ... 湖南各地车牌号:益阳(湘h),常德(湘j),娄底(湘k),郴州(湘l),永州(湘m),怀化(湘n),湘西自治州(湘u)。 另外,湖南“湘s ”号牌,是湖南省内的省级政府机构、直属企事业单位和公安系统专用车辆。 扩展资料: 辽宁省的车牌代码是辽a—辽p。分别如下: 辽a是沈阳市,辽b是大连市,辽c是鞍山市,辽d是抚顺市,辽e是本溪市,辽f是丹东市,辽g是锦州市,辽h是营口市, 辽j是阜新市,辽k是辽阳市,辽l是盘锦市,辽m是铁岭市,辽n是朝阳市,辽p是葫芦岛市。 不饱和度怎么算?不饱和度计算公式如下所示:根据有机物的化学式计算:不饱和度的计算公式是:CxHyOm(NH)n,则Ω=x+1-y/2。 衢州 浙h. 台州 浙j. 丽水 浙k. 舟山 浙l. 浙江,简称“浙”,省会杭州。境内最大的河流钱塘江,因江流曲折,称之江、折江,又称浙江,省以江名。 地处中国东南沿海长江三角洲南翼,东临东海,南接福建,西与安徽、江西相连,北与上海、江苏接壤。
2025.02.01 21:51 secondstar88 Frigidaire Freezer on H
This morning our freezer started beeping. We finally figured out what it was & noticed the freezer side was not at 9, but flashing H. The fridge side is not affected.
We set it back on 9, threw away all the melted ice cream and had to run out for a little bit. When we came back it was back on H & beeping again and not functioning. We again tossed out a few more things & set it back on 9. It starts beeping like clockwork every 20 minutes, and we have to put it back on 9.
We rent so I opened a maintenance ticket which of course won’t get worked until Monday. Any suggestions on anything we can look at in the meantime? It’s not the end of the world but the beeping is driving me absolutely batty every 20 minutes.
submitted by secondstar88 to appliancerepair [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:51 moonymitchy Glitch for Sylus myth?
Hi everyone, I need help because I think a glitch happened for a Sylus memory and I want to know if it's happened to anybody else. So, over the past few days I've been using all my stamina and coins to get the pink crystals to ascend Sylus: captivating flavor to level 60 (captivating lesson is already ascended) to get the last piece to finish his myth and I managed to do it a few days ago. I was busy, so I didn't have time to read/go through his myth, I went to do it a few minutes ago, but it wouldn't let me get to the last level (9 I think?). I go back to the memory and I see it's still at level 60 and not ascended, even though I leveled it up to 61 after I got all the crystals. What do I do? I don't have any pink crystals now and I don't even have the stamina to do it all again 😭
submitted by moonymitchy to LoveAndDeepspace [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:51 sugarplus I assume these are replacing the low rise megas? Has anyone tried them on? Curious as to the fit!
submitted by sugarplus to Aritzia [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 21:51 fan714 Dragon Sizes
Can someone show me the different sizes between the dragons? I found one but I just want to know the sizes so I can pick the size I want. Thanks!
submitted by fan714 to Jellycatplush [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:51 expected_identifier1 7 day bridging...
Is this normal for L2 projects? As it seems more like a way to prevent people selling as not much liquidity on L2, so to sell large amounts you have to move back to L1. Won't this put people off from using L2 / pump pad?
submitted by expected_identifier1 to pepu [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:51 CalligrapherOther510 Test Your Timeline
submitted by CalligrapherOther510 to SchizoPosting [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 21:51 1981_babe Colorado’s low birth rate could put federal transportation dollars at risk under new pro-birth Trump policy
submitted by 1981_babe to lurverpolitics [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 21:51 OhNoIHaveReddit Will make a drawing per dollar in return for sr and sc. If you spent 5$ you get 5 drawings
submitted by OhNoIHaveReddit to StarStable [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 21:51 average_sdr_enjoyer [FULL GUIDE] Drying and storing filament
I made a guide explaining why it is important to store filament accordingly and keep it dry - spoiler alert: it improves print quality a lot. You will notice it.
The full guide is on my blog: https://syntaxglow.com/2025/02/01/how-to-store-and-dry-your-3d-filament-a-complete-guide/
submitted by average_sdr_enjoyer to 3DprintingHelp [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:51 Tactical-Glue7312 I regret not getting into Love live earlier
I finished the first anime yesterday and I'm currently watching the movie, i started to watch love live because i was using it as a listening and reading practice to learn Japanese...
I can't say how much i loved the first anime µ's is such a perfect group for me, maybe when i get to know the other groups i may like them more than µ's, but the nine original members will always have a place in my heart.
submitted by Tactical-Glue7312 to LoveLive [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:51 cemeteryyy H: caps W: furious mod
Also have a few mods
submitted by cemeteryyy to Market76 [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:51 CorrectIamThatGuy Who Wins?
Luffy vs Akainu Law vs Kizaru Kidd vs Green Bull Zoro & Killer vs Fujitora submitted by CorrectIamThatGuy to OnePiecePowerScaling [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 21:51 SometimeInNeveruary Do cashiers have to reach a quota of itc subscriptions? Or does it not matter?
There's an older lady that's always in a good mood and super friendly, if cashiers get commission for itc subscriptions then I will re-up when I go through her line.
submitted by SometimeInNeveruary to harborfreight [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:51 Femboy-Airstrike Me tho
submitted by Femboy-Airstrike to okbuddyvowsh [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 21:51 Minimum-Revolution23 [USA-TX] [H] Cash and Pick-up [W] Local RTX 4090
I just sold my 4080 Super and am now looking for an RTX 4090. I’m based in Houston and prefer local pickup! I’m open to any model, and my budget is around $1,400–$1,500, though it could vary depending on the model. I’d prefer to meet in a public location!
If you're interested in dealing, please PM me.
submitted by Minimum-Revolution23 to hardwareswap [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:51 Vaeyuhwaeyuh1 Transferring
Hiii :) I’m a high school senior and i was wondering if it was a good idea to transfer from a safety school to an Ivy League university? Is the prestige or opportunity of an Ivy worth the potential risks and effort of transferring?
submitted by Vaeyuhwaeyuh1 to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:50 Flip58Flip Yates Mill, Raleigh, NC.
Graphite drawing I did from a picture I took submitted by Flip58Flip to NorthCarolina [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 21:50 MrRV7 Have a restful night, Stalkers.
submitted by MrRV7 to stalker [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 21:50 leprakon13 1965 283 *budget* build
To start the story, my dad built this engine in the 80’s to put into one of his 6 vega’s with the intent to make a high rev engine that would go but was more streetable than the Vega with the 427 that just ruined tires weekly. But then he had kids, the Vegas went away, and the engine was tucked away in storage half cocked. I’ve only just started looking into what’s in it, but from what I’ve gathered so far, it’s. 1965 283 block from an impala, bored .30 over, 882 heads, torker II intake, and a Holley 650 carb. That’s all I know for now until I get it to my work space and start taking it apart. Knowing this info I was wondering what I should go about doing/acquiring to build it effectively on a somewhat budget. My brother and I want to build it for what will most likely end up being a chevette body on a cut up s10 frame with a 700r4 or I’m pushing for a manual, possibly an aisin 5 from a Pontiac solstice cause I can get one locally. We’re both looking to learn.
submitted by leprakon13 to Smallblockchevy [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:50 Texan2020katza Hair extentions disaster - UPDATE
submitted by Texan2020katza to Justfuckmyshitup [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:50 Star_the_proto lost all sounds.
so i lost EVERY sound which im hella pissed abt years of stuff gone, i need this shit fixed and back FAST, i need the sounds for js some stuff i do its bs
submitted by Star_the_proto to voicemod [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:50 AnEntityFollowsMe Mindless draw
submitted by AnEntityFollowsMe to Artists [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 21:50 TitanDCLXVI Wonder who’s gonna be Homer in this pic
submitted by TitanDCLXVI to BrandonDE [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 21:50 Awkward_Kiwi_ AITAH for feeling off about my bf’s involvement in furry porn
Me (23F) and my bf (24M) are artists, and a few years ago I introduced him to going vending at conventions. He became more popular than me very quickly. Not too long after, he showed me many NSFW artists he has been a fan of (he's been watching porn since he was a child), and how he wants to sell NSFW art as well. I figured that wouldn't be an issue. I wanted to be as supportive as possible. He made a separate online account and persona and after a while became very popular. I thought it was fine since it was helping us make more money and he seemed happy.
Here comes the first issue with this however. See, when we first started dating, I made it very clear to him the kind of BDSM dynamic I wanted. He seemed very excited and we both made it a goal to create rules and a contract for us. This didn't really end up happening. We would try to have scenes or sex occasionally, but not often. The biggest reason he would say is that it's so much effort, having to find and grab the toys or condoms. It became very hard for him to be motivated in our relationship, but especially our dynamic. That being said he would do his best to involve himself in as many art trends as possible on Twitter and would create so many porn characters. Sometimes there would be a BDSM aspect he would become excited about, and then I would look forward to it, but then he would make that into character instead. I tried to explain how off that felt since the energy of this passion would be put into his art more than us, but he would say that's just how he expresses it. Okay...fine I guess...
Something that really broke me a couple years ago was when I found his discord full of different role-play conversations. A lot of NSFW convos with a lot of people. I'll be honest, looking at it, I felt cheated on. He kept telling me it doesn't really count since it's in character, but then why not tell me about it in the first place? I get that it's not cheating and he should be able to do what he wants with people online if it makes him happy but something about it really hurt. Especially when... I received so much less attention. Either way he said he would tone it down, but I still caught more of it. It became a huge thing, but he agreed to just make art without role-playing with people online.
Cut to years later and we still suffer from the issue of him more involved with this Twitter account than our relationship. We still wanted to have a contract in a relationship, so I thought to make things easier on him I would design the whole thing. I think it's about 20 pages with plenty of research put in. All fill in the blanks so he could easily write down rules, limits, etc. I printed it months ago, and it still remains almost completely untouched by him. Now to give him some credit we are both very busy and he makes a lot of money doing this art. But even so I feel so cast aside, especially when anything we try anything or go anywhere so often its my idea or it's me telling him I'm in the mood for something before he considers it or me giving him specific time and date of events for us to go to. I realize how rarely he surprises me, both in the bedroom or otherwise. I have to remind him for so much. Back to the porn though.
See he has two online personas, one he's made since he was a teenager and the one he made for porn. Persona A he claims is the real him, the online persona he wants to do a lot with and wants to be seen as yet barely posts on. Persona B is the one he has a big following of, the one he posts art on the most, the one people recognize him as at conventions, yet is the one he claims is just the mascot and not really him. "No Persona A is the real me I just want to be Persona B sometimes but it's not a big deal." He tells me how much he wishes I could just like it more and how much he wants to be like certain online couples who are open about their relationship and flirt online. Mind you, I wanted to go to a BDSM play party, but when we tried he felt really uncomfortable doing so. When we started dating, his sketchbook was full of children's show ideas, comic book ideas, a range of characters, and drawings of us. Now when I thumb through all I see are pin ups and porn and maybe this is a selfish thought but... none of them are me. He draws all of these characters based off of interests he claims he wants to do with me yet rarely draws me or does those things in person in the first place. If he catches me looking at it, he gets really self-conscious and defensive. Saying how he doesn't wanna feel ashamed about the stuff he likes. I try to be open about my feelings, but it often gets taken as an insult to his interests and it becomes such a nasty back-and-forth that gets nowhere.
I don't think I'd want him to stop and delete his account and everything. Mainly because I know if he did, he would keep coming up with ideas. He would keep seeing trends he wish he could join in on and it would just make him sad and most likely just resent me... I mean just today I tried explaining to him that he clearly wants to use this as escapism without consequence and that's not really fair to me and he just said "I want to die. It always feels like there's eyes on me" I don't know what to do anymore. we've been together for so many years and have a future planned together. Any advice on how to help with this?
submitted by Awkward_Kiwi_ to AITAH [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:50 Lolalamb224 Alumna buscando clarificación
Hola a todos, soy una alumna y tengo una pregunta acerca del proceso de inaplicacion de un reglamento.
“Una norma reglamentaria puede cesar en su vigencia si se declare contraria a la Constitucion, a la ley o al principio de jerarquía normativa.” — Declarado por quien? Puede el juez a primera instancia decidir inaplicar tal norma por violar al principios de jerarquía o tiene que acudir siempre al TC para resolver cualquiera cuestión acerca de legalidad?
Gracias de antemano por vuestra ayuda.
submitted by Lolalamb224 to ESLegal [link] [comments]