2025.02.01 21:51 Scottyflamingo Oscar Blurbs 2025
Emilia Perez wants to transition to OCSCA!! GEH GEH GEH!
submitted by Scottyflamingo to ronandfez [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:51 _n1ghtf4ll_ Are the airsoft mags supposed to be in the game [Screenshot]
So i was scavving on reserve and i found this mag. Are they supposed to still be in the game?
submitted by _n1ghtf4ll_ to EscapefromTarkov [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:51 AMN-9 Screenshoots (on phone) of "ItalianSpartacus" video about ranged combat
submitted by AMN-9 to kingdomcome [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:51 notchahorchata [i ate] a pastrami sandwich
Been craving a patrami sandwich from nyc but didnt want to travel across the country for it. So I just went to my local deli 🥰🥰 I dont have a banana so (slide 3) is a macbook air 2020 for scale. submitted by notchahorchata to food [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 21:51 Sensitive_Kiwi8974 trans guys
im so sick of this ngl, this is random but like would people even wanna date trans guys? like me? almost all my friends are transphobes irl, i feel like no guy will ever see me as a guy or date me as a guy because im trans and i hate it, because i'd never be a "real man." i dont know anymore, it's complicated
i understand having preferences in people however that doesn't give anyone the right to be blatantly transphobic :((
submitted by Sensitive_Kiwi8974 to GayBroTeens [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:51 Lower-Consequence756 I had to eventually learn the hard way 🤣
submitted by Lower-Consequence756 to Ford [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 21:51 twinberkings Anyone else getting contacted by law firms pursuing class action lawsuits?
I’ve now gotten two notices in the mail from law firms seeking I5 owners who want to a class action lawsuit due to mechanical defects. Anyone else getting these, or know whether it’s worth following up? I was shaking my head this morning as I flipped through the absurd number of service center invoices I have from the less than two years I’ve owned this car. (For the record, I still love driving my i5. But the amount of time I waste bringing it in for recalls and other issues is bonkers given it was a brand new car).
submitted by twinberkings to Ioniq5 [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:51 Own_Cryptographer_66 Recomendación de novelas policiales
Hace unas semanas fuimos de vacaciones a la playa y en el mall de concepción me compré este libro a ciegas porque estaba en la sección policial y misterio que me gusta mucho. 100% recomendado Joël Dicker, una lectura ligera y agradable para la tarde en la playa, suspenso asegurado y una narrativa que no me dejó parar. ¿Hay algún libro de este género que recomienden para mi siguiente lectura? submitted by Own_Cryptographer_66 to ClubdelecturaChile [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 21:51 ConversationTotal377 Scallops
Hi! I’m cooking scallops for the first time. They came in a seafood delivery box (frozen) and they weren’t vacuum packed- is this normal? I’m used to seeing frozen fish vacuum packed so I was concerned. Also the ones I’ve seen at grocery stores are vacuum packed.
Also, any suggestions/recipe ideas?
submitted by ConversationTotal377 to Cooking [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:51 dominik-krs19 Geoguessr läuft noch nicht so ganz bei ihm
submitted by dominik-krs19 to Papaplatte [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 21:51 smartybrome Why Do Cats Hate Water?
1. Your Cat Descends From Desert Wildcats, Which Means That They Never Developed a Natural Interest in or Experience With Water. 2. Your Cat’s Coat Gets Heavy and Uncomfortable When It’s Wet. 3. A Water Bath Disrupts Your Cat’s Natural Grooming Routine submitted by smartybrome to Catslife [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:51 ReThrow222 Australian BPC Sources?
PeptideWorldwide Sold out was wondering if any one else had reliable aussie source. tore all the ligaments in my foot so looking for quick shipping.
submitted by ReThrow222 to bpc_157 [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:51 ABJECT_SELF Idea for low-cost equipment: Megaphone.
Projects proximity chat for hundreds of meters but makes it possible for all players to hear your location. Complete with electronic vocal distortion.
Partly because it would be a risky yet effective way for teammates to coordinate over long distances or for scavs to warn others about traitors or call out snipers.
Partly because pulling out a megaphone to trash-talk someone in the middle of a gunfight is one of the funniest things imaginable.
submitted by ABJECT_SELF to Contractors_Showdown [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:51 beanlikescoffee Zotac 5080 powers on but no display appears
Everything is plugged in correctly, triple checked all connections and even upgraded my PSU to 1000w from 750w. Everything lights up but no signal is detected from the hdmi or display port.
Not sure what else to do other than to assume it’s a faulty card which would be crazy.
submitted by beanlikescoffee to buildapc [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:51 Advanced-Bear-2389 o
submitted by Advanced-Bear-2389 to geographymemes [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 21:51 Open-Pizza-9369 i am sorta confused on this subject
so can my teachers legally record me without consent, like not on a camera but with a computer on a shelf just recording,
submitted by Open-Pizza-9369 to legal [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:51 Rikidozan2 Millie Bobby Brown
submitted by Rikidozan2 to BritishCelebrityBabes [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 21:51 jthmeow1 Comments on her woe is me post from this morning
submitted by jthmeow1 to kyleagomezsnarkagain [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 21:51 PopUpPro Major Customization Discovery | Pop-Up Stores Are the Real money Makers.
Let's say you want to make your online store truly unique. Well, now you can with customizable Printify Pop-Up stores! Can you imagine having the ability to add your own special features and turning your e-commerce site into an exclusive shopping experience that speaks to your brand and customers? This is going to change EVERYTHING! By personalizing your pop-up store, you can make a more immersive shopping environment for customers who will keep coming back for more. Think of it like this: you're turning your website into a virtual storefront that reflects your brand's personality and offers a great shopping experience. It's more than just making sales, it's building a relationship with your customers and growing your business in a way that feels real and engaging. I think we are all in for a thrilling ride in e-commerce. Here are some cool possibilities off the top of my head:
Now go and checkout: https://mrtc.me/test Customized Printify Pop-Up Store submitted by PopUpPro to Printify [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 21:51 nowoutonvinyl A few questions
I’m looking into starting semaglutide, but after some research I still have some questions.
2025.02.01 21:51 totheunknownman----- Charlie Feathers - Mound Of Clay
submitted by totheunknownman----- to imagican [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:51 Uqabb Jeg tænker på og savner mit barndom..
Hej brevkasse
Jeg ved ikke rigtig hvor jeg vil hen med det her eller hvor langt jeg kommer med den, men jeg har længe tænkt på det her, og jeg skal ud med det.
Når jeg kigger på min datter på 4år og ser på min fars gamle billeder kontra i dag, altså hans unge alder da vi var små og i dag hvor han er 65 år og har sikkert ikke mange år tilbage. Det gør mig ked af det. Det gør sindssyg ondt at tænke på at da jeg var lille og på ca samme alder som min datter og min far var ung. Nu er jeg i 30’erne og min datter er 4, hvor jeg er far men samtidig ved jeg også jeg nok mister min far snart, da hans brødre, der er lidt ældre end ham er døde. Tiden gik bare så hurtigt og jeg ville ønske jeg kunne gå tilbage til at være barn igen og bo med min forældre og søskende.
Det gør ondt at tænke på at alle de dage, hvor jeg var lille, aldrig kommer igen. Jeg har ikke mange billeder fra den gang, indtil måske alderen 11-12, og selv de billeder hvor jeg ser mig selv som teenage og min far som ung. Det er hårdt at se på og jeg græder nogle gange når jeg er alene og tænker på det her. Samtidig føler jeg det var i går min datter blev født og hun er allerede 4. Det hele er bare så følelsesladet nogle gange. Jeg føler tiden går og er gået fra mig(hvis i forstår). Jeg prøver at leve i nuet og være med min familie så vidt så muligt, men jeg føler aldrig det er nok. Nok fordi arbejdet også fylder en del og mangel på energi efter arbejde kan være hårdt.
Jeg har aldrig sådan rigtig snakket med nogen om det. Nogle gange når jeg fortæller dette til min bedre halvdel, så kan hun ikke forholde sig til det og synes det er lidt mærkeligt jeg tænker så meget på tiden, mit barndom, mine forældre blive ældre og nok skal forlade denne verden snart. De følelser har nok altid været stærkere hos mig end mine søskende og familie, men det kan også være noget jeg selv tror. Jeg føler at jeg har altid været mere reflekterende end de mennesker omkring mig.
Har nogle oplevet sådan nogle følelser og er det normalt at have det sådan? Hvordan takler I det?
Det skal siges, jeg har haft en god opvækst, gode forældre og har det meget fint i dag både fysisk og psykisk og intet tegn på depression eller lign og alt er ok og mit liv er også fint både familiemæssigt og økonomisk.
Beklager det blev langt og jeg skriver rodet og måske uden sammenhæng.
submitted by Uqabb to DKbrevkasse [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:51 Aka69420 How many people do you think secretly don't like you?
submitted by Aka69420 to RandomThoughts [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:51 TheHolyNutofGodwin25 I can’t get married because while I was on a grand tour my betrothed went on a pilgrimage and became a nun
I broke the betrothal and tried to find another spouse only to notice that option has disappeared and when I try arrange marriages it’s only for my court guests
Is my game bricked?
submitted by TheHolyNutofGodwin25 to CrusaderKings [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:51 GameProfessional 🌐 24/7 Video Game | Microsoft Xbox One With 7 Tb External Storage With 4 Games With One Controller.
submitted by GameProfessional to 247videogame [link] [comments] |