2025.02.02 00:50 dalexi26 Had an epiphany, went to change the filter for the first time in 5 years and found this. Help?
Whatever is on my (now ruined) rug disintegrated as soon as I opened the thing up. submitted by dalexi26 to hvacadvice [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:50 Abner_Dabner Dior scheduled for euthanasia 2/4 @PG County Shelter, Maryland
submitted by Abner_Dabner to maryland [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:50 ProfessorLonely8055 Is ChatGPT good for IA Feedback?
So I’m writing my Econ SL IA and its Macro. I don’t have many friends in IB and I don’t want to send this to anyone. So, is ChatGPT good for feedback? I’m not going to ask it to write it, but I just want feedback to improve:
submitted by ProfessorLonely8055 to IBO [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:50 Dr_jitsu George Ranch High school looking strong.
2 firsts, 2 seconds, 2 thirds at boys/girls varsity districts. Then the team title for both girls and boys at JV and also Rookie division.
This is a program that struggled for years because of a lack of feeder programs (no clubs or Junior High wrestling).
2 years ago they got a local club (yours truly helped start) and we can now see it paying dividends.
Congrats kids, and coach Kirby.
submitted by Dr_jitsu to wrestling [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:50 Light-003 ye
submitted by Light-003 to Kanye [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:50 SnooDingos3764 Finally got my 1st Vette!
Been my Dream Car since I was 3. HARD WORK PAYS OFF ! submitted by SnooDingos3764 to Corvette [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:50 slushb0nes Help with Tecumseh carb
I've been working on this tecumseh 5hp and it was running good, suddenly it won't start and the carb drips fuel out, it still has compression and spark, any ideas on what it could be? I'm new to working on carbs. I also just redid the fuel hoses.
submitted by slushb0nes to smallengines [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:50 BeeRye19 Cmon CBC....
Pretty missed that u have to pirate the game tonight despite shelling out for Bell Fibe TV and the TSN add on... anyone else had it with how hard it is sometimes to just watch the godamn game?!?! Of course they're showing the Leafs game on the Ottawa feed.... 🤬😤
submitted by BeeRye19 to OttawaSenators [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:50 _UncarvedBlock Slouvaki - Pitchfork Classic
Its a full movie. If you haven't seen it.. a very well made documenatary
submitted by _UncarvedBlock to shoegaze [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:50 Cherokee_Babe ComputerChick Marketing
submitted by Cherokee_Babe to AdvertiseYourVideos [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:50 Orome2 TIL long covid is super uncommon and basically just headaches and fatigue. /s I'm sorry but people like this really set me off.
submitted by Orome2 to covidlonghaulers [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:50 ObjectiveOk223 Trading in my Flip 6 for a S25 Ultra ?
I'm debating it. Obviously this is a flip fan page (or a flip horror page) . Maybe it wasn't a good year for the Samsung flip..I purchased it thinking it was the best time to buy one in terms of battery life and camera.
Anyways, bought mine at launch. Already had the screen repaired twice withing the first month because of it lifting away and making that popping noise - the second time being due to the repair not being a 100% perfect
Anyways. Thoughts ?
submitted by ObjectiveOk223 to galaxyzflip [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:50 Own_Donut_5573 Where to find sublets near Brown University?
Hey guys! I am a recent graduate from Columbia university and got a job in East Providence, RI. Office is 5mins from the main campus and i wanted to find a sublet for 3-8months. If anyone has any leads it would be great. I am okay if get added to WhatsApp groups for finding sublets directly from students or affiliates as well. My job starts from 17th feb and would want to move in by 12th feb.
Thank you in advance for your help!
submitted by Own_Donut_5573 to BrownU [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:50 NewBlackpony ELI5 — What is the actual benefit Trump is looking for by tariffing Canada and Mexico?
Seems like a fairly hostile action against our neighbors. Seems like the MSM and even online is fairly quiet as to what the end game is supposed to be. Anyone know what we are trying to really accomplish?
submitted by NewBlackpony to self [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:50 GutturalScream1893 Royal Rumble Night. Anybody else watching?
Hello everyone,
Yes, it's sad. A man in his 30's watching wrestling? Well guess what......I already know. But it's going to be a late night and some company would be amazing so if anyone would like to chat drop me a message! 🙌
submitted by GutturalScream1893 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:50 RelationshipOk1111 Anti-reflective film on top of tempered glass screen protector???
I really want the protection of a tempered glass, but I also want it to be anti-reflective
2025.02.02 00:50 WerdNerd88 [Powder 1995] I'm confused about the ending. Is Jeremy lightning now?
Lightning made him what he was. Is he lightning now. Was he always lightning? https://youtu.be/p5hH21xgscY?si=lQScTdrNphh-HqdV
submitted by WerdNerd88 to AskScienceFiction [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:50 Connect_Wind_2036 Battle of Balikpapan (1945)
My grandfather’s last campaign of the war was Operation Oboe. (liberation of British and Dutch Borneo). He was in the mortar platoon of the Australian 2/9th Battalion weapons support company. He once recalled that the men of the flamethrower section had psychological issues then and after the war. submitted by Connect_Wind_2036 to ww2 [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:50 paokoutsopodi Blizzard should finally bite the bullet and add a blocking phase to the game. Would literally fix EVERYTHING WRONG WITH HEARTHSTONE
Power creep has killed Hearthstone. Remember watching Pavel play and watching games go on curve, favouring precise deck building and allowed you to put your personality into a deck? That's all gone now. Everyone just netdecks their "kill at turn 5" deck and flat-out ignores their opponent until they win. The top 2 decks of the meta are decks that DO NOT USE MINISET CARDS, you know, the miniset that tried to make the game more board based? We still are so full of uninteractive decks it's enough to drive anyone insane. Weapon Rogue, Secret Hunter, Dungar Druid all need to go and will not be missed with rotation.
The problem is bigger though. Why should I be building a board when Hunter just swarms and negates my plays and ignores anything I set up with 0 mana arcanite reaper? Why does druid just hit me for 16 from one card? Why does Rogue play solitaire? This needs to go. Allow us to block heavy swings with anything and the game will never feel bad again. Taunt is probably the worst keyword in the game right now because it's either way too slow or way too weak and most decks just run tech that makes your one reliable taunt irrelevant. It's all about rush now but most classes do not have reliable rushers and those that do get nerfed (e.g. Reska). Just add blocking and everything becomes so much better, trust me.
submitted by paokoutsopodi to hearthstone [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:50 OkBid1121 “Bati” na minha irmã
Fiz um post meio que sobre isso mais cedo, mas a questão era outra. Enfim, sou uma mulher de 23 anos e cuido da minha irmã de três anos, quase 4, desde ano passado. Sou estudante, e ano passado eu “apenas” estudei (recebi seguro desemprego por 6 meses e contribuí pra casa com meu dinheiro + pro resto do meses foi combinado que eu cuidaria da minha irmã até 18h para pouparem uma babá e isso seria minha colaboração financeira para o bom funcionamento da casa).
Pra dar contexto: meu padrasto, independente do emprego, nunca conseguiu chegar em casa às 18h regularmente — sempre teve um imprevisto ou uma hora extra que ele precisou fazer (que independente do emprego ele NUNCA recebe as horas também) e eu perdi muitas aulas por isso! Sou aluna ProUni e fiquei de exame em 4 matérias no ano passado por conta disso, perdi aulas, provas, etc. Isso é o primeiro problema. O segundo problema é que eu adoeci por conta do estresse e acabei desenvolvendo uma doença gastrointestinal que faz com que meu estômago faça barulhos altíssimos, e aí entramos no terceiro problema: essa doença me tornou alguém com medo de sair de casa, e eu tenho um estágio que eu AMO e não consigo ter uma experiência boa lá por conta disso.
Em casa, cuidando dela, é sempre horrível. Apesar dela ser minha meio-irmã, eu a amo demais, mas ela é uma criança com a educação totalmente negligenciada: o pai só pensa em ser validado profissionalmente, nunca tá em casa e minha mãe vive cansada por ter que cumprir o papel de pai e mãe, além de trabalhar. Minha irmã tem SÉRIOS problemas de obediência por nunca ter convivido com outras crianças e não sabe reconhecer figuras de autoridade e respeito dentro de casa, os pais por estarem sempre cansados acabam cedendo tudo que ela pede, etc. Um dos piores exemplos é que ela ganhou um cachorrinho e vive maltratando ele (inclusive, eu acabo sendo babá do cachorro também), como ter jogado o cachorro da janela quando tava sob supervisão dos pais. Os pais dela já fraudaram meu nome e atualmente eu devo mais de 5 mil reais por conta deles, sem falar de dívidas e cartões que paguei sozinha. Eles enrolam pra colocar ela na escola há anos mesmo com pressão externa da familia e eu já ofereci até pagar 1300 reais que tenho guardados pra arcarem os custos iniciais (livros, material, mochila, etc)
Hoje, ela inventou de querer se pendurar na geladeira. Fiz todas as tentativas amigáveis de tentar tirar ela de lá e ela me desafiava cada vez mais — eu, cansada, que olho essa menina 7 dias por semana há meses, doente — perdi a paciencia e dei um tapa no ombro dela. Na hora, ela não chorou e só gritou comigo e tentou revidar. Eu nunca tinha batido nela antes. Uns minutos depois, percebi que ficou uma marca dos meus dedos no ombrinho dela, pedi desculpa e dei beijinho, ela disse que não tava doendo e não esboçou reação… aqui em casa já bateram nela antes, mas sempre no bumbum, ou puxam orelha, etc. mas eu nunca tinha partido pra agressão assim e tô me sentindo péssima comigo mesma, porque sei que ela não tem culpa. Agora os pais dela vão chegar em casa e acho que quem vai levar tapa sou eu, e com razão.
submitted by OkBid1121 to desabafos [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:50 Then_Past7558 I need urgent help (sensitive topics)
A family member in my house decided too contemplate and attempt too commit while everyone was away they got through the safe and locks… now there is a live ready too fire beretta xp storm 4 in my house and i have no idea how too uncock or resafety this firearm (i have currently got the person far away from the firearm) my parental figures are far away in another place and wont be coming back for awhile
submitted by Then_Past7558 to Beretta [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:50 Angelgoeshard Quick poll
Thinking of buying a new rifle . Which do yall like best?
View Poll
submitted by Angelgoeshard to CAguns [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:50 Dapper_Feature7 Help with information
Hello, could someone help me with the value of this watch? It belonged to my grandfather, and I don't have much information about it. Thanks!
submitted by Dapper_Feature7 to VacheronConstantin [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:50 sapporoscapes Collectors edition vinyl question
This is a question for anybody else who got their collectors edition vinyl, but is the tracklist out of order and incomplete for you too? There’s about half of the songs from the album on this record…
For example, I only have 1 LP and side A starts with without warning and ends with take me back to LA.
submitted by sapporoscapes to TheWeeknd [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:50 Secure-Marionberry56 Caption this...
submitted by Secure-Marionberry56 to hardaiimages [link] [comments]