Levoconvex curve developing after ACL surgery

2025.02.02 00:51 Efficient_Star_6424 Levoconvex curve developing after ACL surgery

Levoconvex curve developing after ACL surgery Hey folks. I'm a 30 year-old active woman who just found out I guess I have scoliosis? So it seems I've developed a mild curve to the left in my lower thoracic spine in the last couple of years, as my alignment looked straight in 2018, and this week this curve showed up on my x-ray while I was screening for pneumonia. The doctor mentioned it, but then acted as though it's nothing to be concerned about, but it does look kind of significant to me, and I have felt like my left leg is a little shorter since having ACL repair in 2020. What should I do? I'm super scared now and want to know more. I don't want back problems for the rest of my life, and I don't know if I'm worrying too much. They didn't even tell me the degees of the curve.
submitted by Efficient_Star_6424 to scoliosis [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 UpstairsSurround3438 Don't tell me how to drive

Don't tell me how to drive submitted by UpstairsSurround3438 to AngryCops [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 jellichann LF OFFERS!

LF OFFERS! submitted by jellichann to AdoptMeRX [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 Sad_Engine_8554 Skoda Octavia 2019 issue

https://www.reddit.com/skoda/s/uwKQQX5kMz Anyone know what the issue please 🙏
submitted by Sad_Engine_8554 to skoda [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 No_Contract_7086 Is it real?

I’ve had Sweatcoin pretty much since it came out and I just put everything into a super draw. I’m not stressing about it or anything, but I just wanna know if Sweatcoin actually gives away prizes or not.
submitted by No_Contract_7086 to sweatcoin [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 ashcatchemnow https://youtu.be/YHXJIJK6cfo

https://youtu.be/YHXJIJK6cfo submitted by ashcatchemnow to GetMoreViewsYT [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 clickyourheels Passport Renewal - Got mine back in less than 2 weeks!

I wanted to share in case anyone else has been waiting on pins and needles for their passport renewal, like I have. They received my application on 1/21 and I paid for expedited service and expedited UPS delivery. I also sent my application via USPS Priority Mail. Got my passport today!
The only thing that is strange is that I did not receive my wallet sized card, which I paid for, and I did not receive my old passport or card back, which I have in the past. There is a hard plastic part of the passport , but that is the main page with all my info and is not detachable, nor wallet-sized. Hopefully the wallet card will arrive separately. Anyone have a similar experience?
submitted by clickyourheels to TwoXPreppers [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 FlavivsAetivs Just moved from Lake Wylie to Scaleybark/Woodlawn Rd gimme your inside knowledge.

Vet, doctor's office, dentist, vision, good food, etc.
Already know about RuRus and Tacos El Nevado. Inizios in Fort Mill for authentic Italian Pizza. Seen a few good Korean places and a possible sandwich shop nearby. I know there's a Hispanic and an Asian Market somewhere nearby.
Also looking for work in the area that pays more than $17 an hour Lowe's Night Shift. I have a BS Chemistry (worked with graphene supercapacitors at Brookhaven National Laboratory) and MA History.
Totally unrelated but as a Byzantinist I wouldn't mind getting in touch with Charlotte's Greek and Italian communities. I've emailed the festivals for years but never hear back.
Anything about the area (it's nice) helps too.
submitted by FlavivsAetivs to Charlotte [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 NotmyOldAccount_76 my meager collection...

my meager collection... submitted by NotmyOldAccount_76 to that_Poppy [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 _SharkXD_ Trading dragon token, mlf perm sound adds

Trading dragon token, mlf perm sound adds submitted by _SharkXD_ to bloxfruits [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 ways2hott How am I doing as a f2p player ? Bad , Average , Good ?

How am I doing as a f2p player ? Bad , Average , Good ? Just a casual player logging in daily for free packs 😁
submitted by ways2hott to PokemonPocket [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 mebutonredit Past Non-Standard Course Dates and Deadlines Dropping date question

Past Non-Standard Course Dates and Deadlines Dropping date question Theres a class im currently in that has a non standard drop date and its "Single Course Drop (remain registered), 100% Refund *" date has passed so I was wandering
1) if I could still drop it/any issues if i do 2) If the refund thing matters at all because i still would be a full time student
submitted by mebutonredit to UMD [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 RandomCSplayer_22 My luck is never ending even in nee games.

My luck is never ending even in nee games. YOOO so I'm new to PGR (2 days playing) because lucia is the storm that's approaching. And i got this THE SAME DAY. Lucia Crimson weave for 2 10 Research, 6* and 5* Kodachi and odachi the first 10 research.
submitted by RandomCSplayer_22 to PunishingGrayRaven [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 keithcu LinuxReport.net, a focused and very fast news site.

Everyone says Python is slow, so I wanted to build a Flask app to learn it better and learn out how to build a high-performance, customizable news aggregator, a bit like https://drudgereport.com for the Linux community. I also decided to make one for Covid, and AI.
You can find all the links from https://linuxreport.net. ChatGPT helped me with pagination to make the websites more of a rabbit hole of interesting things to learn.
It of course has dark mode, you can also change the order, remove the underlines, or use your own feeds, but I'm more focused on having the best default choices for average users, so if you know of better links for any of the sites, or other ways to improve, let me know!
submitted by keithcu to webdev [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 p4triak2 .

submitted by p4triak2 to Cordoba [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 pleasegestopft Considering Moving to the DFW Area

My husband grew up in the DFW area and we've been toying with the idea of moving down. Our jobs are flexible & part of our hope if we go is to try help turn a "purple" state more blue.
For context we currently live in a deep blue midwestern state. We're big Dallas sports fans and we currently live too far rurally to see sporting events or really do much (we're bored!) I also have seasonal depression and midwest winters are getting worse and worse for me every year.
Has anyone actually moved there recently and is happy they moved there? TIA! :)
submitted by pleasegestopft to SameGrassButGreener [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 Fuck-MDD Really won the vaal lottery on this one

Really won the vaal lottery on this one submitted by Fuck-MDD to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 ToshPointNo I could understand if this was something electronic, but it's literally a cutco spatula.

I could understand if this was something electronic, but it's literally a cutco spatula. submitted by ToshPointNo to Flipping [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 SadCup4041 وين الاحساس ؟

ممكن تعتبروا البوست ده حاجه كدا زى
Off my chest
مبدأيا ده اكونت فيك، انا عندى ٢٠ سنه و عايش فى المدينة الزحمه فشخ، القاهرة. زى معظم الشباب يعنى، المشكله عندى اخ اكبر منى و انا صغير طبعاً مكنتش اعرف بقا لا بورن ولا الخرا ده كله و اخويا مش عايز اقول اعتدى عليا و لكن انا لما لقيت اخويا فرحان، فـ تمام انا فرحان انا كمان، كبرت شويه و محدش عارف اى حاجه ولغاية دلوقتى محدش يعرف اى حاجه، بس انا الى عارف و انا الى كاره نفسى فشخ و كنت فاكر انى بعمل حاجه كويسه و مش عايز اخدر نفسى بأنى كنت طفل و كدا
مع مكس شوية مشاكل محدش مهتم يسمعها يعنى فـ ننط للجزء المهم، بعد شوية مشاكل بقيت مش عارف احس بأيه، فعلياً مبقتش حاسس بحاجه
فراغ جوايا كدا مفيش احاسيس، و لكن فى مره ابقى قاعد حاسس بفراغ و مره واحده احس بغضب و بعدين زعل و بعدها بشوية حاسس انى عايز انزل الشارع اقابل الناس و اكسم الوحده، مرات تانيه اقوم امسك سكينه و ابقى عايز انتحر
ف الى هو انا المفروض احس بأيه، ده زائد الهدوء الغريب الى يميل للبرود فى المواقف الى المفروض مكونش فيها هادى، بقيت باخد المشاكل كدا الى ممكن تأثر عليا بشكل كبير بشكل سهل كدا و الى هو هيحصل ايه تانى، انا كدا كدا قاعد تحت فى القاع، فـ لو الكارثه دية عدت على وشى فرمتنى مش هتفرق اوى، يعنى انا مروحتش الامتحانات بتاعة الفتره الى فاتت دية لأنى حسيت لو انا روحت او مروحتش هتفرق فى ايه ف خلاص مش رايح، و فعلاً اى مشكله تحصل بقول طيب خليها تمشى زى ما تحب مش فارقه، حقيقى مش عارف ايه الى فشخ دماغى هل اخويا والى عمله ولا الصدمات الى مريت بيها بعد كدا ولا ميكس ولا ايه متعرفش
فيه حاجه انا مبحبهاش فيا بجد، و هو انى مش بموڤ اون، يعنى انا مقرر انى لو متجوزتش البنت الى بحبها مش هتجوز، و فى نفس الوقت نوعاً ما راضى عن قرارى لما قلت لها لازم نبطل نتكلم بدون إبداء اى اسباب و ده لسببين، لأنى مش مناسب ليها، الى انا فيه مش مناسب ليها و اعتقد اى بنت من حقها تعيش حياة هاديه و مستقره مع شريك هادى و مستقر و فى نفس الوقت مش راضى عن القرار ده لأنى كنت بحس نفسى كويس و احنا بنتكلم، و حسيت بوحده جداً لما ده حصل. مهما احاول اقنع نفسى بقرار منهم افشل، انا مقتنع بالاتنين جداً، و ده قرار انا اخدته وانا بتكلم مع نفسى و مهما حاولت اقنع نفسى ان ساعات القدر بيفرض حاجات معينه و بيخلينا نحاسب على مشاريب مش بتاعتنا ولكن من جوايا كدا انا مش مقتنع بهذا الكلام و القرار اتاخد و مفيش رجوع فيه
اوقات بحس انى عايز اساعد الناس او افنى حياتى و وقتى فى مساعدة الاخرين، اوقات تانيه بحس ان كسم الناس دية انا مش عايز اساعد حد و لا عايز يساعدنى
submitted by SadCup4041 to AlexandriaEgy [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 Squarepenny Smash or pass Onkyo TX-NR676

Onkyo TX-NR676 200$
I’m just getting started, need something for music/Tv/vinyl
submitted by Squarepenny to BudgetAudiophile [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 CheerfulAnalyst [HR] [FN] The Crooning Mother

A Tale of the Hollow Woods
Prologue: The Disappearances
The village of Briar’s Hollow was not unfamiliar with hardship. Crops failed, storms came, and winters were cruel. But nothing compared to the vanishings. At first, it was a child every few years. Then, one every season. And now? Every full moon, one was taken. There were no signs of struggle. No doors forced open. No tracks in the dirt. Just an empty bed, a faint scent of damp moss, and the echoes of a soft lullaby in the wind. A mother’s voice. Gentle. Loving. Terribly wrong. The villagers whispered of the Crooning Mother. She lived in the Hollow Woods, they said, where the trees grew twisted, where the birds never sang, where shadows moved on their own. A mother without children—so she stole them to feed her own young. But no one had ever seen her. Not until the hunter went looking.
Chapter 1: The Fool Who Went
Edric was not a brave man, nor a wise one. But his little brother was missing, and that was enough. Armed with only a rusty axe, he followed the whispers into the Hollow Woods. The deeper he went, the less the world felt real. The trees leaned when he passed, as though listening. The ground was soft, sinking under his boots like old flesh. The air smelled of milk gone sour, of damp earth and something rotting sweetly. And then, he heard it. A lullaby. It drifted through the trees, soft and low, filled with tenderness. A mother’s song. A false comfort. Then, he saw her.
Chapter 2: The Crooning Mother
She sat in a nest of bones, her warped body swaying gently. Her form was almost human—but too long, too thin, her limbs bending at unnatural angles. Her skin was pale and stretched, as if it had been pulled too tight over a malnourished frame. Her head was too large, her mouth too wide, filled with too many teeth. And in her skeletal arms, she rocked something. Not a child. Not anymore. The bundle in her arms twitched, small fingers jerking unnaturally, a wet, sucking sound filling the air. The young she was feeding were not human. Empty things, wrapped in withered flesh, their limbs writhing like grubs in rotted wood. And she sang to them, in a voice that made his body ache. Edric could not move. Could not breathe. Then, she turned her head. Her eyes were gone, but she knew he was there. Her smile stretched wider. “You are too old, love,” she whispered. “But your little one… oh, how he fed my darlings.” Something wet and soft tumbled from her lap. His brother’s head. Edric ran.
Chapter 3: The Never-Ending Song
He never spoke of what he saw. Not that he could. For though he escaped the woods, he did not truly return. At night, he heard her lullaby, echoing in his bones, calling him back. And then, the next full moon came. And another child was gone. The Crooning Mother was still hungry.
submitted by CheerfulAnalyst to shortstories [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 bo3rewards Great Rewards, Fast Withdrawals!

submitted by bo3rewards to CryptoCasinoCodes [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 AdebisiLives420 Can you thin on a guided system?

And if so, what are the best stones/plates for this?
Or is this best left to freehand and powered tools?
submitted by AdebisiLives420 to sharpening [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 Mck_nj 2955 Spitfire Blacksmiths

2955 Spitfire Blacksmiths Brand new in box! Lucky find in my size.
submitted by Mck_nj to RedWingShoes [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:51 Kitchen-Tie-4299 Can an iPhone Footage Make a Festival-Worthy Documentary?

I accidentally stumbled upon a village family event during a trip to Eastern Europe. It wasn't planned-I just happened to be there, spent the whole day with them, and ended up filming everything on my iPhone 14 Plus. No external mic, no professional gear, just my phone. I've got around 10 hours of raw footage, and honestly, the content is incredible. The family, the event, the rawness-it's really promising stuff. Now I'm wondering: can I turn this into a compelling documentary that reputable film festivals would take seriously? The only audio I have is from the phone. Is it possible to clean it up with software? More importantly, does the fact that it's shot on a phone matter if the content is strong enough? Would love to hear thoughts from anyone with experience in this space. Thanks.
submitted by Kitchen-Tie-4299 to FilmFestivals [link] [comments]
