Honestly I would have LOVED if she won, if you ever give a Rumble to an NXT superstar this was the time, what do you guys think?

2025.02.02 00:36 hardi_2006 Honestly I would have LOVED if she won, if you ever give a Rumble to an NXT superstar this was the time, what do you guys think?

Honestly I would have LOVED if she won, if you ever give a Rumble to an NXT superstar this was the time, what do you guys think? submitted by hardi_2006 to GreatnessOfWrestling [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:36 antispawntattoos Pet portraits by myself!

Pet portraits by myself! I tattoo for a living but do watercolor pet portraits on the side, thanks for looking. Always down for critiques too 🙏
submitted by antispawntattoos to Watercolor [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:36 Hypertrust54321 Vanni Sartini shirt designs?

Where can I find the shirt designs that Vanni Sartini used to wear to games?
and where can I get some Vanni-Caps stuff, if that exists/existed?
submitted by Hypertrust54321 to whitecapsfc [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:36 Aurasteal He (Paired With Dawn) Is Better Than Drud but Y’all Ain’t Ready For That Convo

He (Paired With Dawn) Is Better Than Drud but Y’all Ain’t Ready For That Convo submitted by Aurasteal to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:36 cRafLl wives

wives submitted by cRafLl to nospamvideos [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:36 Alaric_Darconville ITAP of a rainbow swamp

ITAP of a rainbow swamp submitted by Alaric_Darconville to itookapicture [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:36 CozyySweet Queen Taylor

submitted by CozyySweet to AnyaTaylorJoyFans [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:36 no_dar_papaya Will Eufy satisfy my requirements?

I have had Arlo for a few years and frankly it has always sucked but today was the day that Arlo became unusable. They forced an update and the update has no "custom modes" anymore. my main requirement for a camera system is that i can configure various modes that behave differently depending on the need. Some can be on a schedule and others selected manually. The geofencing didn't work for me with arlo because the fence was so far from home that i could go out for the whole day and never trigger the "away" mode.
I need one mode that is all cameras on and the system will notify me and turn on the siren if an indoor camera detects motion and only notify me if an outdoor camera detects motion. this would be the "away" setting that i used to have with arlo.
another mode would be "at home" or basically "off" where no cameras detect motion.
another mode would be "home at night" where all outdoor cameras detect motion and notify me but two of the indoor cameras (basement and garage) would activate the siren.
then i have some modes like "porch notification" where I get a notification and video recording if someone comes to the front door. I use this when i'm expecting a package delivery.
then i have various other modes where certain cameras will record and notify me.
the point is that now arlo only has 3 modes and although i can configure them to satisfy the first three of my requirements, I need more modes for specific use case scenarios. can Eufy do this?
I tried the Google cameras a few years ago and took them back because they were not flexible with configuration parameters.
submitted by no_dar_papaya to EufyCam [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:36 Zewen_Senpai Run for Your Life! by 陸居

Run for Your Life! by 陸居 submitted by Zewen_Senpai to ImaginarySliceOfLife [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:36 BurritoDickk After 12 years of playing Pokemon I finally caught a shiny :)

After 12 years of playing Pokemon I finally caught a shiny :) submitted by BurritoDickk to PokemonLetsGo [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:36 While_Natural Froggits from big to small (Minecraft)

Froggits from big to small (Minecraft) submitted by While_Natural to Undertale [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:36 LuckyLaRoo76 This is a few years old...but

This is a few years old...but Maybe applies today more than ever...
submitted by LuckyLaRoo76 to AdamMockler [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:36 barbershopz 10 Best Fighting Games from 1990 to 1999

10 Best Fighting Games from 1990 to 1999 Man I miss Thrill Kill and Virtua Fighter
submitted by barbershopz to OldSchoolCool [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:36 dumbbitchitiss X is out to get Ethan

If you search Ethan Klein on X rn, every single tweet it shows you is against Ethan.. this is quite counter to other social media’s..
Is it too conspiratorial to think Elon is purposely peddling Ethan hate??
submitted by dumbbitchitiss to h3h3productions [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:36 malinjarm Colposcopy results

I recently got a colposcopy done and all stated that it showed no features of dysplasia or malignancy, but showed there was acute and chronic inflammation. What could be causing this inflammation? I was prescribed an antibiotic and then to check back in a couple of months but I’m worried about inflammation being present. Does anyone have any experience or knowledge on what could be causing this?
submitted by malinjarm to PreCervicalCancer [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:36 imjusthere_x twst oc havers, who/what is your oc based off of?

mine is based off megara 😋 I see a lot of ppl with twst ocs based off something really miniscule or something I never considered could be made into an oc so I'm curious!
... idk what flair to put for this
submitted by imjusthere_x to TwistedWonderland [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:36 Fallenangelsonik91 Can I just say...

I absolutely love how this reddit community is over the moon with JL's performance yesterday. There's a lightness in the (virtual) air and it's amazing how music really brings out the best in people.
You guys are awesome. To those who attended the show, I am so happy for you.
I read a comment earlier today or yesterday, I'm ashamed I forgot who posted it, but they said that you know you love a band when it makes you happy seeing them happy. I couldn't agree more.
I don't know what the future holds for Brand New, but I am excited. I hope we all enjoy the ride.
Also, to those of you that purchased the Devil and God reissue, please post pics! :-)
Have a great evening, everyone!
submitted by Fallenangelsonik91 to brandnew [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:36 MadlyMoe Every major boss battle should have fixed characters with fixed stats that the game gives us.

When the boss battle ends in 1 minute, it does not feel as impactful.
submitted by MadlyMoe to HonkaiStarRail [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:36 Training-Cover-1407 New Urban Planning and Environmental Sustainability MA

I just applied to the new grad program here and I was wondering if anyone has experience with the Urban Planning/Environmental Studies programs? How was your experience? Good/Bad Faculty?
submitted by Training-Cover-1407 to WWU [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:36 2024TheyStoleMyNames 12 stars 4~Sharing knowledge.!.

submitted by 2024TheyStoleMyNames to I_Am_MonopolyGo_Fan [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:36 tlp500 Priscilla Casper NBC10 and sister

Priscilla Casper NBC10 and sister submitted by tlp500 to hotnewsanchors [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:36 Stock_Psychology_842 Squatter na nakasakay sa big bike

Squatter na nakasakay sa big bike Kulit nitong smb vlog na to. Kapag kinakapos na sa pera nag hahanap na ng kaaway e no... Tapos papatulan din ng gusto sumikat. Ilang beses na ginagawa nakakasawa. Syempre mga taga davao o bisakol ayaw patalo. Kaya support 😅
submitted by Stock_Psychology_842 to PHMotorcycles [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:36 Scroogewantsgold Some of Tokyo so far

Some of Tokyo so far Hi! Been struggling with my photographic style, I would like your opinion on the couple ones I shot so far. I tried to capture the everyday life in Tokyo.
submitted by Scroogewantsgold to leicaphotos [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:36 stalkerist Два разных мира... мир людей (Украина) и мир орков (Россия)

Вот смотрите. Украина весь январь интенсивно бомбила российские объекты: нефтебазы, НПЗ, НПС, заводы, склады. 29 января "Око Гора" насчитал 24 объекта (на самом деле больше, потому что с тех пор ещё были прилёты). И это уже не те картонные дроны, что выбивали стёкла в Москва-Сити. Это полноценные ударные дроны с 250-кг ФАБами и 120-мм минами на подвесе.
Был ли за этот месяц хоть один случай, когда Украина попала в подъезд? Были ли хоть один случай с массовой гибелью мирных жителей? (Я говорю о дальних ударах, не о прифронтовых городах, которые попадают под удары артиллерии, хотя даже удары по Курской области западным вооружением, как правило, достаточно точные, потом появляются подтверждения поражений военных объектов).
Почему в одном случае у нас приходят новости - "СИБУР-Кстово", НПС "Андреаполь", Рязанский НПЗ, нефтебаза Лиски?
В другом случае у нас - Сумы, 10 человек; Кривой Рог, 5 человек; Запорожье, 14 человек; Полтава, 5 человек.
А давайте поднимем весь наш флот Ту-22м3 и ебанём по Полтаве и Харькову! Это так в ВС РФ принимаются решения?
Кретины конченые...
☝🏼Русские не жалеют своих — что же говорить о чужих. Тем более, что украинцы лютейше бесят русских самим фактом того, что смеют не просто сопротивляться, будучи в более слабой и невыгодной позиции, но еще и делать это чертовски эффективно.
В то время как они сами живут и умирают в говне, брошенные или распиленные заживо, в их проспиртованные мозги не может прийти никакая иная мысль, кроме "а давай ебанем по Полтаве и Харькову".
Я не раз писал, что если украинцы не остановят русских, то те придут и убьют всех. А тех, кого не убьют, — публично и показательно будут унижать, остальных же мобилизуют в свою помоечную армию скотов.
submitted by stalkerist to tjournal_refugees [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:36 Spazztyk They're green, they're dank, and I do NOT want to know how to gently milk them.

They're green, they're dank, and I do NOT want to know how to gently milk them. submitted by Spazztyk to nomanshigh [link] [comments]
