Weekly Megathread

2025.02.01 23:00 AutoModerator Weekly Megathread

Welcome to this week's megathread! This thread refreshes every Sunday at 10AM AEST.
This is a dedicated space to ask quick questions, that may not warrant a dedicated post. Whether you have questions about recruitment, career advice, workplace issues, or anything else related to the APS, feel free to post them here.
Common Topics:

Upvote questions and comments you find helpful!
Use clear and concise language in your posts.
Be respectful of others in your interactions.
submitted by AutoModerator to AusPublicService [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:00 AutoModerator poop

poop butt smelly saly
submitted by AutoModerator to jakethesnake1234567 [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:00 bengalsfan1277 Freddie Freeman (ankle) expects to be ready for Tokyo series.

Freddie Freeman (ankle) expects to be ready for Tokyo series. submitted by bengalsfan1277 to fantasybaseball [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:00 LostMage1969 AW ECG reading said afib but i feel fine?

AW ECG reading said afib but i feel fine? Pretty much what the title said. But my question is did i take the reading wrong ? I did 3 ecg after that and it was fine, but i did take the measurements the exact same way.
I had a thorough cardiac check SPEKT of myokard 2x 24h holters And few echocardiograms
submitted by LostMage1969 to askCardiology [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:00 Preindustrialcyborg compupal.com is, in fact, a real website.

compupal.com is, in fact, a real website. they have a site, this is just the linkedn.
submitted by Preindustrialcyborg to Warframe [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:00 Doafit Auto an Schuko Haushaltssteckdose laden nicht erlaubt?

Hallo Leute,
ich habe einen E Auto und einen Tiefgaragenstellplatz mit auf meine Wohnung laufendem Stromanschluss, klassische Schuko Steckdose. Ich lade seit 3 Monaten problemlos regelmäßig mit dem dafür vorgesehenen Netzteil mein Auto und bin zufrieden.
Jetzt war heute Familientreffen und der Onkel behauptet felsenfest, dass das was ich da mache illegal sei. Es sei nicht versichert und außerdem im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes brandgefährlich aufgrund der Brandgefahr und wenn was passiert würde keine Versicherung zahlen. Ehrlichgesagt kann ich mir das nicht wirklich vorstellen. Das Gebäude ist 2022 Neubau, die Steckdose läuft auf mich, das Netzteil wird nichtmal heiß und ich lade das Auto ohnehin nur auf 80 %. Soweit ich verstanden habe ist die Brandgefahr ohnehin widerlegbar niedrig bei heutigen Elektroautos und sowieso beim langsamen laden nochmal niedriger.
Weiß jemand mehr zu dem Thema, bzw. macht's sonst noch jemand seit Ewigkeiten ohne Probleme genauso?
Wär dankbar für input 😊.
submitted by Doafit to Elektroautos [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:00 nocturnalsun777 What do you guys think of this?

Whats the benefit of the DOE?
ED funding for grades K-12 is primarily through programs supporting economically disadvantaged school systems:
•Title I provides funding for children from low-income families. This funding is allocated to state and local education agencies based on Census poverty estimates. In 2023, that amounted to over $18 billion. •Annual funding to state and local governments supports special education programs to meet the needs of children with disabilities at no cost to parents. In 2023, it was nearly $15 billion. •School improvement programs, which amount to nearly $6 billion each year, award grants to schools for initiatives to improve educational outcomes.

The ED administers two programs to support college students: Pell Grants and the federal student loan program. The majority of ED funding goes here.
•Pell Grants provide assistance to college students based on their family’s ability to pay. The maximum amount for a student in the 2024-25 school year is $7,395. In a typical year, Pell Grant funding totals around $30 billion.
•The federal student loan program subsidizes students by offering more generous loan terms than they would receive in the private loan market, including income-driven repayment plans, scheduled debt forgiveness, lower interest rates, and deferred payments.
The ED’s Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services provides support for disabled adults via vocational rehabilitation grants to states These grants match the funds of state vocational rehabilitation agencies that help people with disabilities find jobs.
The Department of Education’s Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (CTAE) also spends around $2 billion per year on career and technical education offered in high schools, community and technical colleges, and on adult education programs like GED and adult literacy programs.
Source which outsources budget publications of the ED: https://usafacts.org/articles/what-does-the-department-of-education-do/
submitted by nocturnalsun777 to GenZ [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:00 Obvious_Fee5734 Some Pieces Ive Made Recently, A few are being made in small quantity. All handmade.

Some Pieces Ive Made Recently, A few are being made in small quantity. All handmade. submitted by Obvious_Fee5734 to streetwearstartup [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:00 xian_r1 Has anyone had both Dexcom and Eversense 365?

I like the idea of having both running simultaneously because I tend to have sensor issues at the worst times. Wondering if:

  1. Has anyone tried this and seen a benefit?
  2. Has anyone had their insurance approve?
submitted by xian_r1 to diabetes_t1 [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:00 Budget_Ad_2440 Guy's being dudes

Guy's being dudes submitted by Budget_Ad_2440 to GuysBeingDudes [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:00 Dazzling-Smell-2908 Post from Al Jazeera English

Post from Al Jazeera English submitted by Dazzling-Smell-2908 to TheRealHamas [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:00 EmbarrassedSession58 The games market will grow by 4.6% in 2025 – in line with the global inflation rate – and the Switch 2 is a major driver

The games market will grow by 4.6% in 2025 – in line with the global inflation rate – and the Switch 2 is a major driver submitted by EmbarrassedSession58 to Handhelds [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:00 Dumaw Wildlife Photography. Gear advice.

Good evening.
I love wildlife photography, mainly birding, and I've been using a superzoom bridge camera, Nikon P950, which is a wonderful practical camera for taking on my walks in nature, but I've been thinking of getting my first "body+lenses" gear.
I was considering two APS-C systems, the Canon R7 and the new Nikon Z50 II.
Considering both cameras and the lenses options for wildlife (budget lenses mainly), which one would you guys pick and why?
Thanks in advance.
submitted by Dumaw to photography [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:00 Intense_011 Looking for old joke program - "Live Search"? (Old Meme)

15-20 years ago there was this guy who posted code to his search engine program, I think called "live search" or something. It was like 100,000 lines of spaghetti code, and was controversial because many considered it an elaborate troll, or bait due to how ridiculous the code was, and how much there was. There would be 100 page threads of people arguing over it.
I'm trying to find this again, but can't seem to. does anyone remember this, or have a link?
submitted by Intense_011 to AskProgramming [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:00 mfhawley Self-promotion Thread

Use this thread to promote yourself and/or your work!
submitted by mfhawley to ReporterExchange [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:00 Savings_Peace923 Question about my novel.

Hey! I (25F) am writing a novel, part of which concerns a young journalism student who runs a story on his local private ultrasound clinic in Dublin, which he believes is engaging in malpractice. He arranges a meeting with the head of the clinic to ask a few questions.
He convinces his friend Saoirse, to book an appointment at the clinic under the guise of having irregular cycles. He and Saoirse arrive together, he is called for his meeting but gets cold feet around 10 minutes in. He makes an excuse and leaves hoping to catch Saoirse in the waiting room, but she has already been called back.
Would the ultrasound have already started? Would there be any way of texting her? And what happens during an ultrasound?
Cheerio (:
submitted by Savings_Peace923 to IrishWomensHealth [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:00 Adept-Ad8660 Bu gercekmi

Bu gercekmi submitted by Adept-Ad8660 to shitpostfrommygallery [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:00 Little-Badger6805 Who can cumtrib?

submitted by Little-Badger6805 to DesiMomChat [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:00 PeteIRL I think I love Dan Sheehan.

The guy is just pure class in everything he does. He doesn't even play like a hooker. Hes like a new class of player.
submitted by PeteIRL to irishrugby [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:00 ComradeMoose [ECON] Special Interest Zones in Zaire

[December 1973]
The price of progress is often written in pain, yet this does not necessarily have to be. The Republic of Zaire has marked several zones of the Shaba Region as well as the Kasai Region to be Special Economic Zones (ZES). The two main points for these ZES are Mbuji-Mayi and Lubumbashi.
Both Lubumbashi and Mbuji-Mayi, two of the most economically significant cities in the Republic of Zaire, offer strategic locations for the establishment of special economic zones (ZES) to drive industrialization and attract investment. Lubumbashi, the commercial and mining hub of the Shaba Region, is well-suited for a ZES focused on mineral extraction, processing, and trade. Through offering tax incentives, streamlined regulations, and infrastructure improvements, this zone could enhance local industries and spur on development of a more robust economy. Meanwhile, Mbuji-Mayi, the center of the diamond industry in the Kasai Region, could benefit from a ZES that promotes value-added activities such as gemstone cutting, jewelry production, as well as those same developments hoped for in Lubumbashi. It is hoped that these initiatives will ensure that long-term growth occurs in these areas
Beyond industrial and extraction expansion, the ZESes in Lubumbashi and Mbuji-Mayi may continue to serve as key centers for regional trade and economic diversification in the Republic of Zaire. Investments in energy production, transportation infrastructure, and workforce development would create a more resilient economy, less dependent on fluctuating global commodity prices and should serve as further enticement for foreign investment and loans into the region. A well-structured ZES strategy in Lubumbashi and Mbuji-Mayi would not only strengthen their roles in the national and international supply chains but also contribute to the broader economic stability and prosperity of the Republic of Zaire which may, in turn, promote stability within the Central African region. A third ZES will be established at Likasi.
A fourth ZES will be established in the N’sele commune of Tshangu District, Kinshasa which will be focused on agro-business and industry.
For each of the ZESes, a number of benefits will be presented to encourage foreign investment. Chief among these will be:

Other benefits will be offered in these zones. These ZESes are open for investment by both private and public firms.
submitted by ComradeMoose to ColdWarPowers [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:00 Turbostrider27 The PC game releases we're most excited about in February

The PC game releases we're most excited about in February submitted by Turbostrider27 to pcgaming [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:00 HTownGamer91 [Before Your Eyes] #209 An amazing experience and a recommendation if you own a PSVR2.

[Before Your Eyes] #209 An amazing experience and a recommendation if you own a PSVR2. submitted by HTownGamer91 to Trophies [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:00 chess-quiz Find the best position in 2 moves

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by chess-quiz to chessquiz [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:00 ermurenz Israel Adesanya unsure of next step after third consecutive UFC loss: 'I hate disappointing my fans'

submitted by ermurenz to mmaoverhand [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:00 AutoModerator Special Interest Saturday - Share your special interest!

This is a weekly scheduled post every Saturday, giving diagnosed higher support needs autistic people the opportunity to talk about their special interests.
Feel free to share in the comments about your current or past special interests! Fun facts, info-dumps, and pictures are all welcome.
submitted by AutoModerator to HighSupportNeedAutism [link] [comments]
