Are people who use Reddit weirder than people who don't?

2025.02.02 01:41 iwanttheworldnow Are people who use Reddit weirder than people who don't?

submitted by iwanttheworldnow to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 CuckootheRoast Forgot to post this but here's Ol' Uncle Charlie. I always prefered how he was characterized back in 2010. He looked like he'd smell like cigarettes.

Forgot to post this but here's Ol' Uncle Charlie. I always prefered how he was characterized back in 2010. He looked like he'd smell like cigarettes. submitted by CuckootheRoast to SpiritHalloween [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 DreamPirates Mayuri Deshmukh Marathi Actress #MayuriDeshmukh

submitted by DreamPirates to dreampirates [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 FLIXLAZAR Why is the ranked queue so awful

So I've been playing ranked and for 3 straight games I've had all my teammates on a 3 game lose streak while all my opponents are on a 5 game win streak. Like your telling me you couldn't mix it up and you put all the guys losing and all the guy winning on separate teams. Like it's pissing me off how I can't rank up because of this shit
submitted by FLIXLAZAR to rivals [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 HermioneandKatniss Mixed feelings about committing to UF

My very last admissions decision comes out about mid-march. It's also my top choice, MIT. I have an extremely low chance of getting in, and I feel even stronger that my chances of getting in are low because I was rejected from Georgia Tech, which I was way more competitive for.
In addition, I got into ERAU earlier, and while I cannot afford it (it's 80k for all 4 years for me), I would love to go. I've been applying for scholarships for months, and will hear back if I won them between March and April.
So, I'm kind of stuck when it comes to committing to UF (I got in Early Action). I don't know if I should commit or not because it feels like everything is kind of up in the air.
(This part is more about my feelings on state schools, feel free to skip).
I've always been hesitant about UF, because honestly, it's kind of both a safety and a target school for me, and I feel like I failed a little bit by not getting to go to a private school. I always imagined myself going to a private school since I was really young (because it has more specialized resources for my major, and smaller class sizes which I care about), and it doesn't help that my parents have bragged about my brilliant cousins going to state schools on a full ride for years, always telling me I would never measure up, and I always wanted to get back at my parents by getting a full ride to a private school.
I'm so sorry, I really really do not mean to sound stuck up or like I look down on UF. I understand that I come from a place of privilege, wanting to go to a private school, but I just worked so hard for all of high school, sacrificing so much, and I feel like I don't have much to show for it to the parents that belittled me for years, or like I failed my private-school dreams.
Whenever I got bullied or harassed at school, I could always comfort myself by thinking that I would never see them again at whatever fancy school I'd go to, but I guess I wasn't any better than them. I had been looking down at my bullies all this time, just to be an elitist hypocrite. I'm in some group chats with really, really smart kids my age after I got into this mentorship program with them, and they put their stats and acceptances to Ivy leagues and full ride scholarships and national programs every day. I always thought that I must be "good enough" if I was in the same mentorship program as them, but it's kind of been a rude awakening that they are on another level. They even scoffed at getting UF honors, when I couldn't even do that.
I guess I'm just kind of bitter, and maybe a little jealous. I know that maybe if I had worked a little harder on my application, maybe if I had done a little more, maybe I would have gotten what I wanted. At the same time, I also feel like part of it was coming from a family with low assets, which makes me unable to go to what I have been accepted for, as I can't afford it and I didn't get enough scholarships for it. I actually have gotten into a lot of private schools out-of-state, with some pretty huge scholarships. Georgia Tech was my only rejection. But I just can't afford any of them, no matter how much they give me. ERAU was only even considered possible because it's in-state, and I qualify for just enough state scholarships to even get it down to 80k for the total of all 4 years (it's cost of attendance is 264k all 4 years!!).
(Back to the question at hand).
So, I'm really conflicted on my college decisions. What should I do? Commit to UF now (so I can get housing quickly before it runs out!), wait out for possible scholarships in order to afford and commit to ERAU (housing isn't a worry), or wait for my 1-in-a-million golden ticket, MIT? Please keep in mind that I will not commit to ERAU unless I win enough scholarships to get it under about 15k for all 4 years, as my parents will not pay for my college at all, then I'll work all throughout college so it's free. MIT would be a full ride if I work all throughout college to pay off the student contribution. In addition, UF is a full ride for me right now.
submitted by HermioneandKatniss to ufl [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 RBFsmile Lotus

submitted by RBFsmile to LotusSutra [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 Patton-the-Zorua I saw these 2 items and thought of Slushi

I saw these 2 items and thought of Slushi submitted by Patton-the-Zorua to ChiknNuggit [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 perosnigeuseeidkman its been a productive year so far

its been a productive year so far submitted by perosnigeuseeidkman to Letterboxd [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 Pirate4351 PayPal Referral Code (Canada)

We can both earn a $10 reward when you accept my invite to PayPal and spend $5 within 30 days.
Sign up using my link:
submitted by Pirate4351 to bonusbucks [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 PUR3xFOX Can anyone tell me what this is? I only have one account.

Can anyone tell me what this is? I only have one account. Can anyone help me understand what this mean and how I get such “subscription benefits”
submitted by PUR3xFOX to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 DebtBrilliant2031 Here’s my oddly specific identity bc I have no one else to talk to :)

So, a while ago I figured out I'm asexual, and with the help of this amazing community, I also realized a few things.
I'm Aegosexual, which is defined as "A disconnection between oneself and a sexual target/object of arousal." It's on the ace spectrum.
I'm also Heteroflexible, which means that I usually am straight, but rarely experience attraction to the opposite gender.
Finally, I'm demiromantic, which makes me not romantically attracted to people unless I've developed a close relationship first.
I don't know why I'm so specific, but here we are, ig. Thank you for coming to my ted talk :)
submitted by DebtBrilliant2031 to lgbt [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 Odd_Adhesiveness7578 Guys give me ur best tips on how to be more social and less nervous to speak please

submitted by Odd_Adhesiveness7578 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 mysticnymphet what is this on my gum?

what is this on my gum? at first i thought the pain might have been a wisdom tooth growing because of it’s position, but then i thought it was a canker sore because i get them often. my sister thinks it might be an abscess, and this is concerning me a bit as someone with health anxiety... the pain is very subtle and is apparent when i eat or bite my cheek which i have a habit of doing.
i’m a 15 year old girl, i’ve had depression since 12 and it messes with my dental hygiene. i can go a month without brushing my teeth, but i try to get into routine and do it everyday. i drink water and dr pepper, and sometimes i drink sweet tea. i don’t smoke, either. i have about 3 cavities and i’ve also been tongue tied since birth.
submitted by mysticnymphet to askdentists [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 ReddySpine Blower Motor Failed, blown capacitor

Wondering if the community can provide some help.
My Blower Motor died on the coldest day of the year. HVAC tech was great changed it out before we froze to death.
I'm an inquisitive type so I tore the old one apart and found one of the capacitors had blown it self to bits on the electronic controller for the blower. The motor seems to spin fine, no bearing issues I can tell. I think just a capacitor failure.
I'd hate to scrap a $1000 blower motor and just throw it out.
Looking to see if I can McGuyver a new capacitor in there. But the capacitor is toast. Can't even read the size of it. It was green and circulaflat not black and cylindrical. But it literally blew into 100s of small pieces.
I'm having trouble finding a schematic that would tell me which capacitor I could use.
Part number is: zwk702e0753201 (on the housing cover)
kmsah011c03-v001a123 (on the ECM)
Replaced with HD 52MQ 131 as a carrier part.
Wondering if I'm on a fools errand?
Or are there any internet sleuths out there who can help me track the right component.
I've worked on some simple electronics before and can solde use a volt meter but that's about where my skill set ends. Figured if I could swap the bad capacitor I could keep it as a spare should something bad happen again. This board seems to be coated in some silicone or something making it a bit hard to work with.
submitted by ReddySpine to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 Complex-Value-5807 The Chords - Sh-Boom(#9-1954)

The Chords - Sh-Boom(#9-1954) submitted by Complex-Value-5807 to TheHot100 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 tcup8015 Soothing after Sleep Training

Two weeks ago we sleep trained using FERBER. Our LO was a week shy of 6 mo when we started. We're happy with the outcome because we no longer have to replace the pacifier every 30 mins. We took it away cold turkey. The last two nights, LO went to sleep at 7 pm without a peep and slept until 5 am. Amazing!
But then nights like tonight, I don't know what to do. Looking for some advice.
Tonight baby went to sleep a little overtired. LO cried for about 10 minutes, so I went in to provide some comfort. I just sat in a chair near the crib and he fell asleep. A little over an hour later, he woke crying. I waited 10 mins, went and provided some soothing. I left, he calmed and appeared to fall asleep, and then a few minutes later woke screaming again.
So, my question is: How do you handle wake ups and soothing AFTER you've completed sleep training? That is: wake ups you know aren't because of hunger or sickness or other issue. Do you keep implementing FERBER methods? Immediately respond? How much comfort do you provide?
I imagine there is a line at which you could potentially negate the sleep training and have to start over?
Anyway, would love to hear how you dealt with similar instances.
submitted by tcup8015 to sleeptrain [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 DevelopmentClear5249 poor thing, so innocent.

poor thing, so innocent. submitted by DevelopmentClear5249 to AyeshaErotica [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 roseadaer Transferring money only works if I choose the instant option

I am only able to transfer money to my bank account using the "instant" option. When I try to transfer money using the standard option it says there was an issue and that I should try again. Why??
submitted by roseadaer to venmo [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 penbrok Rather be alone tonight, you’re gone.

submitted by penbrok to sixwordstories [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 HawkUnable2741 LF charmander

My son has restarted the game and is hung up on getting a charmander first. If any1 has some to spare, pls lmk. It would be so appreciated, from the both of us
submitted by HawkUnable2741 to PokemonSVTrades [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 ThatSilvaLining YVR to LHR

Hi there, am flying Air Canada in March and wondered how to go about purchasing Maple Leaf Lounge passes (family of four, kids are teens). I’ve looked everywhere but haven’t figured out how to do that. 😩 sorry if this makes me a Luddite 😫
submitted by ThatSilvaLining to aircanada [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 DreamPirates Mayuri Deshmukh Marathi Actress #MayuriDeshmukh

Mayuri Deshmukh Marathi Actress #MayuriDeshmukh submitted by DreamPirates to dreampirates [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 Clean-Rock-5249 Can anyone please recommend an introductory book on Shaktism? What’s a good text to start with?

submitted by Clean-Rock-5249 to Shaktism [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 JacobCK617 Can you use both Dreadful and Primal Strike?

Druid (Land 7) / Ranger (GS 3) multiclass. 2024
Using GS level 3 feature and picking Primal Strike for Land Druids level 7 feature can you apply both the 2d6 Psychic and 1d8 elemental damage on a weapon attack? Say a bow hit or what have you?
submitted by JacobCK617 to DnD [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 Dense_Telephone_4874 [WTS] HOLOSUN HE507C-GR X2 + Arisaka Offset Mount + Gibbz G4 LH receiver + Aero LH BCG

HOLOSUN HE507C-GR X2 + Arisaka 35-45° offset mount 2: $350 shipped
Aero LH Nickel Boron Chrome lined Bolt Carrier Group: $140
(paid 190 through wingtactical, less than 100 rounds)
Gibbz Arms LEFT HANDED G4 upper Vortex Bronze: $220
Gibbz - Reciprocating Side Charging Billet Aluminum Receiver with Gen 2 Handle, M4 Feed Ramps, comes with specific bolt insert for this upper.
Geissele Super Charging Handle
Badger Ordnance Condition One J-Arm 45° – 1.70″
submitted by Dense_Telephone_4874 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]