2025.02.01 23:50 PrincessBananas85 Man who killed Jeffrey Dahmer in prison reveals why he did it
submitted by PrincessBananas85 to crime [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 23:50 mrtoddw If you're watching this, then they've taken over. It's up to you now. Find our car and stop the New Order! Remember, MUSIC is the WEAPON!
I spent countless hours and quarters on this game. Who else was all about this game? submitted by mrtoddw to Millennials [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 23:50 Kiwimoonfairy [SELL](US) Multibrand Destash (HT, Sassy Sauce, GLL, ect.)
submitted by Kiwimoonfairy to RedditLaqueristaSwap [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 23:50 Ibdi14 Is this salvageable?! (About to cut and regret it)
Hi everyone, hope you're doing well! First of all, let me introduce myself: I'm Drew, from Barcelona. I've been neglecting my locs for a while now, and as you can see in the images, they ended up in a pretty rough state. I'm really considering cutting them off, but I know deep down that I might regret it. So, I’m reaching out to the community for advice. Any tips, recommendations, or suggestions to save them and get them back on track? I’d appreciate any help! Thanks in advance! 🙏 submitted by Ibdi14 to locs [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 23:50 Warm_Mix2650 Kin programs
Hey guys, G11 here, I finished all my courses to get into kin, and I'm thinking Kin can be a good potential option, I've looked into these 4 unis for Kin, which is the best for kin?
submitted by Warm_Mix2650 to OntarioGrade12s [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 23:50 Satanson98 ¡Hola! Disculpen, ¿existe una manera de saber quién es el propietario de un número telefónico?
Mi novia ha estado recibiendo mensajes de una persona acosándola constantemente e incluso ha estado enviando fotografías del exterior de su casa desde un número telefónico y nos gustaría saber de quién se trata. Ya intentamos agregando el número a WhatsApp y no arroja ninguna cuenta vinculada a ese número. De igual manera, ya tratamos utilizar Truecaller y tampoco obtenemos un nombre
submitted by Satanson98 to Juarez [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 23:50 Slow4Speed On call positions
I've been searching for an on call position in Houston. It seems they have disappeared since the pandemic. Is there any rumors of on call positions returning to the hiring line up?
submitted by Slow4Speed to marriott [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 23:50 SpartanScribe In app reloads for 6x Rent day rewards
Any ideas of restaurants that code as dining when reloading in app?
submitted by SpartanScribe to biltrewards [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 23:50 gmbdoggo I ruined Papyrus. 😭
submitted by gmbdoggo to HeroForgeMinis [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 23:50 lemkowidmak Swarthmore Men's Basketball @SwatMBasketball: RT @SwatAthletics: Back-to-back Centennial wins 👏Men's basketball sweeps the season series against Muhlenberg! Jimenez and Burger score i…
submitted by lemkowidmak to phillysports [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 23:50 ch3640 How do I access the bulb in this fixture
The plastic lens does not seem to turn or unlatch. Using significant force I pulled the bezel down about a half an inch. Upon doing so I can see that the bezel is just a section of the can. There does not seem to be any spring clips to release the can from the ceiling. There is no access above. There are three of these fixtures in the house. They are in separate closets and they are switched so I'd guess they are original. The house was built in 1987. We just moved in so I do not know the history.
submitted by ch3640 to AskElectricians [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 23:50 HighburyAndIslington [Last Day Full Route Visual] London Buses route 118 From Morden to Brixton
submitted by HighburyAndIslington to bus [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 23:50 Severe-Eye-4822 asking if gary-baseman has story like other hirono?
really quite interesting design for me but if it doesn't have story, it's not good as the rest
submitted by Severe-Eye-4822 to hirono [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 23:50 Darattamerer New here
I saw coochcaboose on my feed for the second time today and decided to investigate and it brought me here, can someone enlighten me on the lore?
submitted by Darattamerer to StephenHiltonSnark [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 23:50 Ok_Loquat7607 Any thoughts on Ekoi shoes?
submitted by Ok_Loquat7607 to gravelcycling [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 23:50 ljulima38 [WTS] Price Drop! Surefire G2X with XM00 tailcap package
2025.02.01 23:50 Nitrogenox1 Can't turn off light
Hi I bought this pre build computer is it normal to the lights to don't work ? May be a sw problem y maybe I need to check it myself? submitted by Nitrogenox1 to computer_help [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 23:50 revveduplikeaduece86 The Usefulness of Summoning UAP
Imagine calling an Uber. When it arrives, instead of coming close enough for you to get a good look at the license plate, it parks on the far end of the street. Then after a few seconds, the driver puts the car in reverse and backs away at full speed.
What is the point of this illustration, you might be wondering.
The point, my friend who is doing their level best to not understand it, is that this would be utterly useless to you.
Speaking only for myself, the "summoning" business is equally useless because ...
You can have all the woo you want. I'm not even personally denying the woo is there or not. IDK because nobody is doing anything other than making claims on camera. But woo or no-woo, it boils down to the question of "How useful is it?"
2025.02.01 23:50 Own_Fall_8941 How to use fundamentals
Hi guys!
I'm ending another degree, this time about economics so I'm deep into this whole GDP, HDI, interest rate, inflation etc and so on stuff, but how are you using it for trading at all?
I mean, I can use my knowledge for prediction attempt about economy in let's say half year ahead, plus minus, but how to use that for FX?
On the first glance should be easy, but after all most of the countries have similar issues at time, those tiny differences can play a role, but it seems to be not a weekly trade topic.
submitted by Own_Fall_8941 to Forex [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 23:50 BigErnie72 B4b i have 3 left i always boost back $Big-Ernie-72
submitted by BigErnie72 to chimeboost [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 23:50 DemonCrowley552 Albondigas
submitted by DemonCrowley552 to mexicanfood [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 23:50 sirDsmack These things were thirsty
What’s your oldest pair of dunks? submitted by sirDsmack to NikeSB [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 23:50 JessAFemboy Femboy cuddles?? 👉👈🥺
I’m feeling cuddly :3 submitted by JessAFemboy to fempark [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 23:50 Pempa11 What’s a website ur addicted to now but wish u never saw it?
submitted by Pempa11 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 23:50 Nusszucker SU:A - War and Home
Sternenvolk Universe: Andromeda
War and Home
After the genocide of the Sassaki colony and the valiant fight and stand of the Alliance Frigate Echo Response, the Alliances stand regarding the Unidis Empire of the Gods changed significantly. From that moment on the Alliance took a way more hostile stance towards the Unidi. Border Skirmishes between Network Authority forces and Unidi strike groups began to end more and more in Alliance intervention. Network expansion border systems saw a noticeable uptick in Alliance ship sightings. And what had appeared to be an unstoppable tsunami of Unidi expansions ground to a halt due to constant Alliance interference.
Captain Uszshak of the Unidi Battlecruiser Tshau’fska had ended his shift two hours ago, however, he now sat again in his seat in the Battlecruisers CIC.
“Clear of the Station, good separation, continuing to move out”, reported his helmsman.
“Attack Ship Ishfa’triz has gone dark after their last report of unknown activity”, reported Executive Officer Shvatrik.
“I’ve read the brief, do we know if they are yaldian again?”
“Negative. It appears the contact does not have any Network affiliation. However, this could be incomplete information.”
“So its those Maelstrom beings, those Humans”, murmured Uszshak.
“We don’t know that, my Lord.”
“Well, they have ramped up their activity significantly after one of their ships clashed with two of our Battlecruisers and won. They are far stronger and far more determined than the local vermin. We need to consider them an actual thread.”
“Thank the Gods the Priest has taken the Station as his domain. Their Highness would have declared you a traitor for even thinking like that.”
“As You said, good thing they aren’t here then.”
“Recon Group reports they have reached the last position of the Ishfa’triz. Their sensors don’t show any contacts. Wait, they might have … “
“What is it?”, asked Shvatrik annoyed.
“They went dark”, reported the coms officer.
“Impossible!”, yelled the Executive Officer.
“All units in high alert”, ordered Captainb Uszshak.
“That’s an order!”
“Yes, Captain. All Units, high alert!”
“Unkown contact, moving on a tangent to our orbit, closing in, accelerating!”
“Frijbeka’tha shall launch her fighters”, ordered the Captain.
While Shvatrik relayed the order, Uszshak studied the projection of the incoming contact. As he looked, the contacts resolution became rapidly clearer, revealing four distinct contacts.
“Why are they hardburning like that?”, asked one of his officers.
“That must be close to their absolute tolerance for acceleration. If they keep that up, they can’t reach any feasible orbit if they burn that hard”, replied the Helmsman.
“Its an attack”, mused the Captain.
“What kind of attack …”
“Fast contacts!”, yelled the sensor operator.
“Evade and screen!”, yelled Captain Uszshak in return and Shvatrik tried his best to formulate a defense.
“Hostile contacts have warped! Sensors are reading even more fast contacts!”
The ship groaned from the immense stress of the evasive maneuver. They could hear the high pitched whine of the defensive weapons systems. Uszshak looked on in horror as more and more contacts passed the screens of his units, before one after the other went dark.
“Screen is holding, we are evading!”
“Frijbeka’tha reports several impacts and severe damages, their fighters have been decimated!”
“Several contacts have passed the screen! Prepare for Impact!”
Just a moment later, the ship got hit by a wave of small impacts, that none the less caused the main power to fail.
“Damage control teams have been dispatched, emergency power has activated as expected. We are incapable of maneuvering, but our defensive and offensive capabilities are coming back online. We should get a complete damage report any minute now”, reported Shvatrik.
The Executive Officer “stood” upside down on the CICs ceiling, as the decks rotation had seized and there was no artificial gravity anymore because of that.
“I need to know the status of my combat group!”
In one of the aft sections, close to the main engine compartments and the machine rooms, several crewmen were trying to douse a smoldering fire in an electrics passage, when they heard, what sounded like a detonation. One of them, belonging to the ships regiment of ground forces, grabbed a torch and marched into the direction of the sound, to inspect for more damages. As he rounded a hallway corner, he was greeted by what felt like a truck ramming in his face. The impact send im flying. The damage control team couldn’t help but be transfixed by the three meter high soldier flying past their corridor and into the darkness of another.
“Douse the Fire!”, yelled their supervisor.
He had looked into the passage, now, he wanted to see if his crew was obeying his orders, but instead he was staring into the barrel of a weapon. The weapon was pointed at him, by a bulky dark grey ExoSuit, that bore no markings or significant features.
“Th… there is a fire … we must…” he tried to say, but the suit just grabbed his arm and pulled him in the direction that more of suits were coming from.
The midship barracks had been turned into a battlefield. Three small groups of bulky dark grey ExoSuits were slowly moving through corridors, sleeping and mess halls, maintenance tubes, and any space just big enough for them, which was frighteningly not as much as the soldiers had expected. Whenever they encountered an actual obstacle, it was smashed to pieces by the suits hands or feet. Their movements were coordinated, their weapons fired air propelled high impact rounds that could send even the toughest soldiers into a coma, without over penetrating the outer hull and their suits appeared nigh impenetrable. When ever one of the Soldiers did manage to damage one of the suits, they fell back and were immediately replaced by one or two different suits. Soon they began to see impact marks on the suits in a brighter grey and one of the soldiers realized those were the previously damaged suits. They were self repairing.
“They have taken Mess Hall six! Retreat to the junction and prepare for a chokehold!”
“Tress and Zijak are still in there!”
“They are gone!”
“No! We have to get them!”
“Frelo, I don’t want to leave them either, but if they over take us, we cannot regroup and not retake any part of the barracks! Retreat to the Junction!”
“I knew you were a coward, Grijk, but that is treason!”
“You aren’t thinking straight, Frelo! I am in charge now, and I ordered you to retreat!”
Frelo roared in anger and frustration and stood to his full hight.
“I am not leaving our friend and our commander behind! I will save them!”
Grijk shook his head in frustration.
“Go then, tell the Demons in their self repairing suits, with their perfect aim and their ability to know where we are and what we are doing, that they cannot stop you. I am not coming to your funeral!”
“Zijak will execute you for this!”, Frelo snarled and stormed off.
He stormed three steps into the direction of the enemy, before a round impacted in his sternum and he stopped. Grijk could see Frelo wheezing from the impact. He motioned Frelo to retreat, but it was to late. The improvised club Frelo was holding was wrenched from his hand by one of the suits, before Frelos lower jaw was punched into next week by his own club. Grijk contained his swear, turned around to finally retreat to the junction and stopped in his tracks. Two dark grey ExoSuits stood before him, his men had already dropped their weapons. He closed his eyes for a moment, gripped his own rifle so hard that he began to tremble, before he ultimately relaxed. He opened his eyes and let his rifle fall to the floor.
“What do you mean we have lost the machine rooms?”
“We cannot reach anyone in the machine section. There were reports of weapons fire and possible intruders before we lost contact. We have to assume the machine rooms have fallen into enemy hands”, explained the officer.
“Why haven’t I heard anything about enemy intruders before now?”
“It was the first mention I got as well and than the line went dark, Captain”, the officer explained further.
“Attention, this is Commander Ziktrak, hostiles have boarded the ship. We have lost the machine rooms and the barracks. We are trying to hold the command deck, but we are getting cut down out here quicker than we can fortify our positions. If someone can hear me, the enemy is trying to take control of the ship! They are coming for the CIC and we …”
“Commander Ziktrak, report!”, shouted Captain Uszshak.
“No answer”, said the coms operator.
“Executive Officer, hand out side arms. Alls hands, defend the CIC!”
The officers took handguns from the weapons locker at the back side of the CIC. They looked nervous. None of them had seen actual combat before, apart from drills that should have prepared them for a situation like this. But in these drills, they would be able to leave, even after they lost the CIC. In reality, the Captain would have to scuttle the ship and everyone here would die. And even in the Empires highest military ranks, these officers were just people. They could hear clanging from one of the reinforced bulkhead doors to the CIC.
“This isn’t right”, murmured the Shvatrik.
“No, you are right. This isn’t right”, replied Captain Uszshak.
“Internal coms, all stations we can still reach.”
“Yes Captain. You can talk.”
“This is the Captain speaking. All hands, stand down! I repeat, all hands, stand down! We have been defeated and we are surrendering immediately!”
“Captain!”, protested Shvatrik.
The Captain just shook his head.
“Open that door, let them in. Maybe we can still talk”, he said.
Once the Helmsman had opened the Bulkhead door, bulky dark grey ExoSuits rushed into the CIC and surrounded the crew and the Captain, who made a show out of putting down his own side arm, before his crew followed suit.
Hours later, after a lengthy fight over control of the former Yaldian Space Station Gruk, Captain Uszshak, his executive Officer Svatrik, Commander Ziktrak and one of his officers, a bulky soldier named Grijk, stood on a plaza inside the station. Opposite of them kneeled the Priest and his entourage. Behind them, humans in their ExoSuits.
“Captain Uszshak, i presume?”
The voice came from the side. A small bipedal mammal approached him. It had a well groomed and braided mane of red hair and piercing green eyes. It spoke the holy language as if it were a native.
“I am Rebecca Hagen, Executive Officer of the Alliance Frigate Unangenehme Wahrheit. I have been send here to offer you and your troops the right of Homecoming.”
“I have no idea what that is or entails”, Uszshak snarled unimpressed.
“I know. It is our believe that every sapient being has the inalienable right of a home, a place where said sapient won’t have to fear hostilities. The right of homecoming is the logical conclusion, if we grant you the right of a home, we have to let you go home. Thats it.”
“If we return home now, we and our families will be executed for high treason”, Uszshak answered.
“Than that place isn’t home … yet. In that case, you will remain as prisoners of war until such time as your home is actually worthy to be called that. You and your crew will be confined to a wing of the station, you will be guarded and you will face repercussions for not following the guards orders. You will be given accommodations, food rations and medical treatment.”
“What about them?”, Shvatrik asked, gesturing to the priest and his entourage.
“They will be taken prisoners as well, but they will be taken somewhere else for questioning.”
“There was a sizeable population of anim… locals on this station. I haven’t seen any of them since we have been brought here. Will they honor your orders?”, asked Uszshak.
“When we had taken control of the station, the remaining hostages had all been murdered”, she said with a hardness in her voice.
Uszshaks expression became dark, Shvatrik sucked in air through his nostrils in an expression of surprise.
“You had no right to kill them!”, Shvatrik suddenly yelled.
The human womans gaze darted over to Shvatrik, but he was fixated on the priest.
“You Monster! Hideous coward! Traitor! You will burn in hell for this! You were placed here as their moral and spiritual guidance! The Gods decreed that we were to enlighten the animals, not butcher them! Look at me you filthy coward! You call yourself priest! I spit on you, I spit on you and your entire bloodline!”
“Shame upon your house, Priest”, snarled Uszshak.
More voices of utter outrage and indignation arose from Uszshaks crew.
“Enough!”, yelled the human woman with an exceptionally loud voice, for such a small creature.
“They will receive a punishment. Once they are no longer useful to us.”
“What ever that punishment entails, don’t bring them back to us. My men will rip them apart and I am willing to let them”, Uszshak snarled.
“We will see, the Alliance doesn’t look too generous at genocidal maniacs as well. Anyway, For you, this war is over. And once the war is over in its entirety, we will let you go home.”
Uszshak and his crew were brought into a part of the station that previously had been used to house the animal population. He recognized the smell. They were met with far less hostility than he had expected. Sitting on a humble cot in a room that had a simple door, he could lock from the inside, he began to think about what had happened and about what he had believed up until now. Outside his room, his crew were beginning to organize the few tasks they could organize, while those who still needed medical attention, and had been brought to a different part of the station, were beginning to slowly trickle into this prison. He rose from his cot and stood outside on the small plaza his crew was transforming into a communal mess and lounge space. Shvatrik stood by his side.
“I am beginning to think that we were the lucky ones”, Shvatrik murmured as they both watched.
“No. But our childrens children might be.”
Another large group of prisoners arrived as they watched on. Uszshak recognised men from all of his ships, most of them from the Frijbeka’tha, but also some from the other ships. Most of them had suffered horrible injuries, but all of them had survived thanks to the Humans medical intervention.
“There will be a lot assumptions I will be making, that will turn out to be false”, Uszshak said with surprise in his voice.
Shvatrik began to laugh and after a moment, Uszshak fell into that laughter. As they stood and laughed, the crews intermingled and people were happy to see each other still alive.
submitted by Nusszucker to humansarespaceorcs [link] [comments]