Pickups from a local card show.

2025.02.02 01:51 STEELIO7301356 Pickups from a local card show.

Some pickups I got today from a local sports and tcg expo. I'm really happy with the dusknoir since I opened the duskull and dusclops already.
submitted by STEELIO7301356 to pokemoncards [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 ExtensionFun7285 I had this idea for a character kit for months ago and does it sound familiar?

submitted by ExtensionFun7285 to AglaeaMains [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 Foreign-Gain-9311 Hope posting today

Hope posting today submitted by Foreign-Gain-9311 to Silksong [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 fngrl5 Bay City

Bay City Lovely!
submitted by fngrl5 to Michigan [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 MSA966 Have your mental and intellectual abilities changed? For example, you are a gamer, has your performance changed?

Have your mental and intellectual abilities changed? For example, if you are a gamer, has your performance changed?
submitted by MSA966 to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 Arad0rk CSS not applying to Unordered list

This is the second example in this book that isn't working out for me, specifically regarding Unordered Lists. I provided a screenshot with side-by-side comparisons of what I'm trying to accomplish, the relevant CSS code, and the relevant HTML code. Please advise as to what I'm doing wrong. Thank you!
submitted by Arad0rk to css [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 PewPopHANG Jon III - Summer's Home (OPEN to Summerhall)

Outside Summerhall Jon Swann had enjoyed his time with the army. He'd been glad that the young men were so willing to listen to his sage advice. None had decided to scale the walls of Summerhall, no blood had been shed, it was peaceful. As peaceful as it could be considering the King had determined he would soon march with them.
He'd wondered if Alysanne would enjoy her new home in Storm's End, if Deria would befriend her and that the pair would end up being lifelong friends. He'd take joy in knowing that a Targaryen and Baratheon would soon see each other in a light that they might not have if the King had stood with their enemies.
The Lord of Stonehelm had found that small tree he'd slept beside, one that he'd returned for for decades now whenever he'd moved through Summerhall. It had grown since he had first found it at the age of seven. Sixty two years. Still it was rather dwarfed when compared to the far larger ones that loomed in the distance.
It's size was not why he'd enjoyed it. Jon had many memories besides this old yet lively oak. His beloved Corenna had first met him besides it. He had memories of going to King's Landing, of being en route to Nightsong for the first time, so much had happened.
A dozen knights of House Swann had set up their camp within the larger camp near it. Jon's own tent was just beside it. He'd wondered how many young men would make memories besides this tree. How many would return it to decades later as he had.
It brought some joy to the aged man. That this tree would live past him and that others would see it for hundreds of years to come.
"Jon," He'd shouted towards his grandchild. "Fetch me a sword, let's see if you've taken your lessons properly boy."
(Open to anyone at summerhall that wants to venture into the Swann encampment.
submitted by PewPopHANG to IronThroneRP [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 JHorsti Y-Wing question

Were the Y-Wings used by the Rebel Alliance originally the same BTL-B Y-Wing starfighters that were used by the Republic during the Clone Wars, just heavily stripped down and modified over time, or were they a separate variant that was newly manufactured to the Rebellion’s specifications and just based on the old Republic Y-Wing?
submitted by JHorsti to MawInstallation [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 Ill_Description6258 Solo Game-Developer Adventures

Solo Game-Developer Adventures submitted by Ill_Description6258 to theprimeagen [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 Kryptofreak1984 Gal Gadot

Gal Gadot submitted by Kryptofreak1984 to DC_Marvel_Ladies [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 MchaelMica Saturday, February 1st Flight Deal Update

submitted by MchaelMica to flightscheap [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 Purple_Sprinkles_235 Hosting WB Dialga Raids 437670733848

submitted by Purple_Sprinkles_235 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 BrainstormBot 🌏 Western Australia: Earthquake (4.7 Mgqm, at 01:47 UTC)

🌏 Earthquake! 4.7 Mgqm, registered by GlobalQuake, 2025-02-02 01:47:14 UTC (daytime) on land, Kalgoorlie, Kalgoorlie/Boulder, Western Australia, Australia (-30.26, 121.02) likely felt 120 km away (in Kalgoorlie…) by 29100 people (localhost:38002)
submitted by BrainstormBot to EEW [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 WackyPaxDei .

submitted by WackyPaxDei to tourettesguy [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 TheManofChill Most accurate 1899 john i could make

Most accurate 1899 john i could make submitted by TheManofChill to reddeadfashion [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 schenat Need Saws

Trading planks, bolts, mallets, and deeds for saws
As many saws as you can sell
submitted by schenat to HayDay [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 dogpowerella Are Stanleys on StockX legit?

I'm looking for the first Love Shack Fancy collaboration. Needle in a haystack, I know.
This is the link I'm looking at.
submitted by dogpowerella to StanleyCupRealorFake [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 priceypadstim I'm loving this periwinkle door on this charming 1940s cottage in Georgia!

I'm loving this periwinkle door on this charming 1940s cottage in Georgia! submitted by priceypadstim to Oldhouses [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 msprettybrowneyes Speeding Ticket?

Just got my 3rd speeding ticket - 45-25 (which I want to dispute) but is it worth asking for defensive driving class? I have 3 other tickets.
2020 - Speeding 2022 - Speeding (61-45. Did DD class so off my record) 2034 - Running red light causing accident (later dropped to non-moving)
And yesterday. I really want to know what my best option here is? Ask to take a DD course, go to court or worse case scenario - pay the ticket.
submitted by msprettybrowneyes to Louisiana [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 Wat3rboihc My biggest fruit ever (so far)

My biggest fruit ever (so far) 60g
submitted by Wat3rboihc to unclebens [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 Subziro91 Same same but different

Same same but different submitted by Subziro91 to PoliticalLatinos [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 Infamous-Spend8156 Newbie confused?

Hello I've been following the camgirl stuff and have been wanted to get started for a while. I've read up on the starting guide. I'm going to start an account on SC when I get my room set up. I mostly have a question about starting the room, I don't want to go into people's rooms because I don't want to bother them. You don't have to start off naked correct? I go onto the site and it's lovely bodies everywhere on the site. I guess my question is can you keep your clothing on until you start getting requests? I'm just more curious how you guys start your streams. Just Curious?
submitted by Infamous-Spend8156 to CamGirlProblems [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 Cheapkidney Sodapoppin haven't used once his Cloudkeeper leggings

Sodapoppin haven't used once his Cloudkeeper leggings submitted by Cheapkidney to LivestreamFail [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 Joesmith_Spice_4114 Looking to transfer a Canadian Lift Pass

I received a Platinum Canadian Lift Pass but sadly will not able to make use of it.
If you are interested in having it, DM me and we can discuss it further.
submitted by Joesmith_Spice_4114 to ski [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 SublimeHare73 3 star trades

3 star trades 1:1 trade. No DMs please
submitted by SublimeHare73 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]
