Cessna 180 as tow plane?

2025.02.02 00:45 MNSoaring Cessna 180 as tow plane?

Anyone out there using a 180 as a glider tug?
submitted by MNSoaring to Gliding [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:45 lilsusievert666 Slim Shady wanna be X so bad😂💔

submitted by lilsusievert666 to XXXTENTACION [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:45 bananasplitwith T

Tyler needs to get rid of his god complex he is truly just as bad as whit. Tyler is so cocky. Also They are both so incredibly immature. They are so CRINGE and WEIRD. I’m glad he ran back only because everyone else is embarrassed for them. Notice how none of their friends ever used to post them together. Like before they broke up. No one liked them. Also probably didn’t help the fact Tyler didn’t hang out with people he used to be best friends with and ditched them 24/7. People who only prioritize their significant other are gross and it’s sad
submitted by bananasplitwith to whitneywrensnarky [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:45 WildSea5123 When getting into a new relationship, did you think this person is after something more than love, if so were your thoughts right and what were they after?

submitted by WildSea5123 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:45 Brilliant-Reading-59 Machine Brands/Multiple Machines?

So, I’m beginning to learn to sew. I’m inhering a Bernina sewing machine and serger from a family member. I won’t have it for at least a couple months or so because it’s currently in a different state.
Because I’m I beginner I know very little about machines, but my understanding is that Berninas are very expensive and any additional parts are expensive as well.
Would it be worth it to invest in a brother machine as well to practice on? I can get one on sale for $100-150 right now at Joanns, I just don’t know if having two machines as a beginner is kinda overkill.
submitted by Brilliant-Reading-59 to sewhelp [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:45 Overall-Leading4887 TOTY

Why the totys are still priced so low afete leaving the paks?
submitted by Overall-Leading4887 to fut [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:45 Technical-Band-5524 Why does Heisenberg have a tank he can’t use his powers on?

Right before the boss fight with Heisenberg you fall down the hole into the underworkings of the factory and find Chris. He’s planning an attack on Heisenberg, and he decides that Ethan can fight him instead if he’s so dead set on doing so. And then he reveals a tank that he says they found abandoned by Heisenberg that’s made out of a polycarbonate alloy that he can’t use his magnetic powers on, making it the perfect counter to him.
Why? Why did Heisenberg need to build a tank immune to himself? Why would anything Heisenberg builds not be able to be moved with his mind? Personally I’d find that really handy if I was a mechanical genius like him.
submitted by Technical-Band-5524 to ResidentEvilVillage [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:45 titan_shellpro HOYTS Membership discount for anyone going to the movies

HOYTS Membership discount for anyone going to the movies Hello guys,
I have a HOYTS membership that I barely use nowadays with school starting and other activities that take up most of my time. This membership expires in 6 months and with that being said if anyone's going to the movies and wants a 25% discount on their movie ticket/s or 10% discount on the food and drinks, feel free to message me and I will purchase the tickets for you.
There's only a $1 fee for each ticket you book and that's it, there's no twist, I'd just like to use this membership to it's full extent until it expires.
submitted by titan_shellpro to auckland [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:45 itsjordan21 Asics Superblast 2 Wave Teal in stock

submitted by itsjordan21 to RunningShoeGeeks [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:45 EverCuriousPineapple Dating whilst ill… I have no idea what to do with this…

Hey people,
I’m recently single after a long term relationship and in my 30’s.
I also have an incurable slowly worsening autoimmune disease and recently learned I also have the BRCA gene (breast and ovarian cancer) which means that IF that gene kicks off, I can’t treat the cancer as I’m already immuno compromised. So outside of surgery, there’s not really anything that can be done. Thoughts and prayers type situation.
I’ve already made my peace with not having children but I ultimately don’t want to be alone in this scary world we exist in but also don’t want to drag anyone into this pit of impending doom with me.
My question: Is it ethical to date in my situation or like with the whole kids thing should I just resign to being a lone wolf.
It sucks but the last thing I want to do is spread misery…
submitted by EverCuriousPineapple to confession [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:45 Vaggosliolios What do you think of the AVGN Majora's Mask episode?

submitted by Vaggosliolios to majorasmask [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:45 opioso Tiraram foto/filmaram da minha casa

Um dia, por volta das 9 horas da manhã, estava trabalhando(home office) e levantei para tomar uma água e dar uma esticada nas pernas.
Ao voltar para minha mesa, dei uma olhada pela janela(que fica virada para rua) e vi um carro passando e o motorista com o celular virado pra mim, na hora, pensei, o cara deve estar tirando uma selfie ou qualquer coisa do tipo.
Por curiosidade, fui ver as gravações das cameras de segurança e não era selfie não.
Tenho duas câmeras, pegando os dois lados da rua. Primeiramente, o carro veio e reduziu a velocidade bem na frente de casa(com os vidros fechados) e seguiu, após uns 20 metros o motorista parou, e voltou de ré, já com o vidro do passageiro aberto e passou olhando para o meu quintal enquanto dava ré, parou na casa ao lado e seguiu lentamente, desta vez com o celular apontado para minha casa. O curioso é que ele não mirou no carro na garagem, ou no portão que fica ao lado de casa e sim na minha casa.
Bom, aparentemente o interesse não é no meu palio 2005, até porque ele estava numa suv do valor de uns 3 palios.
Enfim, o cara não me parece a gente que entra nas casas pra roubar fio e trocar por droga.
Da forma que deu ré com o vidro aberto, não parece um investigador ou policial à paisana, se fosse eu ficaria até tranquilo, eu acho. Não to devendo nada.
Estou solteiro e não me envolvo com mulher casada, então, também não me parece detetive particular.
E nem moro num casarão, a minha é a piorzinha da rua. Inclusive, minha casa está com cara de abandonada, foi o que minha mãe disse após tirar uns matinhos que cresceram no canto do portão em uma de suas visitas.
Sei lá, esse negócio me deixou cabreiro, não sei o que eu faço.
submitted by opioso to ConselhosLegais [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:45 thoughtstop Yeah yeah yeah, just give me the serum.

Yeah yeah yeah, just give me the serum. submitted by thoughtstop to TheSimpsons [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:45 MegaMinerDL Um guys what do I do?

Um guys what do I do? submitted by MegaMinerDL to BuckshotRouletteFans [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:45 Frontranger81 By the skin of my teeth!!

By the skin of my teeth!! The Hawks almost blew the spread by giving the Pacers two free throws for no reason with 3 seconds left. Thankfully the Pacers missed the second free throw and the rest is history.
submitted by Frontranger81 to sportsbetting [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:45 lukk2010 Onde eu posso achar mulheres assim em Pernambuco?

submitted by lukk2010 to QueroAcharNSFW [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:45 chikiandrys93 😋

😋 submitted by chikiandrys93 to chubbybelly [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:45 FallDamageDave Another one! TMR Gulikit in a Midnight black PS5 dualsense.

Another one! TMR Gulikit in a Midnight black PS5 dualsense. Swapped out the stock joysticks with a TMR Gulikit. Went as expect. Smooth as butter.
submitted by FallDamageDave to Dualsense [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:45 Only_Marionberry_623 yo , i js drank a truly at 5:40, it’s 6:40, it was a 5% seltzer , im alr coming off the buzz hella , if i take 3 oxy 5s at 10:30ish will i be okay ? bc ik they say don’t mix alc n pills but this was hours prior and hella low percent

submitted by Only_Marionberry_623 to pillslover [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:45 Fickle_Most_2499 4.Post testing!)

4.Post testing!) submitted by Fickle_Most_2499 to testingground4bots [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:45 -Astrobadger First time reverse sear method and I love it

First time reverse sear method and I love it Been lurking here for a bit and decided I need to try this reverse sear method everyone kept talking about and wow this is amazing! I’ve cooked a lot of steaks in my lifetime but this is some next level Jedi shit.
I had some NY strips from the local butcher that has decent quality in the freezer so I thawed them out and dry brined overnight. Put them in the oven at 170° for about 20 min then upped it to 200° for another 50 min. Internal temp was 125° so I thought I had screwed up leaving them in too long. Let them rest 15 min and seared on cast iron with a little peanut oil. Doneness actually came out about where I wanted but was hoping for a better sear. Best flavor I’ve ever gotten out of this place’s beef, though. I can’t wait to try on better quality piece!
How does it look, my friends?
submitted by -Astrobadger to steak [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:45 Gian-Carlo-Peirce Gilgamesh-Evil MC LitRPG

Gilgamesh-Evil MC LitRPG submitted by Gian-Carlo-Peirce to litrpg [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:45 sachmonz Grilled River Prawns

Hi all
Looking for reasonable street food priced grilled river prawns with the brain butter either near Sukhumvit Soi 24, Onnut, or China Town areas.
Alternatively Phuket but I'm assuming it's going to be more tourist pricing.
I have looked at recent posts and couldn't see anything too recent. One mentioned Jodd Fair but believe that's gone now.
submitted by sachmonz to ThailandTourism [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:45 kinghasanc Timeless Design

Timeless Design We got some sunshine in New Orleans today and Bleu was ready for it. I'm leaning towards doing a complete chrome delete soon and tinting the head and tail lights.
Did a lot of work to her early on and recently have been just enjoying it!
submitted by kinghasanc to LexusGX [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:45 Remote_Rule_2654 It’s one of those tools you don’t realize you need until you have it.

submitted by Remote_Rule_2654 to IndustrialMaintenance [link] [comments]
