2025.02.02 02:04 honeycomb_b Current/alumni students?
Helloo im a transfer student and i submitted my application early january. OSU just confirmed they got all my transcripts. I was just wondering: if youre a current student or alumni who was a transfer, when did your application get a decision?
submitted by honeycomb_b to OregonStateUniv [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:04 SilveredGreen Is this sort of a palindrome?
As the title says, I’m wondering if this is some sort of palindrome or other unique number sequence.
submitted by SilveredGreen to papermoney [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:04 StaticToast123 Is INT Kid Gohan good
submitted by StaticToast123 to DokkanBattleCommunity [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:04 HunterofLight416 Second Star Seed Group Chat?
I first one I hosted I attracted amazing vibes . I just felt like zoom was the wrong platform . I was called to make a way to connect us for a daily contact and conversations for starseeds out there for might need it . So the second chat will be off FaceTime and Group Chat. Just shoot me a private message and I’ll add you to the group chat . Anything goes , questions , conversations , worries . We can plan a Group FaceTime from there . 💪🏾💪🏾 gotta stick together through this . Love and Light to you all!
submitted by HunterofLight416 to starseeds [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:04 LittleBarracuda1219 House on fire, Flower City Park
submitted by LittleBarracuda1219 to Rochester [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:04 DidntPanic A Proposed Change to Gated Exotics
A lot of players never get some of the exotics, simply because they don't visit those game modes.
And I very well know that the typical response will be "just go play those modes", "do the grind" and the usual kind of deflections. But... most you also know that a lot of players get kicked from groups if they do not have a certain cherry picked builds, so even when they do try, then they get a bad experience and goes back to solo/small groups with friends.
So, my proposal is as follows: When there's a new exotic (or mask) gated behind some mechanic, then let it be there for the first 1-2 months and give the players who obtain it within that time a unique armpatch/achievement for each of those. That also leaves people time for bragging rights here and on YouTube, Twitch etc. After that time have passed, make the armpatch/achievement unobtainable and put the exotic into The Summit loot pool. As for masks, then those could be moved on new open world hunter puzzles.
There ya go, I made a suggestion that tickles someone's pixelated epeen, feel free to downvote me. Just ask yourself this before you click that downvote: What's keeps the game alive longer?
Have a nice day / night / or whatever your jam is. Agents, and be kind to one another, the world needs it these days.
submitted by DidntPanic to thedivision [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:04 TalkLess7513 Tongue sores- HELP!
Are the ridges on the side of my tongue normal? The bottom of my tongue is more blue/purple than normal and there’s a sore there as well. Under my tongue seems swollen as well. I’ve had some pain swallowing for going on 2 weeks. In the past few days the sides of my tongue have started feeling sore as well. Planning to call and schedule an appointment but is this urgent? (I used to have a tongue piercing so the hole under my tongue is from that.) submitted by TalkLess7513 to askdentists [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:04 Dapper-Caregiver6300 If Asura wins I will sing I'm A Barbie Girl. I'm Betting All In On Kratos Lore.
submitted by Dapper-Caregiver6300 to deathbattle [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:04 Gloandchaos Homeschooling fears
Hey everyone! New to this homeschooling group. Hopefully sharing my thoughts and listening to everyone will help me finalize my decision on what will be best for my children and I. I have 3 young kids, 9yo boy and twin daughters age 5. I have been going back and forth with the idea of homeschooling my kids for the next school year. I have a few fears… will it be enough education? My twins have an IEP and need speech and occupational therapy services. I’m so worried that they will have a set back or that they will no longer get services because I want to homeschool them. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Gloandchaos to Homeschooling [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:04 Alternative_Art_1558 Canadian Reddit?
Does any software engineer out there want to get together to make a secure locally hosted Canadian Reddit? Start moving us over there?
I already have a domain name - and a few older servers (really old…) but we can do this…!
submitted by Alternative_Art_1558 to BuyCanadian [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:04 soccer-stats Post Match Stats: Lanús vs Sarmiento
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by soccer-stats to soccerstats [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:04 bot_neen 🔴EN VIVO- En Guamúchil reciben el mes de febrero con decoraciones de San Valentín♥️
submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:04 MrMancheste Beginner geiger counter/dosimeter
Hello dear community,
which one of the both would you recommend: The GQ GMC-800 or the GQ GMC-500+?
submitted by MrMancheste to Radiation [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:04 Just__Another__Idiot Just got a bunch of $1 records
Hey all, I'm pretty new to vinyl but recently an antique store near me got a bunch of these old colorful RCA records and priced them at only a dollar, so I figured I had nothing to lose. I bought a few and when they ended up having pretty good sound quality I went back and bought the rest :3 one of the more interesting ones was an audition recording of a woman reading poetry and a complete soundtrack to the ballet Sleeping Beauty which my boyfriend really enjoys. Thought this sub might find these interesting! submitted by Just__Another__Idiot to vinyl [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:04 polentacze [Moray eel] Snowflake moray eel (150c) reposted
submitted by polentacze to deeeepioskins [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:04 kamatsu No penitential act?
I went to a church that isn't my usual this sunday morning, and I was confused because right after the processional hymn, they went right into the Gloria. The rest of the mass was fine, but it was weird that they totally omitted the kyrie, the confiteor etc.
My question is: is this allowed? Is this parish doing something wrong? If so, is there some procedure to get liturgical errors like this fixed?
submitted by kamatsu to Catholicism [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:04 Quistill Sonngs with blood curdling screams
submitted by Quistill to weirdspotifyplaylists [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:04 dkpoppok 関税発動しとるやないかい!関税発動したら……
submitted by dkpoppok to jibungatari [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:04 Aries_Lu What if your thyroid starts working again? Worried about thyroid storm
Hi so I’ve been on levo since April. I recently got sick & was struggling fighting off a respiratory infection. Went to the doc & got antibiotics & steroids.
What if I have an undiagnosed autoimmune disease that could be improved by the steroids, thus making my thyroid work properly again? And then if I’m taking the levo, my thyroid levels get too high?
I have my annual check up in April and I’m going to ask my doctor to test for autoimmune diseases, like lupus or RA or EDS. If my body is attacking my thyroid and making my levels low, but the steroids improve the function of my thyroid, could it be dangerous?
I’m actually planning on pausing my levo for the next couple days because I have just felt so off today and last night.
I went to the doc on Monday night and felt great by Wednesday. Thursday was even better. But Friday evening, I got a bit disoriented and dizzy while driving. I won’t be driving anymore until I’m off the antibiotics and steroids. I never got to feeling better and today has been the same.
My spleen feels swollen, I’ve been constipated for a few days now, there’s pressure in the area of my liver as well. I’m doing my best to stay calm and focus on how I’m feeling, instead of jumping to conclusions. But thyroid storm seems pretty serious.
I’m not worried I’m actually dealing with thyroid storm but I’m worried it could lead to that.
submitted by Aries_Lu to Hypothyroidism [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:04 lilygranger1612 O reddit tá uma porcaria, nao fazem nd cm assediadores nos subs
Recentemente fiz um comentario sobre um assunto sério d um livro e uma idiot*a insignificante do nd veio me atacaassediar falando coisas q nao tinham nada a ver cm o tema, por nenhuma razão justificavel e tenho percebido q em quase todos os subs muitas pessoas estao passando pelo mesmo problema, um monte d gnt sem noçao dando downvotes e ofendendo os donos dos posts ou o assunto postado e adivinhem qm o reddit bane? sim os ops q nao fizeram nd, eu fiquei um ano sem usar esse lix* e agr pretendo nao usar de vez ate pq n faz nenhuma diferença na vida d ngm esse rascunho d dark web aq, ta uma zona, uma verdadeira palhaçada parece até q a plataforma apoia ou ganha algo cm isso... lámentavel
submitted by lilygranger1612 to RelatosDoReddit [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:04 hands-of-scone VAS/VGS or all in VDHG
Never invested before, but realised I probably should. Paid off PPOR have a few hundred thousand in a HISA, married, both with current high incomes and 50 year old.
Very lazy and don’t want to be an active investor, just want to put around a $100k into a fund and forget for approx 5-7 years.
From what I’ve read I should just make an account with Vanguard or Pearler and either put all on VDHG or split between VAS/VGS. Does this seem reasonable and would it be the same advice for my kid (18) who has 10k to start investing journey?
submitted by hands-of-scone to AusFinance [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:04 Green-Head3221 Hj o Grêmio joga o melhor futebol do Brasil
Podem falar oq for hj não tem nenhum time jogando mais futebol que o tricolor imortal. Não é invenção são fatos e contra isso não se pode discutir.
Vão falar "ain mas o gauchão é "muito fácil", mas no fundo a verdade é que o Grêmio está muito acima de seus competidores.
Quem tiver dúvidas basta pegar os números, mas não basta apenas os números excelentes o time joga semelhante ao Barcelona de pep Guardiola.
submitted by Green-Head3221 to opiniaoimpopular [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:04 Opening_Carrot2760 Who is the definition of "Potential Man" amongst these four?
submitted by Opening_Carrot2760 to PvZGardenWarfare [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:04 PreciousCuriousCato Smols alones Rambles!!!
Ims smols!!! But i has no ones NO ONES TO GOES AND RAMBSL TOOS!! So’s I goes hered ~~~~^ - im watch disbey pwus- and im gets pcs soonsbbavbznsz AND CAN PWAY SIMS an so exites !! Im haps!! Im eats.. ums chickey nugs!! Mhms!! ~^ im sosososo haps beens wong whiles since smols
submitted by PreciousCuriousCato to ageregression [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:04 Snoo57923 Ball Recommendation wanted
I'm a senior citizen stroker. 210 avg on a THS. I have low ball speed, about 14 mph at the pins. High track. I really whack them good the first game with my Gem. About the middle to end of game 2 in league I lose pocket. Switch to a black venom. No problem controlling the pocket but man, so many weak 10's unless I move right and point it in or really hit the ball. Sometimes the BV comes lazy off the spot at the breakpoint. Would love something more dynamic than the BV to come off the spot harder, but still controllable. Looking hard at the Phaze AI. Anything else that I should look at?
submitted by Snoo57923 to Bowling [link] [comments]