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2025.02.02 01:40 xxcodyxx15 FORTNITE IS SO BACK.
submitted by xxcodyxx15 to YTPromo [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 01:40 sebApoclaypseAmbienc An incredible zombie apocalypse ambience channel like days gone
submitted by sebApoclaypseAmbienc to DaysGone [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:40 Silver_Victory7539 I thought my makeup looked super good this day & wanted to share 🥰
Foundation: Covergirl Outlast #820 Eyeliner: Elf Liquid Eyeliner Brows: Elf liquid eyeliner(black) elf liquid blush (orange) Lipstick: L’Oréal Infallible #150 Contour: Le Mercerie long wear foundation Mascara: Maybelline Falsies Lash Lift (Eyeshadow nude palette from dollar tree aha) submitted by Silver_Victory7539 to MakeupAddiction [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 01:40 DisturbedRedditUser1 How rare do you think this one is? (What do I have here?) Glaceon pokeball missing half the pokeball and some texturing in the art.
submitted by DisturbedRedditUser1 to PokemonMisprints [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 01:40 Spooky_Tire My sisters dad SAd her and I forgot for years
I actually do not understand how I forgot. When it happened she was 9 and I was 13. I didn’t understand the severity of it then. My mom never did anything about it, I’m not sure if she was ever even told. When my sister went to go spend the night with him, they shared a bed. My sister was awoken to him shoving her hand in his pants. She tried to pull her hand away and he grabbed it and did it again. The next morning he told her that he was sleeping and didn’t know what he was doing. Obviously how are you asleep if you know it happened. She has an older half sister that was taken advantage of by him not long before. She went out and drank with him and when she was passed out he did it. That was told to my mom and she still let my sister around him after that. I told my mom about the inappropriate comments he made, he always told me I had a nice butt and touched me weird. Me and my sister just had a conversation about this a few days ago and I’m still in such shock. I don’t understand how nothing has ever happened to him. We’ve had no contact with him for years yet he still tries to reach out and be a victim. I feel so guilty for what happened to her and it disgusts me that somebody like that is walking around with no punishment for what they have done.
submitted by Spooky_Tire to Vent [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:40 wildmanJames Suggestions
I just started a new job. My office is fairly large, but has no windows. I am allowed to have plants. I can have a grow light, but it can only be on while I am there. I work 4 or 5 days a week for 9.5 hours alternating. Meaning 2 or 3 days of darkness per week. What plants would be ok with this?
submitted by wildmanJames to houseplants [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:40 CrumbCakesAndCola Example using Claude to understand Spanish syntax. My prompts are awkward to avoid getting replies entirely in Spanish.
For example, when I started this query with "In Spanish, they put a plural..." Claude responded in Spanish. submitted by CrumbCakesAndCola to ClaudeAI [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 01:40 Less-Neck-4613 What is your erotic fantasy?
submitted by Less-Neck-4613 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:40 BotanyBum Why dont they innoculate garbage at the dump?
Would this be possible? I read oyster mushrooms are really good at consuming plastic, waste, and even heavy metals. Why don't they do this at the dump to help break down toxins and waste?
Could this be done would it help at all or be a waste?
submitted by BotanyBum to Mushrooms [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:40 Brief-Lab1107 Semantle 1100
submitted by Brief-Lab1107 to Semantlegameplayers [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:40 TheAltOption Looking for a machinist
I've got a bunch of old pro-style dumbbells that I'm trying to break down to refurbish them. I've got some of them apart but I've got about 20ish bolts that are not budging. I'm looking for someone who might be able to drill the bolts out of these so I can get these last ones apart. Any recommendations for a machinist or if you are one and looking for an odd job, let me know!
submitted by TheAltOption to TucsonList [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:40 Fan387 DAE Think No.30 At Men’s Royal Rumble
submitted by Fan387 to SCJerk [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:40 Kagawadcardo To those people who are still grinding to get the PL title this weekend.
Don't let these DOOMERS discourage you from achieving the title or finishing up the raids for the first time. The sweats, the hours, the grind, and tears are going to be worth it in the end. Having the title means nothing to somebody who buys it, but getting the title/first clear on your own is the best feeling that this game can give us!! Best of lucks lads
submitted by Kagawadcardo to lostarkgame [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:40 sup3r_cam Fui aprovado nas 3 paulistas!
Sou o primeiro da família a conseguir uma vaga, e de quebra consegui passar em 3 universidades fodas. Parei de trabalhar em março de 2024 para focar no vestibular e todo o perrengue que eu e minha mãe passamos gerou belos frutos. Minha conquista só não é tão foda pois na usp fui aprovado em biblioteconomia pelo enem (curso merda, era minha 3º opção, que coloquei por não ter mais nada que me interessava).
submitted by sup3r_cam to Conquistas [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:40 Worldly_Target_6435 Trimix injection
Is there any site you can go to and see an actual tri mix injection. Was thinking about talking to urologist about doing it after my Ralp a year and a half ago since i haven’t had any success from Pills
submitted by Worldly_Target_6435 to TrimixForED [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:40 dimmday Should I chop em? They were touching the light while
submitted by dimmday to sanpedrocactus [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 01:40 Notmariareynolds NHS allergy tests
Hi :) over the last year l've been having awful flare ups on my eyelids- I've never had eczema before, and it basically came out of nowhere and is now a regular thing. It would be fine if I knew what was causing it, but I have no idea and use so many products, with so many ingredients I'm struggling to narrow it down. I was just wondering if anyone had experience and could advise me on getting allergy tests on the NHS. I'm not sure if they do skin allergies, or if mine would even be classified as serious but essentially I have no idea whatsoever and would appreciate any advice at all 🥲🙏 (I live in wales if that makes any difference also)
submitted by Notmariareynolds to EczemaUK [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:40 MishalJ Snow crawling is such a blast
Had a great outing today with the kids and my SCX10. submitted by MishalJ to rccrawler [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 01:40 WayneMane420 Searching for club/loud music Sat. Night recs
New to the Panama City area, and would like some recommendations for establishments that like their music up on a Saturday night! I'm a fan of just about every kind of music besides country, but prefer a hip-hop/rap/EDM scene. I don't drink, but I love to have a good time, so a place that has something more than a soda gun and NA beers would be greatly appreciated if it coincides with loud music and a decent crowd. Not opposed to live music either! For reference to crowd being near to my age, I'm a 26yo male. All recommendations appreciated, looking to have some fun tonight! Thanks!
submitted by WayneMane420 to panamacity [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:40 Furelite5592 New!
Just started woobling the weeks ago. I have never done crochet and am tickled pink by how well put together the Wooble tutorials are. I’m moving up to intermediate kit next. The octopus and orca are not Wooble. They are kellidream. Very cute but the printed instructions are full of typos and omissions. Not polished like woobles but I love the octopus so much I made two. submitted by Furelite5592 to TheWooblesCollective [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 01:40 ZeroOtaku600 Krystof “Firebreak” Hejek vs Captain Cold (Call Of Duty Black Ops vs DC)
submitted by ZeroOtaku600 to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 01:40 _Warr_Chief_ 2am and I can't sleep, can't turn offmy brain.
I used to have hope, inspiration, passion now I feel nothing. I get jealous and really depressed when I see my friends and others, excel or are good at something. Ive tried and tried to find what that thing is for me, to show them, to impress and be told that I matter and that I'm really good at that. It seems so easy for some people, like they've never been told that it's the hardest thing in the world. But I can't find it, and now I just want to disappear and be forgotten.
submitted by _Warr_Chief_ to depression_help [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:40 Frioneon Now that u/Xcelar8 has stopped making these theres a void to fill. So here's my take on a strategist/tank hybrid. Definitely more of a design challenge than the dps/tank or strategist/dps hybrids already in the game.
submitted by Frioneon to marvelrivals [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 01:40 blu_bewwy Dino-Buddies :D (dont kill me)
I felt like drawing this- submitted by blu_bewwy to PoppyPlaytime [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 01:40 emmi1115 MacBook Air to iMac
I have a -2017 iMac 21.5 inch running macOS 13.7.3 -2022 MacBook Air (Apple M2) running macOS Sequoia 15.2 My iMac is too old to run newer macOS, therefore can’t update some of my apps, and I’m trying to use it as a monitor. I’ve tried to find all kinds of setups to do this but I’m stumped. Just not inclined like that. Is there a solution to ur the iMac as a display monitor? submitted by emmi1115 to mac [link] [comments] |