2025.02.02 01:50 Terrapin_69 Android Auto disconnects using sync up drive
So I just got my sink up and drive unit from T-Mobile. It has a Wi-Fi hotspot attached to it and whenever I connect to it my Android auto disconnects. My Android auto is connected to my car via a wireless connection. Any ideas on how I could have my phone use Wi-Fi through the T-Mobile unit and still have Android Auto operate?
submitted by Terrapin_69 to AndroidAutomotive [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:50 Adorable_Form9751 I went to the doctor to get diagnosed with my illness.
“I’m sorry sir, but you have exploding ball syndrome”, said the doctor.
submitted by Adorable_Form9751 to TwoSentenceHorror [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:50 Wishbone_Away Someone posted this list on another sub.
submitted by Wishbone_Away to UFOs [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:50 No_Independent_7839 What’s up with my jade plant?
So this is my jade plant. It has started to lean quite a bit, more so on one side and the base of that side looks.. kind of funky. Can someone please…. Help? It gets a fair amount of indirect light, a couple hours of direct light at the end of the day, watered when the top like.. 1/2-1 inch is dry with filtered water. submitted by No_Independent_7839 to plantclinic [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 01:50 Blonde_belle_007 Milky Way galaxy ,Bonito,MS,Brazil
submitted by Blonde_belle_007 to spaceporn [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 01:50 Crafty-Willow-3828 Rhea fappers unite
Looking for fellow Rhea fappers…let’s enjoy cuming for our queen Rhea message me here or on tele it’s rikage699
submitted by Crafty-Willow-3828 to RheaSeehornFap [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:50 HalloweenLove35 Javis's brother tells all!
This is big..... https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZP8YLgacL/
submitted by HalloweenLove35 to NaZiyahHarris [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:50 Maybe-Youre-A-Flambe Brenden, shut the fuck up. You want me to get my asshole licked?
submitted by Maybe-Youre-A-Flambe to CirclejerkSopranos [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 01:50 TheBigRedHalfrican [Spoiler] Parker Porter vs Chase Sherman
submitted by TheBigRedHalfrican to MMA [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:50 lovelilloud18 Merch Winter Jam
submitted by lovelilloud18 to Skillet [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 01:50 reverse_card chili little guy
submitted by reverse_card to ColdOnes [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 01:50 AdBeneficial7923 what do these go for im selling
submitted by AdBeneficial7923 to jncojeans [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:50 Mr_gever Vogel - Dance floor[Caribbean edm]
It's my song. Caribbean vibes and surprising drop. Tell me what you think. https://open.spotify.com/track/0Gd3z4tz5mjwUsJJ6PFhId?si=-_3j045vQj2-fPCFJd0Vmg
submitted by Mr_gever to EDM [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:50 NeX-Gen_ Reintegração de Posse.
Boa noite a todos. Entrei com um processo de reintegração de posse, e gostaria de saber quais as chances de ganhar o mesmo. Vou aos fatos: Então, a casa pertence ao meu pai e seus irmãos, detalhe, minha tia nao era nascida na época, portanto, ela não esta inserida na escritura da casa, a mesma foi comprada em 1982. Eles deixaram minha avó e avô morando na casa, meu avô faleceu em 1991. Minha avó morou na casa até o dia 13 de outubro do ano passado, quando fizemos o seu resgate, pois vinha sofrendo maus-tratos por parte de sua filha mais nova. Essa minha tia veio morar na casa até uns 5 anos 7 anos atrás, antes ela morava em outro estado, onde fez muita besteira, junto com o ex-marido, e foi abandonada pelo mesmo, quando isso ocorreu, ficamos sensibilizados com a situação, e trouxemos ela para fazer companhia a minha avó, com a condição de que ela cuidaria dela. Essa casa é um primeiro andar, e minha avó recebia o aluguel da mesma, porém, com as coisas que ocorrem, foi inevitável retirar minha avó das mãos dessa criatura, pois minha avó chegou a passar fome. A pessoa em questão, inclusive fez vários empréstimos na aposentadoria da minha avó, ela tem quase 90 anos, não sei colo minha tia conseguiu isso. Demos entrada em uma ação de reintegração de posse por 3 motivos:
1 - Maus-tratos a minha avó; 2 - Uma dívida de quase 10 mil reais com a companhia de energia e água do meu estado; 3 - A destruição da casa, sim, ela está destruindo a casa, já quebrou portas, janelas, vidraças e inclusive vendeu móveis que são da minha avó.
Com base nos dados, quais as chances de ganharmos a causa?
submitted by NeX-Gen_ to ConselhosLegais [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:50 thejamghost Which hardcase fits the QuietComfort SC headphones
I ordered some in-ear ultras and was sent the quiet comfort sc headphones by mistake (at the same price). Having tried them, I like them more than the earbuds and I'm going to see if I can keep them/buy some of not.
Which hardcase would fit them please?
I know lots of people don't use them but I'm 100% the person that needs one as it'll get based against my wheelchair in my bag ect. Bose are out of stock and the product code they've given me don't show anything online, even for their own website.
What can I get and where please? I've had a look online but it's not clear. Ideally not Amazon please, they don't deliver to us.
Thank you for your help!
submitted by thejamghost to bose [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:50 asimplestargazer [iOS/iPadOS][2000s] HEXA 헥사
https://youtu.be/G6WGqO6qLOo?si=kaBVSS7OVQHdL1wu a tetris-like game made in korea. If anyone has an APK file for this, or knows how to run ROM files on android, I would be very grateful. My mom loves this game and I’m trying to get it for her.
submitted by asimplestargazer to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:50 -zuri Le Brick
Saw this brick in the parking lot at my doctor's office submitted by -zuri to Volvo [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 01:50 snakedbr teologia da prosperidade, acreditar que ofertas e dízimos lhe trarão algum favorecimento, indugências, votos, promessas - Tudo isso mostra que a pessoa não entendeu Deus
Primeiramente, é importante esclarecer que este não é um debate entre ateus e cristãos, nem uma crítica à fé cristã em si (sendo eu mesmo um protestante reformado). O objetivo é essa opinião bem impopular (no meu caso, já fui chamado de herege) sobre um entendimento equivocado que persiste ao longo da história da igreja. A ideia de que podemos negociar com Deus através de ofertas, dízimos, indulgências, votos ou promessas revela uma profunda incompreensão da natureza divina.
Esta mentalidade contradiz princípios bíblicos fundamentais:
2025.02.02 01:50 pricetheghost I need help
I don't think ive really regressed but sometimes I feel like im really small and scared and sad. How do I stop that?
submitted by pricetheghost to ageregression [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:50 Tribble98 What to do with this cat?
My friend just inherited this cat from her grandma who just passed. The family story is that it’s from the Mormon migration in the 1800s and it’s been kept in a box since then. We want to know more details if possible, and how we should best preserve it (we’d like to keep it in the family as long as possible) submitted by Tribble98 to HistoricPreservation [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 01:50 littleshrow F*cked up my 1st month of "dialing in". what now?
for context i'm a 5'9M, 29 years old, currently 161.6 lbs. so december 30th i decided to take a baseline dexa scan knowing that i'm out of pretty out of shape and wanting to see where i currently stand BF% and lean muscle mass wise. during that first scan my results came back at 32.9% body fat, 55.3 lbs fat mass, 106.7 lbs lean muscle mass. after calculating that my maintanence caloric intake was probably around 2,360 calories per day (initial weight and height with body fat % and light exercise option chosen on calculator.net) i decided to dial in super hard and set myself a pretty strict 1,600 calorie per day high protein diet for this whole past month. i only went >200 over this amount twice. went under slightly a few times but more or less 90% of the days I was between 1,500-1,650 calories per day with protein avg'ing about 150g per day.
after receiving my 2nd month dexa scan results today i was pretty shocked. i lost 6.2 lbs of total mass this month, and 2.7 lbs of fat mass. the bad part was i lost a shocking 3.6 lbs of lean muscle mass so now i'm down to just 103.1 lbs. i was pretty surprised considering i did 5-6 calisthenics bodyweight and hiit workouts, and lifted weights 14 times and progressed weight wise in multiple exercise sets throughout the month.
after evaluating the results i've come to a few conclusions. i was in wayyyy too deep of a caloric deficit especially considering i decided to accompany the lifting and other exercises and caloric deficit with an avg. of 15.1k steps walked per day.
i'm basically at square one (maybe worse) although i guess it was a good lesson learned to not combine a 750+ caloric deficit with so much cardio. my question is now this... if you were me, with a long-term horizon for this journey 12+ months in mind, would you aim to add lean muscle mass and sacrifice ballooning bf% even greater, or would you aim to try to balance out and "recomp" despite currently not much lean muscle mass, to minimize bf%. the silver lining with my one month scan was that my VAT decreased from 2.48 lbs to 1.54 lbs which i think is a great start.
immediate steps i'm thinking are to increase my daily caloric intake to at least 2,000-2,100 per day, getting 10-20 more g's of protein and way more carbs, reducing my daily step count to more like 10-12k, focusing more on progressive overload with the weights and less on the calisthenics bodyweight and hiit workouts. I also have no clue if at this new exercise routine (5x lift per week, 10-12k steps per day, 1-2x incline treadmill steady state 30 min or 15 min jump rope) i should select "moderate", "active", or "very active" on the calculator.net calories calculator?
tldr: after seeing my month 2 dexa scan my bf% barely decreased despite drastic caloric deficit and exercise, and my lean muscle actually decreased more than fat mass decreased. what should i do now?
submitted by littleshrow to loseit [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:50 INFINIT823 now she has horns
submitted by INFINIT823 to HuTao_Mains [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 01:50 Kind_Knowledge4756 My chicken tender
submitted by Kind_Knowledge4756 to mildlypenis [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 01:50 The-Iraqi-Guy It's glorious, my 🐪 was fighting against the refs too
submitted by The-Iraqi-Guy to soccercirclejerk [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 01:50 Formal-Mountain-6052 Goods Unite Us
I just learned about and downloaded the app, Goods Unite Us. It tells the political affiliations of companies we buy from.
submitted by Formal-Mountain-6052 to TwoXPreppers [link] [comments]