5 years of Matzoball

5、May无缩写 五月; 6、Jun. June 六月; 7、Jul. July 七月; 8、Aug. August 八月; 9、Sep. September九月; 10、Oct. October 十月; 11、Nov. November 十一月; 12、Dec. December 十二月。 英文缩写词,是用一个单词或词组的简写形式来代表一个完整的形式,它不同于首字母缩写词。 明确答案:公务员考试中的“单侧矫正视力不得低于5.0”是指在进行视力检查时,无论是左眼还是右眼,矫正后的视力必须达到或超过5.0的标准。 也就是说,如果存在视力问题,通过眼镜或其他矫正手段后,单侧眼睛的视力应该达到这一标准。 5、确定关机时间,比如图上是2016年5月23日14点整,点击“下一步”。 6、这一步,默认即可,点击“下一步”。 7、程序或脚本输入“shutdown”,添加参数输入“-s”,点击下一步。 8、确认无误,点击“完成”。 Windows 10 系统开启定时自动关机功能的方法如下: 万分之五是千分之0.5,也就是0.05%,但是一般不这样写,不过你也可以这样写,有一种新的表达就是千分之0.5,所以是0.5‰。 千分号就是在百分号的基础上再加一个根据好似的圆圈,如图:‰ 这个就是千分号。 因为它的标准大小是7×5英寸,而一英寸约等谨者于2.54厘米,我们可通过计算得出这个结果。 七寸照片横版、竖版 七寸证件照在300dpi分辨率下的像素尺寸如下: 我的世界java版死亡不掉落指令是啥在《我的世界》Java版中,死亡不掉落指令是“/gamerule keepInventory true”。 - 2024年5月份:共有31天,其中工作日为21天,休息日为10天。 - 2024年6月份:共有30天,其中工作日为19天,休息日为11天。 - 2024年7月份:共有31天,其中工作日为23天,休息日为8天。 - 2024年8月份:共有31天,其中工作日为22天,休息日为9天。 2. 5寸蛋糕:直径12.7厘米,适合1人食用。 3. 6寸蛋糕:直径15.24厘米,适合2-4人食用,适用于多种节庆场合。 4. 8寸蛋糕:直径20.32厘米,适合4-6人食用,适用于生日聚会和节庆活动。 5. 10寸蛋糕:直径25.4厘米,适合6-10人食用,适用于生日聚会和节庆活动。 撰写5分钟发言稿时,考虑到平均播音员速度为一分钟260字,领导讲话略慢,因此五分钟的演讲稿大约在1200字左右。 按照国际标准A4纸,每页大约616字,除去标准符号,五分钟的演讲稿需要2页半到3页,具体字数依内容详简而定。 我的是天选5,不知道怎么搞的右上角就有这个了,只要一开机就显示。

2025.02.02 02:41 TheMoldHealer 5 years of Matzoball

5 years of Matzoball I haven’t ever posted about our girl Matzoball. There’s no short nickname for her. Just Matzoball. I will eventually post the insane sounds she makes on the daily. I still have yet to find another corgi who makes the insane sounds she makes. Until then, enjoy her being very protective over her giant candy cane.
submitted by TheMoldHealer to corgi [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:41 Sauerkrautkid7 live action of a mild vandalization of a tesla cybertruck

submitted by Sauerkrautkid7 to USEmpire [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:41 demonicallystupidly Rivalry

I have a family of six, mostly chill but my one brother whos 18 always has been an asshole, weve both been having a rivalry on who does better in school and everything. Although i dislike the guy at times hes hate a lot by my second oldest brother amd always tells me to do better than him, although i want to be better than him, i hate him being used as the 'dont be like hom' guy.
submitted by demonicallystupidly to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:41 Dannanelli The Hell of PMDD: One Woman’s Journey

The Hell of PMDD: One Woman’s Journey submitted by Dannanelli to PMDDxADHD [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:41 Undertalefan152625 So me and my buddy made a joke Au a while ago. Cocotale. It’s like undertale but the Disney Pixar movie. If you wanna see more then comment. And we came up with a soul trait. Mall Santa. Exactly as it sounds. So here’s a rough sketch and if somehow you like my idea. Then you can ask for more I guess

So me and my buddy made a joke Au a while ago. Cocotale. It’s like undertale but the Disney Pixar movie. If you wanna see more then comment. And we came up with a soul trait. Mall Santa. Exactly as it sounds. So here’s a rough sketch and if somehow you like my idea. Then you can ask for more I guess submitted by Undertalefan152625 to WaterfallDump [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:41 MysticDevil98 Stuck on chapter 21 any help

As the title says, any help about any skills that work well on this map and any other tips would be welcome.
submitted by MysticDevil98 to ArcheroV2 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:41 mrureaper Attachment prices

Why do they keep increasing if guns don't get destroyed. Shouldn't the supply keep increasing and therefore make them cheaper? Are people forgetting to loot attachments? Are people hoarding them?
submitted by mrureaper to DeltaForceGlobal [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:41 hazyo_ Should I buy it ?

The ancestral edition of dd1 is on sale for around 10 bucks should i buy it ? And how much hours of content does the game have
submitted by hazyo_ to darkestdungeon [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:41 krrley Feb 10: Education Forum with MPP candidates

Come hear about the current state of public education in Ontario (spoiler alert: it's bad) and ask local MPP candidates about their priorities. Everyone welcome.
submitted by krrley to brantford [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:41 Verypaleyellow Pearson

Pearson Pearson
Hi! Attempting to take a math class this semester and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to set up the Pearson account. These are instructions my professor gave me. After step 1.2, I get the second attached photo. There is no where that says “get started” and no where for me to enter a course ID.
When I click “open my lab and mastering” it just takes me to purchase a textbook and this course is supposed to INCLUDE the textbook, so I should not need to purchase.
Does my laptop just not support Pearson? I believe it’s an asus chromebook.
submitted by Verypaleyellow to college [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:41 Nora_Floreo My Submission For Act Man Art Comp 2025

After watching your video for the art competition, I decided to create an artwork based on your personal philosophy (ie. your talk about karmic balance). Your tattoo in particular was the main inspiration for the colours and swirls! I made this so you can save it as a desktop background on your computer. Enjoy :)
submitted by Nora_Floreo to TheActMan [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:41 Couldonlyhappentome My Gamora from GOTG 💚

My Gamora from GOTG 💚 submitted by Couldonlyhappentome to HalloweenCostume [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:41 Ducatiman1200s Shimoda Urban Explore 25 and fitting under the seat on international flights

I'll be going to Europe this year and I'll be taking KLM as my connecting flight to my final destination. There personal carry on baggage limit is 40x30x15cm. The Urban Explore 25, converted to cm is 30.99 x 49.02x 20.07. It does exceed the height and depth of their limits. My question is, has anyone had success flying internationally and putting this bag under the seat? I know the 20L will fit but I'd rather go with the 25L if I can make it work.
Thanks in advance.
submitted by Ducatiman1200s to onebag [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:41 SureChicken935 Jewel bazaar

Does anyone have good jewel bazaar store prices? If so can you post your share code please 🙏
submitted by SureChicken935 to jackpotfriends [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:41 Kainmans_18 Test results

Hi friends! I got back from 12 hour fast blood work and my bloodwork was 104 but my a1c was 5.0%. Doctor says I’m fine and not to worry about diabetes because my a1c. But I’m curious if anyone else has any takes?
submitted by Kainmans_18 to diabetes_t1 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:41 AppointmentRight9300 Locker-Cary, NC

submitted by AppointmentRight9300 to amazonjobslisting [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:41 CuriouserandCursed Offers not working

Offers not working submitted by CuriouserandCursed to primeopinion [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:41 Immediate-Nothing183 Incorporated business earned $50k while I was on Employment Insurance

I earn royalties on some music I made as a side hustle, I didn't really check the number until end of the year. But it goes into an incorporated business account that I do not touch or pay myself directly, if I do, it's through dividends.
I told EI about this self-employment income when I applied, but they said as long as I was willing and able I can receive these benefits.
When asked about how much I earned during the application process, I said "I don't know" since it's based on streams.
I didn't touch this income or really pay attention to the payments.
How screwed am I? I have been applying for full time work still.
submitted by Immediate-Nothing183 to cantax [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:41 wscamaro Infinity and AHPO

Infinity and AHPO Took this picture last February at the end of a cruise in Miami
submitted by wscamaro to yachtporn [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:41 CheapEnd7214 That’s what you get when you side with the Fed Hendry

submitted by CheapEnd7214 to SCJerk [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:41 gatohaus Anyone tried removing the Tesla badges using the service guide technique?

Anyone tried removing the Tesla badges using the service guide technique? submitted by gatohaus to TeslaLounge [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:41 Pizzarepresent Apple Maps vs. Google Maps in early 2025?

Which is better and more intuitive at this point in time?
I want to download offline maps for at least one, but don't want to clog my phone up with multiple downloaded maps from different apps of south-central England.
submitted by Pizzarepresent to visitlondon [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:41 InterestingFroyo3 Neil Newbon with a shoe in his mouth (Twenty-Sided Tavern)

They were building a snowman out of him on stage.
God this is a great show 😍
submitted by InterestingFroyo3 to OnlyFangsbg3 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:41 Jasong222 Suggestion for repair? Something simple. It's a StudioOh journal and both front and back came off

So I'm starting to get into book binding. Started/starting with some books I have that are worn out and I want to repair them. Did one easy one myself. Now this one is a little harder.
StudioOh journal
I will say it doesn't have to go back to it's original state. I'm more interested in something that I as a beginner can do, and that would effectively hold it together.
Any suggestions? And again, I've only done this once so far: I put some glue in a binding of a book and clipped it together, and It's holding great.
submitted by Jasong222 to bookbinding [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:41 New_Cherry_7699 Reposting till salah sees (pls I got banned out the discord for no reason)

Reposting till salah sees (pls I got banned out the discord for no reason) submitted by New_Cherry_7699 to yxl [link] [comments]
