Rate my setup, my beautiful peasants

2024.11.24 22:40 bigbossofhellhimself Rate my setup, my beautiful peasants

submitted by bigbossofhellhimself to TeenagersButBetter [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:40 PortaPottyJonnee Cute little finds

submitted by PortaPottyJonnee to BattleCreekMI2024 [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:40 MireiYukki Hewwo! I'm Open Commission Live2D Model Art <3

Hewwo! I'm Open Commission Live2D Model Art <3 submitted by MireiYukki to Live2D [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:40 Luiissjay Hoka Mach 6 [20% OFF]

Hoka Mach 6 [20% OFF] 20% OFF - Hoka Mach 6 via Al’s Sporting Goods. Hoka is stingy with their prices so grab it while you can.
submitted by Luiissjay to RunningShoeGeeks [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:40 QuitAddingMe Need Advice.

Need Advice. I’m looking to get a pre-built PC and join the master race, I just need something that can do 1440P at 120Hz (Like my series x) for games like R6, CoD, PUBG, stuff like that. Also curious what FPS I’d get on Stalker 2 with this PC. Is there anything better I should look for? Is this a good starting PC? Can I upgrade this PC later? Lemme know.
submitted by QuitAddingMe to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:40 Fit-Asparagus8844 Dont u ever just wanna go away?

I feel like the people im around are a bad example. I cant go anywhere or find anyone to relate to so i have to stay in the same group of friends, forced to be normal, born to be different. and I know after i graduate school i hope to never talk to most of them ever again. I wish I could move somewhere distant, far from my state and restart my social life. anyone agree?
submitted by Fit-Asparagus8844 to Life [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:40 HappeningOnMe Snagged this bad boy for forty bucks. Can anyone recommend a good power cable?

Snagged this bad boy for forty bucks. Can anyone recommend a good power cable? submitted by HappeningOnMe to playstation [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:40 Loose-Excitement-169 Is it normal for a 30year old guy to be involved with a 20year old girl?

So I’ve been in a situationship with this guy for almost two years now and I like him a lot but I don’t think he feels the same. I really seriously like him and now don’t know how to get out of this situation without getting myself hurt. I also keep thinking was it grooming? Was it lovebombing? I think it was both but now I’m just stuck and dk what to do. I can’t leave him nor can I have him.
submitted by Loose-Excitement-169 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:40 saltnpepper260 Identifying mushroom in woods

Hello! I am new to the identification of mushrooms. This was found in a local park in Southeast Michigan. Does anyone have any clue as to what this is?
submitted by saltnpepper260 to mushroomID [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:40 Senior-Society-2562 Thoughts on $dna and $rna?

What do you guys think???
submitted by Senior-Society-2562 to SolanaMemeCoins [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:40 kazys1997 Berlin, Kreuzberg

Berlin, Kreuzberg Mein Lieblingsschnitzel (von Kalb) in Berlin. Du kanst es bei „Austria Das Original“ im Bergmankiez finden. Ed kostet €23 und komm mit Kartoffelsalat, Gurkensalat und Preiselbeeren.
submitted by kazys1997 to referenzschnitzel [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:40 Dimes733 I don’t know a lot about the ins and outs but could use some guidance.

I mainly play COD and only all low settings, dropped resolution down from 1440 to 1080 but did not see a difference.I’m pushing 60-70 FPS with dips into the 40s during fights.I want to expand my games but worried about the performance. What order should i be upgrading these parts and what part do you suggest? The amount of options is overwhelming.
Other games played: Elden ring- 60fps Fortnite- 90fps Remnant 2- 70fps
Current specs
Slate MR Gaming Desktop - Intel i7-11700F - 16GB DDR4 Memory - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Super 6GB - 480GB SSD + 1TB HDD Model: SlateMR1000W11 Intel i7-11700F processor Native eight-core processing 32Gb Ram PSU:500w NVIDIA RTX 2060 Gigabyte Tech B560 DS3H AC-Y1
Monitor played on 1440p 180hz
submitted by Dimes733 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:40 RecordingOne5418 This is the worst TCG ever made and it isnt remotely close.

This game is bad. Really, really bad. RNG the card game. The gameplay is like pulling teeth just trying to build up rewards so you can pull packs which is the only reason anyone actually plays this massive disappointment. Wonder picks yeahhhhh!
submitted by RecordingOne5418 to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:40 Mysterious-Dream-862 One Hitters…

Okay somewhat new smoker here and just curious if there’s a universally loved one hitter or ones to avoid, I’ve only used my friends or pre rolls soooo idk where to start. I was just looking at Etsy and there’s sooo many of them also so many grinders the options seem limitless it’s a bit overwhelming ngl.
submitted by Mysterious-Dream-862 to weed [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:40 Sea_Oven814 Lue Elizondo is now officially a c*lt leader, who is promoting disclosure and 2027 as the equivalent of The Rapture to his followers, this rhetoric is literally how c*lt leaders make people feel "loved" to make money and status off of them

Lue Elizondo is now officially a c*lt leader, who is promoting disclosure and 2027 as the equivalent of The Rapture to his followers, this rhetoric is literally how c*lt leaders make people feel submitted by Sea_Oven814 to UFOs [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:40 Sintayue777 I’m sorry but why does Elon play dumb? we all know he knows.

I’m sorry but why does Elon play dumb? we all know he knows. submitted by Sintayue777 to UFOs [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:40 Commercial_Ad157 Good fine yesterday

Good fine yesterday I found these at my local video game store. Someone literally sold their collection. Hope they got a good price
submitted by Commercial_Ad157 to HotWheels [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:40 Dry_Delay_5564 UHC Network Issues

My therapist was in network with my insurance (UHC) but she upgraded her license so she has to be resubmit her credentials to be re-added to UHC'S network. She started the credentialing process in August and is still waiting for UHC to process everything. My employer-funded medical insurance offers OON coverage so the continuation of care request I submitted was denied. I've escalated to my employer who basically said there's nothing they can do, and referred my therapist back to UHC.
I submitted a claim to the DOL because my provider was only given 3 days to submit clinical documentation for my continuation of care request even though the provider was out of office. The DOL doesn't think they have jurisdiction, but they are reviewing the plan.
Wondering if any has gone through this and has suggestions or next steps I can take to help speed up the credentialing and get my recent claims covered as in network?
submitted by Dry_Delay_5564 to HealthInsurance [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:40 Frequent-Date1395 Every Country with a Vocaloid speaking their language

Every Country with a Vocaloid speaking their language (Not counting any other English speaking language as they only have American English Vocaloids)
submitted by Frequent-Date1395 to JackSucksAtGeography [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:40 annaleakay92 What is this font

What is this font I am trying to find out the name of this font. I have tried adobe capture with no luck. Any help is appreciated.
submitted by annaleakay92 to identifythisfont [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:40 m_j_ox Why do I struggle to make friends? I’m not shy or introverted.

Why do I struggle to make friends? I’m not shy or introverted. I feel like I’m often the funny friend and always having a good time but post high school and in college I haven’t made many friends if any. I’ve often been told I was “annoying” or “too much” in middle school but it never affected me until high school where I dealt with really bad depression and my self esteem went down. Now in college it feels like a “dance” to me, where i’m balancing showing my interest in talking to people and wanting to be friends versus not “being too much” or overbearing. I’m an Aries after all so I know we can be a bit much at times lol.
submitted by m_j_ox to astrologyreadings [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:40 amtobin33 See you next year bois.

submitted by amtobin33 to AtlantaUnited [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:40 Virtual-Evidence5329 Origin Dialga raid on us 3 locals in 2 minutes 0039 4925 8909

Feel free to join
submitted by Virtual-Evidence5329 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:40 MrNeon222 893941545671 Groudon!! 2 local please join

submitted by MrNeon222 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:40 ghostkill974 I was lying to myself

I have been subbed since 2022, content has been going downhill these last few months
I never thought i would become a hatewatcher but here we are, bozo reacting to the same shit for the past 3 days and not opening the box today was my last straw,
Not gonna resub + Nah i'd hatewatch
submitted by ghostkill974 to quin692 [link] [comments]
