papi has arrived!!

2024.11.24 22:50 Khloediazz papi has arrived!!

papi has arrived!! submitted by Khloediazz to skirt [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:50 CashisKing406 There’s snow on them there roads

Not today baby. Already yearning for spring
submitted by CashisKing406 to Hayabusa [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:50 xSplash27x How do you manage digital assets creation workflow?

I will start with example right away. For example, one needs to create a video ad for a product. In order to create a video ad one need a lot of source/reference materials for this specific video: raw footage, B-rolls, audio effects, voice-over, charts and schemas to be shown in the add, some text sources (like slogans and legal information), etc. At the end there might also be several outputs, meaning several versions of videos like full version, short version, market specific version, etc. When one has to deal with dozens of products it quickly becomes chaotic in terms of which videos are in progress, which videos are missing some sources, and which requires alternative versions to make. This actually applicable to any kind of ads. Even digital banners often must comply with different sizes and other requirements depending on platform. I guess the problem might be relevant to any kind of digital asset creation process.
So, how do you manage that? I guess the first easy solution is to organize a shared drive in the cloud storage. But that approach doesn’t show the full picture on the tips of the fingers and makes onboarding more difficult for new team members. So, you have to constantly support onboarding documentation and constantly check that nobody is violating folder structure and conventions. As a result, a lot of unproductive organizational meetings and communications happen just to figure out where are we now and what's missing.
So, how do you manage your digital assets creative workflows? Is your solution totally okay for your needs, or meh…?
submitted by xSplash27x to marketing [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:50 thnksfrthmemory Should I size up in the Cotton Logo hipster?

Should I size up in the Cotton Logo hipster? I have bought the cotton logo thongs before in my usual skims size (small). However I noticed the band kinda dug into my sides and wasn’t that comfortable. Had anyone else experienced this? Did you experience it with the hipster variety? Should i size up to medium in this style? Thanks!
submitted by thnksfrthmemory to SKIMSbyKKW [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:50 Affectionate-Lie6990 Helping for ACT

I am a senior in hs
I am a ultra hard worker and bad test taker but I am disciplined
I took the test 7 times even after having a 32 after 6 I took again to get a 34
I have dyslexia n adhd
So if you need help want to learn how to break the barrier lmk (especially how top everyone off in math and science)
30E 35M 34R 36S
Lmk depends what u need I will lyk the cost I will accept any popular crypto so you can’t dispute the charge but we can work stuff out
Also not just trying to make money off u I will try my best to answer?s as well
submitted by Affectionate-Lie6990 to Dyslexia [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:50 kaydeetee86 This is my rooster, Arthur Morgan.

This is my rooster, Arthur Morgan. He is a 6 month old hellion right now, with low honor for biting. He’s the absolute worst and I love him.
submitted by kaydeetee86 to BackYardChickens [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:50 Brilliant-Service-42 Here's what I found in a middle school track

Here's what I found in a middle school track submitted by Brilliant-Service-42 to metaldetecting [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:50 o_mano Eu sou babaca por não ter apoiado minha amiga na decisão dela de se mudar

Sempre achei que fosse uma pessoa compreensiva e empática. Gosto de pensar que, se alguém precisar de ajuda ou apoio, estarei lá. Mas a história que aconteceu recentemente me fez perceber que, às vezes, posso ser um completo babaca.
Minha amiga, Ana, tinha o sonho de morar fora do Brasil há anos. Ela sempre falava sobre como queria estudar e trabalhar em outro país, expandir horizontes, aprender outra língua, essas coisas. Sempre que ela mencionava isso, eu a apoiava, dizia que era uma ótima ideia, mas, no fundo, eu pensava "ah, ela nunca vai fazer isso de verdade".
Até que, um dia, ela me contou que tinha conseguido uma oportunidade real: uma vaga de emprego incrível em uma empresa em Londres e uma bolsa de estudos para um mestrado. Ela estava radiante e cheia de planos, e parecia ser o momento perfeito para ela. Eu, no entanto, não soube reagir como deveria.
A primeira coisa que fiz foi pensar em mim. "E eu, vou sentir falta dela, será que vou conseguir continuar sendo amigo dela? E se ela mudar muito depois que voltar?" Eu não parei nem um segundo para pensar no que isso significava para ela. Ao invés de ser empático, me senti egoísta e, como resultado, comecei a sugerir que ela repensasse a decisão.
“Você vai ficar longe da família”, eu disse. “E se não der certo? E se você não gostar? Não vai ser muito difícil?”
E o pior de tudo: não estava apenas expressando minhas preocupações. Eu estava, de forma indireta, tentando fazer com que ela duvidasse da decisão dela. Quase como se eu não acreditasse que ela fosse capaz de seguir com isso, ou como se eu achasse que ela estaria cometendo um erro. Eu sabia que ela já havia considerado todas essas questões antes de tomar a decisão, mas meu medo de perder uma amiga me fez ser totalmente insensível.
Ela ficou chateada, claro. Disse que me valorizava muito, mas que essa era uma decisão pessoal dela e que precisava seguir seu sonho, independentemente do que eu pensasse. Eu tentei me justificar dizendo que estava preocupado, mas, no fundo, eu sabia que estava sendo egoísta. No final, ela tomou a decisão de ir, e eu fiquei com um gosto amargo na boca, sabendo que não tinha sido o amigo que ela precisava naquele momento.
Agora, estou aqui, pensando que sou um completo babaca. Ela seguiu em frente, fez as malas e partiu. E eu? Eu só espero que ela saiba que, mesmo sendo um babaca, eu sempre vou torcer pelo sucesso dela e por sua felicidade.
Mas, olhando para trás, vejo claramente que poderia ter sido muito mais solidário. Ela merecia mais do que minhas inseguranças e medos projetados sobre ela. Então, se alguém me perguntar se eu sou babaca, minha resposta é um claro "sim".
submitted by o_mano to EuSouOBabaca [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:50 WesternConcentrate94 Is it possible for mold to fuck me up like this? Or am I just batshit crazy?

In my old condo I used to smell mold. Never saw it. But especially when I went away for the weekend and came back I'd smell this musty, old house smell. Also, whenever the HVAC system was on it would smell like dirty socks.
I lived there for about 3.5 years, and towards the end it started smelling really musty, especially when it rained.
Then almost overnight I started getting this sensation that my throat was closing, brain fog, itchiness, and sometimes a cough whenever I smelled the musty smell strongly.
I moved out of that apartment, but have had trouble finding another place because I feel similar symptoms when I visit apartments, especially if they're older buildings.
I've talked to doctors, therapists, and psychiatrists about this and they often either get irritated that I don't have a diagnosis of anything or skeptical overall and assume it's just health anxiety.
Does anyone have a similar experience? What happened to me?
submitted by WesternConcentrate94 to MoldlyInteresting [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:50 Injector_Noname Quel influ capable de me vider ?mtn dm

submitted by Injector_Noname to influenceuse_fr5 [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:50 pthompsona Snowflake's AI-Powered Rally Highlights Software's Edge Over Semiconductors #snowflakes

submitted by pthompsona to StocksAndTrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:50 CMP_KYDN Trading this for badged track or badged Chrysler 300

Trading this for badged track or badged Chrysler 300 submitted by CMP_KYDN to CarParkingBuySellSwap [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:50 Mammoth_Mall_Kat What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Mammoth_Mall_Kat to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:50 hayward_jeff First major project - UL Topquilt

First major project - UL Topquilt I’ve slowly been learning sewing over the last couple years, sewing small bags, but this is my first “real“ project. This is the ultra light top quilt following the design of backcountry banter. I give myself a pretty A-OK job, but here’s a question. Is there anything I can do with these scraps?
submitted by hayward_jeff to myog [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:50 Longjumping-Book6432 Primal groudon 2irl 830685372438

submitted by Longjumping-Book6432 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:50 UltronCinco Rami Malek was a Terrible casting choice in Bohemian Rhapsody

Rami Malek was a Terrible casting choice in Bohemian Rhapsody I've said this for years and the only reason I'm able to say Rami Malek was a terrible casting choice in this movie is because I grew up watching tons and tons of videos and documentaries on rock bands and I've always seen how Freddie Mercury was and how he carried himself and Rami Malek just doesn't look or act anything like the real Freddie Mercury, he doesn't understand the essence of him and doesn't have anywhere near the charisma that Freddie Mercury had.
submitted by UltronCinco to moviecritic [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:50 Useful-Ad4133 This is the disgusting 💩 we have to deal with.

Already reported. I’m so done I swear, no words.
submitted by Useful-Ad4133 to LesbianActually [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:50 ovo_xo3 r/iudremoval

I’ve had my IUD in for about 3 & a half years. it’s the first birth control i’ve ever been on, before getting on it i had light periods, very irregular, would only last maybe 2-5 days. i haven’t had a period since being on it. main reason i got on it was i just had my second baby. i’m getting it taken out tomorrow. i don’t deal with acne very much so im nervous to get hormonal acne, im also worried about how my period will be after as like i said ive never really had a heavy, long or regular period. im hoping getting off of it helps with my insomnia and moods. i’m also worried about weight gain after the removal. i’ve definitely gained weight since being on it but can’t seem to lose it. i just stay at what i’m at or gain a little. any tips or experiences?
submitted by ovo_xo3 to IUD [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:50 kako378 Can anyone tr|bute hijabi? 05ca3463ed5eb22d435055214d9f0d6936f7000b92a18645f61608bd6ff578997e

submitted by kako378 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:50 JackFisherBooks Krampus Brings Frights for Christmas in Dread the Halls (Exclusive)

Krampus Brings Frights for Christmas in Dread the Halls (Exclusive) submitted by JackFisherBooks to comicbooks [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:50 slurrrrrrrrp Wicked at Build a Bear

Wicked at Build a Bear Yes I am a full fledged adult. Don’t care. Saw Wicked on Broadway in 2007 and was in love ever since. I wish I still had my PlayBill.
submitted by slurrrrrrrrp to wicked [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:50 DJ-Gamer27 I bought a Batman stair that has a light up bat signal

Coolest thing I’ve bought ever
submitted by DJ-Gamer27 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:50 LostandIlluminated When Meek was hungry

When Meek was hungry submitted by LostandIlluminated to meekmill [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:50 StrictCarpenter7446 18m so horny older men pls msg me 053e37d50be9fad48568b48140965826d9b5e3d7d3c2340411a59b9fdf1246434a

submitted by StrictCarpenter7446 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:50 Best-Ad-5053 🔄 كيفية تبديل عملة كتوم (QTUM) على كريبتوبترا 🚀

تعلّم كيفية تبديل عملة كتوم بسهولة عبر كريبتوبترا، منصة التبديل الرائدة في الأردن. اتبع هذه الخطوات البسيطة:
1️⃣ إنشاء حساب:
قم بزيارة كريبتوبترا واضغط على "إنشاء حساب" لبدء التسجيل.
2️⃣ البحث عن عملة كتوم:
استخدم خاصية البحث للعثور على عملة كتوم ضمن قائمة العملات المتاحة.
3️⃣ التبديل:
اختر عملة كتوم وحدد العملة التي ترغب في التبديل إليها، ثم أكمل العملية بأمان.
💡 ما هي عملة كتوم (QTUM)؟ كتوم هي منصة تعتمد على تقنية blockchain تجمع بين خصائص Bitcoin وEthereum، مما يتيح للمستخدمين إنشاء عقود ذكية وتطبيقات لامركزية (DApps). تتميز كتوم بنظامها القابل للتكيف وسرعة المعاملات، مما يجعلها خيارًا شائعًا للمطورين والمستخدمين على حد سواء.
تداول العملات الرقمية بشكل سهل وآمن مع كريبتوبترا!
#QTUM #كتوم #كريبتوبترا #كريبتو #التشفير_في_الأردن #بلوكتشين #تبديل #الأردن #العملات_الرقمية #تداول_العملات
submitted by Best-Ad-5053 to CryptoPetra [link] [comments]