Any endurance athletes?

2024.11.25 01:39 BubbaL0vesKale Any endurance athletes?

Hello everyone, I'm a first time mom about to enter my 3rd trimester. I'm just starting my mental preparation for labor and I wanted to get the perspective from long distance runners/cyclists/endurance sports participants who have given birth before. I have run an ultra marathon distance before and I imagine labor to be a very very intense version on that type of activity, at least mentally. Mostly having to continue through pain, talk yourself through hard mental moments, staying present in your body while it is in pain/discomfort, and just be able to tell yourself to keep going even when you don't want to.
I don't feel scared of labor (maybe I'm naive) and am wondering what comparisons you can make between labor and these longer distance/timed endurance exercise events. My main goal is to avoid or put off epidural as long as possible and I'm hoping that the mental prep I do in the next few months will help with that, assuming everyone is healthy.
submitted by BubbaL0vesKale to unmedicatedbirth [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:39 levans80 Atoms from iOS 18 AirPlay

Just checking to see if anyone has had success with this, but I know with the launch of iOS 18 Apple enabled streaming Dolby Atmos viaAirPlay. But when I do it and stream to my Dolby Atmos speakers, it does not register as Atmos within the Sonos app. Is this something that Sonos has to enable on their end?
submitted by levans80 to sonos [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:39 Coltron_Actual PSA: Check your 1854’s rail screws

PSA: Check your 1854’s rail screws Can’t cross post from leverguns
Took a half dozen rifles to out to confirm zero for the coming deer season in PA. Had no issue with any of them but I noticed my shots with the 1854 really walking around badly. I chalked it up to me just getting tired from having been mule kicked by it and the .45/70 for the afternoon. I shouldn’t have because they were walking around perfectly to the left and right of the bullseye, never up or down from my point of aim.
Get home and am wiping things off, can hear the scope rail on the 1854 clicking back and forth. Took it all apart and found the screws completely bare of thread locker or barely there on one of the smaller screws. (The one to the far left has a bit left on it. The others are letting the Vibratite VC-3 cure.) All were only finger tight.
I recommend all owners check their own. Especially if shooting with an optic.
submitted by Coltron_Actual to SmithAndWesson [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:39 SnooJokes5038 What would you like to see for next year’s holiday series?

Here’s what I think would be cool/cute:

  1. Build a mini snowman … by using a more hardened form of the kinetic sand material, have it come with a stock of carrots and you can pluck one out, cut off the stem and put it in his nose. A mini pipe, mini buttons for the eyes and a mini top hat
  2. Pink upside down tree.. Another type of Christmas tree that could potentially work… have a little hook hanging from there. With the pink glistening branches.
  3. Put out cookies and milk for Santa. A cute decorated Christmas plate little Christmas place mat, cookies that come in an official store bought box (think: the frosted cookies box in the Target series)… or, have cookie dough resin and add the chocolate chips in there. The carton of milk going into the glass would also have to be resin.
  4. Spiced apple cider .. cute mugs, apple cider resin, power for the nutmeg/cinnamon , box of candy canes that you can put one of the candy canes into the drink
  5. Holiday snowglobe .. probably would never be able to cure the reason if you want to shake it up
submitted by SnooJokes5038 to miniverse_makeitmini [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:39 Disastrous_Zebra_566 chase scenes tips.

My chase scene I want it to be descriptive as if the reader themselves are being chased. I want their adrenalin to spike just by reading. any tips or tricks you have when it comes to chase scenes will be good.
submitted by Disastrous_Zebra_566 to writing [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:39 Sweet_Dragonfruit566 Hot Baths for men?

I am an 18 year old male baseball athlete and I love hot baths with epsom salt after pitching due to soreness. Will taking these baths once or twice a week affect me negatively in anyway (specifically in the genitalia area)?
submitted by Sweet_Dragonfruit566 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:39 lucybubs They are all so deserving 😂

They are all so deserving 😂 Font matters
submitted by lucybubs to KUWTKsnark [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:39 DanielPerianu Make this cat look like it’s conquered world domination, laser eyes are encouraged

submitted by DanielPerianu to picrequests [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:39 suspendisse- I named him Frog the Wet Sprocket and I love him. Can someone can help please?

This little guy moved onto my 4th floor apartment balcony when it was warmer and there were lots of those tiny North Carolina spiders to eat. We just had our first really cold snap and while sweeping up outside today, I accidentally swept him out from under a potted plant. I thought he was dead, so I placed him in a little paper bag (wasn’t going to just push him over!) Turns out he’s alive so I gave him a little bowl of warm water to coax him out. This is him now. Standard coaster for scale. Please don’t make fun - he’s just a little frog that visits from time to time - barely even a pet. But I like him. Should I just leave him alone? Should I re-home him somewhere in the nearby woods? How would I do that lovingly and carefully?
submitted by suspendisse- to frogs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:39 Natty1thecat My ‘Best Friend’ abandoned pet sitting while I’m already out of town

I offered $100 for my best friend to stay one night this weekend at our apartment while my fiancé and I head out of town for a wedding. We have an older cat and new kitten that are still in the process of becoming comfortable with each other, as we've only had the kitten about a week. She was the 1st person I asked to help out and she immediately agreed. I confirmed with her at least five times that she’d be okay staying the night, which she assured me was no problem.
A couple Hours after we’ve already head out of town, I saw on our ring camera that she and her BF had only stopped by for 40 minutes, drank some beer, then left for the rest of the afternoon/night. She didn’t even show up with any bags so I can only assume she never even intended to stay over in the first place. I texted her asking where she went, and she said that her bf "doesn't like sleeping over at other places" which leaves me confused as to why she'd bring him in the first place when she was supposed to be sleeping there. (Mind you- her bf had zero problems sleeping over at my beach house this summer...) She then texted me saying "I know $100 is a lot for an hour, we'd be fine with just getting gas money for the trip." Which enraged me. I told her no, and reminded her that the whole point of her even being there was to stay overnight. If I needed someone to briefly check in on them, my in laws could have done that for free.
I feel extremely let down and even insulted being asked for gas money after she just left me hanging with no time to make other arrangements. My pets are fine; I had to head home first thing in the morning to make sure my cats would get breakfast. Ive heard absolutely no words from my “best friend” of ten years after kindly telling her I wouldn’t be paying for something I didn’t agree to- when I could have simply asked someone else if she had said no.
submitted by Natty1thecat to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:39 happyfish2019 Have any October grads received a diploma yet?

Haven’t fo
submitted by happyfish2019 to columbia [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:39 LunaFlashingQueen Do you have any kinks that would surprise me?

Do you have any kinks that would surprise me? submitted by LunaFlashingQueen to TransgenderCuties [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:39 n93s Server/portal search

Hi all. I’m based in Australia, are there any servers here that are somewhat full, and how do I find them. The ‘portal’ only shows a couple of local ones that have virtually no one playing them.
submitted by n93s to battlefield2042 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:39 Steveseriesofnumbers The Outcome

So, one thing I never really caught--and it's been a WHILE since I last read up on my Spawn--we all know that heaven and hell are having themselves a nice little war, and they need the souls of people to fight.
What happens when the war actually ENDS? Obviously they have to actually HAVE this war at some point. And a whole lot of souls are going to get killed fighting it. Ostensibly, anyway; where do the dead go when they die? Detroit? Superhell?
Or, given that Heaven and Hell in this thing are BOTH a collection of assholes, maybe they just finally bury the hatchet and everybody hangs out and plays Xbox for all eternity?
submitted by Steveseriesofnumbers to Spawn [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:39 Sissybtmbitch What would you do if we worked together?

What would you do if we worked together? submitted by Sissybtmbitch to Menskirts [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:39 Even-Particular5972 17F - Looking for meaningful friendships

I've been isolating myself a lot lately, and I really want to talk to someone and make meaningful connections with others. I enjoy writing and drawing, and I'm looking to find people my age to chat with about anything :))
submitted by Even-Particular5972 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:39 Hairy_Description709 In general, do you feel you are more or less serious than the typical fully Indid South Asian person generally is? In general, do you feel you are more or less serious than the typical fully "white" ethnically West European person generally is?

I feel that I may be less generally less easily serious than the typical fully ethnically South Asian person is in general, but perhaps I may often be more serious than the typical "white" ethnically West European person is in general.
Compared to many people I know, I am not completely casual and carefree; I am often not light and cool (unlike the cool rain and many of the cold streams in West Europe). I am not so polite that I won't ever talk about politics. I often remain firm in my support for causes that seem more logically justified etc. than the alternatives.
submitted by Hairy_Description709 to Westeuindids [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:39 FallDangerous1911 Meu marido é comprador compulsivo

Estou com meu marido há 5 anos e temos um ótimo relacionamento. Ele sempre ganhou em torno de 15 a 22k e eu ganho 2k. Ele paga as contas da casa e mercado, o que dá cerca de 5k. Acontece que sempre depois do dia 20 ele não tem mais dinheiro nenhum! Some. E pior, ele pede emprestado pra todos os amigos e não me conta. Acabei de ver 3 pix que ele recebeu e apagou as msgs de amigos pra eu não ver. Fui ver o extrato dele e tem até empréstimo pessoal!! Investiguei um pouco e poxa, não faz sentido... Já tentei conversar com ele, fazer planilhas, mas nada disso funcionou pq ele não foi transparente. E não, ele não tem uma segunda família, ele simplesmente compra tudo que vê pela frente e não liga do dinheiro estar acabando até não ter mais nada. Enquanto tiver ele gasta, sabe? Já falei o quanto fico preocupada pq quer queira ou não, ele que sustenta nossa casa e temos uma filhinha e eu queria me sentir segura com isso, mas ele é muito irresponsável. Isso é um desabafo pq já tentei de tudo e ele não muda. Alguém já passou por algo parecido?
submitted by FallDangerous1911 to relacionamentos [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:39 Objective_Vehicle_18 PSA 11.5”

Budget build I’ve been playing with
submitted by Objective_Vehicle_18 to ar15pistol [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:39 WiseSteak8003 Today has been pretty good

Today has been pretty good submitted by WiseSteak8003 to pokemongo [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:39 Ok-Sheepherder-3960 $NuggieInu - Community Kick Off!

$NuggieInu - Community Kick Off!
Hello! I'm the developer behind $NuggieInu. After spending considerable time refining the branding and design for this token, we're now entering an exciting phase: building a community from the ground up. Once the community feels ready and the momentum is right, we’ll hit the launch button and bring $NuggieInu to life. Let’s make something amazing together! 🚀
submitted by Ok-Sheepherder-3960 to SolanaMemeCoins [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:39 Alexanderkonmanga IM DOING ALL OF THE MAIN CHARACTERS ARC IN THE MANGA.

IM DOING ALL OF THE MAIN CHARACTERS ARC IN THE MANGA. The Arcs are VALT AOI ARC (VOL 1 CHAPTER 0 to 26 VOL 6 HALFWAY) VALT AOI SECOND ARC (END OF VOL 6 27 to 45 VOL 10), AIGER AKABANE ARC (VOL 11 46 to 63 VOL12), DRUM ARC (VOL 13 64 to 82 VOL 15), HIKARU & HYUGA ARC (VOL 16 83 to 97 VOL 18), BELL ARC (VOL 19 98 to 109 VOL 20). This will be a long series. There are 40 videos for valts arcs and 22 videos for AIGER since that's as far as I gotten. This series will start December 7th onwards to the the end of Bells ARC. I do have Gold Zillion Zeus Magnum Variable coming in soon. I'm just missing Royal King Ver and Judgement Valkyrie .Z.Q' Go. I'll get those in 1 to 3 weeks.
submitted by Alexanderkonmanga to Beyblade [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:39 Emi-oOoOo Informação

Caso o Vitória se garanta matematicamente na Série A de 2025. Teremos apenas um nordestino na série B 2025, o CRB
submitted by Emi-oOoOo to futebol [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:39 DwarfsBeardPainting Shadows of Sullenhall Barrow Warden Skeletons (4)

Shadows of Sullenhall Barrow Warden Skeletons (4) submitted by DwarfsBeardPainting to ReaperMiniatures [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:39 Late_Click557 Last Day Alive font name

Last Day Alive font name submitted by Late_Click557 to identifythisfont [link] [comments]