What is this?

2024.11.25 01:24 Karoupon What is this?

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submitted by Karoupon to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:24 Trickybuz93 Announce calls really quietly

I’ve noticed lately my Pro 2s are announcing calls really quietly/not at all if media is playing. I’m not sure when it started but it’s been happening for at least two months now.
Any idea what settings I should look at to try and fix it?
submitted by Trickybuz93 to airpods [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:24 redditaccount003 In the late game, what is the rest of the team supposed to do when someone gets caught out and killed?

Here's the scenario: I'm like 35 minutes into a Bronze game, and my jungler gets killed by being too aggressive and diving in before everyone else was ready to fight. After he dies, the rest of us sort of run away and die one by one. Obviously that's not ideal, so I was wondering what the most productive thing to do is? The other team immediately took the baron and dragon, what are we supposed to do while they do that in order to have the best chance of coming back?
submitted by redditaccount003 to summonerschool [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:24 cyberseed-ops help with cyber engine tweaks

when i use the command “Game.CheckFactValue(“sq032_johnny_friend”)” in the console it tells me that the function CheckFactValue is not a Gameinstance member and is not global. is there any way to fix this? i thought i did all the dialogue options in chippin in (legit followed a guide) and the game wasn’t giving me the secret ending dialogue options so i downloaded the mod to make sure i did it all and if not to change that value, but the command isn’t working
submitted by cyberseed-ops to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:24 MaiRufu Contest for banner!

Post your home mining or commercial mining set ups in the comments below. Winner will be the banner for a month or so!
submitted by MaiRufu to BitcoinMining [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:24 vaccant__Lot666 My external hard drive for my ps5 won't work

My external storage does seek to want to work... Do I want to hit format to make it work?
submitted by vaccant__Lot666 to playstation [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:24 Da_plug4slow A lil cop up on da dillies. Tele be where it's at!

submitted by Da_plug4slow to OpiatesFreedom [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:24 Nexyot New 2/3

New 2/3 submitted by Nexyot to AnnaschmidtiO [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:24 xxzeroonezerotwo Anilao, Batangas

Anilao, Batangas submitted by xxzeroonezerotwo to PhilippinesPics [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:24 IMovedYourCheese ELI5: How can day traders routinely gain or lose so much money even though stock prices barely move within a single day?

From what I understand, day trading can include a wide variety of investment types and strategies, but the underlying rule is that all your positions must be closed before the end of the day. From what I know of the stock market though, on an average day stocks aren't moving more than 1-2% in either direction. And if there's any new news that is sure to affect a company's stock (like an earnings release), it is always shared after the market is closed and the new price is already reflected before the next day begins.
Given all of this, how exactly can one trade just between the hours of 9:30-4 in a single day and gain or lose a large amount of money? What bets can you even make in that time?
submitted by IMovedYourCheese to explainlikeimfive [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:24 Administrative_Hour4 Best accessories for the 3.0?

I'm about to get a 3.0 really soon and I'm wondering if there's any accessories that are more worth it than others. I'm probably going to get mines while they have a free accessory deal going on, but I'm still interested in knowing what would be a good idea to buy.
submitted by Administrative_Hour4 to Lectricxp [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:24 Full-Mulberry5018 Silver Birds Statue

Silver Birds Statue submitted by Full-Mulberry5018 to COLORSILVER [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:24 MoonlitApparition Asus ROG Strix g16 vs g17

Asus ROG Strix g16 vs g17 I’ve had my Asus ROG g751J for close to 10 years now, it’s a wonderful laptop and is still running great. I saw that this one is on sale on Amazon for $1099, and I’m strongly considering it.
I also saw that Walmart has a g17 going on sale tomorrow and I don’t know if I should splurge for that one instead? It’s $1199.
I’m worried about going down in screen size, my current laptop is the only one I’ve had, but it can’t run new games as it’s so outdated.
Advice? I don’t really know anything about specs
submitted by MoonlitApparition to GamingLaptops [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:24 MarMooLack What is this?

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submitted by MarMooLack to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:24 Penicalz Join TikTok to help me get $40 in rewards. You can also get a $10 TikTik Shop coupon if you are a new user!

Tap to get your TikTok Shop coupon https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTYMmfFsF/
submitted by Penicalz to ReferalCodes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:24 biggiantporky How do you feel about Scotland team going into 2025?

They’ve picked up the most wins this year since 1999, had some good victories over Australia, England, and Fiji (Would include Wales but it’s not an achievement to beat us anymore). They were super closer to beating France, played some good rugby against SA, but did lose to Italy and still haven’t gotten over their drought off trying to beat Ireland. Scotland look like a complete team though with some World Class players, but they seem to lack consistency which has been their biggest issue for years.
I know it’s joke within Scottish fans to have hope, but I do think they’re building something great. Don’t want to jinx anything, but Scotland going into the Six Nations looks promising. Plus, the fixtures favours them. What is everyone else opinions?
submitted by biggiantporky to rugbyunion [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:24 throwawaytopp THE BOYZ VS BRANDON YESSSSIR. Kill him boyz!

submitted by throwawaytopp to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:24 PolylingualAnilingus Por que eles fazem a cerimônia do Oscar quando ainda tem filme pra sair no ano?

submitted by PolylingualAnilingus to ExplicaPraMim [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:24 Ghost14199 I do this even without snow!

I do this even without snow! 🤣🤣🤣
submitted by Ghost14199 to AmazonFlexDrivers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:24 miserablebobo circuit help

circuit help is this solution correct? I know there's something that I'm doing here that's incorrect somewhere. What's confusing me is the opposite voltages.
submitted by miserablebobo to ElectricalEngineering [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:24 jackp1199 Late second

Late second submitted by jackp1199 to DynastyFFTradeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:24 mike_a_oc Welcome sign on freeways

I haven't been up to the coast for a while, but the "welcome to the central coast" signs have Gosford covered up. Is that a new thing?
submitted by mike_a_oc to centralcoastnsw [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:24 No-Consideration766 Two teens are obsessed with eachother, make a fantasy world and kill one of their mothers

submitted by No-Consideration766 to ExplainAFilmPlotBadly [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:24 DaydreamSunrise95 dog forgot his dad is at home

dog forgot his dad is at home submitted by DaydreamSunrise95 to PetsareAmazing [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:24 Turbulent-Ad-299 Romantic Love baffles me

I was just thinking about how strong romantic love is, how it tends to overpower all other kinds of love. People will go against their family and sometimes even cut contact with them if they don’t approve of someone they want to be with. You’ll turn your life upside down for this person who has no ties to you and who could hurt you or leave you at any moment, making all those sacrifices be in vain. Most relationships don’t last, but the fact that people will do almost anything for someone they love romantically is just insane to me—like, just thinking about it realistically.
Also, relationships and holidays are weird. How do you choose whose family to spend Christmas with, for example? Especially if both of you are close with your families? How does this person just incorporate themselves into your life but also not really fit in it? Romantic love feels like a bubble the two of you are in, shutting out the outside world or experiencing it from a distance.
Now, I’ve never been in a relationship, so this is probably why this confuses me so much.
submitted by Turbulent-Ad-299 to aquarius [link] [comments]
