Griffo’s pool journey

2024.11.25 02:40 Silly-Loquat1293 Griffo’s pool journey

This fucken deadbeat thinks it’s hot to flex unemployment and be at a public pool 💩😂 I can’t even fathom having no job or career motivation, no money motivation, no life motivation but instead go to the pools and show off just how unemployed you are and think it’s cool af 🤣
submitted by Silly-Loquat1293 to AussieTikTokSnark [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 Sharp_Lecture3591 2nd flush highlights

2nd flush highlights Just a couple of my favorites from my 2nd flush of my first grow. 😁
submitted by Sharp_Lecture3591 to shroomery [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 themrinaalprem Tantra Without Prayoga/ShatKarma: is it valid?

I'm seeing a weird trend of many online Tantra centers outright denying to teach ShatKarma and other kinds of Prayoga-s, including basic stuff like money enhancement, health and healing protection, Shanti Karma, etc. And they refuse that DESPITE the exact Tantra books they claim to be their primary scriptures devoting 75% real estate to prayoga-s alone. A. Why? If Bhairava made Prayoga part of the Tantra canon and part of what should be passed down from guru to shishya in the lineage, who the fuck is one individual to take the call of stopping the flow of that knowledge in its entirety from himself downwards? B. If, by some twisted logic, keeping only moksha part and removing the Shakti application part is a legitimate alternative, why the fuck do the same people judge and bitch about when the exact opposite happens- i.e., when someone comes looking into tantra only for application part, not the moksha part?
submitted by themrinaalprem to ShaktiSadhana [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 g85711 LGBT folks, what's your Bumble experience been like?

I'm gay and I'm transmasculine, I've definitely got my own Bumble stories to tell but I'm interested in hearing what other queer people have to say too. (Good stories also encouraged, not just horror stories 💀)
submitted by g85711 to Bumble [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 Hazy_Dreamer Xiaolin Showdown - Who would? Question 1# (READ MY POST FOR RULES)

Xiaolin Showdown - Who would? Question 1# (READ MY POST FOR RULES) submitted by Hazy_Dreamer to XIAOLINSHOWDOWN [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 WorkN-2play Do you have a long one??

Do you have a long one?? Would you drive it or not? Damn roundabouts, damn drive through food... LMAOOOOO
submitted by WorkN-2play to FordDiesels [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 me_meovv genuine question, can someone be a site engineer without having a civil engineer license?

submitted by me_meovv to CivilEngineers_PH [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 LaikaRollingStone Should I make my daughter go to CCD?

My daughter is 12 and recently came out as bi. She recently admitted that she is hiding in the bathroom during CCD instead of attending class because Catholics are homophobic misogynists.
I’m a straight cis woman who is pro-LGBTQ and pro-choice. My priority is my daughter knowing that she’s accepted and loved. Do you think I should push her to finish the next 1.5 years and make confirmation? Any advice?
submitted by LaikaRollingStone to LGBTCatholic [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 Lonely_Minute_6446 Day 14

Went to Winn-Dixie to buy some steaks and rice time to start my 24 hour fast. Other than that, I just played video games today. Made no progress at making friends time to go to bed talking to no one once again.
submitted by Lonely_Minute_6446 to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 Greelg source switching (two devices)

I want to share my kanto oras between a pc and mac, but i dont want to swap the usb c between devices every time i want to switch.
is there any audio source switches that take usb c as output? my mac only does usb c, but my pc can do 3.5mm if that helps
submitted by Greelg to BudgetAudiophile [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 VigilanteBor Mania 41 in another universe

Mania 41 in another universe submitted by VigilanteBor to GreatnessOfWrestling [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 marahute09 Estate Sale Find

Estate Sale Find Found this old scale at an estate sale and it had a bit of gold in the drawer.
submitted by marahute09 to Prospecting [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 Ok-Enthusiasm-7079 had the weirdest support conversation

had the weirdest support conversation i tried to order food the other night and was having troubles with a buy 1 get 1 deal, doesn’t really matter what matters is how fkn weird this conversation was like it feels like i was chatting to a real bad AI lol after he said that he ended the chat.. it wasn’t a long conversation either
submitted by Ok-Enthusiasm-7079 to skipthedishes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 Rough_Engineering743 Buying from a 3rd party dealer vs. BMW

I am seriously considering buying a 2023 M8. I am a firm believer that these particular vehicles, the M models, should be bought from a BMW dealership, preferably under a CPO if available, and loaded with extra warranty. Yes, it comes at a high price, but the peace of mind behind the purchase just can't be beaten. It's kind of like finding a Versace sweater at Marshall's, yeah it's Versace, but it's probably at Marshall's due to some factory defect.
Anyways, I would like to hear the experiences from anyone who's bought modern M cars (2020+) from a third party dealership. Where there any issues with the car? Where there any pros? Any cons? Would you recommend a purchase from a 3rd party vendor? What did you look for besides frequent oil changes?
submitted by Rough_Engineering743 to BMW [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 Top-Grass948 Did I miss a few chapters? 😅

Jose said he wouldn’t go back to Disneyland and he would now be a horror channel. So there I am scrolling and this man is you can guess where 😂😂 did he change his mind? Did the horror channel not pan out like he expected?
submitted by Top-Grass948 to DisneyInfluencers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 iGematriA Rojom x Salt 👣

submitted by iGematriA to avatartrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 SentenceNo2366 Looking for a Super Cash code for my twins clothes

Looking for a code to get my girls some clothes. I thought I had one but it was expired from last time 😭
submitted by SentenceNo2366 to Oldnavy [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 ChaucerSmith 95 EX 1.5l swap into 83 civic CX hatch.

I have a 95 honda civic EX automatic with a 1.5l, I'm curious how difficult swapping that engine into a 83 civic CX hatch 5 speed manual would be? I figure some custom mounts and wiring might be needed and could use a good resource on getting those made also. The 95 also has nearly brand new suspension and is pretty clean mechanically, what else would be an easy swap over?
Sorry for being a newbie with a lot of questions. Trying to piece together a nice looking daily.
submitted by ChaucerSmith to hondacivic [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 Still-Cabinet522 Swap pack plus sticker boom?

Swap pack plus sticker boom? Seen this post earlier and I had just been curious and did light research but haven't seen anything yet. Has anyone ever had a sticker boom occurring while opening a swap pack?
submitted by Still-Cabinet522 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 ZioryVi Youtooz ivory

Youtooz ivory I'm not a disingner and I didn't know what she look like as one but I try:3
submitted by ZioryVi to ivorycello [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 Dare2no wood identification

Would anyone be able to tell me what kind of wood used in this guitar? Thank you.
submitted by Dare2no to Luthier [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 Signal_Island_9083 Need someone to control my cock and feed, I'll mic and cum on cam. Discord tribbertje38

submitted by Signal_Island_9083 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 Salt-Hat6644 Jacksepticeye opened a music reaction channel called Jacksepticears

Jacksepticeye opened a music reaction channel called Jacksepticears He would sit there and listen throughout the whole song in the same thinker position until the song was over and when it ended and cut back to him he’d discuss what he thought of the song and its message
submitted by Salt-Hat6644 to thomastheplankengine [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 FoxyFire1987 Guys, I'm making a video on Yeeps and I need YOU ALL to decide the title!

I came up with these six earlier, but couldn't decide. so can you all vote? It's a video going into detail on the different groups I've noticed while playing. These groups are: The Griefers, The Mappers, The Technical Wizards, The Casuals, The Fortifiers, and The Warriors.
The Griefers just mess with people. they paint things willy-nilly, they destroy forts and maps, etc.
The Mappers are the creative mode people. They build maps in creative mode and publish them as Community worlds. they have an eye for detail!
The Technical Wizards are Yeeps' "Redstone Community" as it were. they use the wires, gates, inputs and outputs to create anything from hidden doors to Rube Goldburg Machines!
The casuals are players that just play to have fun! that's it.
The Fortifiers are the community that builds awesome Pillow Forts. they're the ones always building sky-bases and small nooks to hide in.
The Warriors use their gadgets to protect other hiders. they use sticky bombs, smoke grenades, bats, and shields to push Taggers away! or the opposite. They can also use their gadgets to gain an advantage on hiders.
If you have another video title idea, PLEASE comment it so I can read it :)
View Poll
submitted by FoxyFire1987 to YEEPSHideAndSeek [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 Some_Raspberry_734 again

again submitted by Some_Raspberry_734 to TheLetterH [link] [comments]