I won’t text you

首先,我们双击b2单元格,然后在里面输入公式:=text(a2,"00") 【注意:不要输入冒号“:”。】 它的作用就是将a2单元格的数字,变成两位的文本型数字字符。 文本型的数字,是不具有运算功能的。 1、连接符& =b4&c4:&作用是将两个单元格内容连接起来;如果中间需要添加其他内容,在因为状态下用“”括起来即可。 在excel表格格式未知情况下,我们将以文本方式输出的日期,转换为标准日期格式的时候,使用TEXT函数,可确保数据无误,如果直接调整文本格式,可能会导致结果输出为乱码。 You can copy the formatting of text, cells, or an object with the paint format tool. On your computer, open a Google Docs, Sheets, or Slides file. Select the text, range of cells, or object you want to copy the format of. In the toolbar, click Paint format . Your cursor icon will change to show you're in paint format mode. 功能:是从within_text字符串的第start_num个字符开始,查找find_text这个子字符串,如果找到了,则返回子字符串所在的位置。其中start_num可不写,表示从第一个字符开始查找。 Google Help provides assistance and answers to your questions about Google products and services. 可可曾经分享过如何用日期函数分别提取年、月、日的方法。那么,问题来了,在办公中,我们经常会需要同时提取年月或月日。此时日期函数就捉襟见肘了。我们要用到另一个大杀器--text函数。 你还在为Excel中text函数的使用方法而苦恼吗,今天小编教你Excel中text函数的使用方法,让你告别Excel中text函数的使用方法的烦恼。经验主要从四方面对Excel函数进行讲解,1.函数的含义,2.函数的语法格式,3.函数在日常办公中运用的实例介绍,4.函数使用的注意点。 Edit and view text from right to left; 3 of 5. Make Google Docs, Sheets, Slides and Forms public; 4 of 5. text函数的第二个参数,是用来显示将第一个参数转换成什么样的格式显示出来,这里我们要提取的日期中的月份,所以需要输入 “MM”,注意,要用输入法英文状态的双引号将MM括起来。

2024.11.25 02:40 Didgerydooonfire I won’t text you

I’m not going to text you again. I didn’t expect you to ever respond. You seemed surprised by my demeanor. I had finally let you go. Did you know that? Could you sense that? Is that why you responded two weeks later? Is that why you’ve gone silent again?
I’m not going to text you first again. I’m done with that. No more bread crumbing. Confess your love or leave me alone. It’s just cruel at this point.
submitted by Didgerydooonfire to UnsentLettersRaw [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 Hurfdurficus I need help sourcing an 8kv 20ma neon power supply

Need to replace a Tech 22 8kv 20ma neon power supply.
The problem is that every place that sells them will only sell to businesses.
The only 8kv power supplies that I can find are all 30ma.
I'm based in the USA.
My setup is actually for a dimmable krypton sculpture, so my current power supply is connected to a separate dimmer knob. Would it be possible to use one of the dimmable 8k 30ma power supplies that is available? The 30ma would only be achieved if the dimmer is turned all the way up, right? So as long as the switch isn't turned up all the way, then it should be safe... right?
Anyway, I've spent over an hour on this so far and I have no solution, so I'm asking here hoping someone can help.
submitted by Hurfdurficus to NeonSigns [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 poop-poop-buttfart Reeeeally trying to get *that* message 😩

I saw in a guide that he might need to be looking away but dang it I don’t want that 😩 I want these lol
submitted by poop-poop-buttfart to LoveAndDeepspace [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 Yourlocalsign Current member’s of dreadful adversity

Current member’s of dreadful adversity submitted by Yourlocalsign to sonicexes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 rj1879 Posting an experience I had some years back at a church. And how I started reading and loving Ramana.

I really didn't want to share this life experience of mine. But if I don't do that, I think I can't spread the glory of Ramana !
April 2024.
Experience at the Pathanamthitta church / a spiritual experience / Sri Jaggi Vasudev / Ratnam Ji
This particular experience happened to me in the December or November of 2012.
Although I am writing this experience very late, I remember the year and the possible month cause I had given the GATE (Graduate Admission Test for Engineering) exam in February 2012. And I was planning to improve my score and also looking for jobs, in parallel. And with those purposes in mind I was attending my prayers at a church in a town called Pathanamthitta, some 25 kilometres away from my hometown.
And this experience also gave me an insight into the spiritual powers of places. Not all places are similar. They have some powers attached to it, cause of highly spiritual nature of the place.
I had come out of the church after the prayers when suddenly I felt something happening to me.
I see very dazzling light all around me. But the light in not blinding, but very dazzling. And I can keep my eyes open.
The trees, the landscape, humans.. everything has become one for me. One with me. The wind which was blowing didn't blow over my hands, which I was looking at. The wind blew thru me, it felt so.
And when I looked at my hands, I felt it continued / and as part of nature, as a single entity.
The child who was playing near me had the happiest face i had ever seen. And she was glowing brilliantly.
And the most important part being, I lost sense and track of time and space. What the physicists say is true. Space time is an illusion. Yes it is. It's an illusion.
I lost sense of time and space. And the entire area around me and the people and the trees all felt as ONE single entity.
I still find it difficult to put the experience in words. It has to be experienced to be believed.
I was extremely happy / blissful when this happened. And I wondered to myself how can i be this happy without any reason. I also came to know that being happy is the true essence of our being. And all human endeavours are somewhat looking for this state of being.
And I just relegated the experience to the back of my mind considering as a piece of hallucination, when I accidentally read an experience of Sri Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev which happened to him at Chamundi hills, from his autobiography, some years later. I didn't want to read the book initially but I kept reading on. Never did I know that it carried a wonderful message for me. I got the answer to one of the greatest personal puzzle I had.
The experience I quote below :
‘I was just sitting on this particular rock,’ he was to say years later. ‘I had my eyes open, not even closed. I thought it was about ten minutes, but something began to happen to me. All my life I had thought, this is me [pointing to himself].
Suddenly, I did not know which was me and which was not me. The air that I was breathing, the rock on which I was sitting, the atmosphere around me, everything had become me.
The more I say, the crazier it will sound, because what was happening was indescribable.
What was me had become so enormous, it was everywhere.
I thought this lasted a few minutes, but when I came back to my normal senses, it was about seven thirty in the evening. My eyes were open, the sun had set and it was dark. I was fully aware, but what I had considered as myself until that moment had just disappeared.
When I was eight years of age—I remember this incident very well—something happened and I cried. That day I made up my mind that I would never cry again; I should never cry. I held myself like this [showing a closed fist] and whatever situations came, I did not shed a single tear, from eight until twenty-five.
And here I’m sitting, tears are flowing to the point where my shirt is wet, and I’m ecstatically crazy! I do not know what is happening. I have always been peaceful and happy, that’s never been an issue. I’ve lived life the way I wanted. But here I am, drenched with a completely new kind of blissfulness. When I apply my logical mind, the only thing it can tell me is that I’m losing my balance. That’s all my mind can tell me. But it is so beautiful that I don’t want to lose it.’
Sadhguru rarely says any more than this about that afternoon on Chamundi Hill. There were no words to describe the experience. There are still none.
On being pressed, however, he has alluded to the experience in oblique ways. ‘It’s like being drunk all the time without ingesting a drop of alcohol,’ he once remarked. On another occasion, he said, ‘Life is all there is. There is no mountain, no flower, no cloud, nothing. It’s just energy—a raw pulsating mass of energy. You can call that the Creator, or creation, or you can call it yourself. It doesn’t matter.’ Another time he declared, ‘Enlightenment is not an achievement. It’s more like a homecoming. An absolute coming home —that’s enlightenment.’
Sri Jaggi Vasudev had this experience lasting for a whole day / many hours.
But what I had lasted some seconds only.
But I have come to realise that we are all one with nature and we are truly Satchitanandas. That's our true nature.
And I sincerely thank nature / God for showing that to me, that day in the year of 2012.
I have tried my best to put the experience across. It baffles me still.
And I still question my experience.
Edited on 25 May 2024 by adding the below paragraph
Experience of Robert Adams from "Ramana Periya Puranam".
When writing a mathematics paper for which he was not prepared, he did the same thing. He held before him the question paper and uttered „God‟ three times. He expected the answers to appear as always, but what happened was something entirely different: “The whole room was filled with a light a thousand times more brilliant than the sun. It was a beautiful, warm and shining glow. Everything and everyone in the room was immersed in the light. All the children seemed to be mere particles of light, and I found myself melting into a radiant being of consciousness. I then merged into consciousness. It was not an out of the body experience. This was a completely different experience. I realized that I was not my body. What appeared to be my body was not real. I went beyond the light into pure radiant consciousness. I became consciousness and my individuality merged into pure and absolute bliss. I expanded and became the universe. The feeling was indescribable. It was total bliss and total joy.”
Another Excerpt -
“I have read that many people on the spiritual path get what may be called a glimpse of Cosmic Consciousness. Would you please explain to me what, exactly, such an experience is like?" I asked.
Ratnamji, a little known but great mystic of India, former attendant of Sri Ramana, unhesitatingly replied with a slightly mischievous smile on his beaming face.
"When on a dark night there is suddenly a flash of lightning if you are on a hill like this, all the surrounding area, which had been quite invisible just a moment ago, becomes clear and lit up for just a few seconds. The very next moment, however, all is dark again."
As soon as he finished his sentence, a lightning bolt streaked across the sky. The entire area for miles around became illumined for a second and then all was dark.
Though the sky was cloudy, there had been no lightning until then. I was quite thrilled to see his example immediately and dramatically demonstrated by Mother Nature Herself, and I wondered who was this that Nature waits upon.
I did not ask anything else. In a daze, I went back to m room and laid down to sleep wondering if I would be able to meet that wonderful man again.
I could not, however, fall asleep. I could hardly believe my good luck in having come into the presence of a real sage even without having made a search. Was I dreaming?

(Neal Rosner, an American, got immersed in the spiritual heritage of India under the guidance of Venkataratnam. This gets elaborated in his book On the Road to Freedom: A Pilgrimage in India, Cassandra Press, P.O. Box 2044, Boulder, CO 80306. Rosner lived in Amritanandamayi’s Kerala Ashram as Swami Paramatamananda.)
submitted by rj1879 to RamanaMaharshi [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 nabihx Kawawang Applicant

I'm transferring to Benilde but first time ko maka encounter ng ganito katagal na admission - application grabe sakit ba to ng DLSU-CSB? you should have a patience regarding with the application, the problem is they don't response na regarding with concern, I even call/email the office multiple times but no luck jusko medo nakaka tilt lang, hahaha :< I tried calling the number and landline no answer talaga, tapos pag pumunta nmn sa Admission Center sabihin tatawag nalng pero pag natawag walang nasagot :<
submitted by nabihx to Benilde [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 Dependent-Emu6395 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Dependent-Emu6395 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 Late_Builder6990 5 Reasons why the Legendary T. rex is my favorite dinosaur.

5 Reasons why the Legendary T. rex is my favorite dinosaur. submitted by Late_Builder6990 to Naturewasmetal [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 Automatic-Age1137 [Homemade] Ambrosia Salad

[Homemade] Ambrosia Salad Its basically a fruit salad with whipped cream. Yummy!
submitted by Automatic-Age1137 to food [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 Michael_Rebar Zenbook Duo 2024 System Restore Resources?

So have the Zenbook Duo. Upgraded the storage to 4 TB. Used the original storage to boot and restore online as could not use the Win11 USB install method as “no drivers” to see the SSD despite it showing up in BIOS version 308.
Did all the setup and upgraded to Win 11 Pro. Everything works.
Looking back on how this restore went I looked online for a download option for a slipstreamed ISO for next time I have to install Windows without requiring online access. ASUS site for the Duo does not list such an option.
Anyone know where such an ISO may exist or instructions to create?
submitted by Michael_Rebar to ASUS [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 Alienlibra What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Alienlibra to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 ParticularMango2468 How safe is to use a windows boot USB that was created in a compromised network

Hi , a few weeks ago my home network gets hacked they get access to my modem and disable security protocols, some accounts get compromised and I have to change my hard drive on my PC thankfully a was able to recover some of them, so I have to contact my isp provider but they were not very helpfull helping me with the issue, so I decide to change isp providers.
Now I was about to plug my windows booteable USB to install the OS in my new SSD ,but the I remenber that this usbs were created in my previous network before the incident, I do not know for sure how long my network was compromised before I discover it.
Do you think the usbs should have been infected and when I plug them in they will infect my new SSD, will be possible that the atackers poison my usbs by that time without my knowledge, should I use this usb or buy a new ones just to be safe, any way to know if they have been infected ?
submitted by ParticularMango2468 to AskNetsec [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 1992wrx I look exactly like what they joke on

So many times you'll see men making fun of women's faces or bodies, so many times it's like I have those features. I hate it and I hate seeing that stuff cuz it's so funny to them
submitted by 1992wrx to BDDvent [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 Career_Agency How do you confirm that the realization you have come to about some thing you have been struggling to find is right?

Last week Friday I had believed I had the clarity that I was going to build something, that is start a venture, but I never knew what it was going to be. So I prayed that I found the idea of that before the end of the coming week and before thanksgiving.
Therefore I assumed that maybe i would have an encounter where someone could make me join their venture, and we then build together. So sometimes I just went out hoping i would have such encounters this week. Just so I didnt want to sit down and expect manna to fall on me.
So, when someone connected me to their industry established friend to be my mentor this week, I thought our conversation was going to be the catalyst that would bring the clarity I needed, but instead they made me speak about the issue that traumatized me and invalidated my experience. That tore me apart, because not only did they have anything to do for me in terms of career support, they also just left me crushed.
So I cried for several hours, and while crying late into the night I got an idea of what I could build, which is related to my biggest life problem. Which I felt if created could revolutionize the world in a positive way. I felt it was a good idea and went to sleep.
But I woke up with doubts, and saying what if this venture is another trap that will lead to another form of trauma and suffering for me, just like everything this year? Only like 2 good things have happened to me (the missed flight and healed eyes). Everything else seems to be knocking me down to the end of my mental state.
I don’t know how to confirm if i should focus and build this thing or just keep looking for a job.(which based on my clarity last week, was something i should not bother doing), but my mind is a mess right now, I am weak.
submitted by Career_Agency to SpiritualAwakening [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 netkiwi12 Any gay community around NP. Place seems dead.

submitted by netkiwi12 to newplymouth [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 MacRapalicious Went 6-0 in Arena Direct winning in the most satisfying way

Finally got to cast Rise of the Dark Realms triggering OPs Bloddthirsty Conqueror for game 6 win! The deck basically built itself.
submitted by MacRapalicious to MagicArena [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 kzyang Could someone please remove the people on the right side of the escalators and the grey platform below the stairs? Will tip!

submitted by kzyang to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 Medium-Apricot625 Ausbildung: Ist mein Bewerbungsschreiben gut genug?

Hallo zusammen,
ich bewerbe mich aktuell für eine Ausbildung als Fachinformatiker für [Fachrichtung Anwendungsentwicklung] und habe ein Bewerbungsschreiben verfasst. Da ich noch nicht viel Erfahrung mit Bewerbungen habe, bin ich mir unsicher, ob mein Anschreiben gut formuliert ist und wollte fragen ob ich irgendwo mich verbessern kann.
Hier ist mein Anschreiben.
Bewerbung um eine Ausbildungsstelle zum Fachinformatiker für Anwendungsentwicklung
Sehr geehrte ...
die Ausbildung zum Fachinformatiker für Anwendungsentwicklung entspricht genau meinen beruflichen Zielen, da ich mich seit Jahren leidenschaftlich mit IT und Softwareentwicklung beschäftige. In meiner Freizeit setze ich mich intensiv mit verschiedenen Bereichen der Informatik auseinander und habe nun den Entschluss gefasst, mein Hobby zum Beruf zu machen. Aus diesem Grund bewerbe ich mich um eine Ausbildungsstelle in Ihrem Unternehmen.
Aktuell nehme ich am Online-Kurs „CS50's Introduction to Computer Science“ der Harvard University teil, um meine IT-Kenntnisse zu vertiefen. Dabei lerne ich Programmiersprachen wie CSS, HTML und JavaScript und habe bereits eigene Projekte entwickelt, darunter einen Taschenrechner und eine Webanwendung. Diese praktischen Erfahrungen haben mir gezeigt, wie spannend es ist, eigene Ideen in funktionierende Programme zu verwandeln.
Im vergangenen Jahr habe ich an der ... Oberschule meine mittlere Reife erfolgreich abgeschlossen, wobei Informatik und Englisch zu meinen stärksten Fächern zählten. Derzeit arbeite ich in einer Bäckerei, wo ich täglich meine Zuverlässigkeit und Teamfähigkeit einsetze. Diese Fähigkeiten möchte ich in meiner Ausbildung nutzen, um gemeinsam mit einem Team erfolgreiche IT-Projekte umzusetzen.
Ich freue mich darauf, meine Leidenschaft für die Anwendungsentwicklung in Ihrem Unternehmen weiter auszubauen und stehe Ihnen für ein persönliches Gespräch gerne zur Verfügung.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Ich würde mich sehr über euer Feedback freuen. Wo kann ich mich verbessern, und was sollte ich anders machen? Vielen Dank im Voraus!!!!
submitted by Medium-Apricot625 to fachinformatiker [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 brokensullen Race Report: Philly Marathon 2024

Race Report: Philly Marathon 2024 Race Information Name: Philadelphia Marathon 2024 Date: November 24, 2024 Distance: 26.2 miles Location: Philadelphia, PA Website: https://www.philadelphiamarathon.com/ Strava: Time: 4:17:02 PR
Goals Goal Description Completed? A Sub 4 No B 4:15 No C 4:30 Yes
Training 25 Weeks June to November 7 weeks base building from a 0 MPW hiatus since feb Followed a Modified Hal Higdon Novice 2 Average 25.8 MPW (41.5 km per week) Peak MPW 43.8 (70.6 km per week) Missed peak week + taper week 1 due to sickness
Pre-race 500g/day x 3 day carb 3.5 km shake out run Dinner before the race was Authentic Indian food which was too spicy for me, not sure if it affected my stomach. Slept well days before and night before
Race No Spotify run! only had earbuds to hear pace updates from my watch Paced well first 5 km and started slow Had to wait in line to pee around after 8 km and it cost around 3-4 min but definitely made the run more comfortable. Lots of congested areas which were hard to weave and speed through Tried pinching cup method while running at drink stations but half of the time went to my nose lol 1st Half was 2:09:50 was hoping to be closer to 2 and ideally sub 2 Race markers had about a 500 m difference with my watch so it definitely took a mental toll especially in the last few km The crowds were large and awesome. Everyone cheering for you not just their family and friends Didn’t feel gassed at all but felt legs get heavy and slower last 2-3 km
Post-race Happy was able to run the entire marathon despite not hitting my A and B goal Definitely will try to maintain base before next training and try to increase MPW
Made with a new race report generator created by herumph.
submitted by brokensullen to Marathon_Training [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 Otherwise-Ad-4618 Krashout Queen > Good mom 🤔🤔 love that for you babe

Krashout Queen > Good mom 🤔🤔 love that for you babe submitted by Otherwise-Ad-4618 to xeroganggexposed [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 chrisloz18 I hate that when I want to play, I shouldn’t.

I hate that when I want to play, I shouldn’t. I love playing against 4 stacks 🙏
submitted by chrisloz18 to forhonor [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 NegotiationRound2026 Is there such thing as Modified Pagibig?

This popped out when I tried to pay my MP2 using Shopee bills payment. Dati kasi Modified Pagibig 2 ang nakalagay so I tried to confirm sa Shopee CS and di rin nila alam lol
submitted by NegotiationRound2026 to phinvest [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 Parentinginapandemic Forced to see SIL at Funeral

My Sil who I’ve gone no contact with for 6 years will be at a small funeral. She’s an absolute covert narcissist. She’s slick, poised and diabolically evil. She’s had many people fooled for years. Going no contact has been the best decision I’ve ever made. Now, we are both invited to a funeral. I feel like I need to be at this funeral. However, I am a having a nervous breakdown thinking of being even within the same state as her, let alone the same room. I don’t have a lot of confidence and I always say the wrong things. Please help me. I need advice. She will work the room, charm everyone in sight and delight in me cowering. I need all the help I can get. From things to say, and advice on how to act.
submitted by Parentinginapandemic to inlaws [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 ProfessorOfFinance Play ball and we won’t have any problems 🙃

submitted by ProfessorOfFinance to NonCredibleDiplomacy [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:40 whatsupbroski Dialga on me! Red gym, if I accept the invite please be ready, be online as well! 223851037364

submitted by whatsupbroski to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
