What is this?

2024.11.25 09:59 SnooGiraffes4534 What is this?

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submitted by SnooGiraffes4534 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 LeftBrainDominant Alternative title: states where liberals will be hospitalized on copium if they haven’t fled to Canada yet.

Alternative title: states where liberals will be hospitalized on copium if they haven’t fled to Canada yet. submitted by LeftBrainDominant to TheTrumpZone [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 Due-Ice-70 Diploma of nursing 2025

Hey guys
Looking for some advice in regards to studying a diploma of nursing.
I have received an offer from Holmesglen and waiting for other offers from other universities/tafes.
Does anyone have any experience doing their nursing degree with Holmesglen? How was your experience? Should I wait for other offers or accept? Need to respond to my offer within next 14 days.
Appreciate your input 🙏.
P.s. not sure if it’s relevant but a little perspective on my situation, I’m 33 and drastically changing career and still chasing my dream to get into the medical field. Hoping to one day get into nursing practitioner but that’s a distant dream at this point obs.
submitted by Due-Ice-70 to NursingAU [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 seaurchin76 Moldy piece of bread :(

Moldy piece of bread :( submitted by seaurchin76 to notinteresting [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 pro-atmasking Hoping for a change in mindset to happen soon..

For some reason I (27f) don’t believe that there are people out there that want to be with me. I find it very confusing if someone says they are interested in me. People tell me that I won’t be single long or that I will find someone. But I know that this won’t happen if I always run away and isolate myself. Sometimes I feel like they are just interested in me as a joke or to hurt my feelings. But people can’t be that cruel right? How do I get over these feelings and start believing what other people are saying about me? I need to trust other people when they say they are interested and find me attractive.. but how do I do that?
submitted by pro-atmasking to dating [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 kelo_Ren Spotify's lyrics didn't even try to do justice for this

Spotify's lyrics didn't even try to do justice for this submitted by kelo_Ren to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 _thakur_10 2nd Pair

Tangzu Waner SG
submitted by _thakur_10 to iems [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 BillyBobJenkins222 First ever outdoor grow tips and tricks?

submitted by BillyBobJenkins222 to OutdoorAus [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 Robo-bird How can I cover up this regrettable tattoo

How can I cover up this regrettable tattoo I will get the fish done over same with the spider and hand, I just want the heart and “boxer” covered
submitted by Robo-bird to tattooadvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 xatfi Oletko kokenut häirintää takseissa?

Oletko kokenut häirintää takseissa? submitted by xatfi to xatfi [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 North-Ad-588 Lapsi introverttina

Toivoisin asiallista keskustelua kaikilta niiltä, joilla on lapsi/lapsia ja kokevat olevansa enemmän introvertteja kuin ekstroverttejä. (toki kaikki näkykulmat silti ovat tervetulleita, jos niistä voisi olla hyötyä). Tosiaan tilanne on se, että olemme pian mieheni kanssa siinä iässä, että lapset voisivat olla ajankohtaisia, ennen kuin on "liian myöhäistä". Olemme alustavasti puhuneet, että jos vain luoja suo, niin mahdollisesti 2 lasta olisi hyvä määrä.
Olen kuitenkin itse todella herkkä äänille ja rasitun todella helposti kaikesta sosiaalisesta toiminnasta, varsinkin jos siihen liittyy uusia ihmisiä. En esimerkiksi pysty iltaisin/aamuisin sietämään minkäänlaista melua ja pyydän miestänikin pitämään melun minimissä (esim. jos hän haluaa katsoa videoita/elokuvaa tms., yleensä kuulokkeet ovat toimineet). Lapsista luontaisesti lähtisi varmasti ääntä jokaiseen kellonaikaan. Kerron vielä tälläisen "raskauttavan" esimerkin ääniherkkyydestäni. Olin sukuloimassa viikonlopun ja siellä oli n. 5 lasta, jotka tietenkin leikkivät/huusivat ym. mitä nyt lapset tekeekään. Lopulta jo toisena iltana tilanne meni siihen, että päätäni särki todella paljon ja verenpaineeni olivat nousseet yli normaalin. (mittasin sen). Usein myös tavallisissa sukujuhlissakin melu käy todella sietämättömäksi ja minun on pakko poistua takavasemmalle.
No toinen asia tämän melun lisäksi on nuo sosiaaliset tilanteet. Onneksi minulla on sellainen ala, jossa pystyn jättämään ihmiskontaktit niin minimiin, ettei työ rasita minua. Kuitenkin lapsien myötä varmasti tulisi kaikkea esimerkiksi vauvauintia, lapsitapahtumia, lapsien kavereita jne. Ja en oikeasti tiedä, että miten jaksaisin kaiken tuon, jos en noiden jälkeen pääsisi täysin hiljaiseen tilaan.
Onko siis tuhoon tuomittua edes harkita lapsia tässä tilanteessa. Kuitenkin lapsista pidän ja biologinen kello herättelee minua, mutta mietin jo valmiiksi, miten kestäisin kaiken tuon melun, kun en sitten ikinä kotonakaan voisi olla täysin rauhassa. Toivottavasti saitte kiinni mitä tarkoitin. Varmasti mieheni auttaisi minua ja antaisi omaa aikaa, mutta en usko, että esimerkiksi vauva-aikana hirveästi pystyisin ottamaan mitään suurta omaa-aikaa. Varsinkin kun suurin ongelma taitaa olla tuo melun sietäminen.
submitted by North-Ad-588 to arkisuomi [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 Bubbly_Government882 Entrance Test

so i gave the entrance test today. how long do they usually take to let yk if youve passed or not?
submitted by Bubbly_Government882 to LSE_Lahore [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 Puzzleheaded_Book890 BMI and looksmaxing

Hey guys just looking for some friendly advice, obviously being overweight is seen as globally unattractive (except in some cases) being very overweight myself most of my life, never really felt comfortable in my own skin and never been popular with the opposite sex,
I just want some of your guys opinions, you guys that have leaned down do you think your life changed for the better the way people treated you, the way the opposite sex treated you, and did you think you felt and looked better? And if so what body fat% were you at the time.
Any advice would be great.
submitted by Puzzleheaded_Book890 to LooksmaxingAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 BasedChadEdgelord Hold it until you figure it out

Hold it until you figure it out submitted by BasedChadEdgelord to ThotsNSoysPostingLs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 Cautious-Fondant329 PS4 pro or PS5 or PC

I just want to play Last of us 1 and 2 infamous God of war 1 2 3 and bloodborne.
Which console should I get?
PS5 629 AUD PS4 pro 330 AUD
My gaming pc is not enough for last of us 1 . Rx 3700xt Radeon 5700xt. Supports but not sufficient.
Should I go with steam purchase on pc ? Or get a PS4 pro or 5 ?
submitted by Cautious-Fondant329 to PS4Pro [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 Numerous-List8127 Prime survey reward issue

Prime survey reward issue I redeem my 5$ prime survey reward but I'm not able to claim my rewards, there is some technical issues. My account is been review Technical error contact support. Please solve my issue as soon as possible. My prime survey email id is [email protected]
submitted by Numerous-List8127 to primeopinion [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 mirages69 Au prochain fête y'a de grand chance que je foudroie ma mère 🤤

submitted by mirages69 to influenceuse_fr5 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 boscou Vitrail Belle au bois dormant

Bonjour, je contemple l’idée de faire un gros gros trou dans mon compte en banque pour m’offrir cette pièce. Néanmoins, je ne trouve aucune info au sujet de cet objet, pas même les dimensions, et s’il est vendu dans un écrin ou quelque chose. J’ai appelé le DLH et ils sont incapables de me répondre. Est-ce que quelqu’un se rend au DLH dans les prochains jours et pourrait vérifier la disponibilité dans un premier temps. C’est limité à 50 exemplaires mais je ne serais pas surpris qu’il n’y en ait plus en vente. Merci 🙏
submitted by boscou to disneylandparis [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 thenotius Anyone else experiencing this?

None of my automations get triggered anymore since today.
I have an education plus account. Anyone else having the same issue?
Triggers are as simple as "When checkbox set to check". It all worked fine for a year now.
submitted by thenotius to Notion [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 Ruffles7799 Game suddenly freezing on first input? Was there an update?

I haven’t done or changed anything and just started booting up the game after a few days as usual over MO2, as soon as I load into my save and start clicking anything, the game freezes. If I don’t click any button or move, the game won’t freeze, only as soon as I do literally anything. I still have sound in the background as well once the game freezes.
Was there a Skyrim update or something? Not sure what’s happening
submitted by Ruffles7799 to skyrimmods [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 Thamachine311 Mohela Oct 2023 payment refund

This is for anybody that has Mohela.
So back when payments restarted in Sept/Oct after the Covid pause I apparently did not receive enough notification prior to my bill in October 2023. Because of this, I was apparently entitled to a refund of my October payment. I was notified of this in June 2023. I called Mohela around that time in June. When I spoke with the rep, he said that he would process the refund and I could expect to get it in about 90 business days At this point it’s been way beyond 90 business days and have not received it
Did anyone else ask for this refund and have they received the refund yet? There’s no record of this refund being processed on my account. I only have the call reference ID that was given to me by the rep.
submitted by Thamachine311 to PSLF [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 yinnyhao505 [WTS] Rolex Oysterdate 6694 Manual Winding

submitted by yinnyhao505 to Watchexchange [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 Confident-Ad4578 Urgent! Wedding hashtag needed

Cannot think of any wedding hashtag since months and urgently need one. Please help Bride Devanshi Groom Garvit
submitted by Confident-Ad4578 to DesiWeddings [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 yitch Potential slight correction of 0.14% on 28 Nov 2024, 0300 during unlock of tokens?

Potential slight correction of 0.14% on 28 Nov 2024, 0300 during unlock of tokens? https://preview.redd.it/2f3qmb9it03e1.png?width=652&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b7810e8bd0188cafef3358110c4ffd237709f11
submitted by yitch to FetchAI_Community [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 Far-Perspective1535 [LotM fandom]100% RESTORED SCENE

[LotM fandom]100% RESTORED SCENE Good evening, Miss Audrey. Good evening,Miss Justice. Goodbye, Miss Audrey, Goodbye, Miss Justice! 😭😭😭See this scene in the castle!
submitted by Far-Perspective1535 to LordofTheMysteries [link] [comments]
